
「件数検査」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 48


検査は届出件数の 11.0%にあたる 198,542 件について実施されている。内訳は、行政検査 58,299 件(3.2%:届出件数に対する割合)、登録検査機関検査 144,846件(8.1%:この内、命令検査件数 94,598 件)、外国公的検査機関検査 5,818 件(0.3%)である。例文帳に追加

Inspections were conducted for198,542products, accounting for 11.0% of all those declared,consisting of 58,299 administrative inspections (3.2% of all declared products), 144,8461inspections by registered inspection organizations (8.1%: including 94,598orderedinspections), and 5,818 inspections by foreign official inspection organizations (0.3%). - 厚生労働省


Inspections were conducted for 198,936 products, accounting for 10.7% of all those declared, consisting of 61,811 administrative inspections (3.3 % of all declared products), 139,991 inspections by registered inspection organizations (7.5%: including 87,779 ordered inspections), and 6,953 inspections by foreign official inspection organizations (0.4%). - 厚生労働省

検査は届出件数の 12.7%にあたる 231,638 件について実施されている。内訳は、行政検査 56,518 件(3.1%:届出件数に対する割合)、登録検査機関検査 184,726件(10.1%:うち、命令検査 110,308 件)、外国公的検査機関検査 5,925 件(0.3%)である。例文帳に追加

Inspections were conducted for 231,638 products, accounting for 12.7% of all those declared, consisting of 56,518 administrative inspections (3.1% of all declared products), 184,726 inspections by registered inspection organizations (10.1%: including 110,308 ordered inspections), and 5,925 inspections by foreign official inspection organizations (0.3%). - 厚生労働省


Inspections were conducted for 231,776 products, accounting for 11.1% of all those declared, consisting of 58,941 administrative inspections (2.8% of all declared products), 180,023 inspections by registered inspection organizations (8.6%:including 99,117 ordered inspections), and 5,546 inspections by foreign official inspection organizations (0.3%). - 厚生労働省



Inspections were conducted for204,578 products, accounting for 11.2 % of all those declared,consisting of 58,027 administrative inspections (3.2% of all declared products), 150,7601inspections by registered inspection organizations (8.3%: including 98,977orderedinspections), and 5,674 inspections by foreign official inspection organizations (0.3%). - 厚生労働省



Inspections were conducted for 193,917 products, accounting for 11.0% of all those declared, consisting of 58,706 administrative inspections (3.3% of all declared products), 140,878 inspections by registered inspection organizations (8.0%: including 95,490 ordered inspections), and 6,208 inspections by foreign official inspection organizations (0.4%). - 厚生労働省


2: The total numbers of specimens are approximate aggregations of the numbers of inspections in the relevant inspection categories, such as antibacterial substances and residual agricultural chemicals. - 厚生労働省


Since the examinations can be continuously carried out, followed by one after another in the X-ray CT examination room, the number of examination cases per unit of time can be increased. - 特許庁


2) Planned implementation of monitoring inspections - 厚生労働省



Each quarantine station shall prepare an annual plan based on the number of foods subject to monitoring inspection assigned by the MHLW and systematically implement inspection on the assigned number of specimens. - 厚生労働省



Each quarantine station shall prepare an annual plan based on the number of foods subject to monitoring inspection assigned by the MHLW and systematically implement inspection on the assigned number of specimens. - 厚生労働省


To increase the number of examination cases per unit of time by shortening the preparatory time for examinees in X-ray CT examination. - 特許庁

三 製品検査の申請を受けることができる件数の上限に関する事項例文帳に追加

(iii) Matters concerning the upper time limit for receiving applications for product inspections;  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Number of cases of inspection at manufacturing, etc. per year divided by 800 (a fraction be counted as one.)  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


The number shall be calculated by dividing the annual number of performance inspections by 800 (any fraction shall be rounded up)  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


To conduct intensive, effective and efficient monitoring inspections, the MHLW shall determine the number of imported foods subject to monitoring inspection and items to be monitored and inspected (hereinafter referred to as “the monitoring plan”), so that inspection will identify violations with a certain statistical reliability, taking into account the violation rate, the number of imported foods, their volume, and the impact of violations on public health with respect to each food group. - 厚生労働省


