
「ありがとうございます」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(16ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > ありがとうございますの意味・解説 > ありがとうございますに関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 790



Thank you for accepting my friend request.  - Weblio Email例文集


We appreciate your interest in our products and look forward to serving you in the future. - Weblioビジネス英文メールテンプレート文例集


We appreciate your interest in our products and hope to continue doing business with you. - Weblioビジネス英文メールテンプレート文例集


Thank you for the opportunity to present to you today. - Weblio Email例文集



Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you today. - Weblio Email例文集



Thank you for your advice. I revised it as you said. Please kindly see the attached file.  - Weblio Email例文集


Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedules and allowing us the opportunity to introduce our new products to you.  - Weblio Email例文集


Thank you for calling us about our meeting on October 20th. This is to confirm the appointment we made on the phone. - Weblioビジネス英文メールテンプレート文例集


Thank you for your inquiry of April 1st. We are happy to provide you with the following quotations for AW221. - Weblioビジネス英文メールテンプレート文例集



Thank you for sending us the reminder about order #4398(invoice #29140) on December 20th. - Weblioビジネス英文メールテンプレート文例集



Thank you for asking me about the progress. As scheduled, I will finish making ten prototypes by tomorrow at 3 p.m. - Weblioビジネス英文メールテンプレート文例集

また、利用客P1が空間領域Cの範囲では、(「引去額130円 ご利用ありがとうございます。」)が確認できる。例文帳に追加

In addition, when the user P1 is within a spatial area C, (withdrawn amount 130 yen, thank you for use") can be confirmed. - 特許庁

よく来てくれました相手の立場に関係なく使える表現【通常の表現】 例文帳に追加

Thank you for coming.  - 場面別・シーン別英語表現辞典

よく来てくれました個人として、歓迎の意味を込めて用いる表現【通常の表現】 例文帳に追加

I'm happy to see you.  - 場面別・シーン別英語表現辞典

よく来てくれました団体としてまたは会社側として迎え入れる場合に使う表現【通常の表現】 例文帳に追加

We're happy to see you.  - 場面別・シーン別英語表現辞典

よく来てくれました相手の立場に関係なく使える表現【やや丁寧な表現】 例文帳に追加

I'm glad you were able to make it.  - 場面別・シーン別英語表現辞典

よく来てくれましたイベント参加者を迎える場合などに用いる表現。主賓かどうかに関わらず使える言い方。【丁寧な表現】 例文帳に追加

It's a pleasure to have you with us.  - 場面別・シーン別英語表現辞典


Thank you very much for concluding the contract with us. Your choosing our products is really a great honor and pleasure for us. - Weblioビジネス英文メールテンプレート文例集


I am Shozaburo Jimi, proportional representative of the People's New Party (Kokumin Shinto) reappointed to Minister of State for Financial Services and Minister for Postal Reform. Thank you for attending this press conference held so late tonight.  - 金融庁


Thank you very much for your kind offer to have a meeting with us. However, we already have a full schedule and it seems it will be impossible to visit your office this time. - Weblioビジネス英文メールテンプレート文例集


Thank you for protecting our family's home. Be careful not to get infected with the new coronavirus. - Tatoeba例文


I am writing to let you know that I'll be leaving Norton Construction on August 31st. I am going to open a construction company, Early Birds Construction, in New Mexico. Thank you very much for all your support and help during my time at the Tokyo office. - Weblioビジネス英文メールテンプレート文例集


Thank you for remembering that we have started drinking Japanese tea since we visited Japan. We made tea right away, and enjoyed the beautiful taste. We will enjoy the tea at every break. - Weblioビジネス英文メールテンプレート文例集


Danshichi was happy saying that 'I owe this to Ofudosama of my faith, and thank you very much, Mr. Hyodayu, I will protect Mr. Isonojo at the risk of my life', then Sabu called him, celebrated the reunion, and gave him a new kimono.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Thank you for your inquiry concerning AW221. However, the AW-series was discontinued on March 31st, so we cannot €fill your order. - Weblioビジネス英文メールテンプレート文例集

AW221の価格に関しましてお問い合わせのお電話をいただきありがとうございました。ご説明しましたように、以下に記した数量のご注文をいただけましたら、AW221 を11パーセント喜んで値引きいたします例文帳に追加

