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該当件数 : 222



To provide a bag body made of a synthetic resin with an internal divider film in which an article can be easily taken in and out to attempt to conveniently use it. - 特許庁


A temperature-sensing type flow control valve 20 is installed on the refrigerant channel between the receiver tank 3 and the expansion valve 4. - 特許庁


The meshes 30 are preferably meshes that transmit a sound wave and hardly transmit an air current, and are made of, for example, polyamide-based fiber. - 特許庁


To provide a portable fluid compressor, formed in a thin type and well-balancing the weight of the whole to be carried by one hand. - 特許庁



When a component failure is generated in the circuit, the OLR relay 26 is deenergized, and the motor current is shut off by the separator circuit 14. - 特許庁



To provide a partition composed of a sheet of a paper base material, becoming flat to save on a space when it is unnecessary, and assembled very easily for use. - 特許庁


The thick wall part 17 is located ahead of the downstream port portion 10 of the rear inlet port 3. - 特許庁


To simplify a structure of a transfer device provided with a planetary gear type shift ratio switching mechanism, and to eliminate gear noise at switching. - 特許庁


To provide a packaging box with a compartment for sufficiently absorbing a shock from a bottom side without using a bottom pad. - 特許庁



As a result, parts simplification and reduction of the number of assembly work hours can be attained in construction of the partition board 1. - 特許庁



To provide an inexpensive sack box equipped with a partition member having a large pressure resistance improving effect and no disadvantage on productivity. - 特許庁


To provide an end protection structure capable of attaining high rigidity of the whole inner partition wall and detachability and an inner partition wall having the same. - 特許庁


To provide a partition of a storage container which is assembled without making handling complicated, and free from damaging articles in the inside. - 特許庁


An inner partitioning wall part 26 which can be elevated is provided at a specified height position in the body part 16, and an inspection window 32 is provided. - 特許庁


To provide a box with partition having a partition made of a paper board, a corrugated fiberboard or a plastic sheet for housing various products and wherein the partition can be easily attached, the box is excellent in stability and shape retention, a process is simple and a manufacturing cost is inexpensive. - 特許庁


Since the zones 30A, 30B are formed/partitioned by the walls 41, 42 and the zones 30A, 30B are furthermore divided by the walls 43, 44, the raw material consisting of five or more components can be separated into each component without using plural distillation columns. - 特許庁


Each floor 14 is divided into a plurality of sections, with the fire escape 26 in the center, and comprises the escalator firewalls 20 and the firewalls 28 radially extended from the firewalls 20, to form a plurality of anti-fire sections 30 surrounding fire escape 26. - 特許庁


This sack box comprises a sack box body S and the intermediate partition member capable of erecting partition parts 15 with a square cross-section on both sides of a bottom plate part 11 by folding processing, and the intermediate partition member with the partition parts 15 erected on both sides is inserted into the sack box body S. - 特許庁


To provide a midboard having a plane board with punched holes formed of adjoining notches and economically storing contents, for which a material can be economically used, the processing characteristics for forming the midboard are simple and the workability for the assembly when the midboard is used is good. - 特許庁


Years later, in 2001, the company restarted the reserve bus business by obtaining a license as a large reserve passenger bus operator and began contract transport service by providing shuttle bus service, with the use of microbuses, between Kyoto Sangyo University and Nikenchaya Station (Kyoto Prefecture) in 2001, followed by employee transport for Kawashima Selkon Textiles Co., Ltd., in August of the same year and that for Izumiya (Qanat Rakuhoku) in December.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A private car and a specialized highway car are used as extra support by Keihan Kyoto Kotsu during the sightseeing season in the fall when the number of passengers peak (this has been ongoing since it used to be a part of Kyoto Kotsu (Kameoka)).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Fares start at 1,000 to 2,000 yen per person for about ten minutes, including sightseeing, with various other fares for fifteen, thirty, or sixty minutes, or for a chartered jinrikisha.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, his power declined barely enough to maintain only Bungo Province as a daimyo led by Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI in his later years after being defeated by Yoshihisa SHIMAZU when the 'Christian Kingdom' was about to be built.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, that Sorin became a Christian led to the conflict of vassals of the Otomo family, which ironically would come to the surface in the form of an uprising of local lords in Sorin's later years.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Consequently, in 1968 the company concluded a business-assignment agreement with Kokusai Motorcars Co., Ltd., whose head office was located in Tokyo, and abolished the reserve bus division that the company had operated for the past 18 years.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The breakdown of the above is 45 large buses (33 buses of Nissan Diesel Motor and 12 buses of Isuzu Motors), 11 medium-size buses (7 semi-large buses of Isuzu, 2 Hino HR9m and 2 Hino HR7m) and 11 microbuses (Hino), and among them, five microbuses are used for both route bus service and reserve bus service.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, many companies other than those belonging to the JR group (bus-operating companies owned by private railway line companies, companies specialized in route bus operations, and chartered membership-based tour buses as well) have entered this business in a short period of time, generating competitive situations with Shinkansen lines.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Meishin Highway Bus between Kyoto Station and Nagoya Station, many highway buses between the Tokyo metropolitan area to the Keihanshin area (including Kyoto) and charter buses for tours are in operation.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, as Christianity continued to spread, some daimyo (notably Ukon TAKAYAMA) found themselves impressed with Christianity's doctrines as well as with the virtue and vigor of Christian daimyo, and chose to believe in the religion on their own initiative.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To simplify control in switching a plurality of video ES and to shorten a switching time by simultaneously decoding all the video ES contained in a program for the program including a plurality of video ES. - 特許庁