To conduct intensive, effective and efficient monitoring inspections, the MHLW shall determine the number of imported foods subject to monitoring inspection and items to be monitored and inspected (hereinafter referred to as “the monitoring plan”), so that inspection will identify violations with a certain statistical reliability, taking into account the violation rate, the number of notifications of imported foods, their volume and the impact of violations on public health with respect to each food group. - 厚生労働省


Next, a list acquisition part 52 transmits the patient ID to other image diagnostic apparatuses 3b-3e via a communication part 15, and acquires a list on the patient ID to be stored in a storage part 16. - 特許庁

平成 21(2009)年度の輸入食品の届出件数、輸入重量、検査件数、食品衛生法(昭和 22 年法律第 233 号。以下「法」という。)違反件数等の状況をまとめた。例文帳に追加

The present report summarizes situations of imported foods in FY 2009 such as the number and volume on a declaration basis, number of inspections, and number of violations against the Food Sanitation Law (Law No. 233, 1947, referred to as ‘the Lawhereinafter). - 厚生労働省

平成 19(2007)年度の輸入食品の届出件数、輸入重量、検査件数、食品衛生法(昭和 22 年法律第 233 号。以下「法」という。)違反件数等の状況をまとめた。例文帳に追加

The present report summarizes situations of imported foods in FY 2007 such as the number and volumeon a declaration basis, number of inspections, and number of violations against the Food SanitationLaw (Law No.233, 1947, referred to as ‘the Lawhereinafter). - 厚生労働省


Statistics of Imported Foods Monitoring, for FY 2011 The present report summarizes situations of imported foods in FY 2011 such as the number and volume on a declaration basis, number of inspections, and number of violations against the Food Sanitation Law (Law No.233, 1947, referred to as ‘the Lawhereinafter). - 厚生労働省


The present report summarizes situations of imported foods in FY 2008 such as the number and volume on a declaration basis, number of inspections, and number of violations against the Food Sanitation Law (Law No. 233, 1947, referred to as ‘the Lawhereinafter). - 厚生労働省


The present report summarizes situations of imported foods in 2006 such as the number and volume on a declaration basis, number of inspections, and number of violations against the Food Sanitation Law (Law No.233, 1947, referred to as ‘the Lawhereinafter). - 厚生労働省

残留農薬等に係る検査命令対象食品等であって、検査命令通知日から2年間を経過し違反事例がないもの、又は1年間を経過し違反事例がなく、かつ、検査命令の実施件数が 300 件以上あるものについては、検査命令を一時的に解除する。例文帳に追加

For imported foods subject to an inspection order concerning residual agricultural chemicals, etc. for which there have been no violations during two years since the issuance date of inspection order or the number of the imported foods inspected under the order is more than 300 during one year since the issuance date of inspection order, where no violation occurs, the inspection order shall be temporarily cancelled. - 厚生労働省


iiFor imported foods subject to an inspection order concerning residual agricultural chemicals, etc. for which there have been no violations during two years from the most recent date of detection of a violation after the issuance date of inspection order (or from the issuance date of inspection order if there are no violations after the issuance date of inspection order,) or the number of the imported foods inspected under the order is more than 300 and no violations during one year after the issuance date of inspection order, the inspection order shall be cancelled. - 厚生労働省


Quarantine stations shall promptly report to the MHLW when they find it difficult to implement the number of inspections assigned, due to changes in import situations. - 厚生労働省

モニタリング検査については、多種多様な輸入食品について、統計学的に一定の信頼度で違反を検出することが可能な検査数を基本として、食品群ごとに、輸入実績及び違反率等を勘案し、検疫所が行う検査件数及び検査項目を定めており、平成 18 年度は約 78,000件の検査を計画した。例文帳に追加

The basis for monitoring is that the number of inspections should be such that violations can be detected with a certain level of statistical confidence across a diverse range of imported foods. On this basis, the number of inspections conducted, and the types of substances tested by quarantine stations are determined with consideration given to actual import records and violation rates, etc. for each food group. In FY2006, 78,000 inspections were planned. - 厚生労働省


