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該当件数 : 152



To provide a ring that can be put to the base of a finger relative to flaps between the fingers. - 特許庁


something forming a web (as between the toes of birds)  - 日本語WordNet


large fish-eating seabird with four-toed webbed feet  - 日本語WordNet


an tissue or membrane of an animal, a web  - EDR日英対訳辞書


定義から分かるように、パイプは一方向なので、type引き数には読み込みか書き込みのどちらか一方だけを定できる(両方は定できない)。 生成されるストリームは、この定に対応して、読み取り専用または書き込み専用のいずれかとなる。例文帳に追加

Since a pipe is by definition unidirectional, the type argument may specify only reading or writing, not both; the resulting stream is correspondingly read-only or write-only.  - JM



In this image processing, an image 2301 (Figure 23) is read, reading color 2309 (Figure 23) of the read image is designated, and writing color 2308 (Figure 23) to be used during printing the image is designated in accordance with the reading color. - 特許庁


small alligator of the Yangtze valley of China having unwebbed digits  - 日本語WordNet

忍耐よ フィリップ 何か来たか? 示があるまで チェスターズミル周辺の例文帳に追加

Patience, philip. did you get something? shh. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


In addition, Mie Prefecture (former Ise Province) had another castle of the same name; thus, Taka-jo Castle indicates one of the following castles.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



An image composing device is provided with frame memories 7 and 8, a part specifying means for specifying areas by parts of a screen, and a writing means 6 of writing to only storage areas corresponding to areas on the screen specified by the part specifying means. - 特許庁



primitive New Zealand frog with four unwebbed toes on forefeet and five on hind feet  - 日本語WordNet


birth defect in which there is partial or total webbing connecting two or more fingers or toes  - 日本語WordNet


When the ring 1 is put on a finger, with the apex 10d and the ornament portion 30 facing the back of the hand, the ring 1 can be put to the base of the finger relative to the flaps between the fingers. - 特許庁


A drawing processor 500 has its constitution for giving the execution indication of a drawing instruction by writing to a register 320, the execution indication of a drawing instruction via writing to a FIFO memory 350 and the execution indication of a drawing instruction via a command list respectively. - 特許庁


any of several salamanders with webbed toes and very long extensile tongues  - 日本語WordNet


The arithmetic part issues, upon receiving a writing request of writing address with an address stored in the third memory, an instruction for writing the writing data in a position where no data is written of the second area regardless of this address. - 特許庁


After the vector register has been designated, data are read or written for either of the registers within the vector register as the designated conditions of the vector register stored in the storage devices 20a-20g are referred to. - 特許庁


A second row system decoder activates a row same as a row specified one cycle before and the write driver WDR of the parity part outputs the parity to the bit line pair WBLP for writing when any column is instructed to perform writing at one cycle before. - 特許庁


When zeolite is produced by hydrothermal synthesis of a synthetic raw material mixture containing a silica source, an aluminum source, an alkali source, water, and a structure-directing agent, a compound represented by formula (1) is used as a structure-directing agent. - 特許庁


On the basis of the circumstance information, the interruption program main 114 selectively accesses either of an interruption table 115 designating an address of the interruption program used in rewriting or an interruption table 118 designating an address of the interruption program used in controlling. - 特許庁


Then the MFP reads the output chart wherein a user fills prescribed writing, registers a corresponding color when instruction information exists in the selection instruction check box, and outputs a new output chart including revision instruction check boxes used for selecting any of a plurality of color objects within an extracted range after the revision when instruction information exists in the revision instruction check boxes. - 特許庁


When a writing data size instructed from a host processor 21 is equal to one sector size, writing data is stored in a flash memory chip 13 where a memory block size is one sector. - 特許庁


When the writing data size instructed from the host processor 21 is that except for one sector size, writing data is stored in a flash memory chip 14 where the memory block size is four sectors. - 特許庁


For the executed cleaning method or repairing work, the executed information is written in the ID tag, and the executed information is read in inspection process to confirm whether the cleaning is performed according to the instructed method or not, or the instructed repairing work is executed or not. - 特許庁


To judge whether or not pieces of write data can be written by comparing the write data size with the remaining capacity of a recording medium when the pieces of data are specified and written to the recording medium. - 特許庁


To obtain the free space size of a recording medium which serves as the writing destination of image data after receiving the execution of scanning in a short time. - 特許庁


In a step S4, a two-point calibration phase-1 processing part of an erasure channel obtains an indication value of the C1DAC upon the write processing by using the two target values. - 特許庁


