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該当件数 : 25



in baseball, a pitch described as high and inside  - EDR日英対訳辞書


the low-flying path of a pitched baseball  - EDR日英対訳辞書


a sabre slammed fearsomely through the thicket in all directions  - 日本語WordNet


When paper passes through the nip N, it is made to be undulated in the width direction and is stiffened in the transport direction. - 特許庁



Moreover, the center of gravity G of the club head 3 is arranged on the side of a shaft 2 from a vertical V passing the center C of the striking surface 4 and on the upper side than a horizontal H passing the center C of the striking surface 4. - 特許庁



This shape determination method has a characteristic wherein a shape failure of the applied spot is determined by determining the spot diameter from an image edge on a straight line passing the center of gravity of the spot applied by the dispenser in many directions. - 特許庁


The ventilation holes are formed by punching a punch pin to a die on an axial line which passes through the spherical center of the shell part 8. - 特許庁


Noises C generated by the digital carry signal passing through the digital bus A and noises D generated by the digital inverted carry signal passing through the digital bus B cancels each other. - 特許庁


Accordingly, the distance between the action line of force in parallel with the ball flying direction passing the hitting point and the center of the hitting part can be taken large, thus the quantity of deviation is made noticeable, and the effect of training in a square swing can be improved by verifying those. - 特許庁



Each permanent magnet 6 is put on both sides of each pole part in a direction of a magnetic pole axis of each magnetic pole and is magnetized in such a way that magnetic flux of an armature passing through the inter-pole part is canceled. - 特許庁



A separating line 6 for vertically separating the releasing sheet 5 is formed over the entire lateral length of the releasing sheet 5 in such a manner as to extend through a position where a fixing device 8 for fixing a drip piece 2 on a foundation 7 is driven. - 特許庁


This magnetic field and a magnetic force of a magnetic flux by the magnetized current flowing through the fixed magnetic force magnets 4 cancel each other, and a magnetic field generated by the magnetized current concentrates in the variable magnetic force magnet 3 to execute magnetization efficiently. - 特許庁


A game ball that is shot to the right and discharged from a conveying member 30 passes through a passage 40, heads for the special electric Yakumono 20 and the large winning hole 125, and passes through a passage 40 between a game pin 63 and a game pin 66. - 特許庁


Both divided windings 5a and 5b are connected in reverse series, with which the electromotive forces caused by the change in the magnetic flux passing through the common core 2 mutually offset, at the conducting of the first winding N1. - 特許庁


A reinforcing board 4 is formed with a hole 4a through which an output lead line 5 to extract the power of the thin film solar batter 1 passes, and configured to support the non-light receiving face side protecting member 3. - 特許庁


A permanent magnet 6 for canceling flux passing through the adjoining poles of the rotor 3 is provided and magnetized in a direction reverse to an easy magnetizing direction of the rotor 3. - 特許庁


This magnetic field and a magnetic force of a magnetic flux by the magnetized current flowing through the fixed magnetic force magnet cancel each other, and a magnetic field generated by the magnetized current concentrates in the variable magnetic force magnet 3 to execute magnetization efficiently. - 特許庁


If the adhesive is not a quick-drying or soft type, a recessed groove 14 is formed on the die surface from the position the adhesive locally discharging unit 10 adjoining the die 8 to the position between the blank punching punch 7 and die 8, where the to be pinched metal piece passes through so as to prevent the adhesive from touching the metal to be punched. - 特許庁


A temperature control method by vaporizing a refrigerant with an evaporator part has a step of supplying a liquid with which a refrigerant flow passage through which the refrigerant passes is submerged at a front stage in which the refrigerant is supplied to the evaporator part to wave the liquid. - 特許庁


The method for controlling temperature by evaporating a refrigerant in an evaporator part includes a step of supplying gas to a liquid in which a refrigerant flow passage through which a refrigerant flows is submerged for rippling the liquid, before the refrigerant is supplied to the evaporator part. - 特許庁


An ink infiltrating member 4 stored in an ink chamber 11 of a body case 1 comprises a fiber cluster body 41 in which natural fibers such as cotton and felt, or chemical fibers are clustered, and a protective member 42 interposed between the fiber cluster body 41 and a marking-off string 5 passing through the ink chamber 11. - 特許庁


The rotating electric machine of a permanent-magnetic reluctance type is composed of a stator 1 having an armature coil 3 and a rotor 5 of which reluctance differs depending on a rotating position and wherein a permanent magnet 6 is so mounted to an iron core of the rotor as to cancel a magnetic flux of the armature coil that passes through a portion of the higher reluctance. - 特許庁


A visual reference means for a putter stroke is provided on a putter head of the golf putter to make the dominant eye and the head of a player positioned straight above a line perpendicular to a stroking surface of the putter head through a sweet spot, or at a constant position if not straight above it. - 特許庁


To efficiently reduce unevenness of carry when a ball is hit by indicating the inertia moment important as the characteristics of a club head by an inertia elliptical body around the center of gravity and determining the ratio of major axis to minor axis of a cut elliptical face when the inertia elliptical body is cut by a face parallel with a face passing through the center of gravity. - 特許庁



To make a cheerleading tool out of the reuse of a PET bottle whose content liquid has been drunk up, with a handle grip being mounted, while it is intended to make the tool capable of emitting a tone of far-reaching clear sound when the handle grip is held and the PET bottle is struck, or when one PET bottle is struck against another. - 特許庁


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WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.License
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