
「関連資料」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(3ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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The database search unit 13 specifies a link address associated with a keyword as an associated link address on the basis of a database stipulating an association relationship between the keyword and the link address, which is address information of a document relating to the keyword. - 特許庁


When the conference sponsor selects arbitrary data or conference related information as a retrieval key, a participant retrieving means 13 retrieves the conference information database 11, based on the retrieval key, extracts related participant information, and provides the list of the participants to the conference sponsor. - 特許庁


This system for guiding and supporting the operation for forming a document by use of the computer comprises a similarity evaluation part 102 for executing association of the formed document with a reference material referred to for formation of the document, and a reference history database 101 for storing the association. - 特許庁

また, CRM(顧客関係管理)関連資料の成長型ライブラリを提供します.これには, 論文やプレゼンテーション, および世界中の指導的なCRM実践企業のいくつかのケーススタディも含まれます.例文帳に追加

It also provides a growing library of CRM-related material including articles, presentations and case studies from some of the leading CRM practitioners around the world.  - コンピューター用語辞典



This diary is highly valued as a historical document that describes the customs of the time and that shows how educated Toshimasu was, and a printing of a photograph of the diary also containing relevant data has been published by Yonezawa Library.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



The meridian passes over the old Yakuno Town Office, with sightseeing spots such as Oe-yama mountain range known for the Shuten-doji ogre legend, Fukuchiyama-jo castle of Mitsuhide, Motoise-jinja Shrine; additionally the SL Exhibition Hall is known as 'railroad city' and related events are held here.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


For example, supervisory guidelines and other materials related to financial regulation were put together systematically and posted on the website in November 2007 and this work was announced to financial firms.  - 金融庁

① 協会からの品質管理レビューに係る報告書を受理し、あわせて関連する報告・資料について徴求を行い、また様々な情報を活用し、これらの内容に基づき審査を行うものとする。例文帳に追加

(a) Having received the quality control review reports from the JICPA and at the same time having collected any other supplementary reports and documents, the Board shall conduct its examinations based upon the contents thereof and by employing various other information sources, in order to examine the following points:  - 金融庁


I have another question about exposures to Lehman Brothers. According to court documents submitted by Lehman Brothers, the U.S. parent company, eight Japanese financial institutions have exposures totaling 1.67 billion dollars.  - 金融庁



The certifying materials of the academic or technological meetings shall be provided by the competent authority under the StateCouncil or national academic organizations organizing the meeting.  - 特許庁


7.4. 意匠出願には、願書、意匠の図面、明細書が含まれるものとし、必要であれば、関連資料による図面及び明細書が添付されるものとする。例文帳に追加

7.4. An application for an industrial design shall contain a request, a drawing of the design, a description and, if required, the drawing and the description shall be accompanied by relevant materials. - 特許庁


The Registrar must make available for public inspection material contained in a request under this section in relation to the newness and distinctiveness of the design to which the request relates.  - 特許庁


The electronic web site S2 edits an electronic map related to the web site and gives notice instructing the update of the survey web site of the electronic map when the web site has alterations of materials. - 特許庁


To adequately provide trainees with information on automobile-related commodities in a driving school, enable them to obtain detailed material, and support them to buy the material. - 特許庁


Parts information being information on parts configuring a document file is stored so as to be associated with parts names including character strings to specify the types or contents or formats of the parts information in a parts information database 12a. - 特許庁


To provide a data presentation apparatus capable of eliminating the need for preparing data unique information in advance and simplifying a registration work of data and the data unique information in cross-reference with each other resulting in considerably enhancing the ease of use. - 特許庁


The data management device 10 includes also a communication means for transmitting the related information to the auditor terminal 70, during a presentation period by using the presentation document. - 特許庁


To timely provide a target user event data such as conference material, relevant to an event like a conference while securing confidentiality and accessibility in a high level. - 特許庁


To simply and quickly retrieve desired information as necessary by mutually linkedly storing person's moving image information, voice information, and data information. - 特許庁


The method is employed to determine if some specific risk factor that is closely related to the onset of the Dravet syndrome and is also detectable in an infant younger than one year is included in the related data. - 特許庁


To provide an information processing system and apparatus capable of effectively utilizing information and materials relating to a conference, to provide a data processing method thereof, and to provide a computer program thereof. - 特許庁


