
「証拠となる」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(7ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 証拠となるの意味・解説 > 証拠となるに関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 327


次の者,すなわち,(a)登録簿に虚偽の登録をした又はさせた者,(b)登録簿の記入事項の謄本となることを意図して虚偽のものを作成した若しくはさせた者,又は (c)(b)にいう事物を提出若しくは提供し又は証拠として提出若しくは提供する者で,記入事項又は場合により事柄が虚偽であることを知っている又はそう信じる理由のある者は,有罪とし,5万ドル以下の罰金若しくは5年以下の拘禁に処し又はこれを併科する。例文帳に追加

Any person who- (a) makes, or causes to be made, a false entry in the register; (b) makes, or causes to be made, any thing false purporting to be a copy of an entry in the register; or (c) produces or tenders or causes to be produced or tendered in evidence any thing referred to in paragraph (b), knowing or having reason to believe that the entry or thing, as the case may be, is false shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $50,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 5 years or to both. - 特許庁

(1) 第 61条(1)による決定において,特許部は,聴聞又は証拠調によって生じた費用を如何なる程度まで 1の当事者に負担させるかについて公正な裁量により決定することができる。この決定は,異議申立が一部又は全部について取り下げられた場合,又は特許が放棄された場合にも,行うことができる。特許部は,特許費用法によって規定されている異議申立手数料が全部又は一部について返還されるべき旨を命ずることができるが,ただし,返還が衡平の原則に従うことを条件とする。例文帳に追加

(1) In its decision according to Sec. 61(1), the Patent Division may at its equitable discretion determine to what extent the costs arising due to a hearing or the taking of evidence shall be borne by a party. This shall also apply if the opposition is withdrawn in part or in full or if the patent is relinquished. The Patent Division can order that the opposition fee, as prescribed by the Patent Cost Act, be reimbursed in full or in part, should this comply with the principles of equity.  - 特許庁


Where it is proposed that a person should be registered as a registered user of a trade mark, the proprietor and the proposed registered user must apply in writing to the Registrar in the prescribed manner, and must furnish him with a statutory declaration made by the proprietor, or by some person authorized to act on his behalf and approved by the Registrar--  - 特許庁


(3) Unless the High Court Division otherwise directs, the Registrar may, in lieu of appearing, submit a statement in writing, signed by him, giving such particulars as he thinks proper of the proceedings before him relating to the matter in issue, or of the grounds of a decision given by him affecting it, or of the practice of the Trademarks Registry in like cases, or of other matters relevant to the issues and within his knowledge as Registrar, and such statement shall be evidence in the proceeding.  - 特許庁



Unless otherwise directed by the Court, the Controller may, in lieu of appearing and being heard, submit to the Court a statement in writing, signed by him, giving particulars of the proceedings before him in relation to the matter in issue, or of the grounds of any decision given by him affecting the same, or of the practice of the Office in like cases, or of such matters relevant to the issues, and within his knowledge as Controller, as he shall think fit, and such statement shall be deemed to form part of the evidence in the proceedings.  - 特許庁



Unless the Appellate Board otherwise directs, the Registrar may, in lieu of appearing, submit a statement in writing signed by him, giving such particulars as he thinks proper of the proceedings before him relating to the matter in issue or of the grounds of any decision given by him affecting it, or of the practice of the Trade Marks Registry in like cases, or of other matters relevant to the issues and within his knowledge as Registrar, and such statement shall be evidence in the proceeding.  - 特許庁

(3) 何れかの組織により特許協力条約に基づいて発行された文書,又は何れかの組織により保管された若しくは判読することができない形式で保管された情報を判読できる形式で再現した何らかの書類,若しくはそのような書類からの記載若しくは抜粋は,如何なる法的手続においても,当該組織の職員により真正の写しとして認証された写しを提出することにより,証拠とすることができる。例文帳に追加

(3) Evidence of any instrument issued under the Patent Co-operation Treaty by any institution or of any document in the custody of any institution or reproducing in legible form any information in such custody otherwise than in legible form, or any entry or extract from such a document, may be given in any legal proceedings by production of a copy certified as a true copy by an official of that institution. - 特許庁

