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該当件数 : 355



Each synthetic image has an expanded dynamic range larger than that of the digital image itself. - 特許庁


According to the lens position of the eyepiece optical system 15, the size of the character image is adjusted. - 特許庁


To solve the problem that noise is amplified largely when a plurality of gray-scale conversions of largely different noise amplification characteristics to images obtained using an imaging element are executed with an extended dynamic range. - 特許庁


To provide an image display apparatus which allows a wide diopter control range to be large even when an eyepiece is moved along the optical axis to control the diopter. - 特許庁



To provide a manufacturing method of a cooking container for an induction range, by which a large cookware having low fraction defective can be manufactured. - 特許庁



To provide an image processing apparatus and a photographing device which can comparatively easily acquire an emphasis image in which a subject focused by a photographer is emphasized without depending on an imaging element and a diameter of a lens. - 特許庁


To provide an image processing apparatus and an imaging apparatus that can relatively easily obtain an enhanced image in which an object on which a photographer focused is emphasized without depending on an image pickup element and the size of aperture of the lens. - 特許庁


Though a 0-255th gradation of an 8-bit liquid-crystal display panel 134 is normally used, when gradation changes greatly between a right-eye image R and a left-eye image L which are consecutive, the dynamic range of the gradation of video signals is narrowed to 16-240th gradation. - 特許庁


To provide a lens device that enables adjustment of the eccentricity of a lens barrel while checking an image, without increasing the size of a structure. - 特許庁



To provide a modified polypropylene resin having a high molecular weight, a much graft amount and high melt tension and to provide its manufacturing method. - 特許庁



To provide a video audio reproducing apparatus capable of smoothly restarting viewing without greatly disturbing a view flow so far by selecting video/audio associated with a stored program viewed just before during a temporary stop period. - 特許庁


To provide a decorative bottle container with a labeling face which is large, smooth and continuous, and a decorative statue set above the face, not only supporting the large label but also providing the extremely attractive appeal. - 特許庁


To provide a fitting structure of an eaves gutter drain in which no eaves gutter drains or eaves gutters are broken even when the distortion of the eaves gutters caused by the expansion/contraction is large. - 特許庁


Accordingly, when the number of the first reference cells increases, the time for threshold adjustment can be largely reduced than in the conventional example which adjusts the first reference cell threshold after reading the first reference cells. - 特許庁


A pickup condition setup section 240 specifies a set of feature quantities associated to each of N types of image sensing conditions from the first and second feature quantity clusters and specifies a set, having the largest distance between the feature quantity in the set among the specified sets. - 特許庁


The plurality of digital images are stored, and subsequently the stored digital images are processed to generate a composite image having an extended dynamic range greater than any of the digital images by themselves. - 特許庁


a large pipe wrench with L-shaped adjustable jaws that tighten as pressure on the handle is increased  - 日本語WordNet


The Buddhist altar for Nichiren Shoshu is quite different in structure from altars for other sects because it has a Zushi in its inner side.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In a plastic aspherical single lens having an NPS structure, the wavelength characteristics are impaired significantly when the temperature characteristics are improved. - 特許庁


To obtain a polyalkylene glycol derivative greatly improved in odor both in production and long-term storage. - 特許庁


Via patterns 522 and 524 for these structures have a rectangular shape and are wider than the corresponding overlaying trench patterns 534 and 536. - 特許庁


In the coarse control processing performed at the initial stage, even if displacement between two images is large, the corresponding connection region can be found. - 特許庁


To provide an ultrasonic flaw detection device capable of highly accurately and continuously capturing fine signals inside an inspection target structure without enlarging the device. - 特許庁


To provide a massaging element projection quantity adjusting mechanism with a simple structure, capable of making continuous motions while inhibiting up-sizing of the device. - 特許庁


To provide an alkoxylated amine having large addition molar number of an alkylene oxide, having good color and smell and causing little deterioration of the color after the storage for a long period and provide a simple method for the production of the alkoxylated amine. - 特許庁

近年では、こうした海外投資から生み出される所得の受取が増加し、2008年の所得収支が約15.8 兆円と、貿易収支の約4 兆円を大きく上回っており、4 年連続で所得収支が貿易収支を超過している(第3-2-2-2 図)。例文帳に追加

The balance of income has exceeded the balance of trade for the fourth consecutive year (see Figure 3-2-2-2). - 経済産業省


A method for producing a fullerene polymer includes reacting a multifunctional formyl aromatic compound having a long alkyl chain, an amino acid and a fullerene to produce a fullerene polymer having a network structure using a fullerene as a crosslinking site. - 特許庁


In 1923, Makino repeatedly produced films that centered on standard figures filled with narrative quality such as Yoshio OISHI, Jiraiya, Nezumi Kozo Jirokichi, Choshichiro MATSUDAIRA, Hikozaemon OKUBO, and SHIMIZU no Jirocho.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide an optical adjusting apparatus used in a video and audio reproducing system to adjust the focal length of a lens within the video and audio reproducing system to vary the size of video and also form video with high definition to improve the quality of the video. - 特許庁


