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Ministers noted that finance and central bank deputies of the ASEAN+3 countries would meet regularly to report their economic situations and exchange view on policy issues and that the first such meeting was held successfully in Myanmar in 2002.  - 財務省


Ministers noted that the exchange of views and information within the Public Debt Management Forum was highly useful and beneficial to ASEM partners, and expressed the need for a regular, annual discussion of topics of mutual interest in this field.  - 財務省


As they have already expressed willingness to apply for capital injection, we will enforce this act in as practical a manner as possible while exchanging views with the banks. There are matters which would not be noticed by government employees, so feedback from bank officials working in the disaster areas is very valuable as they have practical opinions. I have assured them that I will speak my mind on various matters.  - 金融庁


The FSA will continue to exchange views with market participants and users on whether overall derivative transactions, including exchange-based transactions, should be made subject to the ban on unsolicited offers. The FSA will move forward with its examination so that a conclusion can be reached in the first half of 2010.  - 金融庁



While we have been holding such meetings for some time, we have not made an announcement until now. However, this time, I hear that one of the countries unilaterally made an announcement without prior consultation. There was not anything special about this meeting, and it is the FSA's understanding that we exchanged general information.  - 金融庁



I would also like to remind you that in addition to publishing information related to events that draw high publicity, which is carried in media news, the FSA (Financial Services Agency) is disseminating information and exchanging opinions at various levels, including at the working level and through a variety of channels.  - 金融庁

特に、ベトナムにおいては、2007 年以降毎年PPPに関するセミナーやワークショップを開催しており、2009 年3月には日越ハイレベルPPPフォーラムを開催するなど、日・ベトナムの官民が、様々なレベルにおいてPPP推進に関して直接意見交換を行う機会が定着しつつある。例文帳に追加

Particularly in Vietnam, seminars and workshops have been held every year since 2007 and the Japan-Vietnam High-Level Forum on PPP was held in March 2009, creating a series of opportunities to exchange views on PPP promotion at a various levels between public and private sectors of Japan and Vietnam. - 経済産業省


While in Osaka, a center of the traditional Japanese commerce and economy as well as a commercial center ever since the Edo era, I met with managers of financial institutions and four different SME business groups, including the Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry, to exchange frank views about the current state of Osaka and the Kinki region. During our talks, it was pointed out that business appears to be picking up in some segments of the manufacturing industry, but the circumstances surrounding SMEs still remain harsh, particularly in exporting companies, given the apprehension about their future, partly due to the appreciation of the yen. I had expected that this grave reality would be emphasized and did indeed hear the four SME business groups, or presidents and chairmen of regional banks, or shinkin banks and credit associations whose main customers are SMEs, also speak about the extremely strong impact of the high yen.  - 金融庁


Requests from Financial Instruments Business Operators, etc., for an opportunity for an exchange of opinions shall be met only if they are made between the receipt of reports on the facts that constitute the basis of the relevant adverse dispositions that have been submitted based on Article 56-2(1) of the FIEA and the notification of opportunities for hearings and explanations.  - 金融庁



Regarding the restriction on short selling, which may have already been mentioned in the previous press conference, Minister Nakagawa visited the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) today and exchanged views with the representatives of the securities industry, who pointed out practical difficulties regarding the relevant Cabinet Office ordinance, which has been subjected to the public comment process, and called for improvement. Could you tell me again about the FSA’s stance on this?  - 金融庁



As Saitama is part of the Tokyo metropolitan area, my impression was that its business conditions are relatively good compared to Sendai City, Kitakyushu City and Fukuoka City. Nevertheless, in the exchange of opinions, I was told by top management executives about the situation surrounding SMEs that despite improvements in sales which had plummeted since the Lehman Brothers shockwave, they have concerns over the future outlook due in part to the impact of the strong yen.  - 金融庁


In cases where adverse dispositions are to be taken, it may be useful for supervisors to exchange opinions with the relevant Financial Instruments Business Operators, etc., at several levels upon their request, in addition to holding legal hearings and granting opportunities for making explanations based on the Administrative Procedure Act, in order to share the recognition of the facts that constitute the basis of the administrative dispositions and their seriousness.  - 金融庁


Using this report as a spring board, METI will exchange views on consumption trends in Asia with experts. It will also examine the mechanism of consumption trend diffusion in Asian countries (as well as worldwide) and the promotional measures and distribution and advertisement strategies for trend diffusion of fashion and animation content from Japan. - 経済産業省


