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Kogo made TAIRA no Kiyomori, the father of chugu (Empress) Kenreimonin Tokuko, became angry and was forced to become a Buddhist priest after giving birth to Bomonin Imperial Princess Hanshi (the second princess of the Emperor Takakura). 例文帳に追加

しかし中宮の建礼門院徳子の父であった平清盛の怒りに触れ、坊門院範子内親王(高倉天皇第二皇女)を出産したのちに出家させられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Emperor grieved so badly that the Emperor called his repository MINAMOTO no Nakakuni (brother of MINAMOTO no Nakaakira, who was Uda-Genji (the Minamoto clan originated from Emperor Uda) in secret and issued an imperial order to Nakakuni to secretly call back Kogo to the court. 例文帳に追加

天皇の嘆きは深く、密かに腹心の源仲国(宇多源氏・源仲章の兄)を呼び出して小督を秘密裏に宮中に呼び戻すよう勅を賜った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the meantime, the faint but beautiful tune of 'Sofuren' (I Love Him So) (gagaku (ancient Japanese court dance and music)) was heard from a distance, in which direction Nakakuni advanced to find Kogo hiding herself in a humble hut. 例文帳に追加

すると、見事な想夫恋(雅楽)の調べがかすかに聞こえてくるので、音のするほうに向かうと、果たして粗末な小屋に小督が隠れ住んでいた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He took the important posts such as Omi no kuni Gon no suke (provincial vice governor of Omi Province), Kogo no miya Gon no suke (provincial assistant master of the Empress's household), Kurodo no to (head chamberlain), Bingo no kuni Gon no kami (provincial governor of Bingo Province), and in 1155 he was ranked Jusanmi (Junior Third Rank) as a reward of the service of Kokushi (provincial governor) at Onie no Matsuri (the grand festival cerebrated firstly after the enthronement ceremony). 例文帳に追加

近江国権介・皇后宮権亮・蔵人頭・備後国権守などを歴任し、久寿2年(1155年)大嘗会国司賞として従三位となり。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He was appointed to Jushiinoge (Junior Fourth Rank, Lower Grade) of Konoefu (the Headquarters of the Inner Palace Guards) in 1167, and in the following year he was appointed to Kogo no miya gon no suke (Provisional Assistant Master of the Empress's Household) and conferred from Jushiinojo (Junior Fourth Rank, Upper Grade) to Shoshiinoge (Senior Fourth Rank, Lower Grade). 例文帳に追加

仁安(日本)2年(1167年)に従四位下近衛府となり、翌年には皇后宮権亮に任ぜられて従四位上から正四位下に進む。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Okiku, a daughter of Kogo-no-tsubone (who was a daughter of Tessai Takashige TANNOWA) was spared as she was a girl and only one month old; she was left to Okiyoshi GOTO who was a son of the younger brother of Okiku's grandfather. 例文帳に追加

淡輪徹斎隆重の娘・小督の局との娘のお菊は女児であり尚且つ生後一ヶ月の幼さであったためか助命され、お菊の祖父の弟の子の後藤興義に預けられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the Modern Ages onwards, Sokichi TSUDA evaluated this book in his book "Research on Kogo Shui" in 1928 as being good enough to be treated as a history book of the time the book was written, but of little value as history records showing the times before Kojiki and Nihonshoki. 例文帳に追加

近代以降では、1928年(昭和3年)に津田左右吉が『古語拾遺の研究』で執筆当時の歴史史料とはなるが、記紀以前のことを知るための史料としては価値がないと評価している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

While Amaterasu (the Sun Goddess) was hiding herself in a cave (Iwadokakure), Tajikarao was staying at the side of the cave and, when Amaterasu peeked out, he pulled her out of the cave ('forcing the rock wide open' according to "Nihonshoki" and "Kogo-shui" - History of the Inbe clan), 例文帳に追加

岩戸隠れの際は岩戸の脇に控えており、アマテラスが岩戸から顔をのぞかせた時、アマテラスを引きずり出した(『日本書紀』の一書や『古語拾遺』では「引き開けた」)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Most parts of the document are patchworks of texts from the "Kojiki," "Nihonshoki" and "Kogo-shui" (History of the Inbe clan); however, there are some areas describing traditions and deities that are unique to the document. 例文帳に追加

本文の内容は『古事記』・『日本書紀』・『古語拾遺』の文章を適宜継ぎ接ぎしたものが大部分であるが、それらにはない独自の伝承や神名も見られる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Shaku Nihongi provides annotations to Nihon Shoki, citing many historical records including "Joguki" (Record of the Crown Prince), "Nihongi Shiki" (Private Notes on the Chronicles of Japan), "Fudoki" (description of regional climate, culture, etc.), "Kogo-shui" (History of the Inbe clan), "Tensho" (a chronological history of Japan), "Ato no Chotoko Nikki" (diary of ATO no Chitoko), "Tsukino Ohmi Nikki" (diary of TSUKI no Omi), and "Sendai Kuji Hongi" (Ancient Japanese History). 例文帳に追加

