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That will be the written report of the previous meeting.  - Weblio Email例文集


That is the written report from the meeting last month.  - Weblio Email例文集


a written account of what transpired at a meeting  - 日本語WordNet


The meeting report will be issued within 10 business days. - 旅行・ビジネス英会話翻訳例文



An official report of that meeting shall be drawn up. - 特許庁


新型インフルエンザ(A/H1N1)対策総括会議 報告例文帳に追加

Report of the Review Meeting on Measures against Pandemic Influenza (A/H1N1) - 厚生労働省

ハンセン病問題に関する検証会議 最終報告(要約版)例文帳に追加

Final Report (Summary Version) of the Verification Committee Concerning Hansen's Disease Problem - 厚生労働省

この間、事業の中間点であった2004 年3 月には『2003 年度ハンセン病問題検証会議報告書』(中間報告)を公表しました。例文帳に追加

During that time, in March 2004 (at the half-way point of the project), a mid-term report entitled the "Report of the Verification Committee Concerning Problems Involving Hansen's Disease, FY2003" was published. - 厚生労働省


The ASEAN Charter was drafted on the basis of discussions and reports compiled in the meeting, and was signed at the ASEAN summit meeting in November 2007. - 経済産業省


(15) 会議中に当事者により提出される裏付は,審判委員会の記官により報告に記録されるものとする。例文帳に追加

(15) The justification presented by the parties during the meeting shall be recorded by the secretary of the board in a report. - 特許庁


2010 年3 月、WTO、OECD、UNCTAD(国連貿易開発会議)が共同で作成した、G20 メンバー国における貿易・投資措置に関する報告95 が公表された。例文帳に追加

In March 2010, the report95 on trade and investment measures in G20 member countries was jointly put together by the WTO, OECD and UNCTAD (United Nations Trade Development Conference). - 経済産業省


Based on the report compiled by the Expert Panel on Reviewing Electricity Rate System and Its Operation in March 2012, related regulations were revised in the same month. - 経済産業省

専門評価委員会は、当該問題に関す る調査を実施し、報告を作成して閣僚会議 に提出する。例文帳に追加

The ECE will conduct research concerning the respective issues, prepare a report thereon and submit it to the Ministerial Council. - 経済産業省

・「総括会議」の開催(報告:6月)行動計画・ ガイドライン等の見直し、組織体制の強化等例文帳に追加

Holding of the "Summary Meeting" (Report released in June) Revision of the Action Plan for Measures against novel influenza and the Guidelines etc. strengthening of future organizational framework, etc. - 厚生労働省

国際調整事務局 は、常設機関として、閣僚会議への技術的援助等を 行うほか、定期的に報告を作成して閣僚会議に 提出する。例文帳に追加

The Secretariat will be established as a permanent body and give technical assistance to the Ministerial Council as well as prepare and submit periodic reports thereto. - 経済産業省


We, the members of the Verification Committee, are now able to publicly issue the "Final Report of the Verification Committee Concerning Hansen's Disease Problem" as a result of our verification task on Hansen's disease problem, which was carried out for more than two and half years. - 厚生労働省


The 2006 APEC Summit meeting in Hanoi, Vietnam, agreed to study methods and means to promote regional economic integration including the FTAAP which was defined as a long-term goal. The report was presented and approved at the 2007 APEC Summit Meeting in Australia. - 経済産業省


We have asked the FSB and the IMF to monitor progress, working with the FATF and the Global Forum, and to provide a report to the next meeting of our Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors.  - 財務省


A majority of G-20 members have already participated, on a voluntary basis, in assessments under one or both of the IMF/World Bank-led Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP) and Reports on Observances with Standards and Codes (ROSCs) consistent with our undertaking at our inaugural meeting in Berlin in December 1999.  - 財務省


Last but not least, I think it very appropriate that the report of the Eminent Persons Group highlights "technological development and innovation" as one of the operational priorities of the new ADB.  - 財務省


We provided guidance to officials to finalise the draft report for September's APEC Ministers Meeting (AMM) recommending a range of practical measures to further promote economic integration in the region, building on APEC's current work program. - 経済産業省

