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該当件数 : 12



aerospace medicine発音を聞く  - 研究社 新英和中辞典


To provide an infection-protective garment for an air crew which is worn by the air crew over a wearing kit such as a flight helmet or a life jacket when the wearer flies in an area contaminated with disease germs or toxic chemicals, and enabling rapid use of an oxygen supply device for getting out from the water or actuating and expanding the life jacket even when the airplane urgently lands on the water. - 特許庁


To improve the reliability of operating an aircraft more safely and efficiently by using a prediction model that constructs position information of aircrafts and decisions of a traffic controller in controlled air space as learning data to predict a future position and notifying the traffic controller of the future position when an abnormality can be found in an aircraft operation. - 特許庁


Now, the basic direction of industrial policy is shown in a special government bond issue investment plan aiming at a business scale of 60 billion Euros in total. Vehicle, biotechnology, aerospace, environment, energy, IT and higher education are priority industries. - 経済産業省

六 第二十八条の規定による競馬法第二十三条の十三、日本中央競馬会法第十三条、原子力委員会及び原子力安全委員会設置法第五条第四項、科学技術会議設置法第七条第四項、宇宙開発委員会設置法第七条第四項、都市計画法第七十八条第四項、北方領土問題対策協会法第十一条、地価公示法第十五条第四項、航空事故調査委員会設置法第六条第四項及び国土利用計画法第三十九条第五項の改正規定例文帳に追加

(vi) The provisions for revising Article 23-13 of the Horse Racing Act, Article 13 of the Japan Racing Association Act, Article 5, paragraph 4 of the Act for Establishment of the Atomic Energy Commission and the Nuclear Safety Commission, Article 7, paragraph 4 of the Act for Establishment of the Council for Science and Technology Policy, Article 7, paragraph 4 of the Act for Establishment of the Space Activities Commission, Article 78, paragraph 4 of the City Planning Act, Article 11 of the Northern Territories Issue Association Act, Article 15, paragraph 4 of the Public Notice of Land Prices Act, Article 6, paragraph 4 of the Act for Establishment of the Aircraft Accidents Investigation Commission, and Article 39, paragraph 5 of the National Land Use Planning Act pursuant to Article 28;発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

四 その個人が国内及び国外にわたつて船舶又は航空機による運送の事業を行なう場合 当該事業により生ずる所得のうち、船舶による運送の事業にあつては国内において乗船し又は船積みをした旅客又は貨物に係る収入金額を基準とし、航空機による運送の事業にあつてはその国内業務に係る収入金額又は必要経費、その国内業務の用に供する固定資産の価額その他その国内業務が当該運送の事業に係る所得の発生に寄与した程度を推測するに足りる要因を基準として判定したその個人の国内業務につき生ずべき所得例文帳に追加

(iv) Where the individual conducts a transportation business consisting of operations both in and outside Japan by using vessels or aircrafts: Part of the whole income arising from the said business which should be determined as that arising from the individual's domestic operations based on the revenue arising in relation to passengers or cargos taken on board in Japan in the case of the transportation business by vessel, or on the revenue arising or necessary expenses incurred in relation to the domestic operations, the value of the fixed assets used for the domestic operations, or any other factor by which the degree of contribution of the domestic operations to the generation of the income of the transportation business can be sufficiently estimated in the case of the transportation business by aircraft発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


四 その法人が国内及び国外にわたつて船舶又は航空機による運送の事業を行なう場合 当該事業により生ずる所得のうち、船舶による運送の事業にあつては国内において乗船し又は船積みをした旅客又は貨物に係る収入金額を基準とし、航空機による運送の事業にあつてはその国内業務に係る収入金額又は経費、その国内業務の用に供する固定資産の価額その他その国内業務が当該運送の事業に係る所得の発生に寄与した程度を推測するに足りる要因を基準として判定したその法人の国内業務につき生ずべき所得例文帳に追加

(iv) Where the corporation conducts a transportation business consisting of operations both in and outside Japan by using vessels or aircrafts: Part of the whole income arising from the said business which should be determined as that arising from the corporation's domestic operations based on the revenue arising in relation to passengers or cargos taken on board in Japan in the case of the transportation business by vessel, or on the revenue arising or expenses incurred in relation to the domestic operations, the value of the fixed assets used for the domestic operations, or any other factor by which the degree of contribution of the domestic operations to the generation of the income of the transportation business can be sufficiently estimated in the case of the transportation business by aircraft;発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!