第百七十九条 商品取引清算機関は、商品市場における取引(その商品取引債務引受業の対象とする債務の起因となる商品市場における取引に限り、第二条第十項第一号ニに掲げるものを除く。以下この条において同じ。)について、主務省令で定めるところにより、次の各号に掲げる場合の区分に応じ、当該各号に定める者から、取引証拠金の預託を受けなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 179 (1) A Commodity Clearing Organization shall receive the deposit of a clearing margin from the persons prescribed in the following items for the categories set forth respectively in those items with regard to Transactions on a Commodity Market (limited to Transactions on a Commodity Market which give rise to the liabilities subject to its Business of Assuming Commodity Transaction Debts and excluding those set forth in Article 2, paragraph (10), item (i) (d); hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) pursuant to the provisions of an ordinance of the competent ministry:  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


An action for the infringement of a patent may be brought in that court of record that, in the province in which the infringement is said to have occurred, has jurisdiction, pecuniarily, to the amount of the damages claimed and that, with relation to the other courts of the province, holds its sittings nearest to the place of residence or of business of the defendant, and that court shall decide the case and determine the costs, and assumption of jurisdiction by the court is of itself sufficient proof of jurisdiction.  - 特許庁


1 商品取引清算機関は、商品市場における取引(その商品取引債務引受業の対象とする債務の起因となる商品市場における取引に限り、第二条第十項第一号ニに掲げるものを除く。以下この条において同じ。)について、主務省令で定めるところにより、次の各号に掲げる場合の区分に応じ、当該各号に定める者から、取引証拠金の預託を受けなければならない。例文帳に追加

(1) A Commodity Clearing Organization shall receive the deposit of a clearing margin from the persons prescribed in the following items for the categories set forth respectively in those items with regard to Transactions on a Commodity Market (limited to Transactions on a Commodity Market which give rise to the liabilities subject to its Business of Assuming Commidity Transaction Debts and excluding those set forth in Article 2, paragraph 10, item 1 (d); hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) pursuant to the provisions of an ordinance of the competent ministry:  - 経済産業省


2 入国者収容所長又は主任審査官は、前項の請求により又は職権で、法務省令で定めるところにより、収容令書又は退去強制令書の発付を受けて収容されている者の情状及び仮放免の請求の理由となる証拠並びにその者の性格、資産等を考慮して、三百万円を超えない範囲内で法務省令で定める額の保証金を納付させ、かつ、住居及び行動範囲の制限、呼出しに対する出頭の義務その他必要と認める条件を付して、その者を仮放免することができる。例文帳に追加

(2) The director of the immigration detention center or a supervising immigration inspector may accord provisional release to the alien detained pursuant to a written detention order or deportation order upon the application set forth in the preceding paragraph or ex officio, taking into consideration such matters as circumstances, evidence produced in support of the application, character and the assets of the alien pursuant to the provisions of a Ministry of Justice ordinance, upon the alien paying a deposit not exceeding 3 million yen as provided for by a Ministry of Justice ordinance, and with conditions as may be deemed necessary, such as restrictions on the place of residence and area of movement and the obligation of appearing at a summons.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Parties shall be required to submit their memoranda within one month from receipt of the order of admissibility of exhibits. Unless otherwise provided for by special laws, the appropriate final pleadings required of the parties to be submitted shall include a draft of the decision/resolution they seek, stating clearly and distinctly the facts and the law upon which it is based. The Hearing Officer may adopt, in whole or in part, either of the partiesdraft decisions/resolutions, or reject both. This requirement shall likewise be applied to orders other than the final judgment. - 特許庁


(3) Where separate applications are made by different persons to be registered as proprietors respectively of trademarks which are identical or nearly resemble each other in respect of the same goods or description of goods or in respect of same services or description of services, the Registrar may pending the applications bearing a later date until, the determination of the proceedings in respect of the earlier application, and dispose of the earlier applications in the light of the evidence tendered in relation to the application and the oppositions thereto.  - 特許庁

第62条 請求の要件 請求は書面で庁に提出し,書面は請求者又は事実を知るその代理人により宣誓され,請求の理由を明示し,かつ,請求の理由となる事実についての陳述を含まなければならない。請求書には,請求において言及する印刷刊行物又は他の国の特許の写その他の証拠資料を,それらが英語でない場合は英語の翻訳とともに添付しなければならない。例文帳に追加

