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該当件数 : 90件
Then, exception processing is executed in a condition judgement NS403. - 特許庁
Switching conditions for exceptionally switching print conditions by the page units of originals for basic print conditions and the switched exceptional print conditions are preliminarily set. - 特許庁
to write conditions or exceptions for the former waiting - EDR日英対訳辞書
An exception processing part 11000 extracts an exception condition from a job state definition table 10 and inputs this exception condition to a status watcher 11010. - 特許庁
Until the exception condition is resolved, resources for allowing the second thread to dispatch are not be released which can prevent dispatch of the first thread for resolving the exception condition. - 特許庁
例えば、DivisionByZero が設定されていると、エラー条件が生じた際に DivisionByZero 例外を送出します。例文帳に追加
For example, if the DivisionByZero trap is set, then a DivisionByZeroexception is raised upon encountering the condition. - Python
To prevent scalar repeat processing time from being uselessly generated before the detection of an exceptional condition due to the transmission of the whole vector instructions to an exceptional processing tool in order to execute exceptional processing generated in vector instruction processing. - 特許庁
An exception generating server receives information on both objects of comparison, an aim in the joint prediction work and data to be used as auxiliaries in generating the exceptional conditions. - 特許庁
To provide a method and a circuit for detecting and dealing with function stop of exception condition due to use of resource. - 特許庁
To enable appropriate exceptional conditions to be generated for achieving an aim in a joint prediction work and to enable the exceptional conditions to be altered by using prediction data or other auxiliary data accumulated while the joint prediction work is performed. - 特許庁
A maskable exception, which is immediately trapped or is later detected and controls a conditional processing, can be generated. - 特許庁
このモードが使われている場合、制御状態情報の存在がマスタ側から読み込めるかは、例外的な条件でselect (2)例文帳に追加
While this mode is in use, the presence of control status information to be read from the master side may be detected by a select (2) for exceptional conditions. - JM
例外として、一定の条件下(本人の文書による同意適切な医学的管理等)でヘルパ ー等による実施を容認。例文帳に追加
In exceptional cases, they may be performed by helpers under some circumstances (written consent of the patient, appropriate medical supervision, etc.). - 厚生労働省
An exceptional condition server obtains a relation between compared object data on both sides received and a relation between the comparison object data on both sides and the auxiliary data by using a statistic analysis method and, on the basis of the relations, obtains exception conditions respectively which satisfy each of set points received. - 特許庁
Also for jobs for which printing is restricted, printing control is performed flexibly so that printing is allowed exceptionally under particular conditions. - 特許庁
すべての審理は,規則9 第2 条に規定する例外に従うことを条件として,事件が終了するまで継続して行われる。例文帳に追加
All hearings shall be continuous until the case is terminated subject to exceptions provided under Section 2 of Rule 9. - 特許庁
復旧不可能な、下位のライブラリの例外 事前の条件チェックによるエラーの場合は、失敗したチェックの内容を説明に含めましょう。例文帳に追加
Uncorrectable lower library exceptions Errors detected during precondition checks should contain a description of the failed check. - PEAR
IMAP プロトコルは少なくとも一つの条件 (criterion) が指定されるよう要求しています;サーバがエラーを返した場合、例外が送出されます。例文帳に追加
The IMAP protocol requires that at least onecriterion be specified; an exception will be raised when the server returns an error.Example: - Python
Even in the case that the condition is satisfied, origination of the call is permitted exceptionally when the another communication terminal is a communication terminal indicated by origination permission terminal information. - 特許庁
These techniques are used as the normal mode of operation, or invoked upon exception condition, depending on the system characteristics. - 特許庁
Storage means 1a stores definition information for defining predetermined conditions corresponding to progress of processing of a predetermined program and exception program components generating predetermined exceptions for the program in association with the program. - 特許庁
However, vassals of the Inada clan, the keepers of Sumoto-jo Castle, who were known for the Kogo incident (also known as Inada uproar), were exceptionally promoted to the warrior class under strict conditions such as their migration to Hokkaido. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
しかし、モノの貿易については、GATT 第 24 条において、関税同盟、自由貿易地域などの設立が一定の条件の下に最恵国待遇の例外として認められている。例文帳に追加
However, in case of trade in goods, Article 24 of GATT allows formation of a customs union or free trade areas under certain conditions, as exceptions to the most-favored treatment. - 経済産業省
The court shall hear requests for the review of decisions taken by the Hungarian Patent Office in accordance with the rules of non-contentious civil procedure, subject to the exceptions mentioned in this Act. - 特許庁
While referring to data in an application data base 80, when there is a change for satisfying the preset exception condition, the status watcher 11010 outputs the change to a user retrieval part 11020. - 特許庁
In this case, to the phrases satisfied with predetermined conditions, exception processing is given such that an original text and its reading are output rather than they are replaced with words registered in the dictionary data. - 特許庁
例外をスローする側の立場で考えると、エラーには三種類あります。 事前の条件チェックによって見つかったエラー 下位レベルのライブラリから、エラーコードやオブジェクトで返されたエラー例文帳に追加
From the point of view of exception throwing, there are three classes of error conditions: Errors detected during precondition checks Lower level library errors signaled via error return codes or error return objects - PEAR
