例文 (19件) |
該当件数 : 19件
To provide a heating cooker including a console panel 5 freely projecting and sinking through an opening 1b formed in a front panel 1a of a cooker body, not increasing in height of the cooker body even if the depth of the console panel 5 is increased, and stably supporting the console panel in a projecting position. - 特許庁
Maybe because Cyogen had strong influence on Kumano Sanzan unlike other Sanzan Kengyo, his predecessors, it is written in the entry on July 5, 1216, of FUJIWARA no Yorisuke's journal of the shrine visits that Kumano betto Shingu betto family and Tanabe betto family's Kaijitsu and Yorisuke had a conversation rather being critical of Cyogen. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Yoriie, who opposed the council, appointed five young kinju (attendants), including Nagatsune OGASAWARA, Munetomo HIKI, Tokikazu HIKI and Yoshinari NAKANO, and made it forbidden for anyone to have audience with him except for his kinju, and ordered them to never oppose him. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
In 1680, when Ietsuna TOKUGAWA fell in critical illness, Tadakiyo supported Imperial Prince Arisugawanomiya Yukihito to be the 15th shogun, and Masanori also kept in pace with it, but because it ended in failure, Masanori was forced to retire, and Masamichi officially succeeded the head of the family at the age of 44. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
After the Battle of Sekigahara, 88 Daimyo families that joined the West army, such as Mitsunari ISHIDA (Omi), Yukinaga KONISHI (Higo), Hideie UKITA (Bizen Okayama), and Morichika CHOSOKABE (Tosa), were subjected to kaieki, and also, 5 Daimyo families such as the Mori clan (Terumoto MORI) and Uesugi clan (Kagekatsu UESUGI) were subjected to a severe genpo. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
A radio base station (figure 5) is provided with a means (506) for gathering packets with the same destination among packets arriving from the radio terminal gateway devices, shaping the gathered packets into fixed-length packets and transferring the fixed-length packets to a packet communication network. - 特許庁
The wave pattern analysis device 5 stores a level that does not make an excessive response and has reached the attainment tone B fastest among display results of the liquid crystal panel 2 by various types of scanned C, as the optimum overshoot parameter in association with the original tone A and the attainment tone B, and creates a look-up table for an overshoot drive. - 特許庁
5 第一項の規定により読み替えられた第三条、第四条第一項及び第二項並びに第五条第一項並びに前項の規定により読み替えて準用される第十八条に規定する地方運輸局長(運輸監理部長を含む。)の権限は、国土交通省令で定めるところにより、運輸支局長又は地方運輸局、運輸監理部若しくは運輸支局の事務所の長に委任することができる。例文帳に追加
(5) The authority of the Director of the District Transport Bureau (including the Director of Transport Administration) prescribed in Article 3, Article 4, paragraphs 1 and 2, and Article 5, paragraph 1 as replaced pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 1, and Article 18 as replaced and applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph may, pursuant to the provision of the Ordinance of Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, be delegated to the Transport Bureau Chief or the head of office of District Transport Bureau, Transport Administration, or the Transport Bureau. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
The three-dimensional image display system mutually differs (12 and 22) optical path lengths from each display face of each two-dimensional image display device (11 and 21) provided with the projector (1) to a closeup optical system (13), and forms each video on a plurality of screens (4 and 5) arranged in the interior direction by viewing from the observer. - 特許庁
