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The lithium secondary battery, using an organic electrolyte comprises the internal electrode body 1 having a positive electrode, on which collecting tabs 5 are mounted, and a negative electrode wound via a separator, stored in a battery case, at least one group of tabs 5 being mounted on the end face of the internal electrode body 1, in such a manner that their centers at mounting positions enter a region 21 within a center angle 45°. - 特許庁


Vibration side vibration-adjusting electrodes 30 and 31 are formed through an insulating layer 32 in right and left end edge areas, respectively, on the back 5c of a vibrator 5 in the direction of an XZ two-dimensional plane, with a gap therebetween along X direction. - 特許庁


In this laminated gel electrolyte electric double layer capacitor in which the several sets of a gel electrolyte film 4 and electrodes 2 and 5 are laminated, a clearance between the electrodes 2 and 5 and the gel electrolyte electric double layer 4 is pressurized with a strong force so that the creep of the gel electrolyte film 4 can be initially promoted. - 特許庁


Spherical protruded portions 4 and 5 brought into contact with a recording medium are provided in a slider section 3, and the center of a magnetic pole 2 is disposed on a straight line C1 connecting the vertexes of these protruded portions. - 特許庁


本発明による2次電池用陰極材は、高結晶性芯材炭素材料を被覆炭素材料で被覆した後焼成させて製造されるものであって、その剥離面積(Delamination area)が0.1×10^-5ないし1.0×10^-4の値を有するか、その水含水率が0.01以下の値を有することを特徴とする。例文帳に追加

The negative electrode material for the secondary battery is manufactured by covering high crystalline core carbon material with covering carbon material, and then baking, and has a delamination area of 0.1×10^-5 to 1.0×10^-4, or a moisture content of 0.01 or less. - 特許庁



Accordingly, as shown in Fig.1(c), when a GaN nano column 5 grows, SiO_2 can be filled surely and uniformly in the microclearance between the nano columns 5, suppressing the generation of voids, suppressing leakage currents, making it possible to improve reliability. - 特許庁


Accordingly, as shown in figure 1(c), when the GaN nano-columns 5 are grown, SiO_2 can be surely and uniformly filled in the ultramicro-gaps between the nano-columns 5, and void and leak current can be suppressed and reliability can be improved. - 特許庁


Although Emperor Sanjo continued to confront Michinaga, he later contracted an eye disease that nearly made him lose his eyesight; he was repeatedly urged by Michinaga to resign from his office, and he finally agreed to hand over the throne to Emperor Goichijo in 1016, on condition that his son, Imperial Prince Atsuakira, be made the Crown Prince.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


With reference to paragraph 5 of Article 26 of the Convention: (a) In order to obtain the information held by a bank, other financial institution, trust, foundation, nominee or person acting in an agency or a fiduciary capacity or relating to ownership interests in a person, the tax authorities of Belgium shall have the power to enforce the disclosure of such information and to conduct examinations and hearings, notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 3 of that Article or any contrary provisions in its domestic laws.  - 財務省


(a)2−メチル−4−オキソ−3−(2−プロピニル)シクロペント−2−エニル 3−(2,2−ジクロロビニル)−2,2−ジメチルシクロプロパンカルボキシレート、(b)ケロシンに対する溶解度が重量%未満でかつ水に対する溶解度が2重量%以上である極性溶剤、(c)ケロシン及び、(d)エーテル系化合物を少なくとも70重量%含有する噴射剤からなることを特徴とする殺虫エアゾール組成物。例文帳に追加

This insecticidal aerosol composition comprised (a) 2-methyl-4- oxo-3-(2-propynyl)cyclopent-2-enyl 3-propanecarboxylate, (b) a polar solvent having ≤5 wt.% solubility in kerosene and ≥5 wt.% solubility in water, (c) kerosene and (d) a propellant that contains at least 70 wt.% of an ether compound. - 特許庁



In a mobile communication system to perform the short message service, a terminal 2 for testing which can send the short message for testing to a radio area is provided in a moving exchange station 3 side, and a mobile set 5 for testing which can return the transmission of the received short message for testing as it is, is provided in the radio area. - 特許庁

