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該当件数 : 38


a taxation bureau [office] 例文帳に追加

主税局[税務署]. - 研究社 新英和中辞典

I reported my income to the taxation office. 例文帳に追加

税務署で収入の申告を行った。 - Weblio Email例文集

I reported that income at the taxation office. 例文帳に追加

その収入を税務署で申告した。 - Weblio Email例文集

I reported that income at the taxation office. 例文帳に追加

税務署でその収入を申告した。 - Weblio Email例文集


Is it necessary to pay this tax to the Japanese taxation office? 例文帳に追加

この税は日本の税務署に納付する必要がある。 - Weblio Email例文集


to report the amount of one's income to the taxation-officemake an income-tax return 例文帳に追加

税務署へ所得額を申告する - 斎藤和英大辞典

to report the amount of one's income to the taxation office 例文帳に追加

所得金額を税務署へ申告する - 斎藤和英大辞典

in Japan, the local branch of the Ministry of Taxation, called the tax office 例文帳に追加

税務署という,国税庁の地方出先機関 - EDR日英対訳辞書

It was established in the Kazueryo (Account Office), the Shuzeiryo (Bureau of Taxation), Dazai-fu (local government office in Kyushu) and later in the Shurishiki (Office of Palace Affairs) and Mokuryo (Bureau of Carpentry). 例文帳に追加

主計寮・主税寮・大宰府に設置され、後に修理職や木工寮などにも設置された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, in 1753, the Shibamura Village riot occurred because famers in the deposit place went to Kyoto Magistrate's Office to put a complaint against heavy taxation in a box. 例文帳に追加

ただし、宝暦3年(1753年)、預かり地の農民が重税を京都町奉行所に箱訴に及び、芝村騒動が発生した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


They reorganized Kokugaryo (territories governed by provincial government office) by dividing it into units of taxation, such as Gun (country), Go (village), Ho (district) and Jo (street), each of which had originally been the myoden or the bechimyo. 例文帳に追加

名田や別名などを単位として、国衙領を郡・郷・保・条などの租税収取単位へと再編成していった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Case 1 When a business operator, etc. provide personal information in response to an investigation on a voluntary basis by an official taxation office, etc. 例文帳に追加

事例1)事業者等が、税務署の職員等の任意調査に対し、個人情報を提出する場合 - 経済産業省

After the establishment of San tokugosho, those who learned for seven years and passed Hoshi were appointed as San hakase or Sanshi (a court official in charge of calculation) and placed in the Shukeiryo (account office), Shuzeiryo (bureau of taxation), Dazai-fu (local government office in Kyushu region), Zogusho (ministry of making and mending palaces) (later Shurishiki (The Palace Repairs Office) and Mokuryo (Bureau of Carpentry), and were also made lower provincial governors who handled land tax accountancy and other such matters. 例文帳に追加

算得業生成立後は、7年学習して奉試に及第すると合格者は算博士や主計寮・主税寮・大宰府・造宮省(後には修理職・木工寮)に設置されていた算師に任じられる他、地方の下級国司となって租税会計事務などを扱った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

(26) The relevant official of the National Tax Agency, the Regional Taxation Bureau, or the Tax Office shall, when asking questions or conducting an inspection pursuant to the provision of the preceding paragraph, carry an identification card and present it to the person concerned when requested 例文帳に追加

26 国税庁、国税局又は税務署の当該職員は、前項の規定による質問又は検査をする場合には、その身分を示す証明書を携帯し、関係人の請求があつたときは、これを提示しなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(11) The relevant official of the National Tax Agency, the Regional Taxation Bureau, or the Tax Office shall, when asking questions or conducting an inspection pursuant to the provision of paragraph (9), carry an identification card and present it to the person concerned when requested. 例文帳に追加

11 国税庁、国税局又は税務署の当該職員は、第九項の規定による質問又は検査をする場合には、その身分を示す証明書を携帯し、関係人の請求があつたときは、これを提示しなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(10) The relevant official of the National Tax Agency, the Regional Taxation Bureau, or the Tax Office shall, when asking questions or conducting an inspection pursuant to the provision of paragraph (8), carry an identification card and present it to the person concerned when requested. 例文帳に追加

