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I want to go to a university outside the prefecture.  - Weblio Email例文集


When I left the prefecture, I came to realize the good parts of Nagano prefecture.  - Weblio Email例文集


Transfer of hospital patients to outside Fukushima Prefecture - 厚生労働省

県外からも 人が 来てくれるようになったやん。例文帳に追加

People from outside the province also came to see it. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


大学の進路 決める時も 急に 県外の音大に行く事にしたなんて。例文帳に追加

When it came time to choose a college you suddenly wanted to go to music school. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書



Partly because there is no other store that serves Jiro type ramen in Kansai, many customers are from outside the prefecture.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Although sake brewing had been popular in Kochi Prefecture, it depended on areas outside the prefecture for supplies of sakamai.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Non-citizens of Niigata Prefecture may mistake tare katsudon for the sauce katsudon because of its appearance.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Focused on the fact that the scale of mozuku distribution outside the prefecture was far beyond the production output within the prefecture, the president thought that getting involved in the intra-prefectural production of products to be sold outside the prefecture would be viable as an industry. - 経済産業省



a memorial custom for honoring wild geese originating in the beach towns of Aomori prefecture in which wood left by wild geese on the beach is collected and used for heating bath water  - EDR日英対訳辞書



Express busses traveling from other prefectures also stop for alighting at the bus gates from 11 to 13 (on a bus parking lane on the Toko Route) at the City Bus Center, the terminus.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As for beni-shoga there are arguments for and against it, but in the shops except for those in Hiroshima Prefecture, Hiroshimafu-okonomiyaki often has beni-shoga included.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Offer independent consultation for companies in case corporate strategy or more specialized knowledge is required by dispatching an expert from outside Fukushima.  - 経済産業省


People outside Niigata Prefecture sometimes mistake this for a sauce katsudon because of its appearance. (As some books are based on this misunderstanding, careful attention is required when reading them.)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Shes-okinawa Co., Ltd. (15 employees and capital of 10 million yen capital) of Urasoe City in Okinawa Prefecture uses Okinawa's specialty of mozuku to produce dried mozuku, secondary processed mozuku products, and cosmetics with mozuku extracts. These products are also sold outside the prefecture. - 経済産業省


Among the entrepreneurs of these stores with varying origins, there are people who open stores in the neighboring city center shopping district and even open stores outside the prefecture. - 経済産業省


Business intermediary services will be provided by introducing to small and medium subcontractors seeking new customer's enterprises that meet the necessary requirements regarding, for example, present circumstances, industry, facilities, and technologies of each enterprise within and outside of the prefecture. - 経済産業省


Established the Miyagi Advanced Electronic Equipment Promotion Council in 2008 and a medical research society in 2009; promoting sales outside the prefecture by local companies with the participation of local firms and government bodies.  - 経済産業省

第二十八条 法第三十六条第一項の規定による許可の申請又は同条第三項の届出は、募集に係る事業所(以下「募集事業所」という。)の所在する都道府県の区域を募集地域とする募集、当該区域以外の地域を募集地域とする募集(以下この項において「自県外募集」という。)であつて第三十七条第一項第六号ロに該当するもの及び自県外募集であつて同号ロに該当しないものの別に行わなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 28 (1) The application for the license provided by Article 36, paragraph 1 of the Act or the notification provided by paragraph 3 of the same Article shall be filed separately for the recruitment covering the areas within the prefecture in which the place of business pertaining to the recruitment (hereinafter referred to as "recruiting place of business") is located, the recruitment covering the areas outside such areas (hereinafter referred to as "recruitment outside the prefecture" in this paragraph) that falls under the provision of Article 37, paragraph 1, item 6, (b), and the recruitment outside the prefecture that does not fall under the provision of (b) of the same item, respectively.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


It was considered to be a cuisine local to Miyazaki Prefecture and rather unfamiliar to people outside the prefecture, however, restaurants in Tokyo or Osaka which served food from Miyazaki Prefecture and convenience stores began to sell it, and it penetrated into the entire country as a popular Miyazaki local food.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Local call rates are applied to calls to areas which are designated as having the area code of 0742 (under the control of Nara First Message Area) used in most of Nara City (however, area code must also be dialed), and calls to areas (Yoshino-gun, etc.) within Nara Prefecture are considered calls made within the prefecture, while calls to areas in Kyoto Prefecture, except for Kasagi-cho, are considered as calls placed to an area outside of the prefecture.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Local rates are applied (though the area code is required) to numbers with the area code 0742 (Nara first message area (MA)), the major part of Nara City; calls to Nara Prefecture (including Yoshino-gun) are in-prefecture calls; and calls to Kyoto Prefecture except for Minami-yamashiro-mura are out-of-prefecture calls.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To make it possible to acquire telephone number information with respect to a job at a current position of an information processing apparatus in a short time to automatically prepare telephone directory information even when the information processing apparatus moves to a place such as a region outside of a prefecture from an area in which the information processing apparatus registers telephone number information with respect to the job. - 特許庁