Sec.62 Requirement of the Petition The petition for cancellation shall be in writing, verified by the petitioner or by any person in his behalf who knows the facts, specify the grounds upon which it is based, include a statement of the facts to be relied upon, and filed with the Office. Copies of printed publications or of patents of other countries, and other supporting documents mentioned in the petition shall be attached thereto, together with the translation thereof in English, if not in English language. - 特許庁


In that sense, the Financial Services Agency (FSA) hopes that the strengthening of the margin regulation will help to protect investors and enhance the soundness of FX trading in Japan. As I already mentioned, FX trading using high leverages may cause customers to incur unexpected losses as a result of even minor movements in exchange rates.Regarding the margin regulation, the protection of investors has emerged as a greater challenge globally because of the Lehman shock of three years ago. As I stated in the Diet, this regulation is a democratic control of speculative money in a democratic country.While the economy contributes to the well-being of human beings, it tends to go out of their control, so it is necessary to protect investors and, depending on circumstances, even protect a country’s economy.I think that this regulation is necessary as part of the broad economic and fiscal policy that is emerging after the Lehman shock.  - 金融庁

第百三十二条の四 裁判所は、予告通知者又は前条第一項の返答をした被予告通知者の申立てにより、当該予告通知に係る訴えが提起された場合の立証に必要であることが明らかな証拠となるべきものについて、申立人がこれを自ら収集することが困難であると認められるときは、その予告通知又は返答の相手方(以下この章において単に「相手方」という。)の意見を聴いて、訴えの提起前に、その収集に係る次に掲げる処分をすることができる。ただし、その収集に要すべき時間又は嘱託を受けるべき者の負担が不相当なものとなることその他の事情により、相当でないと認めるときは、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

Article 132-4 (1) When a petition is filed by an advance noticer or a recipient of advance notice who made a response set forth in paragraph (1) of the preceding Article and it is found that the petitioner has difficulty collecting by him/herself any material as evidence that would be obviously necessary for showing proof should the action pertaining to the advance notice actually be filed, the court, before the filing of the action, may make any of the following dispositions pertaining to such collection of evidence, after hearing opinions of the party to whom the advance notice has been given or the response has been made (hereinafter simply referred to as the "opposite party" in this Chapter); provided, however, that this shall not apply where the court finds it inappropriate to do so on the grounds that the time required for the collection or the burden borne by a person to be commissioned for the collection would be unreasonable:  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Where an application is made under this section for the registration of the title of any person, the Controller shall, upon proof of title to his or her satisfaction-- where that person is entitled to the design right in a design or a share in that design right, register him or her in the Register as proprietor or co-proprietor of the registered design, and enter in the Register particulars of the instrument or event by which he or she derives title, or where that person is entitled to any other interest in the design right, enter in the Register notice of his or her interest, with particulars of the instrument (if any) creating it, and shall publish the entry in the prescribed manner. - 特許庁

第百五条の七 特許権又は専用実施権の侵害に係る訴訟における当事者等が、その侵害の有無についての判断の基礎となる事項であつて当事者の保有する営業秘密に該当するものについて、当事者本人若しくは法定代理人又は証人として尋問を受ける場合においては、裁判所は、裁判官の全員一致により、その当事者等が公開の法廷で当該事項について陳述をすることにより当該営業秘密に基づく当事者の事業活動に著しい支障を生ずることが明らかであることから当該事項について十分な陳述をすることができず、かつ、当該陳述を欠くことにより他の証拠のみによつては当該事項を判断の基礎とすべき特許権又は専用実施権の侵害の有無についての適正な裁判をすることができないと認めるときは、決定で、当該事項の尋問を公開しないで行うことができる。例文帳に追加