10 国税庁、国税局又は税務署の当該職員は、第八項の規定による質問又は検査をする場合には、その身分を示す証明書を携帯し、関係人の請求があつたときは、これを提示しなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

The Finance Ministry at that time specially admitted the production of shochu made from brown sugar in the jurisdiction of the Oshima tax office of Kumamoto Regional Taxation Bureau on condition of using malted rice as part of its measures to promote the Amami island chain. 例文帳に追加

当時の大蔵省は奄美諸島の振興策の一環として、米こうじ使用を条件に、熊本国税局大島税務署の管轄区域(奄美諸島)に限って黒糖原料の焼酎製造を特認した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The above incident revealed the company's serious financial condition because its home-cum-office was seized by Itabashi Ward on June 29, 2006 as well as by Tokyo Regional Taxation Bureau on October 27, 2006. 例文帳に追加

自宅兼事務所は、2006年6月29日に板橋区から差し押さえを受け、2006年10月27日には東京国税局から差し押さえを受けて、金銭的に厳しい状況にあることが明らかとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Article 71 (1) Matters specified by Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance prescribed in Article 297, paragraph (1) (Refund Due to Taxation on Retirement Income at the Taxpayer's Election) of the Order shall be the breakdown by defrayer of the amount of retirement allowance, etc. prescribed in Article 171 (Taxation on Retirement Income at the Taxpayer's Election) of the Act to be received within the year, for which income tax has been collected pursuant to the provisions of Article 212, paragraph (1) (Withholding Liability) of the Act, the day and place of the payment, the amount of the collected income tax, the name of defrayers, and their domicile or residence or the location of the head office or principal office. 例文帳に追加

第七十一条 令第二百九十七条第一項(退職所得の選択課税による還付)に規定する財務省令で定める事項は、その年中に支払を受ける法第百七十一条(退職所得についての選択課税)に規定する退職手当等で法第二百十二条第一項(源泉徴収義務)の規定により所得税を徴収されたものの支払者ごとの内訳、その支払の日及び場所、その徴収された所得税の額並びにその支払者の氏名又は名称及び住所若しくは居所又は本店若しくは主たる事務所の所在地とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(ii) The name and location of an office, etc. of the person prescribed in the preceding item that is located in the place for tax payment prescribed in Article 305, paragraph (1), item (ii) (Procedures, etc. for Foreign Corporations to Seek the Application of Special Provisions for Taxation) of the Order and the names of the representative and any other responsible persons thereof 例文帳に追加

二 前号に規定する者の令第三百五条第一項第二号(外国法人が課税の特例の適用を受けるための手続等)に規定する納税地にある事務所等の名称及び所在地並びにその代表者その他の責任者の氏名 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Since the banking business, a securities company and an insurer have staffs and specialists familiar with procedures, etc. of assets application, taxation business and laws and regulations, the office booth provided to each storekeeper necessary therefor is opened in each of these service stores.例文帳に追加

銀行業、証券業、保険業者は、資産運用や、税務、法令による手続などに精通しているスタッフ、専門家を有するので、これらの機関店舗内に前記事務室を必要とする商店主へ提供するオフィスブースを設ける。 - 特許庁

The management information server device 30 stores financial data and/or taxation data of digital format prepared based on vouchers a customer has so that these data may be browsed both with the customer terminal machine 20 for customer use and with the terminal machine 10 for office use.例文帳に追加

経営情報サーバ装置30は、少なくとも、顧客が所持する証憑に基づいて作成されたディジタル形式の財務データ及び/又は税務データを、顧客用端末機20及び事務所用端末機10の双方によって閲覧可能な状態に保存する。 - 特許庁

(7) The relevant official of the National Tax Agency, the relevant official of the Tax Office or Regional Taxation Bureau having jurisdiction over a consolidated parent corporation's place for tax payment or the relevant official of the Tax Office or Regional Taxation Bureau having jurisdiction over the location of the head office or principal office of a consolidated subsidiary corporation may, when it is necessary in the examination concerning the transaction between the consolidated corporation and a foreign affiliated person related to the said consolidated corporation, request the said consolidated corporation to present or submit the books and documents preserved by the said foreign affiliated person or copies thereof. In this case, the said consolidated corporation shall endeavor to obtain the said books and documents or copies thereof when requested to present or submit them. 例文帳に追加