『上宮記』、『日本紀私記』、『風土記』、『古語拾遺』、『天書』、『安斗智徳日記』、『調淡海日記』、『先代旧事本紀』等、多くの史料を駆使して、注釈を付けている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Nobuyori, after being made Ukon no gon no chujo (Provisional Middle Captain of the Right Division of Inner Palace Guards) in March, 1157, he embarked on a meteoric rise, being promoted to Kurodo no to (Head Chamberlain) in October, and then in 1158 was named Sangi (councillor) and Kogo no miya gon no suke (Provisional Assistant Master of the Empress's Household) in February, then Chunagon (vice-councilor of state) in August, and finally Kebiishi no betto (Superintendent of the Imperial Police) in November. 例文帳に追加

信頼は保元2年(1157年)3月に右近権中将になると、10月に蔵人頭、翌年2月に参議・皇后宮権亮、8月に中納言、11月に検非違使別当と急速に昇進する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, vassals of the Inada clan, the keepers of Sumoto-jo Castle, who were known for the Kogo incident (also known as Inada uproar), were exceptionally promoted to the warrior class under strict conditions such as their migration to Hokkaido. 例文帳に追加

ただし庚午事変(稲田騒動)で有名な洲本城代の稲田氏の家臣は、北海道移住など過酷な条件の元、例外的に士族に取り立てられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Japanese-Sino War (Kogo war in Chinese, First Sino-Japanese war in English) is a war fought between the Empire of Japan and the Quing Dynasty over Korean Dynasties from July 1894 through April 1895. 例文帳に追加

日清戦争(にっしんせんそう、中国語甲午戦争、第一次中日戦争、英語)は、1894年(明治27年)7月から1895年(明治28年)4月にかけて行われた主に朝鮮王朝をめぐる大日本帝国と清の戦争。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kogo Jihen was an incident in which vassals of the Hachisuka clan, who lived in Sumoto City, attacked the second residence of chief retainer Kunitane Inada and a place of study and other places near the Sumoto-jo Castle on Awaji-shima Island, Tokushima domain of that time in 1870. 例文帳に追加

庚午事変(こうごじへん)は、1870年に当時の徳島藩淡路島洲本城下で洲本市在住の蜂須賀氏臣の武士が、家老稲田邦植の別邸や学問所などを襲った事件。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition, there is a permanent exhibition of 'Kogo Jihen' section at Awajishima Museum and some historical items are on display, such as a notebook of a vassal of the Inada clan recording the incident. 例文帳に追加

なお、洲本市立淡路文化史料館では、「庚午事変」のコーナーが常設展示され、事件当時の事を綴った稲田氏の家臣の手記などが展示されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The main buildings in Kyoto Gosho inclulde Shishinden (Ceremonial Hall), Seiryoden, Kogosho, Gogakumonjo, Tsunegoten, Koshun, Osuzumisho, and Kogo Goten. 例文帳に追加

主な建物としては、紫宸殿(ししんでん)、清涼殿、小御所(こごしょ)、御学問所、常御殿(つねごてん)、迎春(こうしゅん)、御涼所(おすずみしょ)、皇后御殿などがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Takeshi KAGAMIYAMA estimated that kogo-ishi were built after the middle of the seventh century because the gap between the holes for posts in front of the arranged stones was about three meters and nearly equal to 2.95 meters) using the "toshaku" (unit of measurement during the period of Tang Dynasty in China) which was used from the middle of the seventh century. 例文帳に追加

鏡山猛は、列石前面の掘立柱穴の間隔が約3mで並んでおり、唐尺(一尺=29.5cm)の十尺(2.95m)とほぼ等しいことから唐尺が使われた7世紀中頃以降の築造とした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1898 Shojiro KOBAYASHI, in the first time it was presented to an academic society, claimed the kogo-ishi on Mt. Chikugo-Kora was 'a sacred ground, preserved and separated as a holy area.' 例文帳に追加

神籠石が学会に発表されたのは、明治31年に小林庄次郎が筑後・高良山神籠石を「霊地として神聖に保たれた地を区別したもの」として紹介したのが最初。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

They are all his records when he was sent to Korean peninsula as shogunate and embassador, and the most notable one is the description in Jingu kogo sessho 62 nenjo that records his expedition to Shirai. 例文帳に追加

