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Kotobuki Soga no Taimen (Soga Brother's Confrontation with the Enemy) (Chinese characters in orthographic style: 壽曾我對面) is a program of the Kabuki Kyogen (comic drama) theater. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
なんでそういう言い方するの? 怎麼對我們那麼偏見?例文帳に追加
Why are you so prejudiced? - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
--- Section 5. Pressing their bamboo sword against their opponent's shoulder during tsubazeriai - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
私おばあちゃんにとてもひどいことしたの 我對她做了很不好的事例文帳に追加
I did something bad to her. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
Basho and Shomon Jittetsu-zu (painted by Taiun): Kikaku, Ransetsu, Kyorai, Joso, Shiko, Hokushi, Kyoriku, Sora, Yaba, and Sanpu. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Afterward, he lived in a hermitage 'Taigetsu-an' in Yamazaki of Yamashiro Province (or Settsu Province?) and was called Sokan YAMAZAKI. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
As the ground of his thesis, he mentioned there was a phrase at the end of the general introduction 'the theory is classified into 115 categories, I think, as follows; seifu (tones), chosho (a leading part of sutra sentences), 8 in (八種韻, 8 rhymes), 4 seiron (四聲論, 4 tone methods), 17 sei (十七勢, 17 powers), 14 rei (十四例, 14 examples), 6 gi (六義, 6 doctrines), 10 tei (十體, 10 formats), 8 kai (八階, 8 grades), 6 shi (六志, 6 wills), and 29 tai (二十九種對, 29 replies), 30 contents of peirui (文三十種病累, 30 contents of disease related),10 shitsu (十種疾, 10 disease), meanings of articles, rontaizoku (論對属, attached articles), and so on' before the phrase of 'the volumes are titled after the universe …' mentioned above. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
In detail, the word order of the above sentence was firstly 'seifu to 4 seiron' which appeared in the volume of Heaven, secondly '17 sei to 6 shi' in the volume of Earth, '29 tai' in the volume of East, '30 contents of peirui and 10 shitsu' in the volume of West, 'meanings of articles' in the volume of South, and 'rontaizoku' in the volume of North. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The end of the scene takes the same form as that of "Kotobuki Soga no taimen," in which Moronao, who is the enemy, and Wakasanosuke, who is the excited aragoto (kabuki character featuring exaggerated posture, makeup, and costume), are being held back by Hangan, who is the wagoto (the peacemaker character in kabuki). - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
There is a legend that the residence (Fugetsu-an) of renga poet Sokan YAMAZAKI was converted to a simple temple after his death (c.1524) but the priest Shungaku passed away in 1510. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
However, the termination of peace negotiations was approved in the cabinet meeting on January 14, and on January 16, a proclamation to 'ignore after-the-fact Nationalist Government' was announced both inside and outside the nation, ending any opportunities for peace. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
ARTICLE I. The Government of Japan, through the Department of Foreign Affairs at Tokyo, will hereafter have control and direction of the external relations and affairs of Corea, and the diplomatic and consular representatives of Japan will have the charge of the subjects and interests of Corea in foreign countries. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Also, there are descriptions of the states of Shima, Iwaki, Iya, Toki, Mina, Okada, Fuko, Sana, Tosu, Sagana, Ogi, Kanasakina, Ki, Igo, Kina, Yama, Kuji, Hari, Kiku, Ana and Na. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
To enhance cooling performance of a generator by improving the structure of a circuit board so that it becomes a surface directly opposing a fan, thereby smoothly discharging the air by means of the fan. - 特許庁
It said that 'there's no reason for the emperor to give his confidence to the cabinet that is not responsible for the public, thus the ministers of the state should be responsible for the public through the parliament, even though, in theory, it is the emperor for whom they are responsible', and 'if you say that you should not resign as long as you are trusted by the emperor, even though you have lost the confidence of the parliament, and have never consulted with the general public, it means that you injure the great emperor, who takes the voice from the people as the one from the god, identifying himself with the public, and betray the divine tenor that had stated the broad-based assemblies should be held and all critical issues settled by public debate.' - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The seventh Jihei OGAWA, who revived the field of gardening, was called Gennosuke and left behind sakutei of Heian-jingu Shrine, Maruyama Park, Murinan (official residence of Aritomo YAMAGATA), Seifu so (the official residence of Kinmochi SAIONJI), Tairyusanso (residence of Yaichiro ICHIDA), and gardens designated as the National Site of Scenic Beauty, as well as many famous gardens such as the Furukawa Teien Garden, Heian-jingu Shrine, the front yard of Kyoto National Museum, the residence of Nomura Hekiunso, Sumitomo family (Yuhoen, the residence of Chausu-yama Mountain, the residence of Unagidani, Sumiyoshi, the residence of Hyomachi in Tokyo City), Mitsui family, Iwasaki family, and the Hosokawa family. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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