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該当件数 : 2792



My second term was short-lived due to my poor health. - 旅行・ビジネス英会話翻訳例文

2ヶ月目の時 中隊長と意見が合わなかったの例文帳に追加

In my second month, i... I had a difference of opinion with the company commander. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


surface tension at the surface separating two non-miscible liquids  - 日本語WordNet


The front panel 7 is supported to the air conditioner body 2 to reciprocate into a first state closed by a drive mechanism 27 and into a second state opened to secure a predetermined air suction quantity. - 特許庁



The request for extension as referred to in paragraph (2) shall be submitted to the Directorate General.  - 特許庁



An assembly for the percutaneous tracheoplasty is provided with an expander 2 attached on a needle 1. - 特許庁


The lighting fixture 1 includes a fixture body 2 with a rectangular shape viewed from a plane opened below, a fluorescent lamp (light source) 9 supported on the fixture body 2, a frame body 10 mounted on the fixture body 2 in free opening and closing, and the globe 31 mounted on the frame body 10. - 特許庁


The hearing aid case is provided with a body of a hearing aid case (2) and a Bincho charcoal sheet (4) which is placed over an inner face of the case (2). - 特許庁


A back face of a body 2 of a heating cooker 1 is covered by the back lid 10 made of sheet-metal. - 特許庁



High pressure fluid having 200-500 kg/cm^2 is blasted to the surfaces of the work rolls when the hot-dip galvanizing steel sheet is skinpass rolled. - 特許庁



The air conditioner is provided with an air conditioner body 2 with a heat exchanger and a blower held inside, and a front panel 7 disposed at the front part of the air conditioner body, wherein the air suction port 5 with a mesh filter 9 disposed inside is formed at the upper face of the air conditioner body 2. - 特許庁


This base member is equipped with a suction part 1 to attract gas around one face side, and an adjusting device 2 to adjust the flow of the gas on one face side. - 特許庁


The leg seat structure of the tent house is composed of a base 2, a seat body 3, a support 5, height adjusting means 6 and tendon 7, and the base 2 grounded on the ground surface A and the tendon 7 for erecting and fixing the support 5 to the base 2 are installed particularly. - 特許庁


The station 5 is connected with the air conditioner 2 to control it, and stores a control logic 91 for determining control contents of the air conditioner 2 to send equipment data 90 indicating a state of the air conditioner 2 and a logic state data 92 indicating a state of the control logic 91. - 特許庁


The concrete form 1 formed by stretching a molded plate 3 on one face side of a sash bar frame 2 is provided with a new molded plate 5 stretched on the other face side of the sash bar frame 2, and the molded plate 3 on one face side is removed from the sash bar frame 2 to form a reproduced concrete form reusing the sash bar frame 2. - 特許庁

2ヶ月前に 彼が薬を飲むのを やめたのなら 彼の身体から薬の効き目が抜けるのに ちょうどそれくらいかかるわね例文帳に追加

Well, if he stopped taking the drug 60 days ago, it'd take about that long for his body to flush it. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


On February 13, 1258, Shigetoki HOJO held a feast to Imperial Prince Munetaka and Yasutsuna presented a harness.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This glass top plate has a glass board 2 and a touch panel layer 3 directly formed on the back side 21 forming the side opposite to the cooking side of the glass board 2. - 特許庁


The air conditioner has a partition plate 2 on the front face of the body enclosure 1 and a front panel 3 on the front face of the partition plate 2. - 特許庁


The tension belts 10 and an inside surface of the fitting grooves 2 closely contact on the innermost part side of the fitting grooves 2, and clearance S is arranged between the tension belts 10 and the inside surface of the fitting grooves 2 on the opening part side of the fitting grooves 2. - 特許庁


Further, the (co)polymer has structural units expressed by general formula (2) (X is ethylene or vinylene). - 特許庁


In 1339, Yoriharu HOSOKAWA who was a Hokucho supporter built this castle to confront the Nancho army that was moving towards Kyoto.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The ultrasonic probe holder 1 comprises both a holding part 2 for holding a probe 4 and a holding claw part 3 provided for both right and left sides of the holding part 2. - 特許庁


Further, a temperature regulator is placed behind the rear panel 2 when viewed from the vehicle 1 to heat or cool the entire rear panel 2. - 特許庁


A paper (6) is used to connect the flat surface of the semilunar-shaped container (2) to the flat surface of the lower in height semilunar-shaped container (3). - 特許庁


In a casing 10 of the humidity control unit, a humidity sensor 2 for detecting the relative humidity of indoor air RA is provided near an indoor side suction opening 15. - 特許庁


The fixing beam 7 is moved to the wall surface panel 2 side to tension the geo-textile. - 特許庁


A rotary ring 2 is provided to be rotated in a manner united with a rotary shaft 1, and a fixed ring 3 arranged in a stirring tank 103 side facing the rotary ring 2 is provided with an adjusting mechanism for adjusting a surface pressure or an interval between the sliding surface of both 2 and 3. - 特許庁