国連貿易開発会議(UNCTAD)が作成した2010年世界投資報告(World Investment Report 2011)によると 1990 年には海外直接投資残高の対 GDP 比は、対外直接投資額で 8.5%、対内直接投資額で 9.1%であったのに対し、2010 年にはそれぞれ 32.4%、30.4%に伸びている。例文帳に追加

According to the World Investment Report 2011 prepared by UNCTAD, the ratio of foreign investment balance to GDP was 8.5% externally and 9.1% internally in 1990, and the both figures were 32.4% and 30.4% respectively in 2010, showing considerable growth. - 経済産業省

2005 年3 月には検証のすべてを、上記の別冊を含む3冊の最終報告として編集し、同月1 日に開催された第26 回会議において、尾辻秀久厚生労働大臣に提出しました。例文帳に追加

In March 2005, all of the verification was compiled and edited into the three-volume final report, including the two separate volumes just mentioned. At the 26th meeting held on March 1, the final report was presented to Mr. Hidehisa Otsuji, Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare (see Attachment "Records of the Activities of the Verification Committee and the Research Panel"). - 厚生労働省


We welcome the latest joint report from the WTO, OECD, IMF, and United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and ask them to continue to monitor the situation within their respective mandates, reporting publicly on these commitments on a quarterly basis.  - 財務省


With regard to national properties, we intend to promote the relocation and redeployment of government buildings and housing based on the report compiled by the Advisory Council to Examine and Follow the Efficient Utilization of National Property. Moreover, with a view to realizing a "lean and efficient government," we will continue to advance the Reform of Government Assets and Debts, such as introducing a bid scheme for utilizing private sector proposals. - 財務省


This Council conducted survey research to find answers to such questions as, “Is our ownregional industrygenerating enough to cover the local citizensliving expenses and social burdens?” and “Can our regional economy survive if the current conditions are kept?” - 経済産業省

国連貿易開発会議(UNCTAD)が作成した2009 年世界投資報告(World Investment Report2009)によると1990 年には海外直接投資残高の対GDP比は、対外直接投資額で8.5%、対内直接投資額で9.1%であったのに対し、2008 年にはそれぞれ26.9%、24.5%に伸びている。例文帳に追加

According to the investment report created by UNCTAD ( the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) in the 2009 World Investment Report, the direct overseas investment balance ratio to GDP was; 8.5% for direct foreign investment and 9.1% for direct domestic investment in 1990, whereas they were 26.9% and 24.5% respectively in 2008. - 経済産業省

国連貿易開発会議(UNCTAD)が作成した2010年世界投資報告(WorldInvestment Report 2010)によると1990 年には海外直接投資残高の対GDP 比は、対外直接投資額で8.5%、対内直接投資額で9.1% であったのに対し、2009 年にはそれぞれ33.3%、30.7% に伸びている。例文帳に追加

According to the World Investment Report 2010 issued by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), in 1990 foreign direct investment as a percentage of GDP was 8.5% in the value of direct investment abroad and 9.1% in the value of inward direct investment, but in 2009, they grew to 33.3% and 30.7%, respectively. - 経済産業省

2007年3月、金融分野の規制改革に向け、官民の有識者からなる「金融・資本市場の競争力に関する会議(Conference on capital markets competitiveness)」が設置され、金融分野の規制改革に向けた検討が行われ、2008年3月、報告“Blueprint for a modernized financial regulatory structure”が取りまとめられている。例文帳に追加

In March 2007, the “Conference on Capital Markets Competitivenessconsisting of experts from both the public and private sectors was established for the purpose of financial regulatory reforms, in which discussions for regulatory reform in the financial sector were held and the report, “Blueprint for a Modernized Financial Regulatory Structure,” was prepared in March 2008. - 経済産業省

フィリピンでは、2006 年 1月にフィリピン日本人商工会議所がフィリピンとタイの投資環境を独自に比較分析し、アロヨ大統領に提出した報告において、とりわけフィリピンはタイに比べてインフラ整備に課題があると指摘している。例文帳に追加