The two Customs Heads discussed a variety of issues, including efforts on facilitation of passenger processing, developments in Intellectual Property Rights Protection, the research and development of Customs inspection equipment, human resource development, modalities of technical assistance, and shared a common understanding that the functions and operations of Customs need to continuously evolve in response to the changing trade environment. - 財務省


As for the injection of public funds into private financial institutions, the financial authorities of the two countries hold discussions with each other on the understanding that they should not disclose information, so I cannot mention details of our talks. In any case, U.S. financial institutions face a very severe situation due to the conditions of the real estate and housing market that you know well, so we had frank exchanges of opinions.  - 金融庁

具体的には、開発分野の学術研究を促進するための世銀のイニシアティブであるKnowledge for Change Program(KCP)に我が国も参加することにより、農業、気候変動といった分野での世銀の調査研究活動を支援するとともに、日本の研究者、研究機関と世銀との間での情報・意見交換や共同研究を継続的に実施していきたいと考えています。例文帳に追加

Specifically, we plan to participate in the Knowledge for Change Program (KCP), a World Bank’s initiative to support research and analysis in the area of development. Through our participation in KCP, we intend to support the Bank’s research and analysis in such areas as agriculture and climate change. The involvement in KCP will also increase the opportunity for Japanese researchers and institutions to exchange their views on development or to conduct joint researches with the Bank. - 財務省


The two Customs Heads discussed the variety of issues, including the advancement of Customs clearance IT system, efforts on the protection of Intellectual Property Rights, the research and development of Customs inspection equipments and human resource development, and shared a common understanding that the functions and operations of Customs should be continuously evolved in response to change in trade environment. - 財務省


Furthermore, the review meeting agreed on an exchange of views on the necessity of conformity assessment procedures as well as on matters for consideration in deciding types of such procedures, and on the continuation of discussions on such matters as the benefits of and points of caution in suppliers' declaration of conformity (such as establishing test screenings) and the orientation of the accreditation as a means of ascertaining the technical capabilities of conformity assessment bodies. - 経済産業省


To actualize the differentiation of a commodity and to reflects a variety of needs of in individual customers in the development of a new commodity by carrying out all processes of the planning and development to the sale of a commodity through 'the exchange of opinions among people, media, and the maker using media such as the Internet or magazines'. - 特許庁

五 国の機関、独立行政法人等、地方公共団体及び地方独立行政法人の内部又は相互間における審議、検討又は協議に関する情報であって、公にすることにより、率直な意見の交換若しくは意思決定の中立性が不当に損なわれるおそれ、不当に国民の間に混乱を生じさせるおそれ又は特定の者に不当に利益を与え若しくは不利益を及ぼすおそれがあるもの例文帳に追加

(v) Information concerning deliberations, examinations or consultations internally conducted by or mutually conducted between state organs, Incorporated Administrative Agencies, etc., local public entities and Local Incorporated Administrative Agencies, where disclosure is likely to cause unjust harm to the open exchange of opinions or the neutrality of decision making, cause unjust confusion among citizens, or bring unjust advantages or disadvantages to specific individuals.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

六 国の機関、独立行政法人等、地方公共団体及び地方独立行政法人の内部又は相互間における審議、検討又は協議に関する情報であって、開示することにより、率直な意見の交換若しくは意思決定の中立性が不当に損なわれるおそれ、不当に国民の間に混乱を生じさせるおそれ又は特定の者に不当に利益を与え若しくは不利益を及ぼすおそれがあるもの例文帳に追加

(vi) Information concerning deliberations, examinations or consultations internally conducted by or mutually conducted between state organs, Incorporated Administrative Agencies, etc., local public entities and Local Incorporated Administrative Agencies, where disclosure is likely to cause unjust harm to the open exchange of opinions or the neutrality of decision making, cause unjust confusion among citizens, or bring unjust advantages or disadvantages to specific individuals  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


We, the Finance Ministers of ASEAN, China, Japan and the Republic of Korea (ASEAN + 3) convened our meeting in Honolulu to exchange views on recent economic and financial developments, review the progress of and discuss further cooperation in the East Asian region, in particular the implementation of the Chiang Mai Initiative (CMI) and monitoring of capital flows.  - 財務省


There is a global trend of risk aversion because of concerns over the fiscal and financial problems in Europe.In October last year, I visited Germany, France and the United Kingdom, and exchanged opinions with various policymakers, such as Governor King of the Bank of England, the Chairman of the U.K. Financial Services Authority and the vice president of Deutsche Bundesbank.  - 金融庁