本規則に定める期間内に上訴又は再審理申立が提出されなかった場合は,局長は,直ちに,当該判決又は最終命令を庁の適切な登録簿に記入させる。判決又は最終命令の確定日は,その記入日とする。記録には,判決又は最終命令による決定の内容を記載し,局長が署名し,当該判決又は最終命令が確定した旨の証明書を添えるものとする。 期限内に上訴又は再審理申立がされなかった場合は,局長又は場合により長官が言い渡した判決又は最終命令が確定するものとし,局長は,直ちにこれを記入させなければならない。この処分を確実にするために,勝訴当事者は,判決の記入(及び適切な場合は執行)を申し立てる。記入日に,救済を求める申立のための6月間及び判決の時効に係る5年間が開始する。 本条規則は,判決又は最終命令が確定してからこれを記入するまでの期間が長くなるという誤った慣行を是正するものである。判決又は最終命令を記入するという物理的な行為がこれらの確定後になされるとしても,これらが確定した日をこれらの記入日とみなす。例文帳に追加

If no appeal or motion for reconsideration is filed within the time provided in these Regulations, the Director shall forthwith cause the entry of the judgment or final order in the appropriate Register of the Office. The date of finality of the judgment or final order shall be deemed to be the date of its entry. The record shall contain the dispositive part of the judgment or final order and shall be signed by the Director, with a certificate that such judgment or final order has become final and executory. If no appeal or motion for reconsideration has been filed on time, the judgment or final order rendered by the Director or the Director General, as the case may be, becomes final and executory, and should immediately be caused to be entered by the Director. To ensure this action the prevailing party should file a motion for the entry (and execution, if proper) of the judgment. The date of entry is the starting point of the six months period for filing a petition of relief, as well as the five years period of prescription of judgments. This rule corrects the erroneous practice of entering the judgment or final order long after it had become final and executory. Even if the physical act of entering the judgment or final order is done after it had become final and executory, the date when it became final and executory shall be deemed the date of its entry. - 特許庁


The intra-vacuum-container carrying device 1 comprises the carrying blocks 4 arranged in the vacuum container 2 for holding and carrying predetermined objects to be carried, secondary side magnetic poles 5 connected to the carrying blocks 4, armatures 6 arranged outside the vacuum container 2 movably along a wall face 2b of the vacuum container 2, and an armature moving mechanism 7 for moving the armatures 6. - 特許庁


Then CPU 4 detects an identification code matching the identification code (PI code) stored in the memory 5 from RDS data newly received by the antenna 1 and multiplex tuner 2 and newly demodulated by the RDS decoder 3 to search for the specific broadcasting stations from a plurality of broadcasting stations. - 特許庁


For about three years while Hisamitsu stayed in the Satsuma Domain, central political situations underwent a lot of changes in such ways as the Kinmon Incident (August 27, 1865), First Conquest of Choshu, Shogun's departure to the front, an Imperial consent to the treaty with five countries during the Ansei era (March 7, 1866), Second Conquest of Choshu, the death of Shogun Iemochi (August 28), Acquisition of Shogun by Yoshinobu TOKUGAWA (January 13, 1867), the death of Emperor Komei (February 4, 1867), and the Imperial Prince Sachinomiya Mutsuhito (the Emperor Meiji) ascending to the throne (February 8, 1867).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

(5) 共同特許出願人の間で出願の手続をするべきか否か又は如何なる方法によりこれを手続するべきかについて紛争が生じるときに,局長は,何れかの当事者から所定の方法による申請がされ,かつ,関係当事者全員に聴聞を受ける機会を与えた後は,必要に応じて,当事者の1若しくは2以上の名義のみにより出願の手続をすることを可能にさせるため,若しくは出願の手続をする方法を調整するため,又はこれら2つの目的のために,自己が適切と認める指示を発することができる。この場合に局長は,当事者の1又は2以上の名義により出願の手続をすることを許可することができる。例文帳に追加

(5) If any dispute arises between joint applicants for a patent whether or in what manner the application should be proceeded with, the Commissioner may, upon application made to him in the prescribed manner by any of the parties, and after giving to all parties concerned an opportunity to be heard, give such directions as he thinks fit for enabling the application to proceed in the name of one or more of the parties alone or for regulating the manner in which it shall be proceeded with, or for both those purposes, according as the case may require. In any such case the Commissioner may authorise the application to proceed in the name of one or more of the parties. - 特許庁


