





該当件数 : 11



The application pursuant to paragraph 1 must be filed in writing within two months from the removal of the cause for which the act could not be taken, at the latest within 12 months following the expiry of the time limit within which the act should have been taken; the applicant must state in the application the grounds on which he could not observe the time limit and the applicant must take the omitted act and pay the administrative fee for the restitutio in integrum pursuant to a special legal regulation.発音を聞く  - 特許庁


Although pharmaceutical companies should proactively conduct research for development of new drugs, the role to be played by the government such as universities and national research institutes is also important for the promotion of basic research and improvement of the basis of research and development. How to recruit excellent researchers is an important key in order to research and develop fine pharmaceutical products. It is necessary to recruit the best researchers from around the world in our research centers and institutions for the improvement of attractive research environment, etc. but it is also important to foster young and excellent personnel in the educational institutions of universities. - 厚生労働省

説明でも述べているように, ppp はカーネルの tun デバイスを使います. 使っているカーネルがどれであっても, tun デバイスを設定しなければなりません.FreeBSDに付属しているデフォルトの GENERIC カーネルに合うようにtun デバイスは前もって設定されています. しかしながら,自分で修正したカーネルをインストールするのであれば, pppが正しく動くよう,カーネルが設定されているか確認しなくてはいけません.これを確認するには, カーネルコンパイルディレクトリ (/sys/i386/conf または /sys/pc98/conf)に移動して, カーネルコンフィグレーションファイルを調べます.以下の行がどこかに含まれている必要があります.この行がカーネルコンフィグレーションファイルに 含まれていない場合, この行を追加してカーネルの再コンパイルとインストールをおこなう必要があります. 元々の GENERIC カーネルは 標準でこれを含んでいますので,カスタムカーネルをインストールしているのではなかったり, /sysディレクトリが存在しないのであれば, も変更する必要はありません.カーネルコンフィグレーションの詳細については, FreeBSDカーネルのコンフィグレーション を参照してください.以下のコマンドを実行することで, 現在のカーネルにトンネルデバイスがいくつ組み込まれているかを調べることができます:#例文帳に追加

This feature depends on your ISPs PPP implementation supporting DNS negotiation. The following information may be supplied by your ISP, but is not completely necessary:発音を聞く  - FreeBSD


In this section, the current situation and the responses of each country regarding climate change will be discussed, as well as how Japan should tackle this global challenge taking advantage of its industrial technologies and other capabilities cultivated through Japan’s rich experiences. The excellence of Japanese technologies is highlighted in the following statement, “Japan, which depends heavily on energy imports from abroad, has undertaken nationwide energy saving efforts for the past 30 years since the first oil crisis, and successfully doubled its real GDP without increasing energy consumption in the industrial sector.” Required platforms, including promotion of innovative technological development will also be discussed. - 経済産業省


The management of pension funds is a very important operation. In particular, Japan faces an aging of society, and even corporate pensions and private pensions include portions entrusted by the government to employee pension fund operators, so those pensions are a source of reassurance for the people. However, as the inspection on the cause is still ongoing, we must identify the cause through careful examination and conduct an appropriate review without being constrained by conventional fixed ideas and without ruling out any option.発音を聞く  - 金融庁

次に掲げる者については,詐欺の意思を有さなかったことを立証しない限り,6月以上,3年以下の禁固に処し,かつ,50,000ルピー以上,200,000ルピー以下の罰金を併科する。 (a) 商標を偽造した者,又は (b) 商品又はサービスに商標を不正使用した者,又は (c) 商標を偽造する目的で又は偽造のために使用する目的で,打型,版木,機械,板金若しくはその他の器具を製作し,処分し,又は所持する者,又は (d) 商品又はサービスに虚偽の取引表示を使用する者,又は (e) 第139条により,商品の製造若しくは生産の国若しくは場所,又は製造者若しくは注文者の名称及び住所の表示を付すことが必要とされている商品について,その国,場所,名称若しくは住所の虚偽の表示をする者,又は (f) 第139条により商品に付すべきことが必要とされているれかの商品に使用された原産地の表示を偽造,変更,又は消去する者,又は (g) 本条に掲げた前記のれかのことを他人にさせた者例文帳に追加