I would like to refrain from commenting with prejudgment on the debate to be held at the meeting of G-20 finance ministers and central bank governors before this meeting starts. As this is an important meeting in which countries intensively engage in exchanges of opinions, I hope that meaningful debate will be held, including on points of debate concerning the current financial regulatory reform, with a view to stabilizing the global economic and financial conditions.  - 金融庁


Generally speaking, a G-7 meeting provides an opportunity for discussions on the state of the global economy and developments in the financial, capital and exchange markets, so, as usual, there will most likely be an exchange of opinions about policy actions to be taken in response to a slowdown of the global economy and measures to maintain or restore confidence in the financial markets.  - 金融庁


Against a background of an overall deepening of EU-Japan relations, also within the framework of the EU-Japan Action Plan, a broad exchange of views took place- in a constructive and fruitful atmosphere - on issues related to macro economic developments and policies in the EU and in Japan, regulatory and supervisory developments in the financial services' area and international issues of common interest.  - 財務省


Since then, Japan has been providing its good offices to enhance Myanmar's reengagement with the international community, in partnership with relevant countries and international organizations. Additionally, Japan took the lead in convening development partners in Myanmar to have frank discussions among them: the first meeting took place in March 2011 in Yangon, followed by a second one in May 2011 in Mandalay. - 財務省


Yesterday, I visited Sendai to grasp the reality of the business and financing conditions and other matters associated with regional small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). In Sendai, I met with the management of financial institutions and executives of four SME business groups, including the Miyagi Chamber of Commerce and Industry, to exchange views on the state of affairs in Sendai as well as the six Tohoku prefectures and the region as a whole.  - 金融庁


After the cabinet meeting and the informal meeting of cabinet ministers, the Prime Minister summoned to his official residence several ministers and other officials, including the Chief Cabinet Secretary, the Minister of Finance, Minister for Fiscal and Economic Policy Yosano, the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, the BOJ (Bank of Japan) Governor, the FSA Commissioner, Vice Minister of Finance for International Affairs Shinohara, as well as me, in order to exchange opinions about the Lehman Brothers issue.  - 金融庁


As you know, the impacts of the fiscal and financial problems in Europe and the economic downturn in the United States have naturally reached Asia, and the dollar is the key reserve currency. We held the meeting not because there is are particular problems pending between Japan and China or South Korea, but we exchanged general information with each other.  - 金融庁


In this context, we recognize the growing importance of promoting the sharing of information throughout the agency and exchanges of opinions. For example, we are making efforts to share the recognition and analysis of market developments related to the subprime loan problem and make effective use of the results.  - 金融庁


Before soliciting public comments on this proposal, we exchanged various opinions with business operators. Thus, while we are strongly aware of the need to apply rules-based regulation, we are giving consideration to the broad purpose of the better regulation initiative.  - 金融庁

ちなみに第4 回日伯貿易投資促進合同委員会は、2010 年11 月に東京で開催され、ブラジル側からは豚肉の対日輸出解禁、コーヒー豆の残留農薬基準の見直しなどが提起され、日本側からは移転価格税制、技術移転にかかる問題点、ビザ取得年数といった、双方の関心事項や将来的な協力関係の可能性についても幅広く意見交換が行われた。例文帳に追加

By the way, the fourth meeting of Japan Brazil Trade and Investment Promotion Joint Committee was held in Tokyo in November 2010 and Brazil proposed removal of embargo on exporting pork to Japan and revision of the criteria for pesticide residue of coffee beans, and Japan proposed to remove problems in transfer price taxation system, technology transfer system and to be permitted number of years for visa. Also, matters on mutual interests and possibility of future cooperation were extensively discussed. - 経済産業省


In addition, a monthly Eco-Environment Meeting is held at the Wakayama plant, in which all employees participate, exchanging opinions concerning initiatives aimed at energy conservation in production processes; by reforming not only production processes, but also the environmental awareness of employees, the plant is undertaking endeavors aimed at improving productivity through reducing CO2 emissions and conserving energy. - 経済産業省


At the same time, trainees utilize in their work duties the things they learned in the training and the information they gained from opinion sharing with other trainees, and it is thus inferred that the trainees are actively utilizing the content of the training in which they participated upon their return to their home countries. - 厚生労働省


An economic mission of about 180 Japanese industry leaders also accompanied the then-Prime Minister Abe when he made official visits to 5 Middle Eastern countries (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, Qatar and Egypt) in April 2007. The mission attended some of the summit meetings and also some business forums with Prime Minister Abe and exchanged opinions with industry leaders of these countries. - 経済産業省


