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彼らが絶望的な困窮状態に陥ると, その時に彼は助けに行った.例文帳に追加

When they were in desperate need, then he went to their aid.  - 研究社 新英和中辞典


Attached facilities using Yakugakubu Konai : Institute for Frontier Medical Sciences, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Institute for Virus Research, and University Hospital (Byoin Nishi Konai)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Under such circumstances, the Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI) proposed the AMU, deviation indicators from a common currency basket, based on the ECU method. - 経済産業省


A retrieval request analysis part 40 receives retrieval request information form a client terminal, analyzes the retrieval request information when a retrieval command shown by the retrieval request information is found to be an optional retrieval command and then judges whether the file name to be retrieved is designated by means of a wild card. - 特許庁



But, when Yoshisuke KUJO died in 1218, the Kujo family came to be led by Michiie KUJO, nephew of Yoshisuke and older brother of Noriie, (whose lawful wife was a cousin of Tameie, young parternal half-brother of Mitsuie), and this situation suppressed the positions of Noriie KUJO and Mitsuie who served him.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



The cement fine powder is composed of a fine powder of ordinary portland cement on the surface of which C3A appears, and which presents a spherical shape having a specific surface area of 6,500 cm^2/g or larger and a diameter of 0.001-20 μm, and to which a dispersion aid is added. - 特許庁


According to the Works University Graduate Job-Opening-to-Application Ratio Survey (2005 Graduates) (2004) conducted by the Works Institute, Recruit Co., Ltd., whereas the job-opening-toapplication ratio41) for enterprises with 1,000 or more employees was 0.56, the ratio for enterprises with fewer than 1,000 employees was 2.53. - 経済産業省


The biting portion arranged in the lower face of the upper jaw tooth row accommodating portion has such the morph as to increase thickness as moving forward, and a spherical shape or plate shape structure with high hardness is embedded in the inside of the same. - 特許庁


The first survey was carried out by the Japan Corporate Governance Index Study Group. The study group existed as an independent organization in FY2002, but was reorganized in April 2003 to become a unit of activity of the Japan Corporate Governance Research Institute. - 経済産業省



This 19.1-ha park includes the Kyoto Nishikyogoku Baseball Stadium, Kyoto Nishikyogoku Athletic Stadium, Kyoto Nishi-Kyogoku Athletic Park supplementary field, Kyoto Aquarena (swimming pool in summer; skating rink in winter), Kyoto City Gymnasium and archery ground and other facilities.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



A descaling device 13 is transferred on a conveying table 19 between No.1 heating furnace 11 and No.2 heating furnace 12 from an initial installation position (the downstream side of No.1 heating furnace 11) and the edge reduction press device 15 and the like are newly installed in the position where the descaling device 13 has been initially installed. - 特許庁


In the oil-tempered wire having a scale on the surface of the steel wire, metallurgical structure of the steel wire contains a tempering martensite and spheroidized cementite containing Co distributed in the tempering martensite and coercive force of the steel wire is ≥38.0 Oe. - 特許庁


Since the assassination of Sakon SHIMADA (August 16 of the same year), UGO, who sensed danger, was moving from place to place, but he was found hiding in the Kawaramachi Palace of the Kujo family, and while sleeping, he was suddenly attacked by Izo OKADA, Hachinosuke OKAMOTO, Chuzaburo MURATA, and Matsuzaemon TSUTSUMI from Higo Province.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The converter 6 acquires a corresponding file from a server 1 based on the request information, converts an HTML language in the file into a cHTML or Voice XML, and then transmits it as schedule information to the sender 17. - 特許庁


The lubricant to be spread on the oven floor of a coke oven carbonization chamber before charging coal thereto, has a pyrometric cone equivalent of SK12 or higher, comprises globular bodies made of ceramic, primarily having particle sizes of 1 to 15 mm and desirably has an inclination angle, at which the lubricant having been in the stationary state starts to move, of 10° or less. - 特許庁


The colored particles such as spherical particles composed of an organic solid component and a colorant are produced by dissolution of a dispersed particle phase composed of an organic solid component such as a resin component and a colorant such as an oil soluble dye, and an organic or inorganic pigment dispersed in the matrix composed of a water soluble adjuvant component at least containing an oligosaccharide to dissolve the adjuvant component. - 特許庁


In the event of a disaster large enough to merit the application of the Disaster Relief Act, the Local Finance Bureau and the Bank of Japan's regional branch in the relevant region usually ask individual financial institutions to take extraordinary measures in order to facilitate withdrawals by disaster victims, for example. At this time, however, such a request has not been formally made.  - 金融庁