Any person who (a) falsifies any trade mark; or (b) falsely applies to goods or services any trade mark; or (c) makes, disposes of, or has in his possession, any die, block, machine, plate or other instrument for the purpose of falsifying or of being used for falsifying, a trade mark; or (d) applies any false trade description to goods or services; or (e) applies to any goods to which an indication of the country or place in which they were made or produced or the name and address of the manufacturer or person for whom the goods are manufactured is required to be applied under section 139, a false indication of such country, place, name or address; or (f) tampers with, alters or effaces an indication of origin which has been applied to any goods to which it is required to be applied under section 139; or (g) causes any of the things above mentioned in this section to be done, shall, unless he proves that he acted, without intent to defraud, be punishable with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than six months but which may extend to three years and with fine which shall not be less than fifty thousand rupees but which may extend to two lakh rupees:発音を聞く  - 特許庁

(b)被申請人が応答しないことの効果 被申請人が本規則に規定する期間内に応答しなかった場合は,聴聞官は,申請人/異議申立人の申立に基づいて又は職権によって,被申請人の不履行を宣言し,直ちに一方的な証拠を受領し,自己の勧告を局長に提出する。大幅に修正された又は補足的な訴答書面及び最終命令又は決定以外の文書は,不履行当事者に対しては送達する必要がない。ただし,不履行当事者が,前項にいう理由のれかに基づいて,不履行に係る命令の受領後15日以内に当該命令の取消を求める申立を行った場合はこの限りでなく,不履行当事者は,不履行に係る命令が取り消されたか否かを問わず,すべての更なる手続に係る通知を受ける権利を有する例文帳に追加

(b) Effect of failure of respondent to answer. -- If the respondent fails to answer within the period herein provided, the Hearing Officer shall, upon motion of the petitioner/opposer or motu propio, declare the respondent in default and forthwith receive evidence ex parte and submit his recommendations, to the Director. No service of papers other than substantially amended or supplemental pleadings and final orders or decisions shall be necessary on a party in default unless he files a motion to set aside the Order of Default within fifteen days from receipt thereof on any of the grounds mentioned in the preceding paragraph, in which event he shall be entitled to notice of all further proceedings regardless of whether the order of default is set aside or not. - 特許庁


From around noon today, I am scheduled to receive a briefing from the FSA staff on the double loan problem. Numerous questions have been asked about the double loan problem at the Budget Committee and I have replied to some of them. Forgive me for mentioning this over and over again, but basically, the FSA is responsible for inspecting and supervising private financial institutions. In principle, the financial source of private financial institutions is deposits entrusted by individuals - savings in the case of Japan Post Bank - and those funds must be repaid with interest in principle. Therefore, we will use the Act on Special Measures for Strengthening Financial Functions to increase capital. Under the Act on Special Measures for Strengthening Financial Functions, we will not pursue the responsibility of managers nor will we demand the setting of efficiency targets. As this is a once-in-a-millennium tsunami, the government needs to do its utmost to appropriately deal with it, rather than pursuing the responsibility of managers. In that sense, financial institutions should take appropriate actions in the Tohoku region.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


(3) (2)に基づく記入が特許に関して行われた場合は, (a) 当該特許に基づくライセンスについては,当該記入が行われた後はいつでも,合意により定めるか,又は合意のないときは登録官が当該特許の所有者若しくは当該ライセンスを必要する者の申請に基づいて定める条件により,人もこれを受ける権原を当然の権利として有し, (b) 登録官は,当該記入をする前に当該特許に基づいてライセンスを許諾された所有者による申請により,当該ライセンスを前記のように定められた条件による実施許諾用意のライセンスに代えるべき旨を命ずることができ, (c) 当該特許の侵害手続において,被告が前記のような条件に基づくライセンスを受けると約束した場合は,被告に対する差止命令は認められず,かつ,被告から回収することができる損害賠償(もしあれば)の額は,当該ライセンスが前記の条件で最先の侵害より前に付与されたならば被告が実施権者として支払うべきであった額の2倍を超えてはならず,かつ (d) 当該特許に関し当該記入の日後に納付するべき更新手数料は,当該記入が行われなかったとした場合に納付するべき手数料の半額とする例文帳に追加

(3) Where an entry under subsection (2) is made in respect of a patent -- (a) any person shall, at any time after the entry is made, be entitled as of right to a licence under the patent on such terms as may be settled by agreement or, in default of agreement, by the Registrar on the application of the proprietor of the patent or the person requiring the licence; (b) the Registrar may, on the application of the holder of any licence granted under the patent before the entry was made, order the licence to be exchanged for a licence of right on terms so settled; (c) if, in proceedings for infringement of the patent, the defendant undertakes to take a licence on such terms, no injunction shall be granted against him and the amount (if any) recoverable against him by way of damages shall not exceed twice the amount which would have been payable by him as licensee if such a licence on those terms had been granted before the earliest infringement; and (d) the renewal fee payable in respect of the patent after the date of the entry shall be half the fee which would be payable if the entry had not been made. - 特許庁




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