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該当件数 : 30



a hidden sector of the economy where private cash transactions go unreported  - 日本語WordNet

フィリピンの2011 年3 月の数値は、未公表例文帳に追加

The figures for the Philippines in March 2011 have not been disclosed. - 経済産業省


For cells containing no values, there were no published data as of the release of preliminary values. - 経済産業省


We withhold the publication of the suspect's name, as he is a minor.  - 研究社 新和英中辞典



The boy's name has not been made public because of his age. - 旅行・ビジネス英会話翻訳例文



Notes: Amount of trade between ASEAN and MERCOSUR is not shown due to any data has been published yet. - 経済産業省


- Details of the final decision and the timing of the imposition of the measures were not made public.  - 経済産業省


Notes:The numbers for Ireland and Portugal are latest data. For Greece, the seasonally-adjusted data has not been announced officially afterQ2, 2011. - 経済産業省


Their precise number, however, is unknown as relevant official inventories or pictorial records have not been issued by the Agency for Cultural Affairs.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



On the European front as well, I heard that before dawn on the 24th, the results of a stress test covering 91 banks will be announced.  - 金融庁



Figure 1-2-4-8 shows the added value per employee in major service industries in major European countries and the United States (data of the United Kingdom are not published). - 経済産業省


Notes:The data is re-calculated and converted from the index of 2005=100into 2000=100. The values for 2011 are expected value. - 経済産業省


A corporation deemed to be insolvent as a result of inspection by an inspection department or through an external audit shall be deemed to fall under the category of thecorporations deemed to be insolvent from an objective standpointas specified under Article 17(3)(iii) Table (Note 3)(4) of the Capital Adequacy Notice.  - 金融庁


E-learning Vendor posts the copyrighted work of exam questions already made public on its website and transmits to the test-taker who enters its ID and/or password.  - 経済産業省


Though the final contents and timing of the legislation have yet to be decided, the contents currently under consideration are discussed below on the basis of documents made public so far (Fig. 2.1.45). - 経済産業省


MHLW summarizes the nation-wide inspection results and regularly announces them publicly together with the charts indicating the inspected areas (with the legend ofless than index levels”, “the restriction of intake by infants”, and “the restriction of intake by general public) and the non-inspected areas. - 厚生労働省


Therefore, I expect that it will take some time to closely examine the contents of reports and grasp the actual state through hearings.  - 金融庁


I recognize that as the head of an administrative agency, I must take great care to prevent harmful rumors. Regarding the results of the second-round survey, we have not made a decision as to what to do, including whether to announce the key points.  - 金融庁

(3) (2)は, (a) 登録官が公開の特許出願に関する書誌情報を公表し又は他の者に通報することを妨げるものではなく,また, (b) 大臣が第33条(5)に基づいて特許出願又は関連書類を閲覧し又は閲覧を委任することを妨げるものではない。例文帳に追加

(3) Subsection (2) shall not prevent -- (a) the Registrar from publishing or communicating to others any bibliographic information about an unpublished application for a patent; or (b) the Minister from inspecting or authorising the inspection of an application for a patent or any connected document under section 33(5). - 特許庁

(3) 公表されていない登録意匠についての権利の侵害に関する訴訟は,訴訟の被告とされる者に登録簿及び登録意匠関連ファイルに含まれているデータを閲覧する機会を与えることを条件としてのみ,開始することができる。例文帳に追加

(3) The court proceedings on the infringement of the rights from the registered design, which has not been published yet, shall start only under the condition, that the person whom the proposal has been instituted against should be enabled to access the data contained in the Register and in the file related to the registered design. - 特許庁


It would be too early to say anything definitive regarding the financial results of major banks for the first quarter of fiscal 2008, or the April-June period, as some banks have not yet announced their results. However, according to the results so far announced, net core business profits generally dropped by 20-30% year-on-year, and many banks also posted a decline in net profit.  - 金融庁


My question concerns an issue that has emerged since last week. The illegal use of electronic personal information that leaked from Alico Japan via the Internet constitutes a new type of crime, and it has caused significant social damage. Minister Yosano has indicated that it is necessary to consider taking criminal code measures. How does the FSA intend to deal with cases like this in general?  - 金融庁


If Mr. Namikawa was referring to the absence of the announcement by Incubator Bank of Japan, whose business operations were taken over by the Second Bridge Bank of Japan, our answer is that since Incubator Bank of Japan is not a listed company, I understand that it is taking the procedure to announce its financial results in the fiscal first half within three months from the end of the fiscal first half in accordance with the Banking Act.  - 金融庁


As I told you at my previous press conference, we have not decided what to do with the results of the second-round survey, including whether to publish them, since it is possible that there may be cases that require a more in-depth survey or an additional inspection by the Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission.  - 金融庁

(3) 特許明細書には,特許付与の基礎となった特許クレーム,発明の説明及び図面を含める。特許明細書はまた,出願の対象である発明の特許性を評価する際に特許庁が考慮に入れた刊行物(第43条(1))も記載しなければならない。要約(第36条)が公表されていない場合は,これも特許明細書に含める。例文帳に追加