Thus, the condition bit (38) may be used to determine whether exception processing occurred during an interrupt non-recognition interval after execution of the IDLY4 instruction. - 特許庁
NetBeans デバッガには、行とメソッドの標準ブレークポイントに加えて、高度なクラス、スレッド、例外、および変数のブレークポイントもあります。 これらのカスタムブレークポイントは、キャッチされなかった例外、クラス読み込み、変数アクセスなどの条件やイベントによってトリガーされるように設定できます。例文帳に追加
In addition to the standard line and method breakpoints,the NetBeans debugger provides advanced Class, Thread, Exception, and Variable breakpoints.Configure these custom breakpoints to be triggered by conditions and events such as uncaught exceptions, class loading, or variable access. - NetBeans
While the program is executing, test processing means 1d monitors whether the determined conditions are met, and if the conditions are met, the test processing means 1d refers to the definition information to perform an operation test of the program by calling the exception program components corresponding to the program. - 特許庁
The management rules may include rules for such things as identifying the dedicated storage device, configuring the dedicated storage device, sending disk protocol messages to the dedicated storage device, handling disk protocol message received from the dedicated storage device, and handling error and exception conditions. - 特許庁
The management rules may include rules for such things as identifying a dedicated storage device, configuring the dedicated storage device, sending disk protocol messages to the dedicated storage device, handling disk protocol messages received from the dedicated storage device, and handling error and exception conditions. - 特許庁
There are two chief reasons for the necessity of these exceptions. The first is that, in order to maintain the multilateral trade system, it is necessary to permit exceptional measures in a controlled manner when specific criteria are met. - 経済産業省
(1) 大公国規則では,例外的な事態に関して,かつ,一般的な措置によって,年金の納付期限又はそれが特定し条件を規定すべき他の期限を延長することができる。例文帳に追加
1. A Grand-Ducal regulation may, with respect to exceptional situations and by a general measure, grant an extension of the time limits for the payment of annual fees or for other time limits that it shall specify and for which it shall lay down the conditions. - 特許庁
Subject to the exceptions following from sections 10 to 12, the design right shall imply that nobody may exploit the design without the consent of the holder of the right. - 特許庁
Subject to the exceptions stated below, the right to a design shall imply that no person other than the design right owner is entitled to use the design without his or her consent. - 特許庁
Under the Enabling Clause, FTAs aiming at the reduction or abolition of tariffs or nontariff barriers among developing countries are admitted as an exception to Article 1 of GATT (General Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment), provided that the following conditions are met. - 経済産業省
This is due to the fact that, as a prerequisite for World Heritage registration, each item or site being registered is desired to be already under the protection of the laws of its origin county as a cultural asset, so the exceptional step was taken of designating the warehouse a national treasure. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
授権条項は、以下のような要件に適合することを条件に、発展途上国間の関税・非関税障壁の削減・撤廃を目指す地域貿易協定を、GATT 第1条(最恵国待遇)の例外として認めている。例文帳に追加
The Enabling Clause exempts RTAs entered into among developing countries for the mutual reduction or elimination of tariffs and non-tariff measures from the most-favourednation principle under Article I of GATT, provided the following conditions, are met. - 経済産業省
The acts constituting infringement of a registered trade mark, if done without the consent of the owner, are specified in section 18 (infringement of registered trade mark) but are subject to the exceptions specified in section 19 (exceptions to infringement), section 20 (exhaustion of rights conferred by registered trade mark) and section 21 (use in advertising, etc.). - 特許庁
The Controller may refuse to recognise as agent or other representative for the purposes of applying for European patents any person who does not satisfy the conditions mentioned in subsection (1) and does not fall within the exception in subsection (2). - 特許庁
Unlike the multilateral trade liberalization efforts by the WTO, under EAPs/FTAs, countries can flexibly and tactfully choose countries, regions and sectors as long as certain requirements under the WTO agreements are satisfied. - 経済産業省
(3) (2)にいう条件は存在しないが,ハンガリー特許庁が,当該自然人の他の事情を考慮にいれて,当該自然人及びその扶養家族の生活が危険に曝されていると判断した場合も,例外的に免除及び猶予が認められる。例文帳に追加
(3) Exemption and deferment may be granted exceptionally also if the conditions specified in paragraph (2) do not exist but the Hungarian Patent Office ? taking other circumstances of the natural person into consideration ? finds that the subsistence of the natural person and his dependents is endangered. - 特許庁
The Office shall be located at such a place in the State as may be designated from time to time by the Minister, and the functions of the office of Controller shall be discharged at that place, subject to such exceptions as the Minister may from time to time specify in writing. - 特許庁
To exceptionally permit driving even in a situation where vehicle driving is principally limited by establishment of a predetermined driving limiting condition in a vehicle driving limiting device and a vehicle driving limiting release system. - 特許庁
・Quantitative restrictions necessary to prevent sudden increases in imports from causing serious injury to domestic producers or to relieve producers who have suffered such injury (Article XIX); - 経済産業省
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