例文 (26件) |
該当件数 : 26件
a type of social system, called a seniority system - EDR日英対訳辞書
The discussions over an “East Asian Community” which pursues not only economic but also political and social East Asian integration to coincide with the deepening relations of economic interdependence are gathering momentum. - 経済産業省
I for one, believe that this region will find its own route to greater social cohesion and more opportunities for all. - 厚生労働省
In addition, the income from taxes and social insurance paid by foreign workers and the costs of administrative services enjoyed by them vary depending on the degree to which foreign workers are integrated into Japan. The further integration progresses, the higher the social costs become. - 経済産業省
While there are many issues to be resolved in order to create an “East Asian Community,” the movement in pursuit of integration in the institutional and social aspects, as well as the traditional functional approach contributes to the formation of high-level East Asian economic integration, and each country is required to make further efforts. - 経済産業省
In this learning system, the thought of unification of an individual and the society was advocated, that is the self and the society, and the self and the universe were tied together by 'Li' as universal principles (Chinese philosophical theory in which it is believed that the universe and one are connected through his reason), and that the maintenance of social order (governing people) could be achieved through understanding of 'Li' through self-discipline. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The EU aims to succeed in their strategy of continuous economic growth, high-level employment, productivity and social integration, in a phase in which the real value of EU needs to be demonstrated. - 経済産業省
To provide a social insurance number management method for efficiently managing the social insurance number of an employee even when an office which executes a social insurance task for the employee is changed due to the integration of a portion or whole part of the office or the transfer of the employee. - 特許庁
また、社会問題について定期的対話を行うよう義務 づけるとともに、労働者の移動、同一待遇、及び相 手国から適法に入国している労働者の社会的統合 について進展を見るための方策を探す機会とすべ きことが規定されている(第63条)。例文帳に追加
The agreement further provides that the parties thereto shall conduct regular dialogue on social matters, and that this dialogue shall be used to find ways to achieve progress in the field of movement of workers and equal treatment and social integration of the nationals legally residing in the territories of their host countries (Article 63). - 経済産業省
This could have a longlasting effect on our youth, potentially undermining their ability to fully integrate into the economy and thereby affecting both the individual and our societies. - 財務省
The council's concept of "full employment" differs from the idealized, high-profile concept of "full employment." It is a policy concept of advancing social integration through work by giving various job opportunities to the elderly, women, people that are socially vulnerable, and others that have fallen out the labor force so that they may join the labor market. - 経済産業省
To ensure a user's convenience by integrally operating and distributing an electronic information form, a bookbinding form and a reading form of a book in a society having an electronic information communication network such as the Internet. - 特許庁
Ministers emphasized that countries should ensure that their efforts to expand trade are integrated into a comprehensive framework for development that includes the necessary complementary reforms and investment in institutions, infrastructure and social programs. - 財務省
This notwithstanding, the issue of immigrants and social integration is too big a challenge for the country, and the government still does nothing to regain the support of the middle class. The issue is now one of the major concerns of this country. - 経済産業省
To provide policy communications service by which various actors efficiently participate in government in accordance with respective roles by integrating partitioned policy processes in finding diversification and complexity in a sense of values and the state of society. - 特許庁
Fujio presumes that the nuts from deciduous trees such as acorns and the chestnuts were harvested during a relatively brief period of time in autumn; therefore, a consolidated labor by a fairly large settlement was necessary and the Jomon people used the earthen figures to conduct religious services in order to promote solidarity in the society. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Ministers stressed that the more integrated global economy and technological gains brought about by globalization should be a great source for economic and social progress, equity and stability, but that these results are not inevitable. - 財務省
一年前、G8 は、同地域の民主化移行支援、ガバナンス強化、経済面及び社会面での一体化促進、雇用創出、民間セクター主導の成長、地域的及び世界的な統合の支援のため、移行期にあるアラブ諸国と共にドーヴィル・パートナーシップを立ち上げた。例文帳に追加
One year ago the G-8 launched the Deauville Partnership with Arab Countries in Transition to support the democratic transition and to strengthen governance, foster economic and social inclusion, create jobs, support private sector-led growth, and advance regional and global integration. - 財務省
Since its establishment, the Program has provided ideas for identifying new prescriptions for economic and social development by exchanging and integrating the knowledge and experience of the two regions. As such, the Program is a new initiative in the field of knowledge generation and integration. - 財務省
Integrating their efforts, the World Bank and IMF should help qualifying countries with the drafting and implementation of poverty reduction plans for the effective targeting of savings derived from debt relief, together with increased transparency of budgetary procedures to protect social expenditures. - 財務省
In any case, in order to make the repayment, the new bank to be created through the business integration will first need to gain the trust of customers and society by building a robust business model, making an appropriate business performance and increasing its corporate value through a steady increase in profits. - 金融庁
この協定は、いずれの加盟国についても、締約国間で労働市場の完全な統合(注)を行うための協定の締約国であることを妨げるものではない。ただし、当該協定が次の(a)及び(b)の要件を満たす場合に限る。 注: 典型的な例として、この統合は、締約国の雇用市場に自由に進出する機会を関係締約国の国民に与え、給与条件その他の雇用及び社会的給付についての条件に関する措置を含む。例文帳に追加
This Agreement shall not prevent any of its Members from being a party to an agreement establishing full integration2 of the labour markets between or among the parties to such an agreement, provided that such an agreement: - Typically, such integration provides citizens of the parties concerned with a right of free entry to the employment markets of the parties and includes measures concerning conditions of pay, other conditions of employment and social benefits. - 経済産業省
We welcome and support the plans shared today by Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia. While tailored to each country's circumstances, these plans demonstrate a clear and shared commitment to enhanced prosperity for their people supported by the objectives set out in the Deauville declaration: to strengthen governance, foster economic and social inclusion, create jobs, support private sector led growth and advance regional and global integration. The country plans also highlight the importance of consultation processes to ensure broad based, multi-stakeholder consultation throughout their development. - 財務省
For the Bank to serve the region with an even greater impact in the future, it is essential to implement a broad agenda. - 財務省
The Act integrates Federal-level job training and skills development programs into three categories: (1) employment promotion and job training for adults; (2) employment promotion and job training for economically disadvantaged young people; and (3) literacy training for adults. It also stipulates provision of these programs through one-stop career centers operated at community level. - 経済産業省
例文 (26件) |
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