The airflow generating device 10 turns a part of gas contacting with the surface of the first dielectric layer 21 into plasma to generate an airflow by applying a voltage between the first electrode 23 and the second electrode 24. - 特許庁


The process for preparing ultrafine powders of biological macromolecules comprises atomizing liquid solutions of the macromolecules, drying the droplets formed in the atomization step, and collecting the particles which result from drying. - 特許庁


To miniaturize an integrated circuit constituting a switching voltage generation circuit by reducing the number of terminals of the switching voltage generation circuit and simplifying wiring for connection with a tuning circuit. - 特許庁


The airflow generating device 10 turns a part of gas in the vicinity of the one side surface of the dielectric 20 into plasma to produce an airflow by applying a voltage between the first electrode 30 and the second electrode 31. - 特許庁


The light transmissive fluid flowmeter 26 includes: a light emitting diode 27 which irradiates light 30; and a photo-diode 29 which receives light 30 irradiated from the light emitting diode 27, and transmits the water sealing part 12. - 特許庁


A method for separating particles is used for separating particles classified by size from particles remaining in a raw liquid G and particles contained in mist M generated by atomizing, a liquid containing particles different in size by ultrasonic vibration. - 特許庁


When the prescribed code is set to a mode register 112, a switching signal generating circuit 11 is activated, a switching signal TCLKE becomes a high level. - 特許庁


To provide a partition inserting apparatus wherewith a partition can be inserted certainly between articles without allowing upper parts such as lids of the articles to be pushed up and the articles can be put in a package without being inclined on packing. - 特許庁


In the apparatus for manufacturing hydrates, water is atomized to minute particles and is converted to a hydrate by bringing the minute particles of the atomized water into contact with a raw gas as it keeps cooled. - 特許庁


The reserver tank of non-pressurization type is structured so that the whole circumference of the upper edge of a lower tank 30 is coupled liquid-tightly with the circular bottom edge of an upper tank 10 having a cylindrical part 11. - 特許庁


A storage section 3 capable of storing the partition wall 4 partitioning the inside of the packing case into a plurality of spaces is arranged in the inside of an inner wall surface 10. - 特許庁


To provide an actuation indicator for a pressurized constant volume fluid dispensing device such as a fluid dispensing device, a pressurized constant volume spray type inhaler etc., and a constitution member for such actuation indicator. - 特許庁


In the light source device 3, the infrared ray transmission filter of an infrared-visible switching filter is arranged on the optical path, the rotary filter is inserted onto the optical axis by a drive motor and started to rotate. - 特許庁


In the washing and dressing table X provided with the drawer 5 on a chained 1, a partition board 6 for supporting one end of the drawer 5 is detachaly mounted on the cabinet 1 by using L-shaped fitting 20 and screws 21. - 特許庁


To facilitate and accelerate assembling of an inner partitioning board used to protect a commodity in the case of filling and packaging the commodity such as a bottle, a can or the like in a packaging case. - 特許庁


To provide a hair cutter which is capable of easily trimming the hair even in the trim-up more than the blade width of a cutting blade by effectively utilizing the small blade width of the cutting blade and the small size and good operability as the hair cutter. - 特許庁


In case an obstacle such as small stone intrudes to an electrically operated point to result in erroneous changing-over and N-contact is not established within ten seconds, an OLR relay 26 is deenergized, and the motor current is shut off by the separator circuit 14. - 特許庁


To provide a transferable fluidized processing earth pressure-feed pump capable of pressure-feeding fluidized processed earth discharged through a chute of a mixer car simply and costlessly force-fed through an intermediate range to an executing site. - 特許庁


Consequently, the height at the upper end of the standing part changes gradually in a boundary part between each end part and the central part, which allows the standing part to fit along the skin of a wearer. - 特許庁



The air flowing into the air supply chamber 13 from the air supply duct 19 is reduced in its flow velocity within the air supply chamber 13 and the air stream is supplied into the rotary drum 1 from the opening in a stable state. - 特許庁


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