Thank you for your inquiry and phone conversations concerning the prices of AW221. As we stated, if you order the quantities listed below, we will be happy to discount the prices of AW221 by 11 percent. - Weblioビジネス英文メールテンプレート文例集


Thank you for your inquiry mail concerning the prices of AW221, AW243 and AW892. You requested a further discount on the products, but it is impossible for us to engage in any additional price negotiation. - Weblioビジネス英文メールテンプレート文例集


Thank you for giving me an opportunity to have a meeting with the branch manager this time. I will be happy to discuss the new topics from the book fair with him. - Weblioビジネス英文メールテンプレート文例集

募集職に必要な資格とともに学歴と職歴を含めた履歴書を添付いたしました。この応募についてお返事がいただけることを楽しみにしております。 お目通しいただきありがとうございました。例文帳に追加

Attached is a copy of my resume, which includes my academic and work background along with my qualifications for the position. I look forward to hearing from you in regard to this position. I appreciate your attention. - Weblioビジネス英文メールテンプレート文例集


The host computer 30 transmits the received content to the portable telephone 10 and the user B can hear 'Thank you' in Japanese from the portable telephone 10. - 特許庁

空間領域Aにいる利用客P2には、(「乗り越し 精算機へお回りください。」)が確認され、空間領域Bにいる利用客P1には(「残額 1000円 引去額130円 ご利用ありがとうございます。」)が確認できる。例文帳に追加

For the user P2 in a spatial area A, ("Please turn to a ride past fare adjustment machine") is confirmed, and for the user P1 in a spatial area B, ("the balance 1,000 yen, withdrawn amount 130 yen, thank for use") can be confirmed. - 特許庁


In addition, to Mr. Somavia, the Director-General of ILO, and to Prof. van Ginkel, the Rector of UNU; thank you for your cooperation as co-organizers of this symposium, and your kind acceptance to deliver lectures. - 厚生労働省


I also wish to thank the experts who have taken their precious time to participate in the meeting to enhance the cooperation among the ASEAN countries and Japan in the area of social security. - 厚生労働省


Unfortunately your stay in Japan is so brief. However, I do urge you all to take the time, apart from this meeting, to come in contact with Japanese culture, and make your stay enjoyable and worthwhile. Thank you very much. - 厚生労働省


A waiter knocked and came in with crushed mint and ice but, the silence was unbroken by his "thank you." and the soft closing of the door.  - F. Scott Fitzgerald『グレイト・ギャツビー』


By way of a summing-up, I express my deep gratitude for the generous assistance that all of you gave me. What left me with a particular impression was our inevitable choice to usefor the first time after the Second World War – the payoff program in relation to the Incubator Bank of Japan, as you know. Despite the fact that it was the first such case after the Second World War, the depositors responded in a very calm fashion. The payoff program is up and running as we speak, and I am grateful that we have been able to implement it in a tranquil fashion. To tell the truth, it was personally a heart-rending experience as I recognize the tremendous inconvenience being caused to those with more than 10 million yen plus its interest in deposit. However, the Deposit Insurance Corporation is currently dealing with the former management to properly look into its criminal and civil responsibilities and other matters. While it is still an ongoing case, this payoff implementation left me with a particularly immense impression among what happened in my three months in office of the Minister for Financial Services.  - 金融庁


We regret to inform you that our Shinagawa branch will be closed at the end of this year, on December 27th. We appreciate your support and business at the Shinagawa branch for over 15 years and solicit your continued patronage at our other branches in the Tokyo area. - Weblioビジネス英文メールテンプレート文例集


To the government representatives of 13 Asian countries, and all of you from related bodies including workers’ and employersorganizations, and all of you who are interested in this issue; I must thank you most sincerely for participating in theSymposium on Globalization and the Future of Youth in Asia" today. - 厚生労働省


Furthermore, I wish to thank the academic experts here for having taken time from your busy schedules to participate in this meeting and for their precious help in enhancing cooperation among the ASEAN countries and Japan. - 厚生労働省



Incidentally, a statement may say, for example, "thank you for your order. We will send you an official notice of approval if the order is accepted after we check our stock", which specifies that approval of the contract offer will be given separately. In this case, the statement only confirms the receipt of the contract offer which is not considered a notice of approval.  - 経済産業省


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原題:”The Great Gatsby”

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