(5) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1), in the event that the foreign national is unable to appear at the regional immigration bureau due to disease or for other similar reasons, the foreign national shall not be required to appear at the bureau. In this case, a relative of the foreign national, a person living with the foreign national, or an equivalent person whom the director of the regional immigration bureau finds appropriate may submit the written application provided for in paragraph (1) and the materials provided for in paragraph (2) on behalf of the foreign national staying in Japan.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


If, in the cases referred to in section 31, the applicant has availed himself of mailing, and the mail is not received in due time, but the act is completed within 2 months after the date on which the applicant noticed or should have noticed that the time limit was exceeded and not later than 1 year after expiry of the time limit, the Patent Authority shall re-establish the rights, provided that: within the 10 days preceding the expiry of the time limit the postal service was interrupted on account of war, revolution, civil disorder, strike, natural calamity or other like reason in the locality where the sender has his place of business or is staying, and the mailing to the Patent Authority is effected within 5 days after the resumption of the postal service, or the mailing was effected by registered letter to the Patent Authority not later than 5 days prior to the expiry of the time limit though only if the mailing was effected by airmail, where possible, or if the sender had every reason to believe that surface mail would not arrive later than 2 days after the date of mailing.  - 特許庁


When a viewer instructs channel switching, a microcomputer 3 instructs a channel selection circuit 5 receptible of a broadcast channel adopting a different broadcast system to switch a reception channel, increases the AGC sensitivity of an AGC circuit 10, reads a vertical frequency with respect to the switching reception channel from a memory 4, and switches the vertical frequency of a vertical drive circuit 7 to the read vertical frequency. - 特許庁

また、本件においては米国政府自身がWTO事務局長に対日WTO申立を予告した95年月9日付け書簡の中で、「(日本の)過剰で複雑な規制が大半の整備業務を国内部品メーカーと密接に結びついた指定整備工場に向かわせている」と述べたうえ、WTO・TBT 協定(第2条2項、第条1項)の文言をそのまま用いて当該規制は「不必要な障害を国際貿易に生じさせるもの」と述べていたことから、米国が、日本の自動車補修部品市場の規制はWTO協定でカバーされる問題、と認識していたことは明らかであった。例文帳に追加

In this case, the US government sent a letter dated on May 9, 1995 to the WTO Director-General, requesting WTO dispute settlement against Japan. In this letter, the US government stated that “Due to (Japan’s) excessive and complicated restrictions, most automobile services are awarded to designated maintenance factories closely connected to domestic auto parts makers.” Furthermore, directly quoting the WTO/TBT Agreements (Article 2 Clause 2, Article 5 Clause 1), they mentioned that these restrictions had caused unnecessary barriers in international trade. These facts showed that the United States clearly recognized Japan’s restrictions in the aftermarket should be covered under the WTO Agreements. - 経済産業省