7 国税庁の当該職員、連結親法人の納税地の所轄税務署若しくは所轄国税局の当該職員又は連結子法人の本店若しくは主たる事務所の所在地の所轄税務署若しくは所轄国税局の当該職員は、当該連結法人と当該連結法人に係る国外関連者との間の取引に関する調査について必要があるときは、当該連結法人に対し、当該国外関連者が保存する帳簿書類又はその写しの提示又は提出を求めることができる。この場合において、当該連結法人は、当該提示又は提出を求められたときは、当該帳簿書類又はその写しの入手に努めなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(8) Where a consolidated parent corporation or consolidated subsidiary corporation has failed to present or submit the books and documents or copies thereof prescribed in paragraph (6) without delay, the relevant official of the National Tax Agency, the relevant official of the Tax Office or Regional Taxation Bureau having jurisdiction over the consolidated parent corporation's place for tax payment or the relevant official of the Tax Office or Regional Taxation Bureau having jurisdiction over the location of the head office or principal office of the consolidated subsidiary corporation may, when it is necessary for the calculation of the said consolidated corporation's arm's length price prescribed in paragraph (1) which pertains to a foreign affiliated transaction in each consolidated business year, ask questions of a person who is engaged in a business that is the same type as the said consolidated corporation's business involving the said foreign affiliated transaction, or inspect the books and documents concerning the said business, to the extent considered necessary for such calculation. 例文帳に追加

8 国税庁の当該職員、連結親法人の納税地の所轄税務署若しくは所轄国税局の当該職員又は連結子法人の本店若しくは主たる事務所の所在地の所轄税務署若しくは所轄国税局の当該職員は、当該連結法人が第六項に規定する帳簿書類又はその写しを遅滞なく提示し、又は提出しなかつた場合において、当該連結法人の各連結事業年度における国外関連取引に係る第一項に規定する独立企業間価格を算定するために必要があるときは、その必要と認められる範囲内において、当該連結法人の当該国外関連取引に係る事業と同種の事業を営む者に質問し、又は当該事業に関する帳簿書類を検査することができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Since 1322 when Emperor Godaigo was in power, arguments to turn tsubo-sen into a form of regular taxation had arisen many times, but opposition by Enryaku-ji Temple delayed collecting taxes from sake dealers by miki no kami (Chief of the Sake Office) until the period of Northern and Southern Courts, and conflicts continued because some sake breweries refused to pay tax with Enryaku-ji Temple on their side. 例文帳に追加

後醍醐天皇の元亨2年(1322年)以後、壷銭を通常の課税とする議論は度々行われてきたが、延暦寺などの反対もあり漸く南北朝時代_(日本)に入って以後、造酒正によって徴税が行われるようになったが、延暦寺などの支援を受けて課税忌避を図る酒屋もあり対立が続いた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Once kankai (audit) had been done at Shuzeiryo (Bureau of Taxation) of Minbusho (Ministry of Popular Affairs) to make sure there was no digital inconsistency, unpaid or deficit compared to the related material, Minbusho issued and handed over the hensho (a document as receipts, but also as proof of delivery or transport when presented goods and paid money to government office) to Shozeichoshi, or if there was any problem, shozeicho was sent back along with shozei henkyakucho. 例文帳に追加

正税帳は民部省主税寮において勘会(監査)を受けて、関連資料との数値の不一致や未納・欠損が生じていないことが確認されると、民部省から正税帳使に託する形で返抄(請取書・領収書)が送付され、問題がある場合には正税帳は正税返却帳を添えられて送り返された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

(ii) The name of a defrayer of wages or remuneration prescribed in Article 172, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Act (limited to wages or remuneration that is not subject to the provisions of Part IV, Chapter V (Withholding at the Source of Income of Nonresidents or Corporations) of the Act or Article 42, paragraph (1) (Special Provisions for Withholding at the Source of Remuneration, etc. for the Provision of the Services of Entertainers, etc. Paid by Tax-Exempt Entertainment Corporations, etc.) of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Taxation) and his/her domicile or residence or the location of the head office or principal office 例文帳に追加