2 番目のパラメータで、保存したい画像ファイル形式にあわせた拡張子を指定することができます。 たとえば png や jpgなどです。例文帳に追加

The second parameter can be the extension of the file type you want to save the image as, for example png or jpg.  - PEAR


The glass top plate for a heating cooker includes a substrate 2 made of translucent and low-expansion glass ceramics, and a pearl tone layer 3 laminated at a rear side surface 22 that is an opposite side surface of a cooking face 21 on the substrate 2. - 特許庁


Operation timing is taken as shown in (2) of Fig. 2 among an outdoor expansion valve 4 (expansion valve on heat source side), indoor expansion valves 17A and 17B (expansion valves on use side), and an equalizing valve 9. - 特許庁


The airbag comprises a cushioning bag 1 for mitigating the shock of the inflation force during the development burdened on the occupant body, and a cushioning member 2. - 特許庁

しかしながら、貿易の絶対額をみると、被災5 県からの2010 年の貿易額は輸出が約1 兆3,800 億円、輸入が約2 兆4,300 億円であり、我が国全体に占める割合は輸出で約2%、輸入で約4%にとどまる。例文帳に追加

However, from the point of absolute amount of the trade, the trade value of 2010 from 5 disaster-affected prefectures were in export approximately 1,380 billion yen, and in import approximately 2,430 billion yen. The percentage in entire Japan value, remain at the level of approximately 2% in export and approximately 4% in import. - 経済産業省


Since the electrode 6 is in contact with the molten semiconductor 2 in the protecting tube 7, even if the temp. of contact face 8 between the electrode 6 and the molten semiconductor 2 is increased during the crystal growth, the electrode 6 in never separated from the molten semiconductor 2 since it ascends in the electrode 6. - 特許庁


The outer surface of a conductive frame body 5 is applied to the inner surface of the periphery 21 of an opening 2 of the container 1 through an adhesive sheet 6 and the inner surface of the frame body 5 is applied to the outer surface of the touch panel 4 through the adhesive sheet 7. - 特許庁


A bag body 3 made of cloth is provided in contact with an ultrasonic transmission/reception surface of an ultrasonic probe body 1, on the ultrasonic probe body 1 and a probe holder 2, and a polymer absorbing body 4 is stored in the bag body 3. - 特許庁


Consequently, the box body 2 can be moved forward until the opening 5 of the box body 2 is closed by the internal surface of a formwork by extending the adjustor 4 in a state with the support fitting 3 fixed to the reinforcement. - 特許庁


The foam 9a is expanded from the reservoir 5 to the upper side of the foam 6a in a cavity 2. - 特許庁


It is confirmed that he was in charge of business entertainment for Chosen tsushinshi (Korean emissary) (official business for Chosen [Korean] people) in Ushimado (present Setouchi City) from August 23 to 26 in 1682.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Patent Office shall endorse the application with the date of receipt of the latter and shall forward the documents without any verification within the time limit of two weeks as provided for in Art 25 par 2 of this Regulation to the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market in Alicante (trade marks and designs).  - 特許庁


On February 7, 1256, Toshiuji ASHIKAGA held a feast to Imperial Prince Munetaka and Yasutsuna presented harness.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The liquid absorbing body 1 is characterized in that a liquid absorbing base stock 2 is compressed and formed into a clumpy shape, so that the outside surface 5 of the clumpy liquid absorbing base stock 2 can expand toward the outside without restraint when the liquid absorbing base stock 2 absorbs a liquid from the outside 5 thereof. - 特許庁


An about 1 to 2 mm wide and about 1 to 2 mm thick projecting part is formed entirely on the right side of the blade of a kitchen knife. - 特許庁


On January 25, 1257, the governor of Mutsu Province held a feast to Imperial Prince Munetaka, and Yasutsuna presented a harness.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Long and thin bags 6 expanding when gas is supplied thereto are attached to both side portions of the planar members 5 on the front and back side of the body stand 2 over a nearly entire length of the plane members 5 in a longitudinal direction thereof. - 特許庁


In the vehicular air-conditioning unit 2, components 13, 14, 14b, 18 and 19 stored in a body cover 10 are moved when impacts are applied, and the entire air-conditioning unit 2 forms a crushable structure to absorb the impact energy. - 特許庁


The degree of the insertion of the main case 1 to the subcase 2 is adjusted in accordance with magnitudes of the dry batteries B1, B2, and the main case 1 and the sub case 2 are fastened with fasteners at the adjusted position. - 特許庁


The tensing of the tensional material 1 is performed by installing a center hole jack in an extension steel material screwed in from the opposite side of the long nut 2, and the bearing plate 3 is rotated and fastened in a state of introducing a tensional force into the tensional material. - 特許庁


A lower long plate 3 functioning as a slide surface of a bed 1 and an upper long plate 4 functioning as a slide surface of a movable body 2 are disposed between the bed 1 and the movable body 2. - 特許庁



This air conditioner is provided with a partitioning plate 2 on a front face of a main body housing 1, and the front panel 3 is attached to its front face. - 特許庁


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