(3) The patent specification shall include the patent claims, description and drawings, on the basis of which the patent was granted. The patentspecification shall also state the publications which the Patent Office has taken into account when assessing the patentability of the invention being the subject matter of the application (Section 43(1)). If the abstract (Section 36) has not yet been published, it shall be included in the patent specification.  - 特許庁


The actual situation regarding the problem of soil contamination is not necessarily clear, and a system of law has not been developed. In July 2006, however, the Chinese government announced an estimated result that more than 10% of agricultural land nationwide is polluted by heavy metals such as copper, mercury, and chrome, and agricultural chemicals, and that the economic losses caused by this amount to over 20 billion yuan. - 経済産業省


Now, let me answer the question(*) that I received in the previous press conference from Mr. Namikawa of Toyo Keizai, who is here today. He asked me about the absence of the announcement of the financial results of Incubator Bank of Japan in the fiscal first half. The Second Bridge Bank of Japan, which has taken over the business operations of Incubator Bank of Japan, is not a listed company, so I understand that it is taking the procedure to announce its financial results in the fiscal first half within three months from the end of the fiscal first half in accordance with the Banking Act.  - 金融庁

7. 我々は、国際基準の遵守状況を改善し、非協力的な国・地域を特定するプロセスを強化する要求を改めて表明する。我々は、戦略上の欠陥を有する国・地域の公表リストの FATF による次回の更新と、FSB により次回の G20 サミットの前に評価される、全ての国・地域の公表リストを期待している。我々は、透明性及び情報交換についてのグローバル・フォーラムにより発出された 18 のピア・レビューを歓迎し、これまでのところ、実効的な情報交換を実現するための要素が導入であるとされた全ての国・地域に対し、直ちにその脆弱性に対処するよう強く促す。我々は、完了すると見込まれる約 60 のフェーズ 1 のレビューに基づく、特に国・地域のフォーラムへの協力の質、遵守の水準及び解決の欠陥に対処するための 2011年 11月までの進捗の報告を期待している。我々は、より多くの国・地域に対し、グローバル・フォーラムに参加し、その基準を実施することをコミットするよう求める。我々は、全ての国・地域に対し、租税情報交換協定のネットワークを更に拡大することを強く促し、国・地域に対し、税務行政執行共助条約に署名することを考慮するよう奨励する。例文帳に追加

7. We reiterated our call to improve compliance with international standards and strengthen the process of identifying non-cooperative jurisdictions. We look forward to the forthcoming update by FATF of the public list of jurisdictions with strategic deficiencies and to a public list of all jurisdictions evaluated by the FSB ahead of the next G20 Leaders Summit. We welcome the 18 peer reviews issued by the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information and urge all jurisdictions so far identified as not having the elements in place to achieve an effective exchange of information to promptly address the weaknesses. We look forward to the progress report by November 2011, based on the expected completion of around 60 phase 1 reviews, to address in particular the jurisdictions' quality of cooperation with the Forum, level of compliance and unsolved deficiencies. We call upon more jurisdictions to join the Global Forum and to commit to implementing the standards. We urge all jurisdictions to extend further their networks of Tax Information Exchange Agreements and encourage jurisdictions to consider signing the Multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters.  - 財務省

さらに、① 内定を取り消された者に対する支援として、「若年者等正規雇用化特別奨励金」について、内定を取り消されて就職先が決定の学生を正規雇用する事業主も、特例措置として同奨励金の支給の対象とすることとした。② 内定取消しの然防止策として、2009年1月に省令の改正等を行い、ハローワークが内定取消し事案を一元的に把握することとするとともに、基準を満たすものについては企業名を公表することができることとした。また、新卒者の雇用の安定を確保するため、新卒採用後直ちに教育訓練・出向・休業をさせて雇用を維持する場合も、雇用調整助成金等の対象に特例的に追加し、賃金・手当の5分の4(大企業3分の2)を助成することとした。例文帳に追加

Furthermore, as a support towards those whose employment offers were withdrawn, as stated in (1), regarding the “Special Grant to Promote Regular Employment among the youth etc. the scope was extended to employers who employ graduates, whose employment places are unsettled due to withdrawals of employment offers, as regular employees as a special measure and as a preventive measure on withdrawals of employment offers, a ministerial ordinance was revised in January 2009, and the Hello Work was enabled to disclose the names of the companies under certain conditions, while seizing cases of withdrawals of employment offers unitary. - 厚生労働省



As you know, we require that banks, whose capital base has been strengthened through the injection of public funds under the Act concerning Emergency Measures for Early Strengthening of Financial Functions, draw up management enhancement plans that include measures to secure the financial resources necessary for the repayment of public funds. Our basic approach is to encourage financial institutions to exercise self-discipline by requiring the submission of reports on the implementation of such plans and by disclosing the results. According to the guidelines concerning management enhancement plans, if a financial institution fails to meet targets included in its plan - for example, if its net profit is more than 30% lower than the target - the FSA will demand the submission of a report explaining reasons for the shortfall and other matters and consider the possibility of issuing a business improvement order based on close examination of the report.  - 金融庁


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