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該当件数 : 24



the study of the customs, beliefs, behavior and organization of human societies  - EDR日英対訳辞書


an extended social group having a distinctive cultural and economic organization  - 日本語WordNet


an international organization that engages in mission and social work, called {Salvation Army}  - EDR日英対訳辞書


Consisting of prefectural and municipal government officials, employers, workers, parties engaged in social welfare and education, etc. - 厚生労働省



Because financial reporting provides information that is quite important for both internal and external persons to verify the organization's activities, ensuring the reliability of financial reporting will contribute to the organization's efforts to maintain and improve its social credibility.  - 金融庁



"Machiyakunin," also pronounced as "choyakunin," refers to an administrative organization in urban areas which existed during the Edo period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In response to societal needs, research and development on materials including nanoscale new material creation and structural control has been conducted.  - 経済産業省


Like the feudal system which forms the legal and organizational framework of feudal society as well as the shoen system, the shoen structure was also not a certain universal phenomenon in the society which was characteristically feudal.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The economic system in any country is an aggregate of the market and other systems as well as organizations developed and integrated in the historical, cultural, and social context in each country.  - 財務省



From the first half of the 1910s, Shakai Kagaku Kenkyu-kai (Society for the Study of Social Science), or Shaken, has been organized in universities, high schools, vocational schools and so forth under the old system of education, and Gakusei Rengokai (Federation of Students), or Gakuren, in which Shaken from 49 schools participated, was inaugurated in September 1924.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



We will continue to support the Government in its efforts to address these problems, including through reforms to the police and legal systems; the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of ex-combatants; and expanding security outside Kabul through the Provincial Reconstruction Teams. - 財務省


In this regard, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare and the Social Security Agency will seriously reflect on various problems concerning the social insurance operations, including the pension record problem, and relentlessly make an all-out effort to completely solve the pension record problem by every possible means. At the same time, the restoration of public confidence will be earnestly pursued by implementing profound operational and organizational reforms of the Social Security Agency. - 厚生労働省


Joffe was sent by the recommendation of Sen KATAYAMA who had been staying in Moscow at the time as a member of the Communist Party of the USA, and the meeting was mediated by Tamiji NAITO and Unzo TAGUCHI, socialists who organized the Reimei-kai Organization.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


We stressed the critical role of the World Bank in crisis prevention through support for strong institutions, good governance and structural reforms,particularly in the financial, corporate and social sectors.  - 財務省


The Bank should accumulate and disseminate knowledge of good practices to help guide countries seeking to create institutions and implement policies that will forestall and mitigate the social costs of economic shocks and protect the most vulnerable.  - 財務省


The report pointed out that it would be appropriate to establish a rule requiring the development of a proper system for the provision of guidance related to social and vocational independence by seeking organic collaboration between various organizations within universities so as to enable students to improve their own qualifications after graduation and acquire capabilities necessary for achieving social and vocational independence through the implementation of educational programs, welfare and guidance. - 経済産業省


As one commentator noted, the OECD is an international organization with 34 member countries, including the United States, that works internationally with governments and businesses and approved its due diligence guidance as the “the result of a collaborative initiative among governments, international organizations, civil society organizations, and industry participants to promote accountability and transparency in the supply chain of minerals from conflict-affected and high-risk areas.” - 経済産業省


The qualifications entrepreneurs should have (i.e., entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial skills) are necessary, even if you refrain from choosing a career path to becoming an entrepreneur, to start creative and novel businesses and activities as a member of various types of economic/social organizations. Entrepreneurship education, therefore, has the benefit not only of giving birth to entrepreneurs but also of making the society and economy of Japan as a whole more creative and more vibrant.  - 経済産業省


For instance, some say that there are cases where, in terms of internal control systems, relations with anti-social organizations, or inaccurate business plans, start-ups are required to develop unworkable internal control structures where an unclear definition or range of antisocial organizations to be examined puts them to trouble in deciding specifically what they must do, or where an exchange that demands excessive feasibility in business plans refuses even a reasonable degree of future uncertainty in terms of growth. Exchanges are expected to take measures to solve such problems.  - 経済産業省


The apparatus to manage official documents under the Ritsuryo system, namely the Gekikyoku (Secretaries' Office) and the Benkankyoku (Controller's Office), was dismantled in the 10th century, which led people to begin seeking to modify the precedents for etiquette and legal judgments of public ceremonies and events according to what was found in the written record as recorded in diaries; this meant that for the noble families of aristocratic society, who tended to own many such diaries and could now use them to defend their own pedigree according to past precedent, great importance came to be attached to diaries.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


We direct our Ministers to assess the evolving employment situation, review reports from the ILO and other organizations on the impact of policies we have adopted, report on whether further measures are desirable, and consider medium-term employment and skills development policies, social protection programs, and best practices to ensure workers are prepared to take advantage of advances in science and technology.  - 財務省


To create excellent university settings, the Muroran Institute of Technology aims to reform instructors' awareness, encourage self-development, foster high quality instructors, and systematically improve education quality. To this end, the university evaluates its education targets and achievements on a self-assessment basis, assesses classes, evaluates education contributions, and assesses university instructors based on comprehensive evaluation on education, research, social/international contribution, as well as university operations. By doing so, the university treats its instructors in an appropriate manner, taking into consideration these evaluation results. - 経済産業省


Especially among venture capitals and start-ups, a majority say listing that examination has gotten much tougher than a few years ago. Issues that have gotten tougher include the internal control system checks, links for to antisocial organizations, and scrutiny of business plans. All these are important, but checking for relationships to antisocial groups is pointed out as an increasingly urgent problem and JASDAQ mentions it explicitly as one of its delisting criteria, and other exchanges are also putting forth more efforts to tackle the problem. Some say, on the other hand, there are cases where start-ups are required to develop a internal control system they are unable to put in effect, where an unclear definition or range of antisocial organizations to be examined, puts them to trouble in deciding specifically what they must do, or where an exchange that demands excessive feasibility in business plans refuses even a reasonable degree of future uncertainties about growth when such uncertainties are present for start-ups, by their very nature.  - 経済産業省



Specific actions for greater transparency, stronger accountability, improved institutional governance deeper country ownership, more decentralization and use of country systems where appropriate, and enhanced procurement guidelines, new ways of managing and tracking results and financial contributions, strengthen knowledge management, ensuring the right human resources with appropriate diversity, better implementing environmental and social safeguards, sound risk management, and ensuring financial sustainability with pricing linked to expenses, and a commitment to continue to reduce administrative expenses and make them more transparent.  - 財務省


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