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該当件数 : 1402


米国のFTA における知的財産戦略は、2002年通商法に見られるように、米国の国内法の保護水準を相手国において担保することを目指していると考えられる。例文帳に追加

The US strategy for intellectual property in FTAs which it has entered into appears to be aiming to ensure in the counterparty country the protection level set forth under the domestic laws of the US (as illustrated by the Trade Act of 2002). - 経済産業省


South Korea also signed the framework agreement in December 2005, and is currently making final adjustments to the agreement on trade in goods, aiming at its enforcement in July 2006. - 経済産業省


Stylish stores and eating and drinking places such as a western interior shop and a bakery cafe that are intentionally Western in style were placed within an old Japanese building with the goal of proposing future lifestyles for senior citizens. - 経済産業省


The automobile group referred to enterprises connected to automobiles and production facilities. Consumer electronics group referred to enterprises connected to white goods, audio video equipment, and IT equipment. - 経済産業省



Though the company's core business was originally the production of frozen tofu, the company shifted its business focus to frozen foods using tofu in order to acquire new customers amid the circumstances. - 経済産業省


ハリウッドにコンテンツの流通を席巻されている現状を打開し、アジアの多様性の中に共通項を見つけ、「メイド・イン・アジア」の新しい魅力のある作品作りを目指して、2008 年にACBS が創設された。例文帳に追加

ACBS was established in 2008 to overcome the present circumstances in which Hollywood is dominating the contents distribution market and produce new, attractive "made in Asia" works by finding out common factors in Asian diversity. - 経済産業省

8 ベトナムでは、消費者物価指数の上昇率が中央銀行の目標値である7%を大きく上回る状況が続いており、中央銀行は利上げによるインフレ抑制を目指している。例文帳に追加

8 In Vietnam, the percentage of rise in the consumer prices index continued to largely exceed the government's target of 7%, and the central Bank aimed at the inflation control by raising the interest-rate. - 経済産業省


In the beginning, they had about 10 employees, who were in charge of the final production process using the open-cell materials as a basic material. However, their goal is to establish a system, where other processes can be carried out, in China. - 経済産業省


Other than China, TEAM Ecollabo aims to sell a solar panel power device, called "Solar Station" to developing countries, where power source supply is poor. - 経済産業省



As the chair country of the summit and being a leading nation in environmental conservation, Japan played a leadership role, aiming for successful discussions at the United Nations on the framework for 2013 and beyond. - 経済産業省



(iii) Under the integrated mechanism as described in (ii), the policy should clearly present specific steps young people can take toward higher educational opportunities and training to acquire enhanced levels of skill and competency - 経済産業省


Through measures to inflate domestic demand by proactive government spending, since 1998 the government has aimed to reduce the income disparity between urban and rural areas and to realize economic growth driven by consumption. - 経済産業省

APEC の全ての参加国・地域は、過去15 年間、貿易及び投資の自由化と円滑化に関する作業を通じて、ボゴール目標の達成を目指してきた。例文帳に追加

All member countries/ regions of APEC have aimed at the accomplishment of the Bogor Goal for the past 15 years through the work on liberalization and facilitation of trade and investment. - 経済産業省


The targets of CIC are "Separation of politics and business activities (Separation of the government and the company)", "Self-management" and "Commercially driven". It is a limited liability company established based on the Corporation Law, however, all board members are government officials. - 経済産業省

今後、物品、投資、サービス等包括的な分野を研究対象とし、2012 年のサミット前までに結論を得ることを目指して議論していく予定である。例文帳に追加

It was to discuss plans in the goods, investment, and service fields. In the future, the aim is to reach a conclusion before the Summit Meeting in 2012. - 経済産業省


Although participation is on a voluntary basis by each country, the aim is for full participation by a number of major trading nations. It has been studied by countries who originally proposed it. - 経済産業省

4 つめは、参加国・地域間でのマクロ経済バランスの不均衡を解消しながらの「均衡ある成長(Balanced Growth)」である。G20 とも連携をしながら、バランスのとれた経済成長を目指して、国内の構造改革にも取り組む。例文帳に追加

