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Hokkaido governmentの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 86


In some of the assigned areas of jurisdiction for subprefectures based on the ordinance by the Hokkaido Government, there are cases in which the names of the old provinces are used. 例文帳に追加

なお、北海道条例において支庁の所管区域指定には旧国名が用いられているものもある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As a remedy for former warriors, the government implemented a policy of Shizoku jusan, and launched development of Hokkaido by ex-legionary. 例文帳に追加

士族の救済政策として士族授産が行われ、屯田兵制度による北海道開発も実施された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Hokkaido Development Agency was the government office placed from July 1869 to February 1882 in order to develop the northern district of Japan. 例文帳に追加

開拓使は、北方開拓のために1869年(明治2年)7月から1882年(明治15年)2月まで置かれた官庁である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

KURODA submitted a proposal to the government that Japan should put more effort into the development of Hokkaido to enhance the national strength to oppose Russia. 例文帳に追加

黒田はロシアに対抗する国力を充実させるため北海道の開拓に力を入れるべきだという建議を行った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Michitoshi IWAMURA: Baron, Grand Cordon of the Order of the Rising Sun, the director general of the Hokkaido government, the member of Kizokuin, (the House of Peers) the imperial court councillor 例文帳に追加

岩村通俊男爵・勲一等旭日大綬章・北海道庁長官・貴族院議員・宮中顧問官 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Shiryokaku fort is a fort built by the Ezo Republic (the Hakodate Government) at the time of the Hakodate War, in 1869, in the present-day Hakodate City, Hokkaido. 例文帳に追加

四稜郭(しりょうかく)は、箱館戦争の際に蝦夷共和国(箱館政権)が、明治2年(1869年)に現在の北海道函館市に築城した堡塁。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

We, the Finance Ministers of the G-8 countries, met today in Osaka, Japan, in preparation for the Summit of the G-8 Heads of State and Government in Hokkaido-Toyako. 例文帳に追加

我々G8の財務大臣は、北海道洞爺湖でのG8首脳会合の準備のため本日大阪で会合。 - 財務省

The government at that time was trying to abolish Hokkaido Development Commissioner and dispose of all the government-run businesses to the private sector, and in connection with it Tomoatsu GODAI went to Hokkaido with Goichi NAKANO and Ichibee TANAKA to carefully inspect various places, and planned to receive the Iwanai coal mine and the Akkeshi forest as disposals from the government and export coals and wood to foreign countries to increase the national wealth, and also planned to harvest the marine products from the coasts of Hokkaido to answer domestic demand, and they applied to the director general of Hokkaido Development Commissioner for it in July, 1881. 例文帳に追加

当時政府はには開拓使を廃し、官有物一切を民間に払い下げようとする議があり、それと相表裏して五代友厚は、中野吾一、田中市兵衛とともに北海道に至り、つぶさに各地の状況を視察し、まず、岩内炭坑および厚岸山林の払い下げをうけ、石炭、木材を海外に輸出して、国富の増進をはかるとともに、北海道沿岸の海産物を採取して、内地の需要にあてようとし、14年7月このことを開拓使長官に出願した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Since the government's specification of the settlement site was quite sketchy, they needed to negotiate with the Hokkaido Development Commissioner which was the local government, as to the exact place to develop. 例文帳に追加

政府から指定された入植地は極めて大雑把な指定であって具体的に何処を開拓するかは現地機関である開拓使との交渉が必要だった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The government asked Kiyotaka KURODA, Hokkaido Development Commissioner, for recommendation of the candidate site where prisons would be constructed, and for the land survey, seven people including Kiyoshi, who were already evaluated highly, were chozen as government officials. 例文帳に追加

政府は開拓使黒田清隆に監獄候補地の推挙を求め、この現地調査にかねてから官吏として評価の高かった潔ら7人が抜擢される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Sakhalin, where the Japanese and the Russians lived under the treaty between the Russian Empire and the Empire of Japan signed between Edo bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) and the Russian government, was initially controlled by Hakodate District Court and Hakodate-fu after the Restoration of (Japanese) Imperial Rule, and later, by the Hokkaido Development Commissioner. 例文帳に追加

