
「証拠となる」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(2ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 327



The Air Force team detects tell-tale emissions from nuclear reprocessing. - 旅行・ビジネス英会話翻訳例文


One problem with foreign exchange margin transactions is that margin calls may be made any time when the margin rate is set at hundreds of times.  - 金融庁

第三百七条 証拠物中書面の意義が証拠となるものの取調をするについては、前条の規定による外、第三百五条の規定による。例文帳に追加

Article 307 Material evidence whose purport serves as evidence shall be examined pursuant to the preceding Article and Article 305.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


It is understood that the exchange of information provided for in that Article does not include measures aimed only at the simple collection of pieces of evidence (“fishing expeditions”).  - 財務省



(2) If the applicant files such further evidence with the Registrar, the applicant shall at the same time send a copy of that evidence to the registered owner. - 特許庁


第二百三十四条 裁判所は、あらかじめ証拠調べをしておかなければその証拠を使用することが困難となる事情があると認めるときは、申立てにより、この章の規定に従い、証拠調べをすることができる。例文帳に追加

Article 234 When the court finds that there are circumstances under which, unless the examination of evidence is conducted in advance, it would be difficult to examine the evidence, it may conduct an examination of the evidence pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter upon petition.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(3) 第10条に基づく登録官の証明書は,当該証明書中の陳述の証拠となる例文帳に追加

(3) A certificate of the Registrar under Section 10 is evidence of the statements contained in the certificate. - 特許庁

(1) 登録簿は,本法により記載することが要求又は許可されているすべて事項の証拠となる例文帳に追加

(1) The Register is evidence of all matters required or authorized by this Act to be entered in it. - 特許庁

(3) 第9条に基づく登録官の証明書は,当該証明書に記載される陳述の証拠となる例文帳に追加

(3) A certificate of the Registrar under Section 9 is evidence of the statements contained in the certificate. - 特許庁



a rule that declares not admissible as evidence any statement other than that by a witness  - 日本語WordNet


五 申立人が前号の証拠となるべきものを自ら収集することが困難である事由例文帳に追加

(v) Grounds that make it difficult for the petitioner to collect the materials that are to serve as evidence set forth in the preceding item by himself/herself  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Admit further evidence orally, or on affidavit or otherwise;  - 特許庁


evidence, including convincing statement or explanations, which form the basis for the granting of the compulsory license  - 特許庁


A public instrument or private document providing sufficient evidence shall be attached to such request. - 特許庁


No further evidence shall be filed except by leave or direction of the Registrar.  - 特許庁


No further evidence shall be filed except by leave or direction of the Registrar.  - 特許庁

(b) 他方当事者に対して更なる証拠の写しを送達することについての許可例文帳に追加

(b) for permission to serve a copy of further evidence on the other party. - 特許庁

(ii) (1)(b)に該当する申請の場合-更なる証拠の写しを送達することについての許可例文帳に追加

(ii) in the case of an application to which paragraph (1)(b) applies -- permission to serve a copy of further evidence; is appropriate. - 特許庁


When an end time of the amount decrease time comes, examination using the margin in reserve during a normal time is returned. - 特許庁


The Registrar may if he thinks fit in any particular case take oral evidence in lieu of or in addition to such evidence and shall allow any witness to be cross-examined on his affidavit or declaration, unless he directs otherwise.  - 特許庁


Since input of inspection points, input of the inspection results, imaging of the evidence photographs, and acceptance determination or retaking the evidence photographs is done using the portable terminal 3 in particular, the portability and operability at an inspection site is high and the good evidence photographs is secured reliably at the inspection site without retaking the evidence photographs later or selection after imaging a number of photographs whose acceptance is not known. - 特許庁

(2) 第10条に基づいて登録官が交付した認証謄本又は抄本は,すべての裁判所及び手続において,更なる証拠又は原本の提出なしに証拠となる例文帳に追加

(2) A certified copy or extract issued by the Registrar under Section 10 is evidence in all courts and proceedings without further proof or production of the original. - 特許庁


Provided that a Court may, if it has reason to doubt the accuracy or authenticity of the copies tendered in evidence, require the production of the originals or such further proof as it considers necessary.  - 特許庁


On an appeal under subsection (1), evidence in addition to that adduced before the Registrar may be adduced and the Federal Court may exercise any discretion vested in the Registrar.  - 特許庁


However, there are many corroborated materials to support the former theory, while there are none to support the latter except a note on Ninsonshi Gyohen about the genealogy of Daigo-Genji (Minamoto clan) collected in "Sonpi Bunmyaku" (a text compiled in the fourteenth century that records the lineages of the aristocracy).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Where the evidence submitted in support of the plaintiff’s claims are in the possession of the defendant, the judicial body may order the defendant to furnish the evidence, subject to a guarantee of confidentiality of information, in accordance with the law. - 特許庁