Fourth, balance while eliminating macroeconomic imbalances among countries and regions participating. "Balanced Growth" is cooperation with G20 and aims to balance economic growth, structural reforms to tackle the country. - 経済産業省


The Law for Promotion of Selective Collection and Recycling of Containers and Packaging, and the Law for Promotion of Effective Utilization of Resources specify the responsibility of business entity on recycling and applying identification to containers and packaging, respectively, thus aiming at promotion of recycling the containers and packaging. - 経済産業省


This review aims to reduce or eliminate any inherent error or bias in the process used to develop the inventory and assess the effectiveness of the internal quality control procedures.  - 経済産業省


It is assumed that a municipal government should formulate conditions for supporting itinerary stores and evaluate the effectiveness of such support because this can be effective to aim at further development as an e-business.  - 経済産業省


Consequently, this proposal aims to standardize the framework and implementation focusing on the basic components of EMA to be mainly adapted to manufacturing processes.  - 経済産業省


*Describe the development plan including how you achieve the objective and when you make it into a product. Write down in detail regarding mass production and sales strategy.  - 経済産業省


Government of Japan and Government of Malaysia, together with participation of their respective industries, will undertake joint initiatives to further promote competitiveness of autos and auto components and parts industry in Malaysia for better market expansion.  - 経済産業省


The prefecture will continue advancing such initiatives, and aims at forming a world-class medical device design and manufacturing base, making effective use of project funding under the fiscal 2011 third supplementary budget.  - 経済産業省

また、独立行政法人中小企業基盤整備機構の仮設工場・仮設店舗等整備事業13を活用し、海に近い所有地に工場を建設、2012 年4月の操業を目指している。例文帳に追加

The company is also making use of the Maintenance Project of Temporary Plants and Stores 13) administrated by SMRJ to build a plant on land it owns near the ocean, toward starting operations from April 2012.  - 経済産業省


A company that applied traditional champagne production methods to make a sparkling sake, and is working to expand domestic and international sales to be a world-famous brand  - 経済産業省


The company now plans to expand sales focusing on people who have not liked sake in the past or on champagne lovers, and aims to boost their share of exports in total sales from the current roughly 5% to about 20% in five years.  - 経済産業省


Some enterprises have also formed business groups to raise their manufacturing capabilities in cooperation with local enterprises while tackling difficult challenges that they cannot resolve by themselves.  - 経済産業省


Kyoto Shisaku Net, based in Kyoto Prefecture, is a group of regional companies that process metals for machinery, jointly founded in 2001. By taking joint orders, the group aims at making Kyoto into a “prototype processing center.”  - 経済産業省


As R&D undertaken by large enterprises is targeted at large markets, competitors will follow even though one enterprise may have blazed the way. - 経済産業省


Currently in China, the number of people who enjoy spending time shopping is increasing with the rising income levels, and by opening such shopping centers combined with specialty shops, it intends to capture the growing middle-class demand. - 経済産業省


They aim to simultaneously achieve the two goals of addressing limited resource availability and enhancing the competitive edge of their manufacturing industries in the medium and long run by acquiring next-generation technologies mainly in environment and energy saving fields.  - 経済産業省


In December 2005, an interim report entitledDeveloping Compact and Bustling Town Centers” was released by the Joint Council of the Industrial Structure Council and the Small and Medium Enterprise Policy Making Council,1) and this proposed that future measures should revolve around: 1) Concentration of various urban functions in city centers rather than suburban areas (“concentration of urban functions in city centers”); and 2) Pursuit of action to strengthen the commercial functions of city centers and make them more attractive as communities based on the needs of visitors and residents (“revitalization of city centers”). - 経済産業省

1948 年に発足したGATT 締約国は過去8 度にわたり多角的交渉を行い、保護主義を抑制し、自由かつ公正な貿易ルールの策定を目指してきた。例文帳に追加

Contracting countries of the GATT established in 1948 executed multidirectional negotiations eight times in the past, and have intended to restrict protectionism and develop free and fair trade rules. - 経済産業省

WTO による多角的自由貿易体制の維持・強化は引き続き重要であり、我が国としてはドーハ・ラウンドの妥結を目指して積極的に取り組んでいく。例文帳に追加

As maintenance and strengthening of a multidirectional free trade system by the WTO is important continuously for Japan, we are going to act positively aiming to an agreement of the Doha Round. - 経済産業省

