
「to doso」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(2ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索









to dosoの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

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Coming to own lots of capital gradually, sakaya also came to handle business in various areas, including financial business, such as doso (a pawnbroker and money lender), distribution business, such as packing and wrapping, and communications business. 例文帳に追加

しだいに多額の資本を持つようになり、土倉(どそう)などの金融業や、荷送りなどの流通業、通信業などさまざまな業種を扱うようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Due to the fact that doso in Kyoto were under the control of Gion-sha Shrine, which was affiliated with Enryaku-ji Temple, they were often taxed by both and also subject to extraordinary taxation by the Imperial court. 例文帳に追加

特に京都の土倉は延暦寺及びその傘下であった祇園社の支配を受けていたため、両者からの徴税を度々受けた他、朝廷からも臨時徴税を受けた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Doso-shin (traveler's guardian deity) stone statue, small shrines, and jizo (the Guardian Deity of Travelers and Children) located at a roadside leading to a village means not only invocation of a deity for safety travel but also a barrier against tokoyo. 例文帳に追加

集落に繋がる道の辻に、石造の道祖神や祠や地蔵があるのは、道すがらや旅の安全の祈願祈念だけでなく、常世との端境にある結界の意味を持つ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The sake breweries at that time had a capital and many of them were also doso (pawnbrokers and moneylenders) at the same time who employed Yojinbo (bodyguards) in order to collect debt and guard their fortunes. 例文帳に追加

当時の酒屋は資本力を持ち、土倉(どそう)といって金融業者を兼ねていることが多く、借金の取立てや財産の自衛のために用心棒たちを養っていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Doso-shin faith was syncretized with Tamuke no Kami (a travelers' guardian deity) to erect mounds such as ichirizuka (milestones) and mountain-path mounds at locations at a distance from villages. 例文帳に追加

この道祖神に、旅の無事を祈願した「手向神」(たむけのかみ)とも習合し、一里塚や峠の塚など集落から離れた場所にも、塚が建立されるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Since ancient times, many places where higisho occurred have been considered sacred areas, and therefore, tekka zuka and tekka no doso-jin (traveler's guardian deities) exist in various places in Japan in order to comfort the spirits of the victims of conflicts. 例文帳に追加

このような火起請が行われた場所は、古くから神域とされてきたところも多く、紛争の鎮魂の理由により、日本各地に鉄火塚や鉄火の道祖神が存在する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Its head called Kurabugyo (Okurabugyo) led the branch but, in fact, Nosenkata selected from private Doso (pawnbrokers and moneylenders) inside Kyoto City were commissioned by the Kurabugyo to handle accounting. 例文帳に追加

長は倉奉行(御蔵奉行・御倉奉行)であったが、実態は京都市中の民間の土倉などから選ばれた納銭方が倉奉行の委託を受けて出納業務を行っていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Therefore some samurai warriors, court nobles, and common people living in Kyoto tried to avoid such a risk by placing their properties in the custody of the Doso, moneylenders such as pawnbrokers, or temples surrounded by well-defended stone walls and fences. 例文帳に追加

そこで、京都在住の武家や公家、庶民は、土倉や質屋のような金融業者や周囲に石垣や堀などを廻らせて防御に優れた寺院に資産を預けてリスクを回避する例も見られる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Machi-shu (also known as Cho-shu) was a class consisting of wealthy commercial and industrial men, including doso (pawnbrokers and moneylenders), in Kyoto from the Muromachi period to the Sengoku Period (Period of Warring States) in Japan. 例文帳に追加

町衆(まちしゅう/ちょうしゅう)とは、室町時代から戦国時代(日本)にかけての、特に土倉などの京都の裕福な商工業者である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Particularly in 1393 when, in return for an annual payment of 6,000 kanmon paid by doso to the bakufu, all control rights held by temples and shrines were negated and special taxes were repudiated. 例文帳に追加