However, growing conflict among universities has led to a decline in academia-industry cooperation, while constraints on development designed to protect cultural property have led companies and university campuses to shift out of the prefecture. As a result, economic conditions have deteriorated in recent years (Fig. 4.3.19). - 経済産業省


Fig. 3-2-4 shows whether or not the SMEs that each educational institution primarily interacts with are based in the same prefecture as they are. In every area of interaction, most of the educational institutions responded that they interact primarily with SMEs in the same prefecture. - 経済産業省


16. Restrictive requirements shall apply to food business operators concerned not to move any Cattle (excluding under 12-month old) farmed in the prefecture to outside of the prefecture and not to ship any Cattle farmed in the prefecture to slaughterhouses for the time being, provided, however, that this shall not apply to Cattle which are managed based on shipment and inspection policy set by Tochigi prefecture. - 厚生労働省


46. Restrictive requirements shall apply to food business operators concerned not to move any Cattle (excluding under 12-month old) farmed in the prefecture to outside of the prefecture and not to ship any Cattle farmed in the prefecture to slaughterhouses for the time being, provided, however, that this shall not apply to Cattle which are managed based on shipment and inspection policy set by Fukushima prefecture. - 厚生労働省


It opened the Amagasaki Branch (December, 2004), Kobe Branch (September, 2005), Kawanishi Branch (October,2007) and Rokkomich Branch (November, 2005)in Hyogo Prefecture, encouraged by the absence of other competitive regional banks in the prefecture after the bankruptcy of the now-defunct Hyogo Bank (accelerating the increase of bank businesses from other prefectures, including Kyoto Bank).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

他方、原子力発電所事故の警戒区域等を含む14 地区の商工会11 の会員事業所の再開状況は、2012 年1 月20 日時点で、会員事業所2,744 事業所のうち、1,112 事業所(うち、64 事業所が県外で再開。)が事業を再開し、再開事業割合は40.6%となっている(福島県商工会連合会調べ)。例文帳に追加

Regarding the situation among members of societies of commerce and industry11) in 14 districts containing restricted areas, etc. imposed because of the nuclear crisis, on the other hand, 1,112 business establishments out of a total of 2,744 had resumed business as of January 20, 2012 (including 64 that resumed business in other prefectures), which yields a resumption rate of 40.6% (based on research by the Fukushima Prefectural Federation of Societies of Commerce and Industry).  - 経済産業省


President Sasaki says, “We have recovered with the encouragement of our customers and the revival of traditional skills cultivated by our ancestors. With support from economic associations and government bodies, we have also gradually begun to participate in trade shows outside the prefecture. Since there are customers waiting for us to resume production of our regular products, I want to use the network and skills we have developed since the earthquake as new strengths to rebuild our plant and recall all our employees soon.”  - 経済産業省

「当時、旅館等の料理長は、県外から来ている方が多かったため、福島の食材に関する情報が不足しており、福島の食材が手に入りにくい状況であった。」と語る横田理事長は、料理長と生産者をつなぐ取組として、交流会を実施する福島県宿泊施設地産地消推進委員会を立ち上げ、この委員会を母体として2009 年に同法人を設立した。例文帳に追加

She launched the Fukushima Accommodation Facilities Local Production Local Consumption Promotion Committee to hold exchanges as a means of linking head chefs with local producers, and that committee established Sozai Hiroba in 2009.  - 経済産業省

さらに、平成23 年11 月から、被災地の復興に資する産業分野の事業を行う岩手県、宮城県及び福島県の中小企業事業主が、従業員を中核的人材に育成するため、高度な研修・訓練を県外の大学院や研究機関等で受けさせた場合に、事業主が負担した受講料や住居費の一部を助成することとした。例文帳に追加

In addition, from November 2011, SMEs in the prefectures of Iwate, Miyagi, or Fukushima engaging in business in fields of industry that contribute to the recovery of the affected areas that obtain advanced training for their employees at graduate schools, research institutions, etc. outside their prefectures to develop core human resources can now obtain subsidies to defray part of the cost of course fees and housing expenses borne by the employer.  - 経済産業省


To Iwate Prefecture, Miyagi Prefecture, and Fukushima Prefecture, 1) specific points to remember in regard to taking occupancy in emergency temporary housings at an early date were communicated once again; 2) the prefectures were requested that they set up a system to provide people who had evacuated outside the prefectures with information necessary in recruiting tenants for the emergency temporary housings; and 3) the prefectures were requested that they flexibly deal with the rent of the private apartments rented as the emergency temporary housings. (May 24, 2011) - 厚生労働省



Some of the affected municipalities started to recruit volunteers from outside the affected municipalities and prefectures.The points for consideration regarding the scope and conditions of applicable volunteer activities are provided in the homepages of the Local Social Welfare Councils and related organizations below. These points needed to be carefully checked in advance when you participate in the volunteer activities. - 厚生労働省


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