An imaging apparatus is equipped with the imaging mechanism for adjusting the focal length of a lens to make external light incident on an imaging photoelectric conversion element, wherein the cover member attached to a supporting member that supports the imaging mechanism while covering the imaging mechanism is constituted of a cover main body and a lens cover. - 特許庁


To provide an AD converting method for an analog video signal capable of adjusting the number of gradations so as to be as many as possible in a dynamic range even when the range of luminance in an actual display screen is narrow. - 特許庁


To solve such a problem that the total lens length and the size of a lens barrel incorporating a focusing motor, a vibrationproof function and also a diaphragm unit tend to be made large. - 特許庁


It is characterized by larger eyes not seen in those of ordinary images of Buddha, and the size of the eyes might be related to the legend that 'Emperor Shomu prayed for the recovery of the Empress Komyo from an eye disease.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide an image processing apparatus, an image processing method and a photographing apparatus to comparatively easily obtain a captured image emphasizing a photographic subject focused by a photographer without depending on an imaging element and an aperture size of a lens. - 特許庁


To provide an image processing apparatus, an image processing method and a photographing apparatus to comparatively easily obtain a captured image emphasizing a photographic subject focused by a photographer without depending on an imaging element and an aperture size of a lens. - 特許庁


To provide a refractory for continuous casting with which even in the case of being much suspended amount of alumina during casting for long time or in molten steel when the aluminum-killed steel is cast, a sufficient alumina-deposition preventive effect can be obtained. - 特許庁


To provide an eyepiece for finder that enables observation of an image in a large size and with well-corrected coma aberrations and enables diopter adjustment in a sufficiently large range while minimizing increase in the sizes of an image display surface and the eyepiece. - 特許庁


In the imaging apparatus where the maximum moving speed of the zoom lens in the optical axis direction is higher than that of the focusing lens, the focusing lens is moved to trace a locus different from the positional information of the focusing lens when a distance between the focusing lens and the zoom lens is equal to or under a fixed value. - 特許庁


Concretely, the largest link component of pixels is extracted from two images, areas are found, the areas are compared, an image containing a larger circumscribed rectangle is defined as the image of the document form of the document and the other image is defined as the image of characters described later. - 特許庁


Further, an automatic space detection section compares the sizes of the video signal arriving in the space adjustment section for each horizontal line to automatically discriminate the line in use and the discrimination result is delivered to the space adjustment section, which performs processing according to the discrimination result. - 特許庁


To provide a method of manufacturing microlens capable of substantially increasing the number of gradation and, therefore, capable of manufacturing a microlens which is compact and has a large SAG amount even while using the conventional exposure device. - 特許庁


To provide a tray for a microwave oven capable of placing a food such as a pizza or the like with a large size, with good operability during cooking by heating, and with good stability, a food package and a method for manufacturing the tray for the microwave oven. - 特許庁


In the projector 100, a range including the projected video is image-picked up by a CCD 2, and imaging data is analyzed by a video analysis part, and then foot adjustment by the foot part 4, and zoom adjustment and lens shift by the projection part 1 are performed so that the position and the size of the projected video agree with the detected position and size of the screen. - 特許庁


The electrostatic latent image developing toner, comprising essentially polyester resin prepared by the reaction of polybasic acid dicarboxylic acids and polyhydric alcohol diols, contains nonoxidizing polypropylene and oxidizing polyethylene. - 特許庁


Each document image in a set of document images associated with one or more genres is segmented (408) into a plurality of titles, wherein tiles in the plurality of tiles are sized so that the features of a document page can be identified, and the features of the document images and the plurality of tiles are calculated (410). - 特許庁


To provide a carrier for electrostatic charge image development, the carrier capable of suppressing increase in the size of an image forming apparatus and suppressing image defects caused by buckling of a cleaning blade when images of the same pattern are continuously formed or the carrier is used for a long period of time. - 特許庁


A central processor 7 so calculates the difference between the gradation value of each pixel of an inspected picture stored in an inspected-picture storage 6 and the gradation value of each pixel of the corresponding picture to the inspected picture which is stored in a reference-picture storage 6, as to judge whether the absolute value of the difference is larger than a first threshold α or not. - 特許庁


Picture light is projected on a screen 2 from a plurality of picture sources 1; and only one screen with large area is used as the screen 2 and the distance F between the picture sources 1 and screen 2 is adjusted to display images continuously on the screen (i.e., without forming any join). - 特許庁


To provide a connecting length adjusting structure of a rod material, superior in work efficiency, without requiring much processing manhours and complicated processing in manufacture, by easily determining the accurate connecting length, even when adjusting the connecting length of the rod material, while firmly connecting the mutual rod materials. - 特許庁



By adjusting a distance between the light reflection member 21 and the projection lens 19, the dimension of the projection image to be projected to the projection surface is adjusted. - 特許庁


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