特に明徳4年(1393年)には幕府は土倉に対して年間6,000貫文の納付と引き換えに寺社等が持つ一切の支配権を否定して臨時課役の否認を認めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On the other hand, after the mid-Muromachi period, money brokers called hizeniya, who loaned money at a high daily interest on a small scale, began to encroach on doso's business. 例文帳に追加

その一方、室町時代中期以後には高利・日歩による利息で小規模資本で営業を行った日銭屋(ひぜにや)と呼ばれる金融業者が登場して土倉の営業分野を侵食し始めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After the Kamakura period, the lord of the manor entrusted shokan (an officer governing shoen), jito (manager and lord of manor), doso (pawnbrokers and moneylenders) and so on, with the total management of shoen to collect fixed land tax. 例文帳に追加

鎌倉時代以後、荘園領主は荘官あるいは地頭、土倉などに現地における管理一切を任せて、定額の年貢納入を請負わせる制度が行われた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Folk religions are generally based on animism, and this aspect appears prominently in the previous belief style in sacred rock (iwakura) or mountain before the building for worship was constructed, and many of them changed their forms under the influence of syncretism of Shinto and Buddhism to be passed down to today (e.g., Doso-shin [traveler's guardian deity], Jizo Bosatsu [Ksitigarbha], and Ebisu worship). 例文帳に追加

これらは主にアニミズムを基盤としており社殿以前の磐座や山岳信仰などに顕著であるが、神仏習合の影響も受け形を変えて受け継がれているものも多い(道祖神と地蔵菩薩、えびす信仰など)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When OE no Hiromoto was assigned to Jito (manager and lord of manor) in Sagae no so, Dewa Province, he left the capital for Sagae as mokudai (deputy) of Hiromoto and lived in Doso Mototate (present Mototate, Sagae City, Yamagata Prefecture) then in Yoshikawa (Oaza Yoshikawa, Nishikawa-machi, Nishimurayama-gun), to rule respective lands. 例文帳に追加

文治5年(1189年)に大江広元が出羽国寒河江荘の地頭に任じられた際、広元の目代として寒河江に下向し同荘本楯(現在の山形県寒河江市本楯)、次いで吉川(同西村山郡西川町大字吉川)に居館を構えて統治にあたった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Matsuri here means prayer, which include not only prayers by Shinto priesthood as a divine yorishiro but also by ordinary people who thank gods for everyday life by placing their hands together before shintai (an object of worship housed in a Shinto shrine and believed to contain the spirit of a deity), Shinto shrine as yorishiro, himorogi, iwakura, mounts, hokora (a small shrine), Doso-shin (traveler's guardian deity), Jizo, or the inazuma and rain that sometimes bring good harvest. 例文帳に追加

祀りは祈りのことであり、神職による神の依り代としての祈祷だけでなく、庶民が神体や依り代である神社の社や神籬や磐座、塚・祠・道祖神・地蔵や時として豊作をもたらす稲妻や慈雨に対し手を合わせ日々を生を感謝すること。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Japanese militaristic authorities utilized this theory as background support in many ideological situations; on the occasion of rising the Seikanron (Debate to conquer Korea), merging Korean Empires (the annexation of Korea) practically and when Nikkan Doso Ron (Japan and Korea have a common ancestor) was birthed, then the assimilation policy in foreign lands (for example, imperialization education on Korea during Japan's colonial rule) was implemented and went forward. 例文帳に追加

征韓論が台頭したとき、そして実際に大韓帝国を併合する際(韓国併合)や、日韓同祖論が生まれて外地における同化政策(皇民化教育など)が進められるようになったときも、その思想的背景の一つとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Moreover, the bakufu introduced the Bunichi Tokusei (borrowers are exempted from returning money to the doso and sakaya if they paid 10 to 20% of their debts to the bakufu) to impose a fee on the procedure for the issue of the Tokuseirei, and set up the bajoyaku (taxes imposed on the fermented soybean paste manufacturers, public bath managers and others), as well as introduced a contract system giving privileges to the Nosenkata under the condition that they paid the taxes in advance. 例文帳に追加