何れも将軍・使人として朝鮮半島に派遣された内容であるが、中でも特に留意されるのは、襲津彦の新羅征討を記す神功皇后摂政62年条であろう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

For each; Kogo and Otsugo national uniforms, designs were defined for 'Joi' or outer clothing and 'Chui' or middle clothing, 'Hakama,' which was the same word as trousers worn over Kimono, but collectively meant clothing for the lower half of the body, 'cap,' 'overcoat,' 'gloves,' and 'shoes.' 例文帳に追加

国民服の甲号と乙号のそれぞれについて、「上衣」、「中衣」、「袴」(国民服令でいう袴は、下半身を覆う服の総称)、「帽」(帽子のこと)、「外套」(「がいとう」と読み、オーバーコートのこと)、「手套」(「しゅとう」と読み、手袋のこと)、「靴」の様式が決められた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This incident was written as a tragedy in "The Tale of Heike," but according to the anthology of waka poems by Takafusa REIZEI "Tsuyakotoba," Kogo was still seeing Takafusa although she was loved by the Emperor, it shows there was no strict morality within the Imperial Palace in those days. 例文帳に追加

この一件は『平家物語』では悲劇とされるが、冷泉隆房の歌集『艶詞』によるともともと高倉の寵愛を受けていたはずであった小督がその後も隆房と密通を重ねており、当時の宮中の風紀の乱れの一例である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The constituent members of the Imperial family were: the empress (Kogo), the grand empress dowager (Taikotaigo), the empress dowager (Kotaigo), the crown prince (Kotaishi), the crown princess (Kotashihi), the (eldest) son of the crown prince (Kotaison), the consort of the son of the crown prince (Kotaisonhi), imperial princes (Shinno), the consorts of imperial princes (Shinnohi), imperial princesses (Naishinno), princes (O),the consorts of princes (Ohi), princesses (Jyoo) (Article 30 of the Former Imperial House Act). 例文帳に追加

皇族の構成員は、皇后・太皇太后・皇太后・皇太子・皇太子妃・皇太孫・皇太孫妃・親王・親王妃・内親王・王(皇族)・王妃(皇族)・女王(皇族)である(旧皇室典範30条)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to the diary of FUJIWARA no Sanesuke, on the occasion of the investiture of the Empress (Kogo) of Emperor Sanjo, FUJIWARA no Seiko, Masamitsu threw a piece of tile to a messenger who visited him to ask for his presence in the investiture ceremony, as Masamitsu was a sympathizer of Michinaga, the father of Chugu (the second consort of the Emperor) Fujiwara no Kenshi, who antagonized Empress Seiko. 例文帳に追加

のちに三条天皇の皇后藤原せい子の立后に際して、対立する中宮藤原妍子の父であった道長派の一員として、立后の儀式に出席するよう求めた使者に瓦礫を投げつけたりしていることが藤原実資の日記に記されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1900 Sozaburo YAGI explored the kogo-ishi located in the Kyushu region and insisted that, 'these kinds of large constructions only appear as part of castles' and after that, the dispute between the sacred-place theory and the castle theory began. 例文帳に追加

明治33年に九州所在の神籠石を踏査した八木奬三郎が「城郭を除いては、他にこの類の大工事なかるべし」として城郭であることを主張して以後、この神籠石の性格について霊域説と城郭説との論争が展開された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At first junbo was the status which was named accordingly in court ceremony, later it was put to give good treatment to imperial princesses, and there were many examples that imperial princesses who were not married to the emperor were named as a junbo and empress (it is called junbo-rikko [investiture of junbo and empress], and an imperial princess who became an empress in this way is also called a Sonsho kogo [honorific empress who is not a wife of the emperor]). 例文帳に追加

当初は宮中儀礼において必要に応じて定められた地位であったが、後に皇女の優遇のために置かれるようになり、天皇と配偶関係にない皇女が准母・皇后として冊立された例も多い(これを准母立后と称し、このように后となった内親王を尊称皇后とも呼ぶ)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Another theory holds that, based on the fact that there is the 'Shikishimamiya amenoshitashiroshimesu tenno' (Emperor Kinmei) in the Tenjukoku-shucho (the oldest needlework painting in Japan, a national treasure), and in the preface of "Kaifuso" (Fond Recollections of Poetry) the notation of tenno is used for the emperors after Emperor Jito only, the notation of tenno along with the kogo (empress) was regulated with the Asuka Kiyomihara Code and started to be used since then. 例文帳に追加

