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該当件数 : 186



It takes ages for this computer to start up.  - Weblio Email例文集


It takes time to heal from a divorce. - Tatoeba例文


It takes time to get over a divorce. - Tatoeba例文


To provide a method for starting a computer system for shortening a time requited for processing when starting the computer system. - 特許庁


彼は「二度とお目にかかることはないでしょう」と言って, それから立ち去った.例文帳に追加

I will never see you again," he said, and with that he left.  - 研究社 新英和中辞典



It'll be a long time before she gets over her father's death. - Tatoeba例文


It'll be a long time before she gets over her father's death.  - Tanaka Corpus


To shorten the time in which a computer system starts up. - 特許庁


The standing-up movement of the user is thus supported to greatly reduce a burden applied to the user. - 特許庁



It should be noted that the inspector shall take care to avoid making excessive intervention in matters that concern the management decisions of the financial institution.  - 金融庁



To provide an image forming apparatus, capable of shortening the time required for starting of the image forming apparatus, by making the heating time of a photoreceptor in starting of the image forming apparatus shorter. - 特許庁


The blanking period t_BK provided between fall of the changing period and the start-up of the following changing period has time to spare which is twice as long as a time t_MS required for the returning operation of the movable section 62. - 特許庁


To provide a posture leaning apparatus which allows comfortable leaning over a long period of time without giving a feeling of incompatibility or fatigue to a contact part from the lower back to the back of a human body in a standing posture. - 特許庁


While it is a regular item on menus at soba noodle restaurants and udon noodle restaurants, it is rarely served at stand-up stalls because cooking it takes time and effort.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


B. Whether the advertisement, etc., avoids placing too much emphasis on the advantages of the financial instruments and indicating its disadvantages in an inconspicuous manner.  - 金融庁


Prior to the joining of aluminum alloy sheets 1 and 2, the aluminum alloy sheets 1 and 2 are subjected to chemical coating treatment or anodized oxidation coating treatment. - 特許庁


According to the above-mentioned configuration, the cell drain potential Vmcd is allowed to gently rise to a writing potential Vpp. - 特許庁


As a result, only one fall is inputted to an XNMI terminal of the CPU56, and a plurality of interrupts are not applied. - 特許庁


This power supply is provided with an anode power source for controlling the electric field of a Hall thruster and a magnetic field control power source for controlling a magnetic field. - 特許庁


This street inlet comprises a riser pipe, a pedestal freely fitted to the riser pipe, a lid frame placed on the pedestal, and a lid having a water hole placed on the lid frame. - 特許庁


To stably connect a power cable to a device, without applying an electrical stress to a rising portion of an external semiconductor layer that rises from an outer peripheral surface of a spacer covering the power cable. - 特許庁


Springs are attached to the shaft or leg parts of this chair to lighten the body weight loaded on the chair to reduce a load on the knee upon standing up or sitting down. - 特許庁


To provide a fuel cell power generation system shortening build up time for starting compatibly with reducing a space for installation at the same time. - 特許庁

四 当該事件に係る船舶その他必要な場所に立ち入り、前号に規定する物件を検査すること。例文帳に追加

(iv) Inspecting the objects prescribed in the preceding article with entering into the ship involved in the case or other necessary places.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

2 法務大臣は、裁判所が前項の申立てに係る事件について審問をするときは、当該審問に立ち会うことができる。例文帳に追加

(2) The Minister of Justice may, when the court carries out a hearing concerning the case relating to the petition set forth in the preceding paragraph, attend such hearing.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia and Philippines have already launched a pilot project for the electronic exchange of Certificates of Origin (COOs). - 財務省


To provide a chair having a simple configuration enabling a chair user to stand up or sit down with a reduced physical burden. - 特許庁


To provide a stand riding type small planing boat equipped with a display portion on a body, and enabling an operator to obtain information about the boat. - 特許庁


To provide a discharge lamp lighting device realizing optimum start-up characteristics related to a light output, while restraining radiation noise of a light-emitting tube. - 特許庁


When the liquid crystal alternating signal concerned with the display of a liquid crystal display is inputted to a power control signal generating part 14, a power control signal having prescribed widths T at fronts and rears of rising and falling edges of this liquid crystal alternating signal is generated to be supplied to voltage-followers 131 to 134. - 特許庁


In the case of raising the base engine control section, the base engine control section receives supply of the control data in the nonvolatile memory 301 from a task that takes much time for rising and is started thereby eliminating a time loss due to wait of the control data by each task. - 特許庁