Honenbo Genku (1)->Seikanbo Genchi (first period of 2)->Horenbo Shinku (latter period of 2)->Shoshinbo Tanku (3)->Gudobo Keito (4)->Sogetsubo Eke (5)->Suganbo Jinku (6)->Jikanbo Hanku (7)->Gaganbo Unku (8)->Sozen Jogen (9)->Butsuryu Eisho Kokushi (Sonin Nadohiro) (10)->Yoshihide Sojin (11)->Seimi Aen (12)->Sokai Rachin(13)->Soshu Ryogyoku (14)->Iteri Ryoshin (15)->Shoyo Shukei (16)->Gokuyo Risei (17)->Eiyo Eishin (18)->Saiyo Unsei (19)->Koyo Denshin (20)->Seiyo Hozan (21)->Dozan Genryu (22)->Kanyo Genryo (23)->Enyo Kyugan (24)->Choyo Genzen (25)->Kinyo Seirin (26)->Ryoteki (27)->Chodon (28)->Ninyo Genju (29)->Ganyo Donya (30)->Seiyo Ganshin (31)->Danyo Juno (32)->Koyo Juncho (33)->Kyoyo Shuson (34)->Tsuyo Chorin (35)->Kunyo Jakusen (36)->Juyo Shaetsu (37)->Toyo Junkyo (38)->Koyo Shuntaku (39)->Kanyo Manryu (40)->Hoyo Chishun (41)->Koyo Nencho (42)->Toyo Choon (43)->Kenyo Reishi (44)->Shinyo Kanrei (45)->Kakuyo Reicho (46)->Yuyo Shunkai (47)->Rinyo (48)->Joyo Gencho (49)->Meiyo Kenkai (50)->Yuyo Tenju (51)->Senyo Kyodo (52)->Kanyo Gakuzen (53)->Juyo Myozen (54)->Zaiyo Yurin (55)->Kurotani Joen [Ryoyo] (56)->Shishiku Kanjo [Ryoyo] (57)->Sato Zeimon [Kaiyo] (58)->Shishiku Kanjo [Ryoyo] (59)->Shuho Jogen [Seiyo] (60)->Kissui Kenyu [Butsuyo] (61)->Oka Binjo [Shinyo] (62)->Ikuho Zuien [Soyo] (63)->Mochizuki Shinko [Ikuyo] (64)->Hoi Kyogan [Doyo] (65)->Kawabata Nobuyuki [Genho] (66)->Watanabe Kyozen [Senyo] (67)->Chiba Ryodo [Myoyo] (68)->Fukui Shudo [Kanyo] (69)->Sawazaki Ryoju [Joyo] (70)->Fujiwara Hiromichi [Hoyo] (71)->Inaoka Kakujun [Toyo] (72)->Tsuboi Shunei [Jinyo] (73)->Takahashi Koji [Manyo] (74)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

第十一条 機構は、被認定者が、その認定に係る指定疾病につき、健康保険法(大正十一年法律第七十号)第六十三条第三項第一号に規定する保険医療機関又は保険薬局その他病院、診療所(これらに準ずるものを含む。)又は薬局であって環境省令で定めるもの(これらの開設者が診療報酬の請求及び支払に関し第十三条第一項に規定する方式によらない旨を機構に申し出たものを除く。以下「保険医療機関等」という。)から次に掲げる医療を受けたときは、当該被認定者に対し、その請求に基づき、医療費を支給する。この場合において、被認定者が第五条第一項の決定に係る死亡した者以外の者であるときは、当該被認定者が石綿健康被害医療手帳を提示して医療を受けたときに限り、医療費を支給するものとする。例文帳に追加

Article 11 When a certified person has received any of the following medical services for the designated disease to which the certification pertains from an authorized insurance medical institution or insurance pharmacy, hospital or clinic respectively prescribed in Item 1, Paragraph 3, Article 63 of the Health Insurance Act (Act No. 70 of 1922) (including an equivalent of any of the foregoing) or a pharmacy prescribed in an Ordinance of the Ministry of the Environment (excluding any of the foregoing medical institutions, etc. whose founder has declared to the Agency to the effect that its billing and payment of medical fees will not comply with the system prescribed in Paragraph 1, Article 13)( hereinafter referred to as "authorized insurance medical institution, etc."), the Agency, based upon the request of said certified person, shall pay medical expenses for said certified person. In such case, in the event that the certified person is other than the deceased person to which the decision in Paragraph 1, Article 5 pertains, medical expenses shall be paid only when the concerned certified person has received medical services after having presented his/her Asbestos Health Damage Medical Passbook.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

次に掲げる行為は,特許所有者の排他権に対する侵害を構成しない。 1) エストニア共和国の領水に他国の船舶が一時的又は偶発的に入った場合で,かつ,発明の実施が専らその船舶の必要のためである場合に,その船舶内で(船体,機械,装具,無線航海装置その他の装置において)その特許発明を実施すること 2) エストニア共和国に他国の航空機又は車両が一時的に又は偶発的に入った場合に,その航空機又は車両の構造若しくは付属装置又は当該の輸送手段若しくはその装置の操作に関して特許発明を実施すること 3) 発明特許をその発明自体に関する試験のために実施すること 4) 特許発明を含む医薬品を処方箋に従って薬局で個別に調合すること及び当該医薬品を使用すること (1999年10月27日。2000年1月1日施行-RT I 1999, 84, 764) 5) 特許発明を私的に非営業的に実施すること。ただし,当該実施が特許所有者の利益を害さないことを条件とする。 (1999年10月27日。2000年1月1日施行-RT I 1999, 84, 764) 6) エストニア共和国における発明特許の使用,頒布,販売又は販売の申出であって,特許所有者により又は特許所有者の承諾を得て行われるもの 7) 特許所有者により又は特許所有者の承諾を得て市場に出された生物材料に係る繁殖又は増殖であって,当該繁殖又は増殖が,当該生物材料をその販売目的とされた用途で利用した結果必然的に生じるものである場合。ただし,取得された生物材料がその後,他の繁殖又は増殖のために使用されないことを条件とする。 (1999年10月27日。2000年1月1日施行-RT I 1999, 84, 764)例文帳に追加

