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Members of the Committee and the Secretariat participated in major conferences and workshops (WSs) of GHG Protocol for exchanging opinions and collecting related information.  - 経済産業省


Co-operation in exchanging views on policies relating to SMEs and expanding business opportunities of SMEs. - 経済産業省


The company has also created an atmosphere which encourages employees to propose ideas, and discussions about ideas are held during lunch breaks. - 経済産業省


I hear that after the press left the conference room, there was an active exchange of views, with Minister Nakagawa giving strong words of encouragement to financial industry officials. How do you view the current state of the financial intermediary function of financial institutions in light of what you heard from the financial industry at this forum?  - 金融庁



You said earlier that you exchanged views with financial institutions that have expressed willingness to apply for capital injection under the Act on Special Measures for Strengthening Financial Functions.  - 金融庁



The FSA has been closely exchanging information with the financial authorities of other countries as necessary. I understand that the latest telephone meeting was held to exchange general information with the financial authorities of China and South Korea.  - 金融庁


During the visit, I am planning to attend the first Japan-India ministerial economic dialogue meeting, exchange opinions with financial officials in India and Thailand, and discuss the current status and future outlook of the postal businesses in the two countries with the authorities there.  - 金融庁


To determine whether each user intends to exchange opinions about information transmitted, to clarify the user's intention to reply to the information by displaying the determination result, thereby enabling exchange of opinions in necessary and sufficient time. - 特許庁


A technical subject is extracted from a content discussed in an opinion exchanging site such as a blog, the technical subject is compared with known intellectual property information to form an intellectual property map, and the intellectual property map is delivered to a place where exchange of opinions is performed on the Internet to activate the discussions to thereby support creative activities. - 特許庁



The NSC held a series ofRoundtable Discussions on Safety Culture”, from October 2004 to April 2005, as one of the measures after the secondary system pipe rupture accident at the Mihama Power Station Unit 3 in August 2004, in order to exchange opinions with top managements of electric power companies and major contractors. - 経済産業省



The explanation provided at the symposium and to the prefectures, and opinions expressed at the meetings to exchange opinions with entities concerned, are summarized and publicly available on the website of the National Policy Unit, Cabinet Secretariat. - 経済産業省


Today, Senior Vice Minister Kazuhiro Nakatsuka is visiting Fukuoka to attend an exchange of opinion session, and I would like to take into consideration opinions collected there.  - 金融庁


During opinion exchange for technical cooperation projects, the importance of information sharing was confirmed, such as common visions that enable smooth project operation in the future. - 厚生労働省


In the plenary session, they exchanged information and views on overall economic and financial issues, such as fight against terrorist financing and financial sector restructuring issues.  - 財務省


To provide a management method and a management system for Web-site, by which an original database can be constituted through the Internet and the information exchange, opinion exchange and information retrieval by various people can easily be performed. - 特許庁


For example, some industry associations independently exchange opinions with foreign government agencies, hold seminars for foreign customs aimed at facilitating the distinction between genuine products and counterfeit products, and exchange information within such associations. - 経済産業省

・ 主要国の監督当局で構成され、主要な巨大複合金融機関について設置されている Senior Supervisors Group(SSG)に5月に加わり、各国海外当局との意見交換・情報交換を実施。例文帳に追加

In May, the FSA joined the Senior Supervisors Group, which comprises the supervisory authorities of major countries and which concerns major LCFIs (large and complex financial institutions), and exchanged opinions and information with foreign authorities.  - 金融庁


The FSA continues to actively exchange information and opinions with foreign regulators.Among others, the FSA participates in discussions held by international fora such as International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO).  - 金融庁


To provide a message broadcast device and a message receiver by which exchanges of opinions, information on a broadcast program and transmission of information unique to viewers via the broadcast program can freely be conducted. - 特許庁

また、中国の税関、警察、裁判所、知的財産権に関する行政機関等、関係機関の人材育成を支援するとともに、2006 年9 月の中国専利法改正調査団との意見交換及びシンポジウム開催、同年11 月・12 月の最高人民法院・最高人民検察院との意見交換及びシンポジウム開催、同年12 月の国務院法制弁室・国家工商行政管理総局との意見交換及びシンポジウム等を通じて、中国の行政・司法機関における法制度整備等の支援を行い、人材と制度の両面から問題解決に向けた取組を行っている。例文帳に追加

