意味 | 例文 (266件) |
該当件数 : 266件
raised a speculative eyebrow - 日本語WordNet
successful conjecture by unusual insight or good luck - 日本語WordNet
one's appearance by which one's status or occupation can be guessed - EDR日英対訳辞書
the sampling research method - EDR日英対訳辞書
Presumably SAKANOUE no Okina died on or shortly before this day. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
I am guessing that the price of real estate will rise again - 日本語WordNet
Kaishu KATSU speculated that the assassination was instructed by the high-ranking officials of the Shogunate. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
It is assumed to be a square barrow of side 40 meters or more. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
This, I must remind you, was my speculation at the time. - H. G. Wells『タイムマシン』
To provide a camera improving the estimating accuracy of the lens position when the lens position is estimated based on a control result in AF control. - 特許庁
The error image is blurred and weighted, and then combined with the initial supposition image to update the supposition image and correct for blur. - 特許庁
To provide a game information display system capable of improving the accuracy of setting value prediction and improving the joy of the setting value prediction further. - 特許庁
Thus, cumulative error of the lens estimated position estimated based on the control amount of an AF control section is reset, so that the estimating accuracy of the lens position can be improved. - 特許庁
It is desirable that the movement detecting means has a position estimating portion for estimating the position of the opening/closing element on the track in a certain estimating method. - 特許庁
The year of his birth is unknown as described above, but Sadahiro TERANISHI and other scholars estimated that he was born in 673. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
And based on this, he denied the Omi-Ryo theory, supposing that Omi-Ryo did not include the provisions on imperial succession. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
It is more reasonable to suppose that the incident happened around the time of the construction of the Geku. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
We can guess that Prince Otomo was the "de facto emperor" during the period from the demise of Emperor Tenchi and the end of the Jinshin War. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The above story is described in "Nihonshoki" (Chronicles of Japan), and it is thought that the 500 soldiers were brought by Miyake. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
To detect an artifact on an image by simple operation and conjectures the cause of each artifact. - 特許庁
The blurred supposition image is compared with the motion blurred image to generate an error image. - 特許庁
Appearance of surface leakages above the ground indicates leakage rate of whole system is supposed to be high. - 厚生労働省
したがって、間違いなく、そして、うまく、ただたまたま推測しました 史上で最も大きい映画のような啓示?例文帳に追加
Okay, right, so you just happened to guess the biggest cinematic reveal in history? - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
When the peak point of the envelope wave is determined, the sensor ECU 130 estimates the rise time of the envelope wave, from the data of the sampling table; and when it is set to an estimation value table, the sensor ECU 130 specifies the three-dimensional position of the obstacle by using the estimation value table. - 特許庁
To improve the complemented precision by estimating an optimum complementary candidate according to a user's state on each occasion, and to further improve the information input efficiency by further estimating and presenting information relevant to the complementary candidate. - 特許庁
The sensor ECU 130 extracts rise estimates having differences within a prescribed range from the candidate table with reference to rise estimates determined at the previous measurement timing and sets them in an average table. - 特許庁
To provide a hoist having a function of clearly displaying the estimated value of the life of the hoist without relying on the subjectivity of the user and of accurately estimating the life. - 特許庁
Then, when the distance between estimated coordinates P_4 and the coordinates P actually received from the coordinate detecting device is not smaller than a threshold, the received coordinates are invalidated, and the estimated coordinates P_4 are adopted. - 特許庁
In a faradaic current estimation step, the value of faradaic current in steady state is estimated by performing linear approximation on a Cottrell plot for the current response acquired in the current response acquisition step. - 特許庁
When a time required for uploading the image data of a digital camera 7(10) assumed by an upload assuming device 2 is a set time or more, the server device 1 transmits contents for display to the digital camera 7(10). - 特許庁
To estimate the height of a road highly accurately by estimating the height of the road based on specific point data of a specific point enabling to grasp beforehand the actual height of the road. - 特許庁
The system positions an actual measurement position of the first transportation device and also estimates an estimated position on a second route on the assumption that the user moves on the second route by the second transportation device. - 特許庁
Then, the progress display system 10 positions an actual measurement position of the first transportation means and also estimates an estimated position on a second route on the assumption that the user moves on the second route by the second transportation means. - 特許庁
It is thereby possible for a user to easily grasp the locational relationship between the estimated arrival location and the starting location and whether the estimated arrival location is located in the guidance route. - 特許庁
An initial supposition image based on the motion blurred image is generated and the supposition image is blurred as a function of the estimated blur direction and blur extent. - 特許庁
To reduce a compensation error significantly and improve compensation accuracy by estimating error data in a high amplitude range where there is no feedback data during a normal operation and using the estimated data as well to carry out a compensation operation. - 特許庁
Since the upper part of Hodo (covering soil) has been taken out, the shape of Kofun is presumed to have been a two-layer square, a dome-shaped mound on a square base or an octagonal base mound. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
To generate screen information to display an image relating to photograph on a map after estimating a photographing position suitably. - 特許庁
It can be presumed that the price shifts in China are extremely slow-paced, and there continues to be a large gap between the upstream and downstream rates of price increase. - 経済産業省
With the current position recognition means 4, candidate positions on the road are extracted based on the estimated current position and the existence of most probable candidate position on the road is judged from the correlation with the estimated current position and the erroneous calculation circle is set according to the existence of the most probable candidate position on the road. - 特許庁
Even well into a project, it's impossible to guess where we stand on the "bug curve". - コンピューター用語辞典
Based on the materials, it is supposed that clothes for both female and male were separated into two parts for the upper half of the body and the lower half of the body. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Kenji MURAKAMI who researches and studies 'yokai' presumes that people figured sea turtles as 'yokai' such as 'oshouo' and 'Irikame nyudo'. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
However, in the nature that they were concurrently farmers, it is considered to be hard to mobilize them during the busiest farming season and thus it was impossible to make them fight battles over a long period of time. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
It is said that the partition paintings in the Kohojo are the work of Tanyu KANO, but the style has led to speculation that they are in fact the work of numerous artists. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The grave is located where the embankment of the moat used to be before the moat was expanded to collect water, resulting in the formation of an island. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
意味 | 例文 (266件) |
日本語ワードネット1.1版 (C) 情報通信研究機構, 2009-2025 License. All rights reserved. WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.License |
Copyright (c) 1995-2025 Kenkyusha Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. |
Copyright © National Institute of Information and Communications Technology. All Rights Reserved. |
Copyright (C) 1994- Nichigai Associates, Inc., All rights reserved. |
Copyright Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. All Rights Reserved. |
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原題:”The Time Machine” 邦題:『タイムマシン』 | This work has been released into the public domain by the copyright holder. This applies worldwide. 翻訳: 山形浩生<hiyori13@alum.mit.edu> © 2003 山形浩生 本翻訳は、この版権表示を残す限りにおいて、訳者および著者にたいして許可をとったり使用料を支払ったりすることいっさいなしに、商業利用を含むあらゆる形で自由に利用・複製が認められる。(「この版権表示を残す」んだから、「禁無断複製」とかいうのはダメだぞ) プロジェクト杉田玄白 正式参加作品。詳細はhttp://www.genpaku.org/を参照のこと。 |
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