A calculation basic information creation part 31c creates calculation basic information for obtaining the number of received examinations received by the core hospital 13 from the outside based on the examination request history. - 特許庁


Furthermore, if it is confirmed, based on results of survey on the systems of exporting countries, and information on occurrence of health hazards caused by foods and on recalls of unsanitary foods in exporting countries, the number of the monitoring inspection cases will be reexamined. - 厚生労働省

残留農薬等に係る検査命令(ただし、不検出基準に係るものを除く。)対象食品等であって、2年間にわたり違反事例がなく、かつ、検査命令の実施件数が 300 件以上あるものについては、検査命令を一時的に解除し、その後、統計学的に一定の信頼度で法違反を検出することが可能となるよう、当該輸入食品等及び検査項目に係るモニタリング検査検査率を引き上げて一定期間継続して実施し、違反事例がない場合(ただし、当該モニタリング検査強化期間中に違反が発見された場合には、直ちに検査命令を発動する。)例文帳に追加

For imported foods subject to an inspection order concerning residual agricultural chemicals, etc. (excluding those that should not be detected) for which there have been no violations for the last two years and the number of the imported foods inspected under the order is more than 300, where no violation occurs when the inspection order is temporarily cancelled and monitoring inspection is subsequently carried out on a higher proportion of the imported foods and for more inspection items for a certain period of time so that inspection will identify violations with a certain statistical reliability (however, if a violation is identified during the period of reinforced monitoring inspection, an inspection order will be issued). - 厚生労働省


ii. For imported foods subject to an inspection order concerning residual agricultural chemicals, etc. for which there have been no violations for the last two years or the number of the imported foods inspected under the order is more than 300, where no violation occurs when the inspection order is temporarily cancelled and in FY 2010 monitoring inspection is subsequently carried out on a higher proportion of the imported foods and for more inspection items for a certain period of time so that inspection will identify violations with a certain statistical reliability (however, if a violation is identified during the period of reinforced monitoring inspection, an inspection order will be issued). - 厚生労働省


ii.For imported foods subject to an inspection order concerning residual agricultural chemicals,etc. (excluding those that should not be detected) for which there have been no violations forthe last two years and the number of the imported foods inspected under the order is morethan 300, where no violation occurs when the inspection order is temporarily cancelled andmonitoring inspection is subsequently carried out on a higher proportion of the importedfoods and for more inspection items for a certain period of time so that inspection willidentify violations with a certain statistical reliability (however, if a violation is identifiedduring the period of reinforced monitoring inspection, an inspection order will be issued). - 厚生労働省


Development of Monitoring Plans To conduct intensive, effective and efficient monitoring inspections, the MHLW shall determine the number of imported foods subject to monitoring inspection and items to be monitored and inspected (hereinafter referred to as “the monitoring plan”), so that inspection will identify violations with a certain statistical reliability, taking into account the violation rate, the number of notifications of imported foods, their volume and the impact of violations on public health with respect to each food group. - 厚生労働省


When all the counting is finished, an integrated list creating part 55 creates an integrated list describing the patient ID and the number of examinations described in the lists of the respective image diagnostic apparatuses including the own image diagnostic apparatus to be displayed in a display part 12. - 特許庁

平成 22 年 12 月に公表した平成 22 年度輸入食品監視指導計画監視結果(中間報告)では、平成 22 年4月から9月までの速報値として、輸入届出件数は約 100万件、輸入重量は約 1,200 万トン、検査件数は輸入届出件数の 12.7%に当たる約 12 万 8 千件であり、うち違反件数は 736 件であった。例文帳に追加

The interim report for the Inspection Results of the Imported Foods Monitoring and Guidance Plan for FY 2010, published in December 2010, provided preliminary figures (Annex 1) of approximately 1,000,000 cases of notification of imports and some 12 million tons in imported volume between April and September 2010.Out of these cases, approximately 128,000 of them, or 12.7% of the overall number of notifications, were inspected. Among the inspected cases, 736 were identified as violations. - 厚生労働省

これらの取組について、平成 20 年 12 月に公表した平成 20 年度輸入食品監視指導計画監視結果(中間報告)では、平成 20 年4月から9月までの速報値として、輸入届出件数は約 89 万件、輸入重量は約 1,200 万トン、検査件数は輸入届出件数の 10.4%に当たる約9万2千件であり、うち違反件数は 501 件であった。例文帳に追加