二 法第百七十二条第一項第一号に規定する給与又は報酬(法第四編第五章(非居住者又は法人の所得に係る源泉徴収)又は租税特別措置法第四十二条第一項(免税芸能法人等が支払う芸能人等の役務提供報酬に係る源泉徴収の特例)の規定の適用を受けないものに限る。)の支払者の氏名又は名称及び住所若しくは居所又は本店若しくは主たる事務所の所在地 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 55 (1) Where a taxpayer, for the purpose of paying any of the following national taxes, intends to deliver securities that are unavailable for payment of a national tax, thereby consigning the collection of such securities and payment of the national tax by means of money thus collected, the relevant official of the tax office (in cases where the director-general of a customs house or the regional commissioner of a Regional Taxation Bureau collects national taxes pursuant to the provisions of the proviso to Article 43, paragraph (1), or paragraph (3) or paragraph (4) of said Article, or Article 44, paragraph (1) (Competent Agency for Collection of National Taxes), the customs house or Regional Taxation Bureau; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) may undertake the consignment only when it is found that such securities were surely collectable in the recent past. In this case, if the collection of such securities incurs any costs, the person who intends to consign collection shall also provide an amount equivalent to such costs: 例文帳に追加

第五十五条 納税者が次に掲げる国税を納付するため、国税の納付に使用することができる証券以外の有価証券を提供して、その証券の取立てとその取り立てた金銭による当該国税の納付を委託しようとする場合には、税務署(第四十三条第一項ただし書、第三項若しくは第四項又は第四十四条第一項(国税の徴収の所轄庁)の規定により税関長又は国税局長が国税の徴収を行う場合には、その税関又は国税局。以下この条において同じ。)の当該職員は、その証券が最近において確実に取り立てることができるものであると認められるときに限り、その委託を受けることができる。この場合において、その証券の取立てにつき費用を要するときは、その委託をしようとする者は、その費用の額に相当する金額をあわせて提供しなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(8) The relevant official of the National Tax Agency or the relevant official of the Tax Office or Regional Taxation Bureau having jurisdiction over a corporation's place for tax payment may, when it is necessary in the examination concerning the transaction between the corporation and a foreign affiliated person related to the said corporation, request the said corporation to present or submit the books and documents preserved by the said foreign affiliated person or copies thereof. In this case, the said corporation shall endeavor to obtain the said books and documents or copies thereof when requested to present or submit them. 例文帳に追加

8 国税庁の当該職員又は法人の納税地の所轄税務署若しくは所轄国税局の当該職員は、法人と当該法人に係る国外関連者との間の取引に関する調査について必要があるときは、当該法人に対し、当該国外関連者が保存する帳簿書類又はその写しの提示又は提出を求めることができる。この場合において、当該法人は、当該提示又は提出を求められたときは、当該帳簿書類又はその写しの入手に努めなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(vi) Where domestic source income specified in each item of Article 180(1) of the Act for the category of corporation listed in the relevant item is paid to the corporation's head office or other office, place of business or any other place equivalent thereto located outside Japan, the corporation is expected to, for the purpose of filing a proper return pursuant to the provisions of the Corporation Tax Act with regard to the relevant domestic source income, notify the corporation's office, place of business or any other place equivalent thereto prescribed in Article 17(i) (Place for Tax Payment of Foreign Corporations) of the said Act (in the case where there are two or more such places, the principal one; hereinafter referred to as the "office, etc. at the place for tax payment" in this item, paragraph (1)(ii) of the next Article, and Article 306(1)(i) (Procedures Required Where Foreign Corporations No Longer Satisfy the Requirements under the Special Provisions for Taxation, etc.)) of the type, amount, the basis of calculation of the amount, date of payment and any other necessary matters of the said domestic source income, and record these matters in its books at the said office, etc. at the place for tax payment, without fail, on every occasion that it receives the said domestic source income. 例文帳に追加