Article 105-7 (1) When a party, etc., to litigation concerning the infringement of a patent right or exclusive license is to be examined as a party to the litigation, as its statutory representative or as a witness, with regard to matters that will be a basis for the determination of the existence or non-existence of the said infringement, and such matters are trade secrets possessed by a party, the court may, by a ruling, elect to hold closed examinations of such matters where the court, upon the unanimous consent of all judges, finds that the parties, etc. will be unable to make sufficient statements regarding the matters due to the obvious fact that making statements regarding the matters at an open examination will significantly interfere with the business activities of the party based on such trade secrets and that, without such statements, a proper decision on the fact of the existence or non-existence of the infringement of a patent right or exclusive license that ought to be made based on the said matters may not be made based solely on other evidence.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第十三条 不正競争による営業上の利益の侵害に係る訴訟における当事者等が、その侵害の有無についての判断の基礎となる事項であって当事者の保有する営業秘密に該当するものについて、当事者本人若しくは法定代理人又は証人として尋問を受ける場合においては、裁判所は、裁判官の全員一致により、その当事者等が公開の法廷で当該事項について陳述をすることにより当該営業秘密に基づく当事者の事業活動に著しい支障を生ずることが明らかであることから当該事項について十分な陳述をすることができず、かつ、当該陳述を欠くことにより他の証拠のみによっては当該事項を判断の基礎とすべき不正競争による営業上の利益の侵害の有無についての適正な裁判をすることができないと認めるときは、決定で、当該事項の尋問を公開しないで行うことができる。例文帳に追加

Article 13 (1) In a lawsuit for the infringement of business interests by unfair competition, where a party, etc. is to be examined as a party itself or a legal representative or as a witness with regard to a matter that serves as the basis for determining the presence or absence of the infringement and falls under a trade secret held by the party, and when the court, by the unanimous consent of the judges, finds that the party, etc. is unable to give sufficient statements regarding the matter because it is clear that giving statements regarding the matter in open court will significantly hinder the party's business activities that are based on the trade secret, and that, without said statements by the party, the court is unable to make an appropriate decision on the presence or absence of infringement on business interests by unfair competition which should be made based on the determination of said matter, it may conduct the examination on the matter in camera by means of a ruling.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第四十三条 育成者権又は専用利用権の侵害に係る訴訟における当事者等が、その侵害の有無についての判断の基礎となる事項であって当事者の保有する営業秘密に該当するものについて、当事者本人若しくは法定代理人又は証人として尋問を受ける場合においては、裁判所は、裁判官の全員一致により、その当事者等が公開の法廷で当該事項について陳述をすることにより当該営業秘密に基づく当事者の事業活動に著しい支障を生ずることが明らかであることから当該事項について十分な陳述をすることができず、かつ、当該陳述を欠くことにより他の証拠のみによっては当該事項を判断の基礎とすべき育成者権又は専用利用権の侵害の有無についての適正な裁判をすることができないと認めるときは、決定で、当該事項の尋問を公開しないで行うことができる。例文帳に追加

Article 43 (1) When a party, etc., to litigation pertaining to the infringement of a patent right or exclusive exploitation right is to be examined as a party to the litigation, its statutory representative or a witness, with pertaining to matters that will be a basis for the determination of the existence or non-existence of the said infringement, and such matters are trade secrets possessed by a party, the court may, by a ruling, elect to hold closed examinations of such matters where the court, upon the unanimous consent of all judges, finds that the parties, etc. will be unable to make sufficient statements regarding the matters due to the obvious fact that making statements regarding the matters at an open examination will significantly interfere with the business activities of the party based on such trade secrets and that, without such statements, a proper decision on the fact of the existence or non-existence of the infringement of a patent right or exclusive exploitation right that ought to be made based on the said matters may not be made based solely on other evidence.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


As regards signs or devices mentioned in paragraphs (j), (k), and (l), nothing shall prevent the registration of any such sign or device which has become distinctive in relation to the goods or services for which registration is requested as a result of the use that has been made of it in commerce in the Philippines. The Office may accept as prima facie evidence that the mark has become distinctive, as used in connection with the applicant's goods or services in commerce, proof of substantially exclusive and continuous use thereof by the applicant in commerce in the Philippines for five years before the date on which the claim of distinctiveness is made. - 特許庁