In relation to these efforts, the interim report for the Inspection Results of the Imported Foods Monitoring and Guidance Plan for FY 2008, published in December 2008, provided preliminary figures of approximately 890,000 cases of notification of imports and some 12 million tons in imported volume between April and September 2008.Out of these cases, approximately 92,000 of them, or 10.4% of the overall number of notifications, were inspected. Among the inspected cases, 501 were identified as violations. - 厚生労働省


As for these efforts, the interim report for the Inspection Results of the Imported Foods Monitoring and Guidance Plan for FY 2011 published in December 2011 provided preliminary figures of approximately 1,040,000 cases of notification of imports and some 13 million tons in imported volume between April and September 2011. Out of these cases, approximately 119,000 of them, or 11.5% of the overall number of notifications, were inspected. Among the inspected cases, 619 were identified as violations. - 厚生労働省


In relation to these efforts, the interim report for the Inspection Results of the Imported Foods Monitoring and Guidance Plan for FY 2009, published in December 2009, provided preliminary figures of approximately 900,000 cases of notification of imports and some 12 million tons in imported volume between April and September 2008.Out of these cases, approximately 108,000 of them, or 12.0% of the overall number of notifications, were inspected.Among the inspected cases, 660 were identified as violations. - 厚生労働省


In relation to these efforts, the interim report for the monitoring results of the ImportedFoods Monitoring and Guidance Plan for FY 2007, published on November 7, 2007, providedpreliminary figures of approximately 910,000 cases of notificated imports and some 12 milliontons in imported volume between April and September 2007.Out of these cases, approximately101,000 of them, or 11.0% of the overall notificated number, were inspected.Among theinspected cases, 619 were identified as violations. - 厚生労働省


Furthermore, if it is confirmed, as a result of survey of information on system, recalls of foods and health hazard in exporting countries, that safety control is properly implemented in the countries concerned for foods exported to Japan, the number of the monitoring inspection cases will be reexamined for the relevant foods. - 厚生労働省

平成 18 年度の届出・検査・違反状況(表 1)をみると、届出件数は約 185 万件であり、届出重量は速報値で約 3,156 万トンであった。例文帳に追加

Looking at the declarations, inspections and violations for FY2006 (Table 1), the number of import declarations was about 1.85 million, and the weight of declared items, based on preliminary figures, was about 31.56 million tons. Inspections were carried out on about 200,000 declarations (11.0%) - 厚生労働省


Next, we checked the receipt of information by the contact offices of the FSA and SESC found out that the SESC's contact office received four pieces of information concerning AIJ Investment Advisors between 2005 and the start of the inspection, of which three were provided by anonymous sources and one by a source which gave its real name.  - 金融庁


In relation to the Better Regulation initiative, you say that the FSA will ask financial institutions to exercise self-regulation or make voluntary improvement efforts. However, frankly speaking, some financial institutions are failing to do what should be done on a voluntary basis. There is a risk that a decrease in the number of administrative actions taken by the FSA could encourage financial institutions to think that they may continue a wrongdoing as long as it is not discovered in an inspection by the FSA. What is your view on possible flaws of the Better Regulation initiative and the lack of efforts by financial institutions?  - 金融庁


As for imported foods produced in a specific country or area, or by a specific business entity, if the number of imported foods violating the Act stands above approximately 5% of the overall number of those inspected, and if it is highly likely that the importation of violating foods will continue, due to the state of food-sanitation control in the exporting country, the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare shall ban the importation of such foods after consulting the Pharmaceutical Affairs and Food Sanitation Council, as long as such a ban is considered to be specifically necessary to prevent food-sanitation problems, taking into account the extent to which such foods may harm human health. - 厚生労働省