六 法第百八十条第一項各号に掲げる法人の区分に応じ当該各号に定める国内源泉所得がその法人の国外にある本店又は事務所、事業所その他これらに準ずるものにあてて支払われる場合には、当該国内源泉所得について法人税法の規定による申告を適正に行うため、その法人が、当該国内源泉所得の支払を受ける都度、その法人の同法第十七条第一号(外国法人の納税地)に規定する事務所、事業所その他これらに準ずるもの(これらが二以上あるときは、そのうち主たるもの。以下この号、次条第一項第二号及び第三百六条第一項第一号(外国法人が課税の特例の要件に該当しなくなつた場合の手続等)において「納税地にある事務所等」という。)に対して当該国内源泉所得の種類、金額、計算の基礎、支払年月日その他必要な事項を通知し、かつ、当該納税地にある事務所等においてこれらの事項をその帳簿に記録することが確実であると見込まれること。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(6) Where the relevant official of the National Tax Agency, the relevant official of the Tax Office or Regional Taxation Bureau having jurisdiction over a consolidated parent corporation's place for tax payment or the relevant official of the Tax Office or Regional Taxation Bureau having jurisdiction over the location of the head office or principal office of a consolidated subsidiary corporation has requested the said consolidated corporation to present or submit the books and documents that are considered to be necessary for the calculation of the arm's length price prescribed in paragraph (1) which pertains to a foreign affiliated transaction conducted by the consolidated corporation in each consolidated business year or copies of such books and documents (in the case where the consolidated corporation, instead of preparing or preserving such books and documents, prepares or preserves electromagnetic records (meaning records made in an electronic form, a magnetic form, or any other form not recognizable to human perception, which are used in information processing by computers), such electromagnetic records shall be included; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article), if the said consolidated corporation has failed to present or submit these books and documents or copies thereof without delay, the district director may presume the amount calculated by the method listed in any of the following items (the method listed in item (ii) may be applied only where the method listed in (i) is unavailable) to be the said arm's length price, and thereby make a reassessment prescribed in Article 2(xliii) of the Corporation Tax Act (referred to in paragraph (16) as a "reassessment") or a determination prescribed in item (xliv) of the said Article (referred to in paragraph (16) as a "determination") with respect to the said consolidated corporation's amount of consolidated income or amount of consolidated loss for the relevant consolidated business year: 例文帳に追加

6 国税庁の当該職員、連結親法人の納税地の所轄税務署若しくは所轄国税局の当該職員又は連結子法人の本店若しくは主たる事務所の所在地の所轄税務署若しくは所轄国税局の当該職員が、当該連結法人にその各連結事業年度における国外関連取引に係る第一項に規定する独立企業間価格を算定するために必要と認められる帳簿書類(その作成又は保存に代えて電磁的記録(電子的方式、磁気的方式その他の人の知覚によつては認識することができない方式で作られる記録であつて、電子計算機による情報処理の用に供されるものをいう。)の作成又は保存がされている場合における当該電磁的記録を含む。以下この条において同じ。)又はその写しの提示又は提出を求めた場合において、当該連結法人がこれらを遅滞なく提示し、又は提出しなかつたときは、税務署長は、次の各号に掲げる方法(第二号に掲げる方法は、第一号に掲げる方法を用いることができない場合に限り、用いることができる。)により算定した金額を当該独立企業間価格と推定して、当該連結事業年度の連結所得の金額又は連結欠損金額につき法人税法第二条第四十三号に規定する更正(第十六項において「更正」という。)又は同条第四十四号に規定する決定(第十六項において「決定」という。)をすることができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(25) The relevant official of the National Tax Agency, the Regional Taxation Bureau, or the Tax Office may, when it is necessary in the examination concerning the submission of a report of payment of a consideration for the transfer of specified book-entry transfer national government bonds, etc. or a report of payment of redemption money, etc. of specified book-entry transfer national government bonds, etc., ask questions of the person who is obliged to submit the said report of payment of a consideration for the transfer of specified book-entry transfer national government bonds, etc. or a report of payment of redemption money, etc. of specified book-entry transfer national government bonds, etc., or inspect the person's books, documents and any other materials concerning the handling of payment of a consideration for the transfer of specified book-entry transfer national government bonds, etc. or payment of redemption money or interest on specified book-entry transfer national government bonds, etc. 例文帳に追加