A measuring part 5 performs the digital measuring of the size of the first DC power supply in rising and falling points of the on-off timing signal, and forms a digital control signal which relates a part for ripple of the first DC power supply based on the measurement result. - 特許庁


To provide a product verification system which eliminates the need for a seller to physically move a storage product that a person who is expected to buy and shortens the period needed to transport the storage product and the time needed to start up the verification system. - 特許庁


He mentioned his advancing age and the difficulties of making his films and said, "It took five years to release 'The Wind Rises' following my last film. If I spend seven years making another film, I will be 80 by the time I finish." - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


To obtain approval from a superior, the operation was inefficient, in that it included leaving the counter and delivering the invoice all the way to the superior, this hampered concentration on the paper work, and it took much time, in particular, when the superior was unavailable.  - 特許庁


To provide an optical disk device which can shorten a start-up time of an optical disk, and can reduce workload of specifying the classification of the optical disk on a user. - 特許庁


To provide a steam generator provided with a once-through boiler and an accumulator capable of reducing an amount of scale adhered to an inner wall, and capable of shortening time required for build up. - 特許庁


Even when only the 2nd power supply VDD2 is raised, the 2nd power supply voltage is not directly applied to the gate oxide film of the TR, so that the gate oxide film is not destructed. - 特許庁


To provide a base station selecting method which shortens an interruption time at handover time by shortening the time needed to connect a terminal to a base station and discriminatingly handling a handover terminal and a new start terminal. - 特許庁


The reliance degree is estimated by detecting a load to be imposed on a driving part 14 via a mobile mechanism 16 when the assisted person imposes the load on a support part 12 for a stand-up movement. - 特許庁


To surely initialize an ASIC by preventing a power on resetting function of the ASIC from becoming inoperative when a power supply voltage to the ASIC incorporated in a sensor rises moderately as a result of chattering when lead wires of a power supply battery are soldered. - 特許庁


To provide an image forming apparatus and an image formation system which can suppress unnecessary power consumption by starting a fixing heater according to the time needed to prepare print data. - 特許庁


To provide a harness for pet, which is used for the pet and avoids excessive tension loaded on a pet's cervix and abdomen even when the pet 2 suddenly acts unexpected action such as getting up on hind legs to go ahead suddenly. - 特許庁


To make it possible to decide whether or not a communication error whose effect tends to be prominent by every frame occurs and to eliminate the need for a large capacity of memory for the decision. - 特許庁

8 タミルナドゥ州政府との間でインフラ整備やビジネスマッチングにかかる政府間ワーキンググループを立ち上げ、日印の協力案件形成を促進する構想例文帳に追加

8 The project to promote the cooperation project formation of Japan and India, by starting up Intergovernmental Working group concerning infrastructure development and business matching with Tamil Nadu state government. - 経済産業省


When the dome was thinly covered his face lapsed into darkness but, as he set himself to fan the fire again, his crouching shadow ascended the opposite wall and his face slowly reemerged into light.  - James Joyce『アイビーデイの委員会室』


This display panel driver is provided with a transition voltage generating circuit which changes the voltage of the DC voltage source of the driver and a resonance relay circuit which generates a pulse having a rising edge part which gradually builds up and a falling edge part which gradually decays on the basis of the transition voltage and outputs this pulse to a display panel as a driving pulse. - 特許庁

6 信託の受益者は、当該信託に関して生じた債権に関し、当該信託の受託者たる信託会社に係る営業保証金について、他の債権者に先立ち弁済を受ける権利を有する。例文帳に追加

(6) The beneficiary of a trust shall have the right to receive, in preference over other creditors, payment of claims arising with regard to the trust from the security deposit made by the Trust Company that is the trustee of the trust.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

6 優先還付対象債権者は、優先還付対象債権に関し、当該登録有限責任監査法人に係る供託金について、他の債権者に先立ち弁済を受ける権利を有する。例文帳に追加

(6) An obligee subject to preferential refund shall, for his/her claim subject to preferential refund, have the right to receive payment prior to other obligees with regard to the deposit money pertaining to the registered limited liability audit corporation.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


六 訪問販売に係る売買契約又は役務提供契約の締結について勧誘をするため、道路その他の公共の場所において、顧客の進路に立ちふさがり、又は顧客につきまとうこと。例文帳に追加

(vi) an act of standing in the way of a customer or following around a customer on a road or at other public place in order to solicit a sales contract or a Service Contract pertaining to Door-to-Door Sales;  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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Copyright(C) 財務省
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原題:”Ivy Day in the Committee Room”

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