法第8条又は法第 17 条の規定に基づく包括的輸入禁止措置。特定の国若しくは地域又は特定の者により製造等がなされた輸入食品等について、当該輸入食品等の検査件数全体に対する違反率が概ね5%以上であること、生産地における食品衛生上の管理の状況等からみて引き続き法に違反する食品等が輸入されるおそれがある場合において、人の健康を損なうおそれの程度等を勘案して、当該輸入食品等に起因する食品衛生上の危害の発生を防止するために特に必要があると認めるときは、厚生労働大臣は、薬事・食品衛生審議会の意見を聴き、輸入禁止措置を講ずる。例文帳に追加

Comprehensive import ban under Article 8 or Article 17 of the Act As for imported foods produced in a specific country or area, or by a specific business entity, if the violation rate stands above approximately 5% of the overall number of those inspected and if it is highly likely that the importation of violating foods will continue, due to the state of food-sanitation control in the exporting country, the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare shall ban the importation of such foods after consulting the Pharmaceutical Affairs and Food Sanitation Council, as long as such a ban is considered to be specifically necessary to prevent food-sanitation problems, taking into account the extent to which such foods may harm human health. - 厚生労働省

検査内容別の違反事例をみると、平成 15 年の食品衛生法改正に基づき、食品中に残留する農薬、飼料添加物及び動物用医薬品(以下「農薬等」という。)について、一定の量を超えて農薬等が残留する食品の販売等を原則禁止するという新しい制度(以下「ポジティブリスト制度」という。)が平成 18 年 5月 29 日から施行されたことから、残留農薬に係る違反事例(表 8-①)が 455件(28.8%:違反延べ件数(1,580 件)に対する割合)と最も多く、次いで冷凍食品等の微生物規格に係る違反事例(表 8-②)297 件(18.8%)、指定外添加物の使用や使用基準違反等の添加物に係る違反事例(表 8-③) 259 件(16.2%)、残留動物用医薬品に係る違反事例(表 8-④)246 件(15.6%)、有害・有毒物質に係る違反事例(表 8-⑤)242 件(15.3%)の順となっている。例文帳に追加

Based on the 2003 revisions to the Food Sanitation Law, a new system (hereinafter referred to as the “Positive List system”) came into force on May 29, 2006. The Positive List system deals with agricultural chemicals, feed additives and veterinary drugs (hereinafter referred to asagricultural chemicals, etc.”) which are residual in food products. It prohibits, in principle, the sale, etc. of food products with residual agricultural chemicals, etc. in excess of a certain defined level. Consequently, violations related to residual agricultural chemicals (Table 8-1) were most common at 455 instances (28.8%: ratio to the gross number of violations (1,580)). This was followed by the 297 (18.8%) violations related to microbiological criteria for frozen foods (Table 8-2); the 259 (16.2%) violations related to additives, such as the use of undesignated additives and noncompliance with the standards for use (Table 8-3); the 246 (15.6%) violations related to residual veterinary drugs (Table 8-4); and the 242 (15.3%) violations related to hazardous or toxic substances (Table 8-5). - 厚生労働省


As for imported foods produced in a specific country or area, or by a specific business entity, if the violation rate stands above approximately 5% of the overall number of those inspected and if it is highly likely that the importation of violating foods will continue, due to the state of food-sanitation control in the exporting country, the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare shall ban the importation of such foods after consulting the Pharmaceutical Affairs and Food Sanitation Council, as long as such a ban is considered to be specifically necessary to prevent food-sanitation problems, taking into account the extent to which such foods may harm human health. - 厚生労働省