During the mid-9th century to the latter 10th century, the number of the Tachibana clan members who took the post of Kugyo reached 7: TACHIBANA no Minetsugu (1st son of Ujikimi), TACHIBANA no Hiromi (5th generation grandson of Naramaro), TACHIBANA no Sumikiyo (great-grandson of Tsunenushi), TACHIBANA no Yoshitane (grandson of Tsuneyoshi), TACHIBANA no Kimiyori (6th son of Hiromi), TACHIBANA no Yoshifuru (grandson of Hiromi), TACHIBANA no Tsunehira (grandson of Yoshitane). - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Among his children, Yasumasa HIGUCHI (the third head of the Higuchi family), Yasumoto HIGUCHI (the fourth head), Yasumitsu CHUJO who became Izu no kami (Governor of Izu Province) and served the Tokugawa family of Owari Province, Yasuhiro HIGUCHI (Nagayasu HIGUCHI, the fifth head), a daughter who became the wife of Shigenaga SUZUKI, a daughter who became the wife of Tadakatsu MATSUDAIRA, Osa who became the wife of MATSUDAIRA Zusho no kami, Ritsu who became the wife of Masatatsu TAKEKOSHI (the third son of Masanobu TAKEKOSHI), a daughter who became the wife of Yorishige HAMURO, and a daughter who was adopted into Nishihonganji and became the wife of Kimio ANO, are known. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
However, in 1268, after Tokiyori died, a sovereign letter from the Mongolian Emperor ordering submission to the Mongolian Empire was delivered to Japan, which led to the attack by the Mongolian army in 1274, following which the regent Tokimune HOJO, who was Tokiyori's son, murdered his older paternal half-brother, Tokisuke HOJO, while there were also signs of conflict between the Retired Emperor Gofukakusa and Emperor Kameyama in the imperial court, and all these events suggested signs of a civil war. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
There is also a theory proposed by Yoshitane SAKAMOTO, Yukihisa YAMAO and others, which treated Nihon Mimana-fu as a military institution, because King Bu of Wakoku in the fifth century was awarded by the Chinese dynasty the title of King of Wa, as well as a military rank and position for six countries including Silla, Mimana and Kara, which meant that he was not recognized as a monarch but as a mere military official outside his home, the Japanese archipelago. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Against the opposition of the Toyotomi administration, Ieyasu then reinstated Kanetaka KUJO for the first time in twenty years, who had resigned from Kanpaku and Sadaijin in 1581 during the Oda administration, when he won in the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600; afterwards, however, it was often rumored that Hideyori would assume the position of Naidaijin and then automatically Kanpaku when Ieyasu took over the position of Udaijin from Harusue KIKUTEI (from Motouji SHIGESAWA's letter to Terumoto MORI in 1602). - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
I also gained the experience of serving as the chairman of the Chubu Regional Development Committee for about five years when I belonged to a ruling party, so in that sense, I have learned various things from the Chubu region. During the exchange of opinions, I found that, although business is recovering in some parts of the manufacturing sector, the situation surrounding SMEs remains harsh as exemplified by the uncertain outlook especially due to such factors as the impact of the strong yen on exporting companies. Aichi Prefecture and the Chubu region were highly advanced as Japan's manufacturing and production center until the Lehman Brothers shockwave struck two years ago. - 金融庁