(b)被申請人が応答しないことの効果 被申請人が本規則に規定する期間内に応答しなかった場合は,聴聞官は,申請人/異議申立人の申立に基づいて又は職権によって,被申請人の不履行を宣言し,直ちに一方的な証拠を受領し,自己の勧告を局長に提出する。大幅に修正された又は補足的な訴答書面及び最終命令又は決定以外の文書は,不履行当事者に対しては送達する必要がない。ただし,不履行当事者が,前項にいう理由の何れかに基づいて,不履行に係る命令の受領後15日以内に当該命令の取消を求める申立を行った場合はこの限りでなく,不履行当事者は,不履行に係る命令が取り消されたか否かを問わず,すべての更なる手続に係る通知を受ける権利を有する。例文帳に追加

(b) Effect of failure of respondent to answer. -- If the respondent fails to answer within the period herein provided, the Hearing Officer shall, upon motion of the petitioner/opposer or motu propio, declare the respondent in default and forthwith receive evidence ex parte and submit his recommendations, to the Director. No service of papers other than substantially amended or supplemental pleadings and final orders or decisions shall be necessary on a party in default unless he files a motion to set aside the Order of Default within fifteen days from receipt thereof on any of the grounds mentioned in the preceding paragraph, in which event he shall be entitled to notice of all further proceedings regardless of whether the order of default is set aside or not. - 特許庁

商標登録出願について,補正が次の変更に係わる場合は,如何なる補正もすることができない。 (a) 登録官による移転の認可後を除き,出願人の同一性の変更 (b) 商標の識別性を変更しないか又はその同一性に影響を与えない場合を除き,商標の変更 (c) 証拠がその事実によって変更の正当性を証明する場合を除き,その商標のカナダで最初に使用した日又は公知にした日のうち何れか先の日への変更 (d) 出願前にその商標がカナダで使用され又は公知になった旨の主張のない出願から,使用され又は公知になった旨の主張のある出願への変更,又は (e) 法律第30条に従って行われた出願時に願書に含まれていた商品又はサービスの記載を拡張する商品又はサービスの記載への変更例文帳に追加

No application for the registration of a trade-mark may be amended where the amendment would change (a) the identity of the applicant, except after recognition of a transfer by the Registrar; (b) the trade-mark, except in respects that do not alter its distinctive character or affect its identity; (c) the date of first use or making known in Canada of the trade-mark to an earlier date, except where the evidence proves that the change is justified by the facts; (d) the application from one not alleging use or making known of the trade-mark in Canada before the filing of the application to one alleging such use or making known; or (e) the statement of wares or services so as to be broader than the statement of wares or services contained in the application at the time the application was filed pursuant to section 30 of the Act.  - 特許庁


Many issues under Article 6 on evidence are, inter alia, intimately linked to the issue of public notice under Article 12, with respect to the various stages in an investigation Too often, investigations rely on inaccurate, misleading and unrepresentative data. In particular, when using constructed values and samples, rigorous standards and methods should be applied. In this context, we have previously pointed to the need for investigating authorities to actively seek correct, relevant, representative and statistically valid data and information as well as giving interested parties full opportunity to present their facts and views during the course of an investigation. Likewise, there is a particular need for improved standards and procedures for public notices and explanations of determinations. Such procedures should provide the public and any interested party with all facts, methods and assessments, including a detailed description on how the exact results relating to dumping and injury determination have been derived at, in order to allow independent scrutiny.  - 経済産業省


(A) Trade name of the firm; (B) The fact that the firm is a financial instruments firm15 and its registration number; (C) The breakdown and total of the commission, trust charge, expenses and other consideration (except the consideration for securities or rights relating to derivatives, etc.) payable by customers for the relevant transactions, the maximum amount thereof, or its calculation method; (D) In the case of transactions that require the deposit of consignment guarantee money, the amount thereof and its calculation method; (E) If there is a risk of loss exceeding the amount of consignment guarantee money in a derivatives transaction, etc., that fact and the ratio of the transaction amount of such derivative transaction, etc. to the amount of consignment guarantee money (if calculation of such ratio is impossible, that fact and the reasons thereof); (F) If there is a risk of loss arising directly from such indicators as the interest rate, exchange rates or stock index, such indicators and the fact that fluctuation thereof may result in loss, and the reasons thereof; (G) If there is a risk of loss as referred to in the preceding item that exceeds the amount of consignment guarantee money, the indicator(s) which may directly lead to such loss, the fact that there is a risk of such loss, and the reasons thereof; (H) In regard to over-the-counter derivative transactions such as foreign exchange margin trading, where there is a difference between the selling price and buying price indicated by a financial instruments firm, etc., that fact; (I) Disadvantageous facts for customers in relation to other important matters; and (J) If the firm is a member of the Financial Instruments Firms Association, that fact and the name of the specific association.  - 経済産業省