薬事食品衛生審議会から、基準値案を了承する答申(平成24年2月24日)≪検査結果の公表≫ (直近発表過去10回分)[第332報]福島県での緊急モニタリング結果、厚生労働科学研究費補助金による測定結果、北海道、青森県、秋田県、山形県、岩手県、宮城県、栃木県、群馬県、茨城県、千葉県、埼玉県、東京都、神奈川県、新潟県、愛知県、京都府、大阪府、兵庫県、島根県、徳島県、愛媛県、高知県、横浜市、藤沢市、金沢市、静岡市、江東区、港区(平成24年2月24日)[第333報]福島県での緊急モニタリング結果、青森市、岩手県、仙台市、山形県、茨城県、栃木県、群馬県、千葉県、神奈川県、相模原市、新潟県、静岡県、滋賀県、京都市、徳島県、愛媛県(平成24年2月27日)[第334報]福島県での緊急モニタリング結果、札幌市、岩手県、秋田県、宮城県、茨城県、群馬県、さいたま市、千葉県、豊島区、神奈川県、横須賀市、藤沢市、新潟県、金沢市、長野県、大津市、京都市、大阪府(平成24年2月28日)[第335報]福島県での緊急モニタリング結果、北海道、青森県、岩手県、宮城県、山形県、いわき市、群馬県、柏市、東京都、神奈川県、藤沢市、新潟県、長野県、山梨県、愛知県、名古屋市、大阪市、神戸市、鳥取県、島根県(平成24年2月29日)[第336報]福島県での緊急モニタリング結果、岩手県、仙台市、山形県、茨城県、栃木県、群馬県、さいたま市、千葉県、神奈川県、藤沢市、新潟県、富山県、静岡県、浜松市、京都市(平成24年3月1日)[第337報]福島県での緊急モニタリング結果、北海道、岩手県、宮城県、山形県、茨城県、栃木県、群馬県、埼玉県、千葉県、東京都、神奈川県、川崎市、新潟県、金沢市、長野県、姫路市、鳥取県、徳島県(平成24年3月2日)[第338報]札幌市、岩手県、仙台市、山形県、茨城県、群馬県、港区、神奈川県、横浜市、相模原市、新潟県、兵庫県、鳥取県、島根県、愛媛県(平成24年3月5日)[第339報]福島県での緊急モニタリング結果、北海道、山形県、群馬県、さいたま市、千葉県、横須賀市、新潟県、金沢市、長野県、名古屋市、京都市、大阪府、島根県(平成24年3月6日)[第340報]福島県での緊急モニタリング結果、北海道、岩手県、秋田県、宮城県、山形県、いわき市、群馬県、千葉県、東京都、神奈川県、藤沢市、新潟県、新潟市、金沢市、静岡県、愛知県、大阪府、大阪市、鳥取県(平成24年3月7日)[第341報]福島県での緊急モニタリング結果、仙台市、山形県、茨城県、神奈川県、新潟県、新潟市、山梨県、大阪府、鳥取県、島根県(平成24年3月8日)【検査実施状況】検査件数121,415件、うち暫定規制値超過1,168件(平成24年3月8日現在)例文帳に追加