In the current round of negotiations, exchange of opinions among donors regarding the policy issues for the Fund is more active than ever. As a result, we have agreed to assess the performance of borrowers, such as their governance and policy efforts for economic growth, poverty reduction, and environmental protection - so that resources can be allocated based on this assessment.  - 財務省


In an effort to simplify and accelerate the procedures for the issuance of certificates of origin based on the Economic Partnership Agreement, the maximum period for product assessment (one year) has been removed and aStudy Group on the Reform of the System of Certificates of Originconsisting of relevant government departments and organizations was established in August 2007. This is used as a place for exchanging opinions with industry and certificate issuing institutions. - 経済産業省


Furthermore, the Office of Intellectual Property Protection, the Government's unified contact established in METI, takes the initiative in supporting various activities, such as responding to the requests of individual enterprises for advice and information and exchanging opinions with the Chinese Government and industry by field of business. - 経済産業省


Especially, the research projects which used the network of regional research institutes in East Asia were a test-run projects for the "Developing a Roadmap toward East Asian Economic Integration Roadmap" and "Energy Security in East Asia." The progress and the results of the projects were reported to the " Economic Ministers Meeting," the "EAS Energy Ministers' Meetings," and the "EAS" with exchanging of opinions with policy-makers. - 経済産業省


As the efforts for risk communication concerning food safety, etc., the MHLW shall, in cooperation with prefectures and other ministries and agencies, provide information to and exchange information with consumers, business operators, etc. on the details of the plan and the status of monitoring and guidance on imported foods and strive to gain appropriate understanding of food safety, etc - 厚生労働省


As the efforts for risk communication concerning food safety, etc., the MHLW shall, in cooperation with prefectures and other ministries and agencies, provide information to and exchange information with consumers, business operators, etc. on the details of the plan and the status of monitoring and guidance on imported foods and strive to gain appropriate understanding of food safety, etc. - 厚生労働省


A survey team, composed of academic experts, the Japan Water Works Association, the Federation of Japan Water Industries, Inc., the water supply utilities of principal cities, and MHLW, was dispatched to Iwate Prefecture, Miyagi Prefecture and Fukushima Prefecture, in order to have a grasp of the damage situation of water supply utilities in the affected areas and the status of restoration of them, to be reflected in the future recovery plans and measures. (from May 8 to 11, 2011) - 厚生労働省


The FSA intends to establish relations with financial firms and other parties in the markets that allow frank exchange of views and to enhance dialogue by making use of various opportunities. This will contribute to improving the transparency and predictability of regulatory actions from the viewpoint of financial firms and others. It will also help the FSA understand the developments in markets and in the financial sector in a prompt manner. Furthermore, the dialogue will facilitate cooperation between the public and private sectors in the search for solutions to problems faced by the financial system and by financial firms.  - 金融庁


It is important that countries have a close exchange of opinions and cooperate with each other in the current international financial and economic situations, and I am expecting that at the Cannes summit, the leaders will hold meaningful discussions about how to stabilize the global economy and financial system.  - 金融庁


Meanwhile, the FSA is engaging in a wide-ranging exchange of opinions with the financial industry as to what measures can be taken for SMEs regarding this matter. In any case, if requests for consultation or complaints are received from customers about financial transactions, whether they be currency derivatives or not, it is necessary for financial institutions to respond sincerely and conscientiously.  - 金融庁


I also hope that this conference will add new insights into the pool of knowledge on infrastructure, and this, in turn, will contribute to sustainable growth and poverty reduction in developing countries. Thank you. - 財務省


review the works of the working groups of the Three Customs; exchange views on tripartite, regional and international Customs matters from the strategic perspective; discuss future directions of the Three Customs cooperation; expand and deepen the mutually beneficial cooperation in relevant fields; and develop and maintain friendly and cooperative economic and trade relations. - 財務省


In the TCHM, the Three Customs will: review the works of the working groups of the Three Customs; exchange views on tripartite, regional and international Customs matters from the strategic perspective; discuss future directions of the Three Customs cooperation; expand and deepen the mutually beneficial cooperation in relevant fields; and develop and maintain friendly and cooperative economic and trade relations. - 財務省



Based on the information presented during this high level officials meeting, participants exchanged their views about their policies for delivering maternal and child health care and social welfare and actively discussed common challenges and activities to address these challenges which they intend to pursue in the future at the national, regional and community levels, from the viewpoint of the current status and ideals of health and social welfare services concerning the “healthy next generation”. - 厚生労働省


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