The following acts do not constitute infringement of the exclusive right of the proprietor of a patent: 1) the use of the patented invention on board of ships of other states (within the hull, machinery, rigging, radio-navigation equipment or other equipment) if such ships are temporarily or accidentally in the waters of the Republic of Estonia and the invention is used solely for the purposes of the ship; 2) the use of the patented invention within the construction or auxiliary equipment of aircraft or land vehicles of other countries, or in the operation of the vehicles or equipment if such vehicles are temporarily or accidentally in the Republic of Estonia; 3) the use of the patented invention in testing related to the invention itself; 4) the single preparation of a medicinal product containing the patented invention on the basis of a prescription in a pharmacy and the use of such medicinal product; (27.10.1999 entered into force 01.01.2000 - RT I 1999, 84, 764) 5) the private non-commercial use of the patented invention if such use does not harm the interests of the proprietor of the patent; (27.10.1999 entered into force 01.01.2000 - RT I 1999, 84, 764) 6) the use, distribution, sale or offer for sale in the Republic of Estonia of the patented invention by the proprietor of the patent or with the proprietor’s consent; 7) the propagation or multiplication of biological material placed on the market by the proprietor of the patent or with the proprietor’s consent, where the multiplication or propagation necessarily results from the application for which the biological material was marketed, provided that the biological material obtained is not subsequently used for other propagation or multiplication. (27.10.1999 entered into force 01.01.2000 - RT I 1999, 84, 764)  - 特許庁



8. For the purposes of this Article: a) the termprincipal class of sharesmeans the class or classes of shares of a company which in the aggregate represent a majority of the voting power of the company; b) the termshares” shall include depository receipts of shares or trust certificates of shares; c) the termrecognised stock exchangemeans: (i) any stock exchange established by a Financial Instruments Exchange or an approved-type financial instruments firms association under the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law (Law No. 25 of 1948) of Japan; (ii) any regulated market established in the Netherlands subject to regulation by the Authority for the Financial Markets (or its successor) under a license as meant in paragraph 1 of Article 5:26 of the Act on Financial Supervision (or its successor) of the Netherlands; (iii) the Irish Stock Exchange, the London Stock Exchange, the Swiss Stock Exchange and the stock exchanges of Brussels, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Hong Kong, Johannesburg, Lisbon, Luxembourg, Madrid, Mexico, Milan, New York, Paris, Seoul, Singapore, Stockholm, Sydney, Toronto and Vienna and the NASDAQ System; and (iv) any other stock exchange which the competent authorities of the Contracting States agree to recognise for the purposes of this Article; d) the termequivalent beneficiarymeans: (i) a resident of a state that has a convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion between that state and the Contracting State from which the benefits of this Convention are claimed such that: (aa) that convention contains provisions for effective exchange of information; (bb) that resident is a qualified person under the limitation on benefits provisions in that convention or, when there are no such provisions in that convention, would be a qualified person when that convention is read as including provisions corresponding to paragraph 2; and (cc) with respect to an item of income referred to in paragraph 3 of Article 10, paragraph 3 of Article 11 or Article 12, 13 or 20 that resident would be entitled under that convention to a rate of tax with respect to the particular class of income for which the benefits are being claimed under this Convention that is at least as low as the rate applicable under this Convention; or (ii) a qualified person by reason of subparagraph a), b), c) or d) of paragraph 2; e) the termassociated enterprisesmeans enterprises which have a relationship with each other as described in subparagraph a) or b) of paragraph 1 of Article 9; and f) the termgross incomemeans the total revenues derived by an enterprise from its business, less the direct costs of obtaining such revenues. - 財務省


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