25 国税庁、国税局又は税務署の当該職員は、特定振替国債等の譲渡対価の支払調書又は特定振替国債等の償還金等の支払調書の提出に関する調査について必要があるときは、当該特定振替国債等の譲渡対価の支払調書又は特定振替国債等の償還金等の支払調書を提出する義務がある者に質問し、又はその者の特定振替国債等の譲渡の対価の支払又は特定振替国債等の償還金若しくは利息の支払の取扱いに関する帳簿書類その他の物件を検査することができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(9) Where a corporation has failed to present or submit the books and documents or copies thereof prescribed in paragraph (7) without delay, the relevant official of the National Tax Agency or the relevant official of the Tax Office or Regional Taxation Bureau having jurisdiction over the corporation's place for tax payment may, when it is necessary for the calculation of the said corporation's arm's length price prescribed in paragraph (1) which pertains to a foreign affiliated transaction in each business year, ask questions of a person who is engaged in a business that is the same type as the said corporation's business involving the said foreign affiliated transaction, or inspect the books and documents concerning the said business, to the extent considered necessary for such calculation. 例文帳に追加

9 国税庁の当該職員又は法人の納税地の所轄税務署若しくは所轄国税局の当該職員は、法人が第七項に規定する帳簿書類又はその写しを遅滞なく提示し、又は提出しなかつた場合において、当該法人の各事業年度における国外関連取引に係る第一項に規定する独立企業間価格を算定するために必要があるときは、その必要と認められる範囲内において、当該法人の当該国外関連取引に係る事業と同種の事業を営む者に質問し、又は当該事業に関する帳簿書類を検査することができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 58 (1) Where the regional commissioner of a Regional Taxation Bureau, the district director of a tax office or the director-general of a customs house pays or appropriates a refund, etc., he/she shall add, to the amount to be refunded or appropriated, an amount calculated by multiplying the amount to be refunded or appropriated by the rate of 7.3% per annum according to the number of days during the period from the day following the day specified in each of the following items for the categories of refund, etc. listed respectively in said items, until the day on which payment of the relevant refund is determined or the day on which the relevant refund is appropriated (in the case where appropriation has become possible before the said date of appropriation, that day on which it becomes possible) (or during the period otherwise specified by other national tax laws) (the amount thus calculated shall be referred to as "interest on refund"): 例文帳に追加

第五十八条 国税局長、税務署長又は税関長は、還付金等を還付し、又は充当する場合には、次の各号に掲げる還付金等の区分に従い当該各号に定める日の翌日からその還付のための支払決定の日又はその充当の日(同日前に充当をするのに適することとなつた日がある場合には、その適することとなつた日)までの期間(他の国税に関する法律に別段の定めがある場合には、その定める期間)の日数に応じ、その金額に年七・三パーセントの割合を乗じて計算した金額(以下「還付加算金」という。)をその還付し、又は充当すべき金額に加算しなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 46 (1) Where a taxpayer has suffered a considerable loss of property due to earthquake, flood, wind, lightning, fire or other similar natural disaster, if any of the taxpayer's national tax falls under any of the following and is payable within one year from the day on which the taxpayer suffered such loss, the district director of the tax office (in cases where the director-general of a customs house or the regional commissioner of a Regional Taxation Bureau collects national taxes pursuant to the provisions of the proviso to Article 43, paragraph (1), or paragraph (3) or paragraph (4) of said Article, or Article 44, paragraph (1) (Competent Agency for Collection of National Taxes), the director-general or the regional commissioner; hereinafter referred to as the "district director of the tax office, etc." in this Chapter) may, based on an application filed by the taxpayer within two months from the day on which such disaster ended, grant a grace period for payment of the national tax in whole or in part for up to one year from the due date for payment (in the case of a withholding tax for which no notice of tax due has been given, its statutory due date for payment) (in the case of the national tax set forth in item (iii), the such grace period shall be specified by Cabinet Order), as provided for by Cabinet Order: 例文帳に追加