こうした中、インド政府としても、2004年に財政責任・予算管理法(Fiscal Responsibilities and Budget Management Act)を施行し、2007年度までに中央政府の財政赤字の対GDP比を3%まで引き下げ、2008年度までに経常赤字を無くすことを目指している。例文帳に追加

In response, the Indian government implemented the Fiscal Responsibilities and Budget Management Act in 2004, which aims to reduce the fiscal deficit of the central government to 3% of GDP by FY2007 and eliminate the current account deficit by FY2008. - 経済産業省


The Life-support Robot Practical Application Project is aiming to establish human safety technology, standards and verification techniques, which have been an issue affecting the popularization of service robots in lifestyle fields, and to promote international standardization. - 経済産業省


In the event that the prospects are good for ensuring the profitability of the project, the aim is to establish a system for producing 3,000 tons of rare earths annually from the end of fiscal 2010 at the earliest; this amount equates to around 10% of total annual demand for rare earths in Japan. - 経済産業省


The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, as a further commitment, intends to prepare a systematic text on knowledge and know-how related to standardization easily understood by students as well as to experts, thereby expanding the variety of human resources engaged in international standardization. - 経済産業省


In the absence of competitors offering the same type of product, the number of members steadily increased to reach more than 100,000 in April 2008. The company aims to gain 200,000 members by 2010. - 経済産業省


Moreover, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry seeks to create a network among genuine Japanese-style contents such as Japan’s excellent traditional handicraft and cultures, etc., to thereby establish a system which would enable accommodation of the needs of overseas high-income class tourists. - 経済産業省


Until 2007, China was carrying out its “five-year strategic planto attract 120 thousand students from other countries, and South Korea is aiming to receive 50 thousand international students by 2010103. - 経済産業省

加えて、豪州とは EPA交渉中であり、モンゴル及びカナダとは交渉開始で一致、韓国との EPA は交渉が中断しているが、交渉の早期再開を目指している。例文帳に追加

Japan is currently negotiating the EPA with Australia, and has agreed with Mongolia and Canada on initiation of negotiation; the EPA negotiation with South Korea is temporarily suspended but earlier resumption of the negotiation is being sought. - 経済産業省

GATT/WTO のこれまでの発展 1948 年に発足した GATT 締約国は過去 8 度にわたり多角的交渉を行い、自由かつ公正な貿易ルールの策定を目指してきた。例文帳に追加

Past development of GATT/WTO The member states of GATT, which was inaugurated in 1948, engaged in multifaceted negotiations for eight times in total, aiming to formulate free and fair trade rules. - 経済産業省


Concrete results will be sought with the priorities onimprovement in the synergy between innovation and trade,” “promotion of green growth,” “women's activity promotion” and “improvement of business environment. - 経済産業省


With regard to promotion of nuclear utilization, the Framework for Nuclear Energy set the following five policies and or principles, namely. The level of nuclear power generation is to be about 30 to 40 % or greater of the total power generation in 2030 or later. - 経済産業省


When carrying out research and development prior to and after the founding of the company, it was difficult to borrow funds from financial institutions as the utility of the technology being developed was not clear, there was no market for the products, and the company had no collateral. - 経済産業省

EPA では、関税やサービスの自由化のみならず、投資ルールの整備、人的交流の拡大など、幅広い分野について、協定構成国間で経済実態に即したルール、協定を機動的に締結することを目指している。例文帳に追加

With respect to EPAs, Japan aims to expeditiously reach agreement on rules or agreements with contracting party countries, properly reflecting their actual economic conditions, and covering a wide range of areas, including not only the liberalization of trade in tariffs and services, but also the establishment of investment rules, the facilitation of human exchange, and so forth. - 経済産業省


In the meantime, Saudi Arabia and UAE agreed to the GCC Customs Union in 2003 along with other Gulf states, and accordingly, they aim to realize currency unification in 2010 and are striving to establish a common economic zone. - 経済産業省



China has been trying to gradually relax its grip on capital outflows and liberalize cross-border capital movements, aiming to ensure flexibility in its currency system. - 経済産業省


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