樺太は江戸幕府がロシア政府と結んだ日露和親条約で日露混住の地とされ、王政復古(日本)の後は箱館裁判所と箱館府の支配を経て、開拓使の管轄となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In order to take over the development businesses undertaken by the Hokkaido Development Agency, KURODA decided to make the government officials who worked under him retire to establish a company and sell the facilities and equipments belonging to the government at a low price. 例文帳に追加

黒田は開拓使の事業を継承させるために、部下の官吏を退職させて企業を起こし、官有の施設・設備を安値で払い下げることにした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Hokkaido Railway Company (JR-Hokkaido), Shikoku Railway Company (JR-Shikoku), Kyushu Railway Company (JR-Kyushu), and Japan Freight Railway Company, on the other hand, are joint-stock-corporation-type special public corporations, which were run by a 100% investment of the government by taking application of laws regarding passenger railway joint-stock corporation and Japan Freight Railway Company. 例文帳に追加

一方、北海道旅客鉄道(JR北海道)、四国旅客鉄道(JR四国)、九州旅客鉄道(JR九州)、日本貨物鉄道(JR貨物)に関しては、旅客鉄道株式会社及び日本貨物鉄道株式会社に関する法律の適用を受け、政府100%出資の株式会社形態特殊法人。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When the Ten-year Plan of Development Commissioner was completed in 1882, Hokkaido Development Commissioner was abolished as originally planned, and it was decided that administrative districts called "prefecture" were introduced just as outside Hokkaido and that three prefectures were newly established in accordance with jurisdictions of the government in Sapporo City and two offices in Hakodate and Nemuro Cities which had been administered by Hokkaido Development Commissioner. 例文帳に追加

そして開拓使十年計画の満期を迎えた1882年、当初の計画通り北海道開拓使を廃止し、その当時置かれていた北海道開拓使の札幌市の本庁および函館市・根室市の2支庁のそれぞれの管轄区域に応じて道外と同様に県という行政区域を新たに3つ設定することになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the end of July, Tokyo Yokohama Mainichi Shinbun (Tokyo Yokohama Daily Newspaper) and Yubin Hochi Shinbun (Post Dispatch Newspaper) got a scoop that Kiyotaka KURODA, chief of Hokkaido Development Commissioner, was planning to sell government owned facilities and equipment to Tomoatsu GODAI, who was from the same village, at very cheap prices (Kaitakushi Kanyubutsu Haraisage Jiken [Incident of Development Commissioner's Selling of Government-Owned Facilities and Equipment]). 例文帳に追加

そんな折の7月末に「東京横浜毎日新聞」及び「郵便報知新聞」のスクープにより、開拓使長官の黒田清隆が同郷の政商五代友厚に格安の金額で官有物払下げを行うことが明るみに出た(開拓使官有物払下げ事件)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The proposals were passed at the house of representatives special committee, and a request to establish imperial universities in Tohoku, Kyushu and Hokkaido was expressed from the diet to the government. 例文帳に追加

建議案は衆議院特別委員会にて可決され、東北・九州・北海道の各帝国大学設立の要求が議会から政府に表明された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the contrary, the diet adopted a 'proposal of establishing Hokkaido imperial university' in 1901, and a 'proposal of establishing Tohoku imperial university' in 1902 to appeal to the government. 例文帳に追加

対して議会では、1901年(明治34年)「北海道帝国大学設立建議」、1902年(明治35年)「東北帝国大学設立建議」と重ねて採択が行われ、政府へ働きかけた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When newspapers reported Kuroda's plan to sell the properties, opposition parties severely criticized it alleging that it had been plotted by Tomoatsu GODAI, who was a merchant from Satsuma and had a connection with the government (Kaitakushi Kanyubutsu Haraisage Jiken [Incident Concerning Sale of the Properties Owned by the Hokkaido Development Commission]). 例文帳に追加