該当件数 : 12


特許の効力は,次のものには及ばない。1. 非商業目的で私的に行われる行為2. 特許発明の内容に関係して実験の目的で行われる行為 2a. 植物新品種の育成,発見及び開発のための生物学的材料の使用 2b. 医薬品を欧州連合の市場に投入する販売許可,又は欧州連合の加盟国若しくは第3国における医薬品についての販売承認を取得するために必要とされる研究,試験及びその後の実務的要件3. 医師の処方に従って薬局内で個別に即席で行われる医薬の調合,又はそのようにして調合された医薬に関する行為 4.工業所有権の保護に関するパリ条約の他の加盟国の船舶が一時的又は偶発的に本法の施行水域に入った場合において,その船体に関し,又はその機械,索具,装置及びその他の付属物に関し,その船舶上で行われる特許発明の内容の使用。ただし,この内容が専ら当該船舶の必要のために使用されることを条件とする。5.工業所有権の保護に関するパリ条約の他の加盟国の航空機又は車両が一時的又は偶発的に本法の施行領域に入った場合において,航空機又は車両の構造若しくは操作,又は当該航空機又は車両の付属物における特許発明の内容の使用6. 1944年12月 7日の「国際民間航空に関する条約」第 27条(連邦法律公報1956,II, p.411)に明記した行為。ただし,当該行為が,同条の規定の適用対象である他国の航空機に関するものであることを条件とする。例文帳に追加

The effects of a patent shall not extend to: 1. acts done privately for non-commercial purposes; 2. acts done for experimental purposes relating to the subject matter of the patented invention; 2a. the use of biological material for breeding, discovery and development of a new plant variety type; 2b. studies and trials and the resulting practical requirements necessary for obtaining a marketing authorization to place a medicinal product on the market in the European Union or a marketing approval for a medicinal product in the Member States of the European Union or in third countries; the extemporaneous preparation of medicinal products in individual cases in a pharmacy in accordance with a medical prescription, or acts concerning the medicinal products so prepared; 4. the use of the subject matter of the patented invention on board of vessels of another member state of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, in the body of the vessel, in the machinery, tackle, gear and other accessories, should such vessel temporarily or accidentally enter waters to which the territory of application of this Act extends, on the condition that this subject matter is used exclusively for the needs of said vessel; 5. the use of the subject matter of the patented invention in the construction or operation of aircraft or land vehicles of another member state of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property or the use of accessories for such aircraft or land vehicles should these temporarily or accidentally enter the territory to which this Act applies; 6. the acts specified in Article 27 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation of December 7, 1944 (Federal Law Gazette [Bundesgesetzblatt], 1956, II, p. 411), where such acts concern the aircraft of another state to which the provisions of that Article are applicable.発音を聞く  - 特許庁

2 鉄道賃及び船賃は旅行区間の路程に応ずる旅客運賃(はしけ賃及びさん橋賃を含むものとし、運賃に等級を設ける線路又は船舶による旅行の場合には、運賃の等級を三階級に区分するものについては中級以下で裁判所が相当と認める等級の、運賃の等級を二階級に区分するものについては裁判所が相当と認める等級の運賃)、急行料金(特別急行列車を運行する線路のある区間の旅行で片道百キロメートル以上のものには特別急行料金、普通急行列車又は準急行列車を運行する線路のある区間の旅行で片道五十キロメートル以上のものには普通急行料金又は準急行料金)並びに裁判所が支給を相当と認める特別車両料金及び特別船室料金並びに座席指定料金(座席指定料金を徴する普通急行列車を運行する線路のある区間の旅行で片道百キロメートル以上のもの又は座席指定料金を徴する船舶を運行する航路のある区間の旅行の場合の座席指定料金に限る。)によつて、路程賃は最高裁判所が定める額の範囲内において裁判所が定める額によつて、航空賃は現に支払つた旅客運賃によつて、それぞれ算定する。例文帳に追加

(2) Railway fare and ship fare (including a lighterage and pierage) shall be calculated respectively as comprising [1] passenger fare (in the case of travel by a route or a ship for which there are fare classes, if the fare is categorized into three classes, the second- or third-class fare as considered reasonable by the court, and if the fare is categorized into two classes, the fare of the class as considered reasonable by the court) corresponding to the distance of the span traveled, [2] express charge (a limited express charge for travel of 100 kilometers or more one way between points where there is a railway on which a limited express train runs; an ordinary express charge or semi-express charge for travel of fewer than 100 kilometers and 50 kilometers or more one way between points where there is a railway on which an ordinary express train or semi-express train runs), [3] special compartment charge or special cabin charge, if the payment of which is considered reasonable by the court, and [4] seat reservation charge (limited to a seat reservation charge in the case of travel of 100 kilometers or more one way between points where there is a railway on which an ordinary express train requiring a seat reservation charge runs, or travel by ship between points where there is a route on which a ship requiring a seat reservation charge runs); a distance fare shall be calculated as the amount determined by the court within the range specified by the Supreme Court; and an airfare shall be calculated by the passenger fare actually paid.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


The General Insurance Association of Japan, for example, provided very vigorous cooperation. Usually, assessment of the extent of damage is very important for non-life insurance. This time, one of the association's member companies has undertaken the assessment of damage based on aerial photographs. As you know, the estimated amount of earthquake insurance claims paid, mainly in the six prefectures of the Tohoku region, is 1,200 billion yen, with the amount for Miyagi Prefecture alone at 520 billion to 530 billion yen, according to a recent newspaper report. The chairman of a bank with nation-wide operations recently paid me a courtesy visit after being elected at the general shareholders' meeting and told me about an increase in deposits at his bank's Sendai branch.発音を聞く  - 金融庁