In the Philippines, January 2006, the Japanese Chamber of Commerce & Industry of the Philippines performed its own comparative analysis of the investment environment in the Philippines and Thailand, and submitted the report48 to President Arroyo. - 経済産業省

1996年12月に開催されたシンガポール閣僚会議へのCTE の報告では、MEA の環境保護目的を達成するためには、明確に合意された規定に基づく貿易制限措置が必要となる場合があることが確認されたが、整合性の確保の方策については結論が出ず、議論が継続された。例文帳に追加

In its report to the Singapore Ministerial Conference in December 1996, the CTE noted that there may be cases in which trade measures pursuant to specifically agreed upon provisions would be necessary to achieve the objectives of MEAs. The CTE, however, offered no conclusions on how to ensure conformity with the WTO Agreement. Discussions on this topic are still ongoing. - 経済産業省


In response, the Japan Investment Council Expert Committee (Chair: Haruo Shimada, Professor of Keio University, Special Advisor to the Cabinet Office), which is under the auspices of the Japan Investment Council (Chair: Prime Minister), was resumed in October 2002. The Expert Committee deliberated on the ideal vision of measures to promote FDI into Japan. In March 2003,the committee compiled the Program for the Promotion of Foreign Direct Investment into Japan, which consisted of a report and an appendix to the report consisting of 74 concrete measures under five priority categories: (i) review of administrative procedures; (ii) improvement of the business environment; (iii)creation of favorable employment and living environments; (iv) improvement of local and national structures and systems; and (v) dissemination of information within Japan and abroad. The program was presented to and approved by the Japan Investment Council (Fig.3.1.15). - 経済産業省


Publications of the above definition can be various printed or typed paper documents, such as patent documents, scientific and technological magazines and books, academic thesis, specialized documents, textbooks, technical manuals, officially published proceedings or technical reports, newspapers, sample books, product catalogues, and advertisement brochures etc.  - 特許庁


However, a report presented by the FSF (Financial Stability Forum) at a G-7 meeting (a meeting of the Group of Seven finance ministers and central bank governors) in April contained a number of recommendations - this report was compiled with the theme of how to prevent the recurrence of the market turmoil triggered by the subprime mortgage problem, and how to maintain the resilience of financial institutions and markets.  - 金融庁


These moves are part of medium-term efforts by individual countries to introduce regulations necessary for stabilizing their financial systems and markets while maintaining cooperation with each other, which were called for in a report presented to the G-7 in April by the Financial Stability Forum  - 金融庁

年次報告が発表された直後に開催された第7 回WTO閣僚会議では、WTOによる各国の貿易措置の監視活動は、出席閣僚から概ね高い評価を得て、議長総括において「WTOの機能強化について活発な議論が行われ、監視及び分析は保護主義防遏のために重要との指摘が多くなされた」として、その重要性が確認された。例文帳に追加

At the 7th WTO Ministerial Conference held immediately after the annual report was issued, the WTO surveillance of national trade measures received generally high marks from the attending cabinet. In the Chair's summary "There was a lively discussion of WTO enhancements, and it was pointed out that monitoring and analysis were important for preventing protectionism". - 経済産業省

年次報告が発表された直後に開催された第7 回WTO 定期閣僚会議では、WTO による各国の貿易措置の監視活動は、出席閣僚から概ね高い評価を得て、議長総括において「WTO の機能強化について活発な議論が行われ、監視及び分析は保護主義防遏のために重要との指摘が多くなされた」として、その重要性が確認された。例文帳に追加

In the 7th WTO regular ministerial meeting held right after the release of the yearly report, the monitoring activity in trade measures in each country by WTO got an generally high evaluation from the attending ministers, and its importance was confirmed in the chairman's summary statement, sayingactive arguments were carried out about a functional enhancement of WTO, and there are many indications that monitoring and analysis are important for protectionism prevention”. - 経済産業省


