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読み方 シブチンダ



該当件数 : 14



Our demand for higher wages met with a very ungenerous response from the management.発音を聞く  - 研究社 新和英中辞典


To prevent delay of pachinko balls at an upper part of a game island, and eliminate bad effects on a separating device. - 特許庁


The oral composition contains: a water-insoluble material including the bitter or astringent substance such as an isoacid, and a polyvalent metal salt such as ferric chloride; and a dispersant such as water-soluble polymer including gelatin, gum arabic, etc. - 特許庁


To provide olive tea having mild taste and flavor, easy to drink while having greenery smell peculiar to olive leaves, slight astringency and bitterness, and to provide a tea beverage from which an olive tea beverage can be obtained, maintaining its clarity for a long period, and slightly causing contamination and precipitation. - 特許庁


Later it merged with Oizumi Films, which had achieved success in the film production industry, and Toyoko Film Company (founded in 1938) which had run movie theaters in Shibuya, Tokyo and Yokohama City in order to develop the areas along the Tokyu Toyoko line, but after World War Two it rented the former Shinko Cinema Kyoto Studio from Daiei Motion Picture Company to start film production and changed its name to Toei.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


I was just told by the administrative staff that the Law has been fairly effective. The agreement reached among the three ruling parties last September clearly states their commitment to properly rectify credit withdrawal and credit crunch especially with respect to SMEs in times of recession like this. As the bill for facilitating SME finance was put together with this in mind, we will properly give positive consideration to this matter.発音を聞く  - 金融庁



Mr. Kamei resigned after he was infuriated by Mr. Kan's failure to keep his promise, and he made me succeed him. As I am a conservative politician, I made a difficult decision and took over as leader of the People's New Party. I had privately resolved to resign gracefully as a mark of my pride as a conservative politician regardless of whether or not the bill was enacted.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!


該当件数 : 14



However, if we decided to force financial institutions to increase their capital, a credit crunch would occur as was the case in Japan, causing a rapid economic contraction. Therefore, keeping the right balance is important for financial institutions as a whole, and that has been confirmed under the Basel III agreement. Therefore, keeping the right balance is important for financial institutions as a whole, and that has been confirmed under the Basel III agreement.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


There are provided the lectin-like oxidized LDL receptor-inhibiting medicine containing trimeric or larger procyanidin as an active ingredient; the lectin-like oxidized LDL receptor-inhibiting medicine wherein the procyanidin is originated from a plant selected from the group consisting of apple, grape seeds, peanut astringent coats and pine barks; and an arteriosclerosis-preventing medicine containing trimeric or larger procyanidin as an active ingredient and having a lectin-like oxidized LDL receptor-inhibiting action. - 特許庁

しかし同時にそのことが、日本国でも当時、貸しり貸しはがしということで信用収縮に繋がって、非常に経済が縮まってきたということ、あるいは、きちんと資金さえ供給されれば生き延びていた企業がたくさんある時代に(金融機関が)破綻したわけでございまして、私などは特に1997年から1998年に閣僚をしておりましたので、北海道拓殖銀行の破綻、それから山一證券の破綻を経験した閣僚でもございましたから、そういったことで、やはりバーゼル III というのは、非常に世界史的なことだと思っております。例文帳に追加

It is also true, though, that a higher ratio does provide peace of mind. At the same time, however, going in that direction resulted in a credit crunch and oppressive debt collection practices in Japan in the past, leading to tight credit conditions and hence an extreme economic contraction. Back in those days, we witnessed failures of financial institutions when there were a large number of companies that could have survived if only they had had a good supply of funds. I felt the impact particularly keenly because I was in a ministerial post from 1997 to 1998 when the Hokkaido Takushoku Bank failed and Yamaichi Securities followed suit. All those things considered, Basel III strikes me as a very significant feat in the context of world history.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


In the policy pledges, which I call the “Super Manifesto,” our commitment to properly implement SME financing including dealing with the credit crunch and credit withdrawal-the gist of the SME Financing Facilitation Act-had already been written in the form of a common pledge before the election, based on which the three parties reached an agreement after the change of government on September 9, 2009. The content, as it was, was then passed on to and implemented by former Minister for Financial Services and Postal Reform Shizuka Kamei.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


As I repeatedly say, it is true that a higher capital adequacy figure may appear to imply security at a glance, but it can also lead to a credit crunch or oppressive debt collection practices, as we experienced 10 years ago. Back then, even healthy companies went under. As a Diet member of the ruling party in a ministerial post, I was faced firsthand with the confusion that prevailed in the Japanese economy at that time. It was in 1997 that the Hokkaido Takushoku Bank went under and Yamaichi Securities failed, soon ushering in what would be called the "Financial Diet Session." The Basel meeting is attended by 27 countries and, for all of them, a higher ratio figure, which does provide peace of mind and security, is at the same time not necessarily better in that light. As making a capital adequacy ratio too high can lead to a credit crunch and oppressive debt collection and hence a shrinking economy, we are hoping to maintain a good balance in view of all those factors. We are determined to make our point in the new requirement debate, keeping in mind where we stand as a country that actually experienced a financial crisis 10 years ago.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


As we have been aware of problems like this, we have been planning to carefully examine whether or not financial institutions are imposing unreasonable curbs on loans. About two weeks ago, senior FSA officials started visiting regions to exchange views with financial institutions and hold hearings with SME borrowers. We also started taking other steps such as renewing our requests for financial institutions to take proper risks when necessary and provide financing for SMEs, while maintaining sound financial conditions and conducting appropriate risk management.発音を聞く  - 金融庁



The situations and circumstances of financial institutions differ from country to country, so we need to give due consideration to the potential impact on the real economy, for example by providing a sufficient transition period. In particular, Japan has strongly made such an argument at international conferences. As Japan experienced a financial crisis a little more than a decade ago, we should bear its lessons in mind. For example, the higher a bank's capital adequacy ratio, the sounder it is. However, if banks are forced to raise their capital adequacy ratios in a short period of time, they will excessively tighten their lending stance, leading to severe contraction of the real economy. That is what we experienced. We must keep the right balance between the soundness of banks and the impact on the real economy, although that is rather difficult in a liberal, democratic society. However, Japan has endured the bitter experience of the financial crisis that started in 1997, so we will participate in international debates with that in mind. After various financial institutions failed, a legal framework was developed in the Diet session of 1998 that focused on the financial crisis.発音を聞く  - 金融庁



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