次の場合は,Aが当該申請を中止したことになる。(a) Aが該当する期限内に証拠を提出せず,又はAが証拠を提出する意思がない旨を局長に通知せず,又は (b) Aが申請を取り下げる旨をAが局長に通知した場合例文帳に追加

The applicant (A)discontinues the application if-- (a)A does not within the applicable deadline file evidence or notify the Commissioner that A does not intend to file evidence; or (b)A notifies the Commissioner that A withdraws the application. - 特許庁

三 法第二百九十九条第一項本文の規定により、検察官に対し、閲覧する機会を与えるべき証拠書類又は証拠物があるときは、なるべくすみやかに、これを提示してその機会を与えること。例文帳に追加

(iii) when there is documentary evidence or when there are articles of evidence which the public prosecutor is to be given an opportunity to inspect pursuant to the provisions of the main clause of Article 299, paragraph (1) of the Code, defense counsel shall present them and shall give such opportunity as promptly as possible.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


The NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY may reject the evidence submitted which it does not consider as pertinent, and any further evidence shall have to be produced within a term of 40 days.  - 特許庁


Where the period within which any party to a dispute may file evidence under these Rules is to begin after the expiry of any period in which any other party may file evidence under these Rules and that other party notifies the Controller that he does not wish to file any or any further evidence, the Controller may direct that the period within which the first-mentioned party may file evidence shall begin on such date as may be specified in the direction and shall notify all the parties to the dispute of that date. - 特許庁

第二百三条の二 裁判長は、訴訟関係人の意見を聴き、相当と認めるときは、請求により証拠書類又は証拠物中書面の意義が証拠となるものの取調をするについての朗読に代えて、その取調を請求した者、陪席の裁判官若しくは裁判所書記官にその要旨を告げさせ、又は自らこれを告げることができる。例文帳に追加

Article 203-2 (1) In lieu of the reading aloud of documentary evidence, or of writing on articles of evidence that serves as evidence, the presiding judge may, if he/she finds it to be appropriate after hearing the opinions of the persons concerned in the case, have the person who has requested the examination of said evidence, an associate judge, or the court clerk give a summary of the evidence, or may himself/herself give a summary thereof.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Gegobe pretends not to know saying that he suspects a wrong person, however Takube takes out an evidence, a half of a wari-kogai which was collected from the murder site.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To obtain an image as an evidence without being obstructed by crop in the case crop is stolen from a farm. - 特許庁

2 裁判長は、訴訟関係人の意見を聴き、相当と認めるときは、職権で証拠書類又は証拠物中書面の意義が証拠となるものの取調をするについての朗読に代えて、自らその要旨を告げ、又は陪席の裁判官若しくは裁判所書記官にこれを告げさせることができる。例文帳に追加

(2) In lieu of reading aloud documentary evidence, or writing on articles of evidence that serves as evidence, for ex officio examination, the presiding judge may, if he/she finds it to be appropriate after hearing the opinions of the persons concerned in the case, give a summary of said evidence himself/herself, or may have an associate judge or the court clerk give a summary of said evidence.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


There appears to be sufficient evidence that IBI metrics will differ for the upper and middle Snake River due to zoogeographic factors. - 英語論文検索例文集


A copy of any entry in the register purporting to be certified to be true by the Registrar is evidence of the facts set out therein.  - 特許庁


although the virus has been shown to cause cancer in laboratory animals, there is no evidence that it causes cancer in people.  - PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版


although the virus has been shown to cause cancer in laboratory animals, there is no evidence that it causes cancer in people.  - PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版


There appears to be sufficient evidence that water quality will differ for the upper and middle Natsui River due to geographic factors. - 英語論文検索例文集


There appears to be sufficient evidence that water quality will differ for the upper and middle Natsui River due to geographic factors. - 英語論文検索例文集


Consequently, auditors shall conduct the audit procedures and obtain audit evidence in order to audit the result of managerial assessments.  - 金融庁


If Spirit can find water, it will become important evidence that there was, or is, life on Mars.  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


There is clear proof,' they will say, 'Socrates, that we and the city were not displeasing to you.  - Plato『クリトン』


The Registrar may require and retain an attested copy of any instrument produced for inspection in proof of title. - 特許庁


The register of patents shall be prima facie evidence of any matters by this Act directed or authorised to be inserted therein.  - 特許庁


The newly found inkstone may be evidence that Japanese writing culture originated in Itokoku in the Yayoi period. - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

(1) 各登録簿は,本法によりそれに記入することが要求又は許可されているすべて事項の証拠となる例文帳に追加

(1) Each Register is evidence of all matters required or authorised by this Act to be entered in it. - 特許庁


156.2. On application of the complainant, the court may impound during the pendency of the action, sales invoices and other documents evidencing sales. - 特許庁


To enhance an acquisition rate of an image serving as evidence when a still image is photographed as a part of a crime prevention function in a portable telephone. - 特許庁



To enhance acquisition rate of an image becoming a proof when a still image is photographed as a part of crime prevention function in a portable telephone. - 特許庁


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