According to a survey conducted by METI and the Works Institute, of the main 60 job types, the number of job-seekers outweighs the number of openings in white-collar posts and other jobs without clearly defined skills or abilities, while there is in fact a personnel shortage in management, design, IT and other specialist or technical jobs (Fig. 3.1.18). - 経済産業省


Request information and position information include the position of a certain point such as the present point, the departure time, final destination, arrival time, desired tour facilities or their visit conditions, and a moving means or its conditions, and guide result information is scheduled (including reservations), so that a user can efficiently carry out sightseeing (movement) along a route which the user desires. - 特許庁


Based in Sapporo City, Hokkaido, with a workforce of 11 and capital of ¥221.596 million, Evec Incorporated is a university-launched venture, established in January 2003 as a result of Professor Kenzo Takada of the Hokkaido University Institute for Genetic Medicine making use of the results he accumulated over his many years of research into the Epstein-Barr virus (a virus with the ability to cause unlimited multiplication of B lymphocytes, which produce antibodies in the human body). - 経済産業省

確かに、1997 年のアジア通貨危機後や2008 年の世界経済危機後の急激なウォン安傾向により、一時的に収益力が大幅に改善する時期があったものの、中期的にみると我が国以上にウォン安による輸入物価の急上昇により交易条件が悪化し、同様に厳しい競争状況下に置かれていることが読み取れる(第2-4-3-18 図参照)。例文帳に追加

It is certain that South Korea experienced a drastic but temporary improvement of profitability due to the rapid depreciation of the won in the wake of the Asian Financial Crisis in 1997 and the global economic crisis in 2008. However, South Korea’s terms of trade deteriorated more significantly than those of Japan over the medium term due to the drastic rise in import prices driven by the depreciation of the won and thus it is found that the country is in a fiercely competitive environment just like Japan (see Figure 2-4-3-18). - 経済産業省

4. 発生前の段階からの情報収集・情報提供体制の構築や収集した情報の公開、発生時の対応を一層強化することが必要であり、このため、厚生労働省のみならず、国立感染症研究所(感染症情報センターやインフルエンザウイルス研究センターを中心に)や、検疫所などの機関、地方自治体の保健所や地方衛生研究所を含めた感染症対策に関わる危機管理を専門に担う組織や人員体制の大幅な強化、人材の育成を進めるとともに、関係機関のあり方や相互の役割分担、関係の明確化等が必要である。特に国立感染症研究所については、米国CDC(疾病予防管理センター)を始め各国の感染症を担当する機関を参考にして、より良い組織や人員体制を構築すべきである。例文帳に追加

4. It is necessary to further strengthen countermeasures at the onset of an outbreak, and to develop a system to collect/ provide /communicate/disclose information in the pre-pandemic phase. For this purpose, it is essential to strengthen the institutional capacity and human resources of the Ministry and the National Institute of Infectious Diseases (NIID; the Infectious Diseases Surveillance Center and the Influenza Virus Research Center, in particular), quarantine stations, public health centers and prefectural/city institutes of public health (hereafter, the Institutes). The government needs to significantly improve risk management skills specialized in infectious diseases through strengthening staff structures and individual capacities at these institutions. It is also necessary to determine future roles and the division of labor to clarify relationships among relevant institutions and organizations mentioned above. Particularly, the NIID should be better organized and staffed by reference to the US Centers for Disease Control (US-CDC) and other international organizations in charge of infectious diseases. - 厚生労働省