そのほか天寿国繍帳(てんじゅこくしゅうちょう)の「斯帰斯麻宮治天下天皇」(欽明)があり、そして『懐風藻』序文で持統天皇以後についてのみ天皇表記が用いられていることを根拠に、皇后の表記とともに飛鳥浄御原令(あすかきよみがはらりょう)において規定され、使用されるようになったという説である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Iyo no Gon no kami (Provisional Governor of Iyo Province) concurrently in 1068; Jusanmi (Junior Third Rank) Togu no Gon no Daibu (Provisional Master of the Crown Prince's Offices) in 1069; Okurakyo (Minister of the Treasury) concurrently in 1070; Shosanmi (Senior Third Rank) in 1071; Sadaiben (major controller of the left) in 1072; Harima no Gon no Kami (Provisional Governor of Harima Province) concurrently in 1073; Kogo no miya gon no daibu (Provisional Master of the Empress's Household) and concurrently Kageyu no kami (chief investigator of the records of outgoing officials) in 1074; Gon Chunagon (Provisional Middle Counselor) in 1075; Shonii (Senior Second Rank) in 1077; Minbukyo (Minister of Popular Affairs), concurrently in 1081; in 1083, at the age of 69, he was promoted to Gon Dainagon (provisional major counselor), and he also assumed the position of kogogu-daibu (Master of the Empress's Household). 例文帳に追加

1068年(治暦4年)兼伊予権守、1069年(治暦5年)従三位、東宮権大夫、1070年(延久2年)兼大蔵卿、1071年(延久3年)正三位、1072年(延久4年)左大弁、1073年(延久5年)兼播磨権守、1074年(延久6年)皇后宮権大夫、兼勘解由長官、1075年(承保2年)権中納言、1077年(承保4年)正二位、1081年(承暦5年)兼民部卿、1083年(永保3年)69歳で権大納言に進み、兼皇后宮大夫。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

1990: Her 'Saikin Furosaki byobu' (a folding screen used for "Furo", a summer-style tea ceremony using a portable stove for boiling water) received the Excellence Award at the 42nd Kyoto Prefecture Fine Arts and Crafts Exhibition, 'saikin color box titled blooming flower' received Asahi Shimbun Award at the 6th Japan Traditional Art Crafts seventh District Exhibition, 'kogo titled Gosechi' (annual court ceremony of girls music) received Hounsai Chairman Soshitsu SEN Iemoto Special Section Award and Tankosha Publishing Co., Ltd Encouragement Prize at Japanese Tea Ceremony Art Public Contribution Exhibition for Tomorrow,' 'Heart and Skill Exhibition' went on a tour around Europe while being sponsored by Agency for Cultural Affairs, and held Saikin Exhibition at Frankfurt, Germany. 例文帳に追加

1990年第42回京都府美術工芸展にて「截金風炉先屏風 煌煌し」が優秀賞を受賞/第6回伝統工芸第七部会展にて「截金彩色小筥 花ひらく」が朝日新聞社賞を受賞/明日への茶道美術公募展にて「香盒 五節」が鵬雲斎千宗室家元特別選賞及び淡交社奨励賞を受賞/文化庁主催「心と技」展で作品が欧州各国を巡回展示/ドイツフランクフルトにて截金展 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


His children included MINAMOTO no Mitsusue (Shikibu no jo (Secretary of the Ministry of Ceremonial), Echizen no kami (Governor of Echizen Province), and Jugoinoge (Junior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade)), and his descendants included MINAMOTO no Sadatoshi (Daizen no daibu (Master of the Palace Table), Echizen no kami, Shurishiki (Office of Palace Repairs), Hyogo no jo, Jushiinoge (Junior Forth Rank, Lower Grade)), MINAMOTO no Noritaka, MINAMOTO no Narisada (Musashi no suke (vice governor of Musashi no kuni)), MINAMOTO no Narisane (Musashi no suke and Izu no kami (Governor of Izu Province)), MINAMOTO no Tametsune (kebiishi (officials with judicial and police powers) Uemon no jo (the third ranked official of the Right Division of Outer Palace Guards), then exiled to Oki Province; details are unknown), MINAMOTO no Suenobu, MINAMOTO no Tadamitsu (Harima no suke (assistant governor of Harima Province)), MINAMOTO no Takayuki (Daigaku no suke (Assistant Director of the Bureau of Education)), and MINAMOTO no Tadamasa (Kogo no miya Jicho). 例文帳に追加

子に源満季(式部丞・越前守・従五位下)、子孫に源満季(大膳大夫・越前守・修理職・兵庫丞・従四位下)、源憲尊、源成定(武蔵介)、源成實(武蔵介・伊豆守)、源為経(検非違使右衛門尉・後に隠岐国配流、詳細は不明)、源季信、源忠満(播磨介)、源高行(大学助)、源忠政(皇后宮侍長)などがいる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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