In a step S5, a two-point calibration phase-1 processing part of a peak channel obtains an indication value of the C2DAC upon the write processing by using the two target values. - 特許庁


A worker 3 inserts his fingers 3a into the gripping notch 17, lifts it in the upward direction, and dismounts the front lower window 9. - 特許庁


A rear end groove allowing the user to dispose the web part between the first finger and the second finger therein and a flange section formed on the upper part of the rear end groove are formed at the rear end of the housing body section. - 特許庁


To provide a speech synthesis system where the designation of a reading manner of and customizing can easily be performed by a writer and speech synthesis as designated by the writer is realized when being read in creating a document on the premise of reading the document through speech synthesis. - 特許庁


When an instruction is given to measure the all number of the originals from the display operating part 6, printing is not performed, in the writing part 3, but the all number of the originals read by the original reading part 2 is displayed on the display device of the display operating part 6. - 特許庁


Image data are read from a memory at the timing of the memory read means that has received a write completion signal while no image capture instructions are outputted, size conversion or the like is made, and then image data are displayed. - 特許庁

この関数はまた、クライアントが現在割り当てているエントリーの全てを、定したカラーマップから新しいカラーマップに移動させる。 この時は色の値、読み取り専用か書き込み可能であるかの属性は変化せず、定したカラーマップのエントリーは解放される。例文帳に追加

It also moves all of the client'sexisting allocation from the specified colormap to the new colormap with their color values intact and their read-only or writable characteristicsintact and frees those entries in the specified colormap. - XFree86


Drinking of chloride spring water is effective for chronic digestive diseases (drinking should be done according to instructions from a doctor, at the place where drinking is permitted as well as in compliance with the necessary precautions).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Before operating write by performing seek to designate the extended section of the file extended by this write, whether or not it is a non-corresponding model mounted with a file system where seek to the extended section is impossible is determined (S130), and whether or not write to the extended section is present is determined (S140). - 特許庁


To allow selecting a writing operation or an output operation of a sensing circuit by a decision of a slave set 2 itself without receiving any instruction for the wiring operation or output operation of the sensing circuit from a master set 1. - 特許庁


A controller 4 reads in results of machining after the machining is completed to command machining of the lens 12, and writes the results of machining to the IC tag 9 after the machining is completed, and an exit terminal computer 7 reads in the results of machining out of the IC tag 9 and stores it as history information on a management server 5. - 特許庁


The PLL circuit 60 is controlled by the control loop 66, and the recorded information is read from the near side of the recording end part of recorded information synchronizing with the read clock when write connection instructed is given from the recording end part of recorded information. - 特許庁


All of them have plenty of experience with administrative reform. In addition, their appointments are epoch-making in that they represent a pioneering model of lowering the barrier between the public and private sectors, an objective of the basic act.  - 金融庁


The disc controller instructs data writing to the disc device by a third block unit of a common multiple of the first block size and the second block size. - 特許庁


A DMA (10) which functions as a reproducing means is provided therein with one output buffer having storage positions for two or more samples, wherein a write-in position and a read-out position are assigned by a write-in pointer and a read-out pointer, respectively, and writing precedes reading. - 特許庁


A signal to enable label writing is generated according to the termination of data writing or instruction of storage medium ejection, or finalization processing to the storage medium or protection processing of the data written into the storage medium, or the like. - 特許庁


The data for the master CPU are written to an indicated position of a RAM 34, and the data for the slave CPU are transferred to the slave CPU 6 by transferring its data difference odds and write position information in series. - 特許庁


Thereby, it can enhance processing performance at so-called equal-length writing in which a write size designated from the mainframe 3 matches a data size set for a write destination. - 特許庁


When instructions are given to write data requiring an area whose capacity is smaller than a predetermined number of sectors to an area in a logical block a predetermined number of times or more, the area in the logical block is divided into logical sub-blocks including one or a plurality of areas in a sector unit. - 特許庁


When a command of reading or writing of the file is given when an analytic program is executed (S1), data of an ID feed is read from a charged FD to check a sector length (S2, S3), the either program is selected in response to its sector length, and reading or writing of the file is executed (S4, S5). - 特許庁


To perform the read or write of data by one memory access in a microprocessor or the like having a cache memory or memory even when addresses are not neatly arranged according to the size of the designated data in the read or write of the data. - 特許庁


With the above setting, the announcement sound associated with the announcement timing is output from directional speakers 93L and 93R at any announcement timing. - 特許庁



When the user inputs instructions to return the display area (S60: Y), the lately written parameter is read from the breadcrumb list of a main memory (S62), and display is moved to the display area determined by the parameter (S64). - 特許庁


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