Next let me quote briefly from the paper distributed to you. “While the ‘Interim Reportindicated a certain direction, I would like to call before the end of June a joint meeting of the plenary and the Planning and Coordination Committee of the Business Accounting Council, after adding new members to represent diverse views, and seek a discussion taking into account the changes since the release of theInterim Report,’ the fact that the voluntary application has been made possible for the business years ending on or after 31 March, 2010, the progress in the equivalence assessment by the European Union and the impact of the Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami.”  - 金融庁


Nine special materials rooms are currently available in the Tokyo Main Library, as follows: the Business, Science and Technology Room (reference books on business and social science, science and technology; abstracts and indexes of science and technology) and the Humanities Room (reference books on general subjects and humanities; core journals of library and information science) on the second floor of the main building; the Rare Books and Old Materials Room (rare books, semi-rare books, Japanese old books up to the Edo period, Chinese old books up to the Qing dynasty, etc.) on the third floor of the main building; the Map Room (single-sheet maps and residential maps) and the Modern Japanese Political History Materials Room (Kensei-shiryoshitsu) (documents and microfilms related to modern Japanese political history, microfilms of GHQ documents and materials related to Japanese immigrants) on the fourth floor of the main building; the Audio-Visual Materials Room (phonograph records, CDs, DVDs, VHS tapes, etc.) and the Electronic Resources Room (electronic resources such as CD-ROMs, electronic journals, etc.) on the first floor of the Annex; the Parliamentary Documents and Official Publications Room (parliamentary documents, official gazettes, statutes, court reports and treaties of Japan and other countries, publication catalogues, directories, annual reports, statistics of Japanese and foreign government offices and publications of international organizations, reference books on law and politics, etc.) on the third floor of the Annex; and the Newspaper Reading Room (Newspapers (original, reduced and reprinted edition and microfilm), newspaper clippings) on the fourth floor of the Annex.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


第百三十二条 第八十五条第二項、第四項から第六項まで(海区漁業調整委員会の会長、専門委員及び記又は補助員)、第九十五条(兼職の禁止)、第九十六条(委員の辞職の制限)、第九十七条の二(就職の制限による委員の失職)、第九十八条第一項、第三項、第四項(任期)、第百条から第百二条まで(解任及び会議)及び第百十六条から第百十九条まで(報告徴収等、監督、費用及び委任規定)の規定は、内水面漁場管理委員会に準用する。この場合において、第百十八条第二項中「各都道府県の海区の数、海面において漁業を営む者の数及び海岸線の長さを基礎とし、海面」とあるのは、「政令で定めるところにより算出される額を均等に交付するほか、各都道府県の内水面組合(水産業協同組合法第十八条第二項の内水面組合をいう。)の組合員の数及び河川の延長を基礎とし、内水面」と読み替えるものとする。例文帳に追加

Article 132 The provisions of paragraph (2) and paragraph (4) through paragraph (6), Article 85 (Chairman, Expert Adviser and Clerk or Assistant of Sea-area Fisheries Adjustment Commission), Article 95 (Prohibition of Holding Multiple Offices), Article 96 (Restriction of Resignation of Commission Partner), Article 97-2 (Unemployment as Commission Member due to the Restriction of Employment), paragraph (1), paragraph (3) and paragraph (4), Article 98 (Term of Office), Article 100 through Article 102 (Dismissal and Meetings), and Article 116 through Article 119 (Collection of Reports, etc., Supervision, Expenses and Delegation Provision) shall apply mutatis mutandis to the Inland Waters Fishing Ground Management Commissions. In this case, "decide according to the standard established in a Cabinet Order based on the number of sea areas of each prefecture, the number of persons operating fisheries in the sea and the length of the shoreline, considering how the sea is used" in paragraph (2), Article 118 shall be deemed to be replaced with "equally deliver the amounts calculated pursuant to the provision of a Cabinet Order and decide according to the standard established in a Cabinet Order based on the number of the partner of the Inland Waters Association (which refers to the Inland Waters Association of paragraph (2), Article 18 of the Fisheries Cooperative Association Act) of each prefecture and the length of the river concerned, considering how the inland waters are used."  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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