2 鉄道賃及び船賃は旅行区間の路程に応ずる旅客運賃(はしけ賃及びさん橋賃を含むものとし、運賃に等級を設ける線路又は船舶による旅行の場合には、運賃の等級を三階級に区分するものについては中級以下で公正取引委員会が相当と認める等級の、運賃の等級を二階級に区分するものについては公正取引委員会が相当と認める等級の運賃)、急行料金(特別急行列車を運行する線路のある区間の旅行で片道百キロメートル以上のものには特別急行料金、普通急行列車又は準急行列車を運行する線路のある区間の旅行で片道五十キロメートル以上のものには普通急行料金又は準急行料金)並びに公正取引委員会が支給を相当と認める特別車両料金及び特別船室料金並びに座席指定料金(座席指定料金を徴する普通急行列車を運行する線路のある区間の旅行で片道百キロメートル以上のもの又は座席指定料金を徴する船舶を運行する航路のある区間の旅行の場合の座席指定料金に限る。)によつて、路程賃は一キロメートルにつき三十七円以内において公正取引委員会が相当と認める額によつて、航空賃は現に支払つた旅客運賃によつて、それぞれ算定する。例文帳に追加

(2) Train fares and boat fares shall be calculated based on the passenger fare (including any lighterage or pierage dues, and in the case of travel by rail transport or water transport where the fare varies by grade, if the fare has three grades, it shall be the fare for the middle or the lowest grade, whichever the Japan Fair Trade Commission deems reasonable, and if the fare has two grades, it shall be the fare for whichever grade the Japan Fair Trade Commission deems reasonable), any express fare (for travel of 100 kilometers or more each way in a section where a special express train is operated, it shall be the special express fare, and for travel of 50 kilometers or more each way in a section where an ordinary express train or a local express train is operated, it shall be the ordinary express fare or the local express fare), and any special vehicle charge or special cabin charge or reserved-seat charge (limited to a reserved-seat charge for travel of 100 kilometers or more each way in a section where an ordinary express train that charges a reserved-seat charge is operated or for travel in a section where a ship that charges a reserved-seat charge is operated) which the Japan Fair Trade Commission finds reasonable, according to the distance of the traveled section; distance fees shall be calculated based on the amount which the Japan Fair Trade Commission finds reasonable not exceeding 37 yen per kilometer; and air fares shall be calculated based on the passenger fare that is actually paid.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


次のものは,特許所有者の排他権の侵害とみなされない。 (1) 外国籍の輸送手段(航海,河川,航空,陸上及び宇宙)の構造又は機能における特許によって保護された工業所有権の主題を含む手段の適用であって,その輸送手段がキルギス共和国領域に一時的又は偶発的に滞在し,その輸送手段の必要のために使用されることを条件としてのもの。当該行為は,その輸送手段がキルギス共和国の輸送手段の所有者に同一の権利を与える国の自然人又は法人に属する場合は,特許所有者の排他権の侵害とみなされない。 (2) 工業所有権の主題を含む物品をもって科学研究又は実験を行うこと (3) 緊急時(自然災害,大災害,大事故)における当該手段の適用。これには特許所有者に事後的に相応の補償を伴う。 (4) 特許によって保護された工業所有権の主題を含む手段の適用であって,当該手段が特許所有者によって供与された権利に順じて適法に経済的転用に導入される場合のもの。この場合は,特許された工業所有権の主題を含む又は特許された方法の実施によって製造された手段を特許所有者の許可に基づいて取得する者は,再許可を得ることなく,この手段を実施又は処分する権利を有するが,ただし,別段の定がある場合はこの限りでない。例文帳に追加

The following is not recognized as an infringement of the exclusive right of the patent owner: (1) application of the means containing objects of industrial property protected by patents in the construction or during exploitation of transport facilities (sea-going, river, air, land and cosmic) of other countries under condition that said facilities temporarily or accidentally stay in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic and are used for the needs of transport facility. Such actions shall not be considered as an infringement of the exclusive right of the patent owner if transport facilities belong to natural persons or legal entities of the countries that provide the same rights to the owners of transport facilities of the Kyrgyz Republic; (2) conducting scientific research or an experiment with an article containing an object of industrial property; (3) application of such means during emergency situation (natural calamities, catastrophes, big accidents) with subsequent payment of a commensurate compensation to the patent owner; (4) application of means containing objects of industrial property protected by patents if these means are introduced into an economic turnover in a legal way in compliance with the rights granted by a patent owner. In this case the person who under the permission of the patent owner acquires a mean containing patented object of an industrial property or manufactured with the use of the patented method, shall have the right to use or dispose this mean without additional permission, unless otherwise is provided by the agreement. - 特許庁



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