第四十六条 税務署長(第四十三条第一項ただし書、第三項若しくは第四項又は第四十四条第一項(国税の徴収の所轄庁)の規定により税関長又は国税局長が国税の徴収を行う場合には、その税関長又は国税局長。以下この章において「税務署長等」という。)は、震災、風水害、落雷、火災その他これらに類する災害により納税者がその財産につき相当な損失を受けた場合において、その者がその損失を受けた日以後一年以内に納付すべき国税で次に掲げるものがあるときは、政令で定めるところにより、その災害のやんだ日から二月以内にされたその者の申請に基づき、その納期限(納税の告知がされていない源泉徴収による国税については、その法定納期限)から一年以内の期間(第三号に掲げる国税については、政令で定める期間)を限り、その国税の全部又は一部の納税を猶予することができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 27 (1) With respect to the place for tax payment of income tax to be collected, pursuant to the provisions of Article 42(1) of the Act, for the payment of the remuneration paid by a tax-exempt entertainment corporation, etc. prescribed in Article 42(1) of the Act (referred to as a "tax-exempt entertainment corporation, etc." in paragraph (3)) to entertainers, etc. for their provision of services, the term "shall be the place prescribed in the said items" in Article 55 of the Order for Enforcement of the Income Tax Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "shall be the place prescribed in the said items (with respect to the remuneration paid by a tax-exempt entertainment corporation, etc. prescribed in Article 42(1) (Special Provisions for Withholding at Source of Remuneration, etc. Paid by Tax-Exempt Entertainment Corporations, etc. to Entertainers for Their Provision of Services) of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Taxation (Act No. 26 of 1957) (hereinafter referred to as a "tax-exempt entertainment corporation, etc." in this Article), outside Japan, to entertainers, etc. listed in the items of the said paragraph for their provision of services out of consideration for the provision of the services of entertainers, etc. prescribed in the said paragraph (hereinafter referred to as the "consideration for the provision of the services of entertainers, etc." in this Article), the location of an office, business office or any other place equivalent thereto located in Japan of a person who pays the consideration for the provision of the services of entertainers, etc. of the said entertainers, etc. to the said tax-exempt entertainment corporation, etc. (where such person falls under the category of a tax-exempt entertainment corporation, etc., a person who pays the consideration for the provision of the services of entertainers, etc. to the said person) (where there are two or more locations, the principal location))." 例文帳に追加

第二十七条 法第四十二条第一項に規定する芸能人等の役務提供報酬の支払をする同項に規定する免税芸能法人等(第三項において「免税芸能法人等」という。)のその支払につき同条第一項の規定により徴収をすべき所得税の納税地については、所得税法施行令第五十五条中「場所とする」とあるのは、「場所(租税特別措置法(昭和三十二年法律第二十六号)第四十二条第一項(免税芸能法人等が支払う芸能人等の役務提供報酬等に係る源泉徴収の特例)に規定する免税芸能法人等(以下この条において「免税芸能法人等」という。)が国外において同項に規定する芸能人等の役務提供に係る対価(以下この条において「芸能人等の役務提供に係る対価」という。)のうちから同項各号に掲げる者に支払う同項に規定する芸能人等の役務提供報酬については、当該免税芸能法人等に対し当該芸能人等の役務提供に係る対価の支払をする者(その者が免税芸能法人等に該当する場合には、その者に対して芸能人等の役務提供に係る対価の支払をする者)の国内にある事務所、事業所その他これらに準ずるものの所在地(これらが二以上ある場合には、主たるものの所在地))とする」とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 27 (1) With respect to the place for tax payment of income tax to be collected, pursuant to the provisions of Article 42, paragraph (1) of the Act, for the payment of the remuneration paid by a tax-exempt entertainment corporation, etc. prescribed in Article 42, paragraph (1) of the Act (referred to as a "tax-exempt entertainment corporation, etc." in paragraph (3)) to entertainers, etc. for their provision of services, the term "shall be the place prescribed in said items" in Article 55 of the Order for Enforcement of the Income Tax Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "shall be the place prescribed in said items (with respect to the remuneration paid by a tax-exempt entertainment corporation, etc. prescribed in Article 42, paragraph (1) (Special Provisions on Withholding at Source for Remuneration, etc. Paid by a Tax-Exempt Entertainment Corporation, etc. to Entertainers, etc. for Their Provision of Services) of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Taxation (hereinafter referred to as a "tax-exempt entertainment corporation, etc." in this Article), outside Japan, to entertainers, etc. listed in the items of said paragraph for their provision of services out of consideration for the provision of the services of entertainers, etc. prescribed in said paragraph (hereinafter referred to as the "consideration for the provision of the services of entertainers, etc." in this Article), the location of an office, business office or any other place equivalent thereto located in Japan of a person who pays the consideration for the provision of the services of entertainers, etc. of said entertainers, etc. to said tax-exempt entertainment corporation, etc. (where such person falls under the category of a tax-exempt entertainment corporation, etc., a person who pays the consideration for the provision of the services of entertainers, etc. to said person) (where there are two or more locations, the principal location))." 例文帳に追加