In addition, Japan has provided support for training the personnel of relevant organizations such as customs, police, courts and administrative agencies that deal with intellectual property rights. Japan has also provided support for the improvement of legal systems in China's administrative and judicial institutions through exchanges of opinions and symposiums with organizations including the Study Group for Amendment of China's Patent Law in September 2006, with the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate Office in November and December of the same year, and with The State Council Legislation Office and The General Administration for Industry and Commerce in December. These efforts are aimed at solving problems associated with both personnel and institutions. - 経済産業省


During the discussion, some commented when talking about the circumstances surrounding SMEs that, thanks partly to an array of supportive policies, their businesses did show signs of recovery at some point but now they find themselves at a standstill because of the high yen and other factors, and the future prospects look increasingly bleak.  - 金融庁


Opinions and comments proposed during the Roundtable Discussions on Safety Culture are summarized in three viewpoints, namely, “a viewpoint related to individual personnel’s consciousness and awareness,” “a viewpoint related to the organizational management,” and “a viewpoint related to work activities (contents)”, and it is necessary to appropriately address respective viewpoints. - 経済産業省


Through the opportunities for the exchange of views with labor and business groups, the Government will establish fora in which the Government, employers, and workers can hold a candid and constructive exchange of views and reach a shared understanding for comprehensively resolving the issues, and will swiftly commence the discussions.  - 経済産業省


At the recent meeting for an exchange of opinions, the Regional Banks Association of Japan and the Japanese Bankers Association pointed out that an increasing number of borrowers are applying for modification again. That has given the impression that potential non-performing loans are accumulating as applications continue to come in. What is your view on that?  - 金融庁


To provide a virtual collaborating work environment generating device allowing a member to smoothly exchange opinions with other members for the observation results or opinions in various angles or parameters of a plurality of users even if all the members take part in a conference not at the same time but at different times. - 特許庁


This system has a means for opening a registered membership site on the network, a means for opening a site for inviting and exchanging the opinions relating to the development of the commodity to the members on the network, and a means for inviting the retailers who desire to sell the developed commodity. - 特許庁


At your recent meeting for an exchange of views (about the facilitation of financing toward the end of the fiscal year), representatives of small and medium-size financial institutions said that a rise in the ceiling on the postal savings amount per customer is a matter of life and death for them and that it may actually undermine the facilitation of financing for small and medium-size enterprises  - 金融庁


(c) When exchanging opinions, - Confirm the external auditor's awareness, etc. of the external audit status and the business status of the financial institution in the initial stages of on-the-spot inspection. -Once verification has progressed, inform the external auditor of the problems identified by the inspection team, the reasons for the judgment, etc., directly confirm the external auditor's view on them, and exchange opinions thoroughly between the parties.  - 金融庁


Given those circumstances, I am eager to exchange frank views about, among other things, any impacts that the financial regulatory reform will have on the macroeconomy or financial brokerages and about financial and economic trends, and I would also like to have discussions with U.S. postal officials about the progress of the postal reform in the U.S.  - 金融庁

第十三条 食品の安全性の確保に関する施策の策定に当たっては、当該施策の策定に国民の意見を反映し、並びにその過程の公正性及び透明性を確保するため、当該施策に関する情報の提供、当該施策について意見を述べる機会の付与その他の関係者相互間の情報及び意見の交換の促進を図るために必要な措置が講じられなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 13 In formulating policies to ensure Food safety, necessary measures for promoting the mutual exchange of information and opinions among persons or parties concerned, such as provision of information concerning the policies and the granting of opportunities to comment on those policies, shall be taken to reflect public opinion in the formulation of the policies and to ensure the transparency and fairness of the process.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第三十五条 国は、この法律に基づく施策に国民の意見を反映し、関係者相互間の情報及び意見の交換の促進を図るため、生物多様性影響の評価に係る情報、前条の規定により収集し、整理し及び分析した情報その他の情報を公表し、広く国民の意見を求めるものとする。例文帳に追加

Article 35 The government shall publicly announce information pertaining to the assessment of Adverse Effect on Biological Diversity, information that has been collected, arranged and analyzed under the provisions of the preceding Article, and other information, and broadly consult the public, in order to reflect public opinion in measures based on this Act and encourage mutual exchanges of information and opinions between the parties concerned.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第六十五条 厚生労働大臣及び都道府県知事等は、食品衛生に関する施策に国民又は住民の意見を反映し、関係者相互間の情報及び意見の交換の促進を図るため、当該施策の実施状況を公表するとともに、当該施策について広く国民又は住民の意見を求めなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 65 In order to reflect citizens' or residents' opinions in the measures concerning food sanitation and to promote the exchange of information and opinions between relevant persons, the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare and a prefectural governor, etc. shall publicize the implementation of said measures and canvass widely for citizens' or residents' opinions.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