The Pharmaceutical Affairs and Food Sanitation Council reported in response to the Minister's consultation by approving the proposed standard limits (February 24, 2012) <<Public announcement of survey results>> (10 most recent data announced)[332rd announcement] The results of emergency monitoring surveys conducted in Fukushima Prefecture; results of measurements subsidized by the Health and Labour Sciences Research Grant; Hokkaido, Aomori Prefecture, Akita Prefecture, Yamagata Prefecture, Iwate Prefecture, Miyagi Prefecture, Tochigi Prefecture, Gunma Prefecture, Ibaraki Prefecture, Chiba Prefecture, Saitama Prefecture, Tokyo, Kanagawa Prefecture, Niigata Prefecture, Aichi Prefecture, Kyoto Prefecture, Osaka Prefecture, Hyogo Prefecture, Shimane Prefecture, Tokushima Prefecture, Ehime Prefecture, Kochi Prefecture, Yokohama-shi (city), Fujisawa-shi (city), Kanazawa-shi (city), Shizuoka-shi (city), Koto-ku (ward)/Tokyo, and Minato-ku (ward)/Tokyo (February 24, 2012) [333rd announcement] The results of emergency monitoring surveys conducted in Fukushima Prefecture; Aomori-shi (city), Iwate Prefecture, Sendai-shi (city), Yamagata Prefecture, Ibaraki Prefecture, Tochigi Prefecture, Gunma Prefecture, Chiba Prefecture, Kanagawa Prefecture, Sagamihara-shi (city), Niigata Prefecture, Shizuoka Prefecture, Shiga Prefecture, Kyoto-shi (city), Tokushima Prefecture, and Ehime Prefecture (February 27, 2012) [334th announcement] The results of emergency monitoring surveys conducted in Fukushima Prefecture; Sapporo-shi (city), Iwate Prefecture, Akita Prefecture, Miyagi Prefecture, Ibaraki Prefecture, Gunma Prefecture, Saitama-shi (city), Chiba Prefecture, Toshima-ku (ward)/Tokyo, Kanagawa Prefecture, Yokosuka-shi (city), Fujisawa-shi (city), ― 45Niigata Prefecture, Kanazawa-shi (city), Nagano Prefecture, Otsu-shi (city), Kyoto-shi (city), and Osaka Prefecture (February 28, 2012)[335th announcement] The results of emergency monitoring surveys conducted in Fukushima Prefecture; Hokkaido, Aomori Prefecture, Iwate Prefecture, Miyagi Prefecture, Yamagata Prefecture, Iwaki-shi (city), Gunma Prefecture, Kashiwa-shi (city), Tokyo, Kanagawa Prefecture, Fujisawa-shi (city), Niigata Prefecture, Nagano Prefecture, Yamanashi Prefecture, Aichi Prefecture, Nagoya-shi (city), Osaka-shi (city), Kobe-shi (city), Tottori Prefecture, and Shimane Prefecture (February 29, 2012)[336th announcement] The results of emergency monitoring surveys conducted in Fukushima Prefecture; Iwate Prefecture, Sendai-shi (city), Yamagata Prefecture, Ibaraki Prefecture, Tochigi Prefecture, Gunma Prefecture, Saitama-shi (city), Chiba Prefecture, Kanagawa Prefecture, Fujisawa-shi (city), Niigata Prefecture, Toyama Prefecture, Shizuoka Prefecture, Hamamatsu-shi (city), and Kyoto-shi (city) (March 1, 2012)[337th announcement] The results of emergency monitoring surveys conducted in Fukushima Prefecture; Hokkaido, Iwate Prefecture, Miyagi Prefecture, Yamagata Prefecture, Ibaraki Prefecture, Tochigi Prefecture, Gunma Prefecture, Saitama Prefecture, Chiba Prefecture, Tokyo, Kanagawa Prefecture, Kawasaki-shi (city), Niigata Prefecture, Kanazawa-shi (city), Nagano Prefecture, Himeji-shi (city), Tottori Prefecture and Tokushima Prefecture (March 2, 2012)[338th announcement] Sapporo-shi (city), Iwate Prefecture, Sendai-shi (city), Yamagata Prefecture, Ibaraki Prefecture, Gunma Prefecture, Minato-ku (ward)/Tokyo, Kanagawa Prefecture, Yokohama-shi (city), Sagamihara-shi (city), Niigata Prefecture, Hyogo Prefecture, Tottori Prefecture, Shimane Prefecture, and Ehime Prefecture (March 5, 2012) [339th announcement] The results of emergency monitoring surveys conducted in Fukushima Prefecture; Hokkaido, Yamagata Prefecture, Gunma Prefecture, Saitama-shi (city), Chiba Prefecture, Yokosuka-shi (city), Niigata Prefecture, Kanazawa-shi (city), Nagano Prefecture, Nagoya-shi (city), Kyoto-shi (city), Osaka Prefecture, and Shimane Prefecture (March 6, 2012) [340th announcement] The results of emergency monitoring surveys conducted in Fukushima Prefecture; Hokkaido, Iwate Prefecture, Akita Prefecture, Miyagi Prefecture, Yamagata Prefecture, Iwaki-shi (city), Gunma Prefecture, Chiba Prefecture, Tokyo, Kanagawa Prefecture, Fujisawa-shi (city), Niigata Prefecture, Niigata-shi (city), Kanazawa-shi (city), Shizuoka Prefecture, Aichi Prefecture, Osaka Prefecture, Osaka-shi (city), and Tottori Prefecture (March7, 2012)[341st announcement] The results of emergency monitoring surveys conducted in Fukushima Prefecture; Sendai-shi (city), Yamagata Prefecture, Ibaraki Prefecture, Kanagawa Prefecture, Niigata Prefecture, Niigata-shi (city), Yamanashi Prefecture, Osaka Prefecture, Tottori Prefecture, and Shimane Prefecture (March 8, 2012)【The implementation status of surveys】 121,415 survey cases, out of which 1,168 cases exceeded the provisional regulation values (as of March 8, 2012) - 厚生労働省


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