黒田の払い下げ計画が新聞報道されると、在野はこれを薩摩出身の政商五代友厚のたくらみによるものだとして、激しく非難した(開拓使官有物払下げ事件)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He submitted the government a petition about reclamation of Hokkaido, proposing to engage the prisoners of the Abashiri prison in reclamation and road construction works. 例文帳に追加

北海道の開拓に関する建白書を政府に建議した際、網走集治監(網走刑務所)の囚人(思想犯多数)を開拓や道路建設に従事させるように提案。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Meanwhile, he became Commander in Chief of Ex-legionary in August 1889, and after retiring as Director General of the Hokkaido government, he became Commander of the Seventh Ad Hoc Division of the Army. 例文帳に追加

その間明治22年(1889年)8月には屯田兵司令官に就任し、北海道庁長官退任後の明治28年(1895年)2月には臨時第7師団司令官となる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

His vassals, who were no longer samurai, were ordered to take up farming again, but Kuninao, fearing that they would lose their means of livelihood, decided to volunteer for development of Hokkaido that the new government was promoting, using money made by selling his personal properties. 例文帳に追加

侍ではなくなった家臣達は帰農を命ぜられたが、邦直は彼等が路頭に迷う事を憂い、私財を処分し得た資金で新政府の推し進めていた北海道開拓を志願する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The original purpose was to isolate such dangerous elements, but the government of the time had a policy to protect the north by encouraging reclamation of Hokkaido, in order to be ready for Russia's advancing southward. 例文帳に追加

本来危険分子の隔離が目的であったが、当時政府はロシアの南下に備える為に北海道の開拓を推し進め北の守りを固める方針をとっていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He led a group of foot soldiers in Boshin War in later years, and after the Meiji Restoration, he played an active role as a government official at Tottori prefecture, Hokkaido Development office, and Kyoto prefecture. 例文帳に追加

後年の戊辰戦争では鳥取藩の歩兵頭として一隊を率いて出陣、維新後は鳥取県・北海道開拓使・京都府の官吏として活躍した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the process, the government placed the former Ryukyu Kingdom, the Ezo area except Sakhalin (almost all areas of Hokkaido and Kurile Islands) and Ogasawara Islands (Bonin Islands) completely into the Japanese territories, fixing the boundaries of Japan. 例文帳に追加

その過程で日本の境界領域であった旧琉球王国領域や、樺太を除く蝦夷地(北海道の大部分と千島列島)、小笠原諸島を完全に日本の領域内におき、国境を画定した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After the isolation policy was reinforced by the government, some of them became daimyogashi (lending money to feudal lords with high interest) or brewers, while others became basho ukeoinin (merchants/traders working in designated areas on commission by samurai landlords) in Ezo (present-day Hokkaido). 例文帳に追加

鎖国成立後は、京都・大阪・江戸の三都へ進出して大名貸や醸造業などを行ったり、蝦夷地(北海道)で場所請負人となったりするものもあった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Meiji government separated 4 provinces from Mutsu Province, divided Dewa Province into 2 provinces, newly established 11 provinces in Hokkaido and established Ryukyu Province to set up 85 provinces in total, but it did not found administrative organs in every province. 例文帳に追加

明治政府は、陸奥国から4国を分立させ、出羽国を2国に分割し、北海道(令制)に11国を新設し、さらに琉球国を置いて85国としたが、国単位での行政機関を置かなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Ezo republic that was built in January 1869 was a familiar name of the Ezo Island Government, a political power belonging to Sabaku-ha which existed for a short time in Ezochi (inhabited area of Ainu) (Hokkaido). 例文帳に追加