Consequently, the IQ-related information of the overall system is automatically collected, thereby it is possible for users to easily create IQ materials by extracting any information and printing it. - 特許庁


An MFP (Multi Function Peripheral) that is the image forming device periodically accesses a server in which related data of an event such as a conference and event information such as an opening period are registered (S101). - 特許庁


When event information that is the object of providing an output function such as printing is registered (Yes in S105), it is determined whether the preparation of the related data of event is necessary or not (S109). - 特許庁


To distribute advertisement, news, materials, and other electronic mail related to an image to a Web browsing user only by clicking no the image of an advertisement banner, a button, etc., on Web with a mouse. - 特許庁


To provide a video reproduction device and video reproduction program, for reproducing material information of a content related to sound information included in video information together with the video information. - 特許庁


Source: "Research on Training, Development, and Treatment of Skilled Workers in Monodzukuri Industry ? the Current Situation in Machines and Metallurgical Industry" (2009), Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training - 経済産業省


Source: "Research on Training, Development, and Treatment of Skilled Workers in Monodzukuri Industry ? the Current Situation in Machines and Metallurgical Industry" (2009), Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training - 経済産業省


it may conduct on-the-spot inspection of the places where the suspected illegal act is committed; consult and duplicate the relevant contracts, invoices, account books and other related materials; and check the products related to the suspected illegal act and seal or detain the products that are proved to be produced by the counterfeited patent.  - 特許庁


It consists of four parts: 'book of comparison,' which shows the differences among the texts of The Tale of Genji, 'book of index,' which consists of detailed word-and-phrase index based upon the result of the comparative study, 'book of research materials,' which is a collection of materials concerning The Tale of Genji such as old annotations, old genealogies, etc., and 'book of pictorial records,' which is a collection of pictorial records concerning The Tale of Genji such as Genji monogatari emaki (Illustrated Handscroll of the Tale of Genji).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Shozeicho was created in three copies a year; one of those was kept by kokufu to serve as material used for succession at the time of replacement of kokushi, and for creation of shozeicho of the following year, and the two of those were submitted to Daijokan attached to some related material (shibun) that could confirm the balance of financial affairs including denso, suiko, almsgiving, and building and preservation cost of Kokubun-ji Temple, by February 30 each year (in the old lunar calendar) except Dazaifu where by May 30 (in the old lunar calendar).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The conference support device collects speeches made by the users attending at a conference, records the collected voice information, detects sequence of the collected speeches made by the users, estimates conversation situation based on the groups of recorded speech information, displays reference information for conference, and records the displayed reference information and the estimated conversation situation information while associating the same with each other. - 特許庁


To provide a method for digitizing general image data provided on an off-line or expert image data to large capacity and high quality data, providing the contents of these data to quality images through a wired/wireless network and connecting added information related to the contents to utilize the connected information as a synthetic information providing medium. - 特許庁


A client PC201 designates a printable print object for every MFP 210 among created distribution materials, and creates a correspondence table in which the object and the printable MFP 210 are associated with identifiable ID, and transmits the generated distribution materials and the correspondence table to a print server 205. - 特許庁


When a description 'material request mail' wp user related to the electronic mail address makes an indication in a pull-down menu of a mailer with a pointing device, the mailer automatically reads the mail address entered into the preference text and automatically generates and transmits an electronic mail sentence for requesting materials. - 特許庁


To provide a data storage technology used in a structure management system or an office work management system of the same type, capable of performing efficient analysis by centralized-management of different types of structures and various types of material with mutual related information, and retrieving for the material extending over two or more types of structures. - 特許庁


The device comprises a storage part 2 storing an input item needed for forming the receiving document in association with an input information source needed for inputting an input value to the input item; a display 3 for displaying the input item and the input information source; a keyboard 4 for inputting the input value; and a document preparation program 6 for preparing the receiving document based on the input value inputted through the keyboard 4. - 特許庁


(3) Where the applicant has filed a request and paid the prescribed fee for a search report under subsection (2)(a), the Registrar shall -- (a) cause the application to be subjected to a search by an Examiner to discover the relevant prior art contained in -- (i) such documentation as may be prescribed; and (ii) any additional documentation that the Examiner is aware of and considers to be relevant; and (b) upon receiving the search report prepared by the Examiner, send the applicant a notification and a copy of the search report. - 特許庁