Honenbo Genku (1)->Seikanbo Genchi (first period of 2)->Horenbo Shinku (latter period of 2)->Shoshinbo Tanku (3)->Gudobo Keito (4)->Sogetsubo Eke (5)->Suganbo Jinku (6)->Jikanbo Hanku (7)->Gaganbo Unku (8)->Sozen Jogen (9)->Butsuryu Eisho Kokushi (Sonin Nadohiro) (10)->Yoshihide Sojin (11)->Seimi Aen (12)->Sokai Rachin(13)->Soshu Ryogyoku (14)->Iteri Ryoshin (15)->Shoyo Shukei (16)->Gokuyo Risei (17)->Eiyo Eishin (18)->Saiyo Unsei (19)->Koyo Denshin (20)->Seiyo Hozan (21)->Dozan Genryu (22)->Kanyo Genryo (23)->Enyo Kyugan (24)->Choyo Genzen (25)->Kinyo Seirin (26)->Ryoteki (27)->Chodon (28)->Ninyo Genju (29)->Ganyo Donya (30)->Seiyo Ganshin (31)->Danyo Juno (32)->Koyo Juncho (33)->Kyoyo Shuson (34)->Tsuyo Chorin (35)->Kunyo Jakusen (36)->Juyo Shaetsu (37)->Toyo Junkyo (38)->Koyo Shuntaku (39)->Kanyo Manryu (40)->Hoyo Chishun (41)->Koyo Nencho (42)->Toyo Choon (43)->Kenyo Reishi (44)->Shinyo Kanrei (45)->Kakuyo Reicho (46)->Yuyo Shunkai (47)->Rinyo (48)->Joyo Gencho (49)->Meiyo Kenkai (50)->Yuyo Tenju (51)->Senyo Kyodo (52)->Kanyo Gakuzen (53)->Juyo Myozen (54)->Zaiyo Yurin (55)->Kurotani Joen [Ryoyo] (56)->Shishiku Kanjo [Ryoyo] (57)->Sato Zeimon [Kaiyo] (58)->Shishiku Kanjo [Ryoyo] (59)->Shuho Jogen [Seiyo] (60)->Kissui Kenyu [Butsuyo] (61)->Oka Binjo [Shinyo] (62)->Ikuho Zuien [Soyo] (63)->Mochizuki Shinko [Ikuyo] (64)->Hoi Kyogan [Doyo] (65)->Kawabata Nobuyuki [Genho] (66)->Watanabe Kyozen [Senyo] (67)->Chiba Ryodo [Myoyo] (68)->Fukui Shudo [Kanyo] (69)->Sawazaki Ryoju [Joyo] (70)->Fujiwara Hiromichi [Hoyo] (71)->Inaoka Kakujun [Toyo] (72)->Tsuboi Shunei [Jinyo] (73)->Takahashi Koji [Manyo] (74) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
After Hancheong, which had been the capital of Yi Dynasty Korea, fell easily, Japanese commanders held a war council in June in Hancheong and determined targets of subjugation called Hachidokuniwari (literally, dividing the country into eight routes) by each corps (the First Division of Yukinaga KONISHI and others from Pyeongan Province, the Second Division of Kiyomasa KATO and others from Hangyong Province, the Third Division of Nagamasa KURODA and others from Hwanghae Province, the Forth Division of Yoshinari MORI and others from Gangwon Province; the Fifth Division of Masanori FUKUSHIMA and others from Chungcheong Province; the Sixth Division by Takakage KOBAYAKAWA and others from Jeolla Province, the Seventh Division by Terumoto MORI and others from Gyeongsang Province, and the Eighth Division of Hideie UKITA and others from Gyeonggi Province). - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
In May 2007, Abe, then prime minister of Japan, to overcome serious environmental pollution and oil crisis, presented a proposal called “Cool Earth 50,” addressing climate change with long-term strategies in reducing global greenhouse gas emissions. The strategies included a universal goal of halving the current level of global greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, and three principles to establish an international framework for 2013 onwards. They are (a) all major emitters must participate, thus moving beyond the Kyoto Protocol, leading to global reduction of emissions, (b) the framework must be flexible and diverse, taking into consideration the circumstances of each country, and (c) the framework must achieve compatibility between environmental protection and economic growth by utilizing energy conservation and other technologies. - 経済産業省
4 中央労働委員会及び都道府県労働委員会に関する規定(第十九条の二、第十九条の三第一項から第四項まで及び第六項ただし書、第十九条の四第二項、第十九条の六、第十九条の七第一項後段、第四項及び第五項、第十九条の十、第十九条の十一第二項及び第三項、前条第二項、第三項及び第六項(第十九条の三第六項ただし書を準用する部分に限る。)、第二十四条第二項、第二十四条の二第一項、第二項、第四項ただし書及び第六項、第二十六条第二項並びに第二十七条の二十三の規定を除く。)は、船員中央労働委員会及び船員地方労働委員会について準用する。この場合において、第十九条の三第五項中「七人以上」とあるのは「三人以上」と、第十九条の七第二項中「内閣総理大臣」とあるのは「国土交通大臣」と、「使用者委員及び労働者委員にあつては中央労働委員会の同意を得て、公益委員にあつては両議院」とあるのは「船員中央労働委員会」と、同条第三項中「内閣総理大臣」とあるのは「国土交通大臣」と、「使用者委員又は労働者委員」とあるのは「船員中央労働委員会の委員」と、第十九条の十一第一項中「厚生労働大臣」とあるのは「国土交通大臣」と、前条第一項中「都道府県知事の所轄の下に」とあるのは「各地方運輸局の管轄区域(政令で定める地方運輸局にあつては、政令で定める区域を除く。)及び当該政令で定める区域を管轄区域として並びに当分の間沖縄県の区域を管轄区域として」と、同条第六項中「都道府県知事」とあるのは「国土交通大臣」と、第二十五条第一項中「特定独立行政法人職員、国有林野事業職員及び日本郵政公社職員の労働関係に係る事件のあつせん、調停、仲裁及び処分(特定独立行政法人職員、国有林野事業職員又は日本郵政公社職員が結成し、又は加入する労働組合に関する第五条第一項及び第十一条第一項の規定による処分については、政令で定めるものに限る。)について、専属的に管轄するほか、二以上の都道府県」とあるのは「二以上の船員地方労働委員会の管轄区域」と読み替えるものとする。例文帳に追加