An economic mission of Japanese industry leaders also accompanied the former Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Amari when he visited India in the period JuneJuly 2007 and both Japanese political and industry leaders exchanged opinions on the India's plan for the Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor Project with Indian government officials including Prime Minister Singh. - 経済産業省

日伯貿易投資促進合同委員会は、ブラジルと我が国の一層の緊密化を図り、官民非公式の情報交換及びビジネス環境の改善や両国の貿易・投資の促進に関する意見交換を行うことを目的として、2008 年に設立が同意されたものである。例文帳に追加

The Japan Brazil Trade and Investment Promotion Joint Committee was agreed to be established to develop the increasing closeness between Japan and Brazil, to exchange public and private informal information and to exchange opinions on the improvement of business environment and mutual promotion of trade and investment in 2008. - 経済産業省


Since various problems related to financial systems tend to spread instantaneously in global financial markets, it is necessary to make efforts to understand the actual state of global impact and to share common perceptions through prompt exchange of information and opinions with foreign authorities, utilizing various international meetings.  - 金融庁


To provide a common place on a network that eliminates the complexity of exchanging messages using "send/return" found in emails, within related departments or within a project, and that allows people belonging in the related departments or participating in the project to communicate, exchange opinions, and make a discussion at the same place. - 特許庁


Regions with a high employment rate have been taking the initiative to enhance their counseling capabilities by linking companies and young people and by having counselors visit the companies, and also by creating occasions for young employees and young job seekers to exchange opinions. - 経済産業省


Regarding issues related to consumer loans, too, I gave a similar admonition at the recent meeting (for an exchange of views about the facilitation of financing toward the end of the fiscal year)  - 金融庁

このセミナーが、ABMI の下でのこれまでの成果をレビューするとともに、世界の金融市場の変化に対して、ABMI の果たすべき役割について民間セクターと意見交換を行う機会となることを期待。例文帳に追加

We expect this Seminar to serve as an opportunity for us to review the achievements under the ABMI and exchange views with the private sector on the role of the ABMI in the face of changes in the global financial market.  - 財務省


Also, in order to gain new ideas, they coordinate with local universities to absorb ideas from students, and hold discussions with out-ofstore- sales staff from department stores, and exhibit at and visit various kinds of trade fairs in Japan and overseas. - 経済産業省


Koizumi said to the press, "I want to find a key to solve a number of issues between Japan and North Korea through a frank exchange of views with North Korea's top leader."  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


They discussed a range of possible domestic policy responses to the challenges of globalization, and exchanged views on the role of the international community in helping to reduce vulnerability to crises.  - 財務省


U.S. and Japanese representatives also exchanged views on recent developments in their respective financial markets and outlined their macroeconomic policy responses to slowing global growth following the September 11 attack.  - 財務省


While there is no "one right answer" from either an academic or a policy perspective, I would like to present my views based on recent exchanges of views with a number of experts including overseas authorities.  - 財務省


To increase participation ratio in a virtual community which is a site for exchanging opinions, and to automatically and efficiently collect and store knowledge, such as personal know-hows by effectively using the community. - 特許庁

八 関係行政機関が行う食品の安全性の確保に関する関係者相互間の情報及び意見の交換に関する事務の調整を行うこと。例文帳に追加

(viii) to coordinate affairs conducted by relevant administrative organs regarding the mutual exchange of information and opinions among persons or parties concerned with respect to ensuring Food safety.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


In order to achieve efficient and effective inspection, the Chief Inspector shall communicate with the Firm regarding the progress of the inspection, the Firm’s responsiveness to the inspection, etc. in the course of the on-site inspection.  - 金融庁


I would like to exchange opinions with officials of those companies about the current status of reform and corporate strategies for postal businesses and also communicate the significance of Japan's postal reform actively.  - 金融庁


I understand that last Friday, you exchanged opinions with financial institutions. What is your view on whether or not to extend the SME (Small and Medium-Size Enterprise) Financing Facilitation Act?  - 金融庁



Based on the proposal, the FSA plans to consider this matter with a view to requiring information disclosure concerning shareholdings through annual securities reports, for example, while exchanging opinions with market participants.  - 金融庁


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浜島書店 Catch a Wave
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