All things considered, after examining the application and technical antecedents thereof, the expert or the examiner may propose to the Head of the Department a new title for the invention that meets with greater accuracy the requirements established in the first paragraph of this Article.  - 特許庁


In the examination of the application, the Board shall take into account all the documentary sources existing in OSIM, international design registrations with the World Intellectual Property Organization, Community designs as well as any other documents filed by interested persons and relevant for the examination procedure. - 特許庁


Then, the message providing server edits the plurality of classified messages based on the content of the messages or provided materials, and transmits the edited messages to the transmitter terminals or the sponsor terminal for receiving the check of the content. - 特許庁


After conference room reservation is accepted on a browser screen, a file ICON is drugged/dropped in the conference room reservation time zone of the browser screen to file the data to be used for the conference to be related with the conference time in the storage part of the presentation device. - 特許庁


During or after the conference, an overall conference system control part 57 refers to the tables 61, 62 and specifies a folder to store the conference-related materials based on the time and date input and the user ID of the user who has input the time and date. - 特許庁


When the information processing part of the terminal supplies design contents data created at the terminal to the server, the server outputs data of the data definition language based on the changed design contents data, changes the data related to the design contents data, and outputs design material data. - 特許庁


At the start of a conference, a conference ID determining process part 53 determines the conference ID of the conference and a folder creating process part 54 registers the conference ID of the conference and information about the location of the conference-related materials in a storage location information table 62 in association with each other. - 特許庁


To provide a system and method for retrieving assumed questions and answers, which enables a user to easily search contents to be answered and materials, which match to the contents being questioned, among a large quantity of assumed questions and answers in a short time and to smoothly manage a shareholders meeting. - 特許庁


Information related to a plurality of video materials and video is stored at a system as a set of data, and temporal, shared data are also stored, thus enabling a viewer to compare the video with a data screen in the same time zone for browsing. - 特許庁

次の場合,すなわち, (i)ある者が法律第69条に基づき資料を提供し,かつ (ii)登録官が,当該資料に基づき,取消理由通知書を法律第66条(2)に基づいて登録所有者に与えた場合は,所定の期間は,次の期間の何れか遅い方が終わる期間である。 (iii)審査に関連する法律第66条(2)に基づく最初の通知日から6月 (iv)当該取消理由を最初に提起した法律第66条(2)に基づく通知日から3月例文帳に追加

if: (i) a person provides material under section 69 of the Act; and (ii) the Registrar gives the registered owner written notice under subsection 66(2) of the Act of a ground of revocation, based on that material; the prescribed period is whichever of the following periods ends later: (iii) 6 months after the date of the first notice under subsection 66(2) of the Act in relation to the examination; (iv) 3 months after the date of the notice under subsection 66(2) of the Act that first raises the ground of revocation;  - 特許庁

第三十九条 命令等制定機関は、命令等を定めようとする場合には、当該命令等の案(命令等で定めようとする内容を示すものをいう。以下同じ。)及びこれに関連する資料をあらかじめ公示し、意見(情報を含む。以下同じ。)の提出先及び意見の提出のための期間(以下「意見提出期間」という。)を定めて広く一般の意見を求めなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 39 (1) Organs Establishing Administrative Orders, etc., when establishing Administrative Orders, etc., shall publicly notify in advance the proposed Administrative Orders, etc., (meaning the draft showing the contents of the anticipated Administrative Orders. The same shall apply hereinafter.) and any materials relating to the proposed Administrative Orders, etc., and shall seek Comments (including information. The same shall apply hereinafter.) from the public, showing the address to which the Comments shall be submitted and the period of time for the submission (hereinafter referred to as "period for submission of Comments").  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム



Once kankai (audit) had been done at Shuzeiryo (Bureau of Taxation) of Minbusho (Ministry of Popular Affairs) to make sure there was no digital inconsistency, unpaid or deficit compared to the related material, Minbusho issued and handed over the hensho (a document as receipts, but also as proof of delivery or transport when presented goods and paid money to government office) to Shozeichoshi, or if there was any problem, shozeicho was sent back along with shozei henkyakucho.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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