(4) The provisions concerning the Central Labor Relations Commission and the Prefectural Labor Relations Commission (excluding the provisions of Article 19-2; Article 19-3, paragraphs 1 to 4, inclusive, and the proviso to paragraph 6; Article 19-4, paragraph 2; Article 19-6; Article 19-7, second sentence of paragraph 1, paragraph 4 and paragraph 5; Article 19-10; Article 19-11, paragraph 2 and paragraph 3; paragraph 2, paragraph 3 and paragraph 6 of the preceding article (limited to the part to which the proviso to Article 19-3, paragraph 6 shall apply mutatis mutandis); Article 24, paragraph 2; Article 24-2, paragraph 1, paragraph 2, proviso to paragraph 4 and paragraph 6; Article 26, paragraph 2; and Article 27-23) shall apply mutatis mutandis to the Central Labor Relations Commission for Mariners and the Local Labor Relations Commission for Mariners. In this case, the term "seven or more" in Article 19-3, paragraph 5 shall be deemed to be replaced with "three or more"; "the Prime Minister" in Article 19-7, paragraph 2 shall be deemed to be replaced with "the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism"; "with the consent of the Central Labor Relations Commission in the case of an employer member or a labor member, or with the consent of both Houses in the case of a public member" in the same paragraph shall be deemed to be replaced with "the Central Labor Relations Commission for Mariners"; "the Prime Minister" in paragraph 3 of the same Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism"; "an employer member or a labor member" in the same paragraph shall be deemed to be replaced with "a member of the Central Labor Relations Commission for Mariners"; "Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare" in Article 19-11, paragraph 1 shall be deemed to be replaced with "Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism"; "under the jurisdiction of the prefectural governors" in paragraph 1 of the preceding Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "whose jurisdictional district shall be that of each District Transport Bureau (excluding districts specified by Cabinet Order for District Transport Bureaus specified by Cabinet Order) and the district specified by the Cabinet Order concerned, and, for the time being, the district of Okinawa prefecture"; "the prefectural governor" in paragraph 6 of the same Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism"; "In cases concerning the labor relations of employees of specified Incorporated Administrative Agency, national forestry businesses, or Japan Post, the Central Labor Relations Commission shall assume exclusive jurisdiction over conciliation, mediation, arbitration, and disposition (with respect to disposition under the provisions of Article 5, paragraph 1, and Article 11, paragraph 1 concerning a labor union which is formed or joined by employees of specified Incorporated Administrative Agency, national forestry businesses, and Japan Post, such disposition shall be limited to that specified by Cabinet Order); and the Central Labor Relations Commission shall assume initial jurisdiction over conciliation, mediation, arbitration, and disposition; and "two or more prefectures" in Article 25, paragraph 1 shall be deemed to be replaced with "two or more jurisdictional districts of the Local Labor Relations Commission for Mariners." - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
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