標章登録の取消申請は,次のように行うことができる。 (a)IP法に基づく標章の登録日から5年以内 (b)当該登録標章が,登録に係わる商品若しくはサービス又はその一部について普通名称になっているか放棄されている場合,当該登録が不正に若しくはIP法の規定に反して得られた場合,又は登録人により若しくは登録人の許可を得て当該登録標章が商品若しくはサービスの出所を偽って表示するように使用されている場合は,いつでも。当該登録標章が当該商品又はサービスの一部のみについて普通名称になっている場合は,当該一部の商品又はサービスについてのみ取消申請をすることができる。登録標章は,ある独特の商品若しくはサービスの名称としても又はある独特の商品若しくはサービスを特定するためにも使用されているということのみを理由としては,商品又はサービスの普通名称であるとはみなさない。登録標章が当該標章を使用している商品又はサービスの普通名称になっているか否かを決定するに当たっては,購入者の購入の動機ではなく,関係する公衆にとっての当該標章の主要な意味が基準になるものとする。購入者の動機に関する証拠は認められない。 (c)登録商標所有者が正当な理由なく3年以上継続してフィリピンにおいて当該標章を使用しなかったか又はライセンスによりフィリピンにおいて使用させることをしなかった場合は,いつでも。例文帳に追加

The petition for cancellation of the registration of a mark may be filed: (a) Within five years from the date of registration of the mark under the IP Code; (b) at any time, if the registered mark becomes the generic name for the goods or services, or a portion thereof, for which it is registered, or has been abandoned, or its registration was obtained fraudulently or contrary to the provisions of the IP Code, or if the registered mark is being used by, or with the permission of, the registrant so as to misrepresent the source of the goods or services on or in connection with which the mark is used. If the registered mark becomes the generic name for less than all of the goods or services for which it is registered, a petition to cancel the registration for only those goods or services may be filed. A registered mark shall not be deemed to be the generic name of goods or services solely because such mark is also used as a name of or to identify a unique product or service. The primary significance of the registered mark to the relevant public rather than purchaser motivation shall be the test for determining whether the registered mark has become the generic name of goods or services on or in connection with which it has been used. Evidence on purchaser motivation shall not be admitted; (c) At any time, if the registered owner of the mark without legitimate reason fails to use the mark within the Philippines, or to cause it to be used in the Philippines by virtue of a license during an uninterrupted period of at least three years. - 特許庁



(1) Where it is proposed that a person should be registered as a registered user of a trademark, the registered proprietor and the proposed registered users shall jointly apply in writing to the registrar in the prescribed manner, and every such application shall be accompanied by- (a) the agreement in writing or a duly authenticated copy thereof, entered into between the registered proprietor and the proposed registered user with respect to the permitted use of the trademark; and (b) an affidavit made by the registered proprietor or by some person authorized to Act on his behalf, which shall include- (i) particulars of the relationship, existing or proposed, between the proprietor and the proposed registered user, including particulars showing the degree of control by the proprietor over the permitted use which their relationship will confer; (ii) whether it is a term of their relationship that the proposed registered user shall be the sole registered user or that there shall be any other restriction as to persons for whose registrations as Registered user application may be made; (iii) stating the goods or services in respect of which registration is proposed; (iv) stating the conditions or restrictions, if any, proposed with respect to the characteristics of the goods or services, as the case may be, to the mode or place of permitted use, or to any other matter; (v) stating whether the permitted use is to be for a period, or without limit of period, and, if for a period, the duration thereof; and (c) such further documents, information or other evidence as may be required by the Registrar or as may be prescribed.  - 特許庁


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