第二十七条 法第四十二条第一項に規定する芸能人等の役務提供報酬の支払をする同項に規定する免税芸能法人等(第三項において「免税芸能法人等」という。)のその支払につき同条第一項の規定により徴収をすべき所得税の納税地については、所得税法施行令第五十五条中「場所とする」とあるのは、「場所(租税特別措置法第四十二条第一項(免税芸能法人等が支払う芸能人等の役務提供報酬等に係る源泉徴収の特例)に規定する免税芸能法人等(以下この条において「免税芸能法人等」という。)が国外において同項に規定する芸能人等の役務提供に係る対価(以下この条において「芸能人等の役務提供に係る対価」という。)のうちから同項各号に掲げる者に支払う同項に規定する芸能人等の役務提供報酬については、当該免税芸能法人等に対し当該芸能人等の役務提供に係る対価の支払をする者(その者が免税芸能法人等に該当する場合には、その者に対して芸能人等の役務提供に係る対価の支払をする者)の国内にある事務所、事業所その他これらに準ずるものの所在地(これらが二以上ある場合には、主たるものの所在地))とする」とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


(7) Where the relevant official of the National Tax Agency or the relevant official of the Tax Office or Regional Taxation Bureau having jurisdiction over a corporation's place for tax payment has requested the corporation to present or submit the books and documents that are considered to be necessary for the calculation of the arm's length price prescribed in paragraph (1) which pertains to a foreign affiliated transaction conducted by the corporation in each business year or copies of such books and documents (in the case where the corporation, instead of preparing or preserving such books and documents, prepares or preserves electromagnetic records (meaning records made in an electronic form, a magnetic form, or any other form not recognizable to human perception, which are used in information processing by computers), such electromagnetic records shall be included; the same shall apply in the next paragraph, paragraph (9) and paragraph (12)(ii)), if the said corporation has failed to present or submit these books and documents or copies thereof without delay, the district director may presume the amount calculated by the method listed in any of the following items (the method listed in item (ii) may be applied only where the method listed in (i) is unavailable) to be the said arm's length price, and thereby make a reassessment prescribed in Article 2(xliii) of the Corporation Tax Act (referred to in paragraph (16) as a "reassessment") or a determination prescribed in item (xliv) of the said Article (referred to in paragraph (16) as a "determination") with respect to the said corporation's amount of income or amount of loss for the relevant business year or the amount of liquidation income arising from its dissolution: 例文帳に追加

7 国税庁の当該職員又は法人の納税地の所轄税務署若しくは所轄国税局の当該職員が、法人にその各事業年度における国外関連取引に係る第一項に規定する独立企業間価格を算定するために必要と認められる帳簿書類(その作成又は保存に代えて電磁的記録(電子的方式、磁気的方式その他の人の知覚によつては認識することができない方式で作られる記録であつて、電子計算機による情報処理の用に供されるものをいう。)の作成又は保存がされている場合における当該電磁的記録を含む。次項、第九項及び第十二項第二号において同じ。)又はその写しの提示又は提出を求めた場合において、当該法人がこれらを遅滞なく提示し、又は提出しなかつたときは、税務署長は、次の各号に掲げる方法(第二号に掲げる方法は、第一号に掲げる方法を用いることができない場合に限り、用いることができる。)により算定した金額を当該独立企業間価格と推定して、当該法人の当該事業年度の所得の金額若しくは欠損金額又は解散による清算所得の金額につき法人税法第二条第四十三号に規定する更正(第十六項において「更正」という。)又は同条第四十四号に規定する決定(第十六項において「決定」という。)をすることができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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