蝦夷共和国(えぞきょうわこく)は、明治元年12月(1869年1月)に成立し、蝦夷地(北海道)に短期間存在した佐幕派の政権である蝦夷島政府に対する俗称である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The idea might be first suggested by Takeaki ENOMOTO: He thought of moving surviving retainers of the Tokugawa Clan to Hokkaido and letting them undertake the guard and reclamation of the northern territory, and holding up this plan, fought the Battle of Hakodate against the new government. 例文帳に追加

そのおそらく最初のものは、徳川氏の遺臣を移して北方警備と開墾に従事させようとする榎本武揚の考えで、彼はこの計画を掲げて新政府と箱館戦争を戦った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

NAGAYAMA, who returned to Japan, assumed the post of governor of the Hokkaido government concurrently serving as Tondenhei Director-general on June 15, 1888, the reformation/expansion program of tondenhei was rapidly improved. 例文帳に追加

帰国した永山が、明治21年(1888年)6月15日に、屯田兵本部長を兼ねつつ北海道庁長官に就任すると、屯田兵の改革・増設計画が急速に進んだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

For the Inada side, the government used this incident as an excuse to order them to migrate as warrior class in Hyogo Prefecture jurisdiction, under the guise of granting the territory in Sizunai-cho, Hokkaido and Shikotan-to Island, and the Inada clan went to the wild North districts. 例文帳に追加

稲田側に対しては、この事件を口実に北海道静内町と色丹島の配地を与えるという名目で、兵庫県管轄の士族として移住開拓を命じ、彼らは荒野の広がる北の大地へと旅立っていった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The organization of former Hakodate and Nemuro Prefectures was succeeded by Hakodate and Nemuro offices of the Hokkaido government, and continued until the transition to the subprefecture system on November 5, 1890. 例文帳に追加

なお、旧函館県及び根室県の組織はそのまま北海道庁函館支庁及び根室支庁として、1890年11月5日の支庁制移行まで継続される事になった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kamajiro had learned Confucianism and Sinology at Shoheizaka Gakumonjo (Shoheizaka School) and English at a private school of John Manjiro since he was a child, and at the age of nineteen he went to Hakodate, Ezochi (inhabited area of Ainu, now Hakodate City, Hokkaido) as a follower of Toshihiro HORI, who was an ongoku-bugyo (the collective name of the magistrates placed at important areas directly controlled by the government in Edo period), and took part in the exploration of Sakhalin. 例文帳に追加

釜次郎は幼少の頃から昌平坂学問所で儒学・漢学、ジョン万次郎の私塾で英語を学び、19歳で遠国奉行堀利煕の従者として蝦夷地箱館(現北海道函館市)に赴き、樺太探検に参加する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Article 4, section two: The Prime Minister shall oversee and supervise the Chief Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police (of Tokyo) and the Director-general and prefectural governor of the government of Hokkaido, but if any of the Prime Minister's orders or directives is found to be against regulations or considered harmful to the public interest or authority, it shall be suspended or revoked. 例文帳に追加

第四条ノ二 内閣総理大臣ハ所管ノ事務ニ付警視総監、北海道庁長官府県知事ヲ指揮監督ス若シ其ノ命令又ハ処分ノ成規ニ違ヒ、公益ヲ害シ又ハ権限ヲ犯スモノアリト認ムルトキハ之ヲ停止シ又ハ取消スコトヲ得 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He was called a businessman with political ties because he had a strong connection with Saccho han-dominated government, and participated in 'Osaka conference' of 1875 at which Toshimichi OKUBO, Takayoshi KIDO, and Taisuke ITAGAKI gathered in a Japanese restaurant to exchange their views and got involved in the scandal over Kiyotaka KURODA's controversial project for selling off assets owned by Hokkaido Development Commission Office (refer to Meiji juyonen no seihen (the failed Meiji-14 coup of 1881)). 例文帳に追加