第六十九条 市町村は、要介護認定、要介護更新認定、第二十九条第二項において準用する第二十七条第七項若しくは第三十条第一項の規定による要介護状態区分の変更の認定、要支援認定、要支援更新認定、第三十三条の二第二項において準用する第三十二条第六項若しくは第三十三条の三第一項の規定による要支援状態区分の変更の認定(以下この項において単に「認定」という。)をした場合において、当該認定に係る第一号被保険者である要介護被保険者等について保険料徴収権消滅期間(当該期間に係る保険料を徴収する権利が時効によって消滅している期間につき政令で定めるところにより算定された期間をいう。以下この項において同じ。)があるときは、厚生労働省令で定めるところにより、当該要介護被保険者等の被保険者証に、当該認定に係る第二十七条第七項後段(第二十八条第四項及び第二十九条第二項において準用する場合を含む。)、第三十条第一項後段若しくは第三十五条第四項後段又は第三十二条第六項後段(第三十三条第四項及び第三十三条の二第二項において準用する場合を含む。)、第三十三条の三第一項後段若しくは第三十五条第二項後段若しくは第六項後段の規定による記載に併せて、介護給付等(居宅介護サービス計画費の支給、特例居宅介護サービス計画費の支給、介護予防サービス計画費の支給及び特例介護予防サービス計画費の支給、高額介護サービス費の支給及び高額介護予防サービス費の支給並びに特定入所者介護サービス費の支給、特例特定入所者介護サービス費の支給、特定入所者介護予防サービス費の支給及び特例特定入所者介護予防サービス費の支給を除く。)の額の減額を行う旨並びに高額介護サービス費及び高額介護予防サービス費並びに特定入所者介護サービス費、特例特定入所者介護サービス費、特定入所者介護予防サービス費及び特例特定入所者介護予防サービス費の支給を行わない旨並びにこれらの措置がとられる期間(市町村が、政令で定めるところにより、保険料徴収権消滅期間に応じて定める期間をいう。以下この条において「給付額減額期間」という。)の記載(以下この条において「給付額減額等の記載」という。)をするものとする。ただし、当該要介護被保険者等について、災害その他の政令で定める特別の事情があると認めるときは、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

Article 69 (1) In a case when a Municipality issues a Certification of Needed Long-Term Care, a Renewal of Certification of Care Need, or Certification of Change of Condition of Need for Long-Term Care pursuant to the provisions of Article 27, paragraph (7) or Article 30, paragraph (1) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 29, paragraph (2), a Certification of Needed Support, a Renewal of Certification of Needed Support, or a Certification of Change of Category of Needed Support Condition pursuant to the provisions of Article 32, paragraph (6) or Article 33-3, paragraph (1) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 33-2, paragraph (2) (hereinafter referred to simply as "Certification" in this paragraph) and there is a period when the right to collect an insurance premium has extinguished (which means a period calculated pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Order regarding the period when the right to collect an insurance premium pertaining to said period has been extinguished due to a legal proscription) with regard to an Insured Person Requiring Long-Term Care, etc., that is the Primary Insured Person pertaining to said Certification, a Municipality pursuant to the provisions of an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare shall enter on the Certificate of Insured Person of said Insured Person Requiring Long-Term Care, etc., in addition to the entry pursuant to the provisions of Article 27, paragraph (7), second sentence (including a case applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 28, paragraph (4) and Article 29, paragraph (2)), Article 30, paragraph (1), second sentence, Article 35, paragraph (4), second sentence, Article 32, paragraph (6), second sentence (including a case applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 33, paragraph (4) or Article 33-2, paragraph (2)), Article 33-3, paragraph (1), second sentence, Article 35, paragraph (2), second sentence, or paragraph (6) second sentence as pertaining to said Certification, that the amount of Long-Term Care Benefit, etc., (except for payment of an Allowance for In-Home Long-Term Care Service, Exceptional Allowance for an In-Home Long-Term Care Service Plan, Allowance for Preventive Long-Term Care Service Plan, Exceptional Allowance for a Preventive Service Plan of Long-term care, Allowance for High-Cost Long-Term Care Service, Allowance for High-Cost Preventive Long-Term Care Service, Allowance for Long-Term Care Service to a Person Admitted to a Specified Facility, Exceptional Allowance for Long-Term Care Service to a Person Admitted to a Specified Facility, Allowance for Preventive Long-Term Care Service to a Person Admitted to a Specified Facility, and Exceptional Allowance for Long-Term Care Preventive Service of a Person Admitted to a Specified Facility) shall be reduced and that the Allowance for High-Cost Long-Term Care Service, Allowance for High-Cost Preventive Long-Term Care Service, Allowance for Long-Term Care Service to a Person Admitted to a Specified Facility, Exceptional Allowance for Long-Term Care Service to a Person Admitted to a Specified Facility, Allowance for Preventive Long-Term Care Service to a Person Admitted to a Specified Facility, and Exceptional Allowance for Long-Term Care Preventive Service of a Person Admitted to a Specified Facility shall not be paid, and the period that these measures are applicable (which means a period that a Municipality determines pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Order according to the period during which the right to collect an insurance premium is extinguished; herein referred to as "Benefit Reduction Period" in this Article) (hereinafter said entry is referred to as "Entry of Benefit Reduction Amount, etc." in this Article), however, provided that this provision shall not apply to a case when it is determined that said Insured Person Requiring Long-Term Care, etc., suffers due to a disaster or other special circumstance provided by a Cabinet Order.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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