また、分一徳政の導入による徳政令の手続に手数料を導入したり、新たに味噌屋や風呂屋なども対象に含めた馬上役を設定、更に納銭方に対して予め予定税収額を納付させた上での請負制を導入するなどの財政安定策が採られた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Soyocho (a tax system, corvee) paid to kokuga (provincial government office compounds) and gunga (office for county officials) were usually stored by doyoso warehouse (also called the doso warehouse) to distribute both for regular and for emergency uses as doyokoku (rice for regular use), which was sealed by each province's decision when it became full, after a certain period of time. 例文帳に追加

通常国衙・郡衙に納められた租庸調租は動用倉(どうようそう・動倉とも)に収容されて、動用穀(どうようこく)として通常あるいは非常時の出納が行われていたが、満載状態となって一定の時期を経ると、各令制国がそれぞれの判断で動用倉を封印して不動倉とした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The term "stone Buddhist image" is a collective term of the Buddhist image carved in stone and the image of a deity such as Doso-shin (traveler's guardian deity), and it has a variety of sizes ranging from small one which is seen in the precincts of temples and shrines and on roadsides, to Usuki Magaibutsu (A Buddhist image carved into the surface of natural rock such as a cliff face, a large rock, or a stone cave) and other Magaibutsu carved in a large rock such as Ajanta Caves and Ellora Caves in India, Yungang Grottoes and Longmen Caves in China. 例文帳に追加

石仏(せきぶつ)とは、石に彫られた仏像や道祖神などの神像なども含め総称されるが、その規模は寺院や神社の境内、路傍などで見られるような小さいものから、臼杵磨崖仏、インドのアジャンター石窟、エローラ石窟、中国の雲岡石窟、龍門石窟などに代表されるような巨大な岩盤に彫られた磨崖仏まで多様である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

While the existence of the priest-styled Nosenkata using the Buddhist title and the Nosenkata using a popular name is suggested in a record, the doso had originally been put under the control of temples such as Enryaku-ji Temple, therefore the Buddhist title is regarded as the remains of their work style as priest belonging to the Buddhist temples. 例文帳に追加

なお、記録上において納銭方の中に法体の姿を取って「○○坊」と名乗っている者と普通に俗名を名乗っている者が存在するが、これは土倉が本来は延暦寺などの支配下にあったため、その一員である証としてそれらの寺院に属する僧侶の体裁を取った名残であると考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Furthermore, the subjects of the paintings include children's play and seasonal images, such as two girls comparing grasses they have gathered in a game of kusa-awase (the eighth fan of "hokekyo" vol. 7), a boy trying to catch a little bird (the ninth fan of "hokkekyo" vol. 7) and the persimmon harvest (the 11th fan of "hokkekyo" vol. 6), as well as a scene of a court lady admiring the autumn leaves and a serving girl collecting chestnuts (the 10th fan of "hokkekyo" vol. 1), a little girl and a court official reading a letter (the ninth fan of "hokkekyo" vol. 1) and even a scene of a prostitute and a puppet player (or sorcerer) singing Imayo (a popular style of song in the Heian period) as offerings to guardian deity of travelers, Doso-jin, probably to comfort the spirit. 例文帳に追加

さらに、草合わせをする2人の少女(法華経巻七扇8)、小鳥捕りをする少年(法華経巻七扇9)、柿もぎのようす(法華経巻六扇11)など子どもの遊戯や風物詩も画題となっており、紅葉を愛でる女房と栗拾いの婢女を描いた場面(法華経巻一扇10)、文を読む公卿と童女(法華経巻一扇9)、遊女と傀儡子(または男巫)が今様を歌って道祖神に報宴し、神霊を慰めているのではないかと推定される場面などを描いたものもある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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