薩長藩閥政府との結びつきが強く、明治8年(1875年)に大久保利通、木戸孝允、板垣退助らが料亭に集って意見の交換を行った「大阪会議」や、黒田清隆が批判を浴びた開拓使官有物払下げ事件(参照明治十四年の政変)にも関わり、政商といわれた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The details of establishment of Imperial University in this period were complicated due to the relationship between Imperial Diet and the government, problem of funding and constructing school buildings, and the relations between the predecessor institutions of high education and newly established Imperial Universities; and it was associated with the relationships with Shosuke SATO (last master of Sapporo Agricultural School, first president of the College of Agriculture, Tohoku Imperial University, first president of Hokkaido Imperial University), who was from Morioka Domain like Takashi HARA and a class mate in hanko Sakujinkan Shubunjo (domain school, Sakujinkan Shubunjo). 例文帳に追加

帝国議会と政府との関係、資金面の問題、校舎建設の問題、前身となる高等教育機関と新設各帝国大学との関係から、この時期の帝国大学の設立経緯は複雑であり、原敬と同じ盛岡藩出身で藩校作人館修文所で同級生だった佐藤昌介(札幌農学校最後の校長、東北帝国大学農科大学初代学長、北海道帝国大学初代総長)も関係している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


I do not think there are any inconsistencies in the logic. If my memory serves me correctly, the “pay-offscheme was established around 1971—back then, many banks went bankrupt. In my personal experience, while I served as Minister in the Second Hashimoto Cabinet from 1997 to 1998, Hokkaido Takushoku Bank went bankrupt, Yamaichi Securities collapsed, and dozens of financial institutions failed in Japan at the time. As depositors were extremely anxious back then due to the collapse of many financial institutions, the government decided not to implement the “pay-offscheme between 1996 and March 2002 despite the existence of legal provisions. Today, financial conditions have somewhat settled since the collapse of Ashikaga Bank, and Japan’s financial climate is calm on the whole, notwithstanding the Lehman Brothers shockwave on a global scale. At the end of the day, I believe depositors need to choose banks based on the principle of self-responsibility. At the same time, there is one thing I would like to emphasize especially to top management executives—the borrowers. They should feel very sorry to depositors if thepay-offscheme is implemented. Individuals with 10 million yen in deposits plus interest who are entitled to receive provisional payback under the Deposit Insurance Act will ultimately have the amount reduced to a certain extent, thereby causing substantial trouble to depositors. In that sense, all top management executives and others involved in the management of Japanese financial institutions should re-acknowledge the gravity of their management responsibility for financial business. 例文帳に追加

私は、論理的に矛盾はしていないというふうに思っています。やはり、このペイオフというのは、たしか1971年ぐらいにこの制度ができたのだと思いますが、ペイオフはあのとき、たくさんの銀行がつぶれましたし、私自身も1997年から98年まで第二次橋本内閣の閣僚でございましたが、あのときも北海道拓殖銀行が倒産しまして、それから山一証券が破綻しまして、まさにあの時期、数十の金融機関が日本国で破綻したわけでございますからね。そのとき、ご存じのように、当時非常に預金者の不安があり、たくさんの金融機関が破綻いたしましたので、ペイオフは1996年から2002年3月まで、法律上は(記載が)あっても、ペイオフを実施はしないということを、政府として決定されたわけでございますが、今は金融状態もご存じのように、足利銀行以来、ある程度落ち着いておりますし、世界的にはリーマン・ショックというのがございましたが、日本は金融の全体的な情勢が落ち着いておるということは皆さんもご存知だと思いますので、やはり私は、預金する方もきちっと自己責任においてどういう銀行かというのを選ぶ必要があると。そして同時に、私は特に経営者の方にも強調したい。ペイオフになったら(預金者の方に対して)大変申しわけないわけですよ。1,000万円プラス利子以上の方が、この預金保険法によって概算払いができて、後から幾らかは減りますから、そういったことで非常に預金者の方にご迷惑をかけるわけですから、そういった意味でも、私は日本の金融機関のすべての経営者、経営に携わっている人に改めて、金融業はそれほど重たいものであるという経営責任をきちっと分かっていただきたい。 - 金融庁


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