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該当件数 : 394



a flat disk of chocolate covered with beads of colored sugar  - 日本語WordNet


In 1600, 4,000 koku was added and he became the lord of Nagashima-jo Castle in Ise Province.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス




A power source pattern 10 mounted with capacitors and a ground pattern 11, mounted with capacitors are formed on a face, on which parts are mounted. - 特許庁



A slit S is formed between the main cylinder 10 and the operating cylinder 12, and the operating cylinder 12 is held inside the main cylinder 10 by a protrusion 12b made on the outer peripheral surface of the operating cylinder 12 while keeping the slit S. - 特許庁



When detecting a value of a threshold or more as the result of the measurement, the cellular phone device 100 executes a prescribed warning operation. - 特許庁


On the morning of Jan. 5, Tokyo's Tsukiji Market held its first auction of the year. - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


In one embodiment of the invention, a motorized pump is provided with a microprocessor-based controller. - 特許庁


To provide a marker related to single stalk weight among the quantitative properties of sugarcane. - 特許庁



To provide an image forming apparatus that has a high degree of freedom in design such as the arrangement positions and size of toner hoppers. - 特許庁



A second filter 15 renews the first filter coefficient by performing fold in operation of the second filter coefficient with the first filter coefficient just for one coefficient of the first filter coefficient of the first filter 11 per each input of crank angle pulse to eliminate unnecessary component due to operation error or the like. - 特許庁


When this processing is performed to all the face images for learning, an error statistical amount computing part 160 computes an error statistical amount indicating a detection error from the detected coordinates of each feature point detected from all the face images, and the correct answer coordinates, and stores it in an error statistical amount database 170. - 特許庁


This acid milk beverage has 1.0-4.0 mass% of the nonfat milk solid and contains polydextrose and sucrose. - 特許庁


To accurately detect a clock hand position, determine the position after a attitude difference or the like stabilizes, and prevent the deviation of the clock hand position. - 特許庁


A mobile phone 11 is provided with a movement detection sensor 114 like a three-dimensional acceleration sensor and can detect user's movement of, for example, shaking the mobile phone 11. - 特許庁


To adjust a seatback to an optional inclination angular position, to store an original inclination angular position when moving the seatback to a forward tilted position by a walk-in operation or the like and to restore it to the inclined position. - 特許庁


Since the time clocked by the clock 17 is corrected, the time of the inspection or the like can be always confirmed accurately, to heighten reliability of measurement. - 特許庁


To measure dynamic torque of a rolling bearing 1 while an inner ring 5 is tilted to an outer ring 3 or the rotary ring under supposition of the assembled error and the like. - 特許庁


To obtain a measuring method whereby the best focus position, astigmatism, etc., of a projection optical system are quickly and accurately detected. - 特許庁


3. There exists some incongruity as shown by the net export of the world which is not zero. This seems to reflect accidental errors caused in summing up the coefficients of respective nations. - 経済産業省


A space 31 for smoking, tea drinking, etc., is partially formed in a room 21 by forming the air curtains 30 by blowing out exhaust air from the air outlet 25 into the room 21. - 特許庁


At a position corresponding to the dividing position 64 on the tire outside surface 5, a projecting a trip 30 continuously extending along the dividing portion 64 is formed, and a level difference and the like formed corresponding to the dividing position 64 is positioned in the projecting strip 30. - 特許庁


Further, either a TV camera 28 or 31 is selected and aligned on the light axis with an electron optics system maintained in a mode of a scanning transmission electron microscope. - 特許庁


First alignment marks 52 for measuring the distortion of a reticule caused by errors or the like, when the reticule is formed, are arranged in grillages 45'. - 特許庁


And, it is set so that copying operations or the like which are the combination of a plurality of the specified functions are executed by an image forming part 114. - 特許庁


To provide a reclining device capable of adjusting a seat back to an optional gradient angle, when moving the seat back to a forward tilt position by a walk-in operation or the like, storing an original gradient position and returning to the original gradient position. - 特許庁


A first sensor 113 serving as both the paper width detecting sensor and a paper evacuation detecting sensor of the upside transferring paper 115A is disposed near a common part of a paper conveying passage 117A of the upside transferring paper 115A and a paper conveying passage 117B of the downside transferring paper 115B and a merging part of the paper conveying passage 117A. - 特許庁


Even if the pin terminals 120, 130, 140 are inclined slightly due to assembling differences, etc., contact areas with the pads 152, 153, 161 will not be reduced in an extreme manner. - 特許庁

第六十一条の二十三の九 指定保障措置検査等実施機関は、保障措置検査等実施業務に係る経理とその他の経理とを区分して整理しなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 61-23-9 Any designated organization implementing safeguards inspections, etc. shall categorize accounting pertaining to work implemented for safeguards inspections, etc. as separate from other accounting.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Through the use of such a gram spoon, sugar 18 having a predetermined weight can be measured, by making the measuring portion 12 buried into a housing container, etc., scooping up the sugar 18 or the like, and sliding a spatula 16 or the like along the upper circumferential end 13 and leveling the sugar 18. - 特許庁


Positional information and a measured value by a measuring means 10 such as a temperature sensor are written in the electronic tag 12 by putting in/out timing and the positional information is transmitted to a collection/delivery control center 3 via a radio communication device 6. - 特許庁


To provide a wearable measuring device which measures the relative position of a foot of a second leg relative to the position of a foot of a first leg from a sensor of a brace mounted on the first leg without attaching a sensor or the like to the second leg of a user. - 特許庁


In this portable machine for an electronic key system, when the detected value of a motion detection sensor comprising an acceleration sensor installed therein exceeds a determination value N1, the portable machine is determined to be moved from a stationary state (YES in S1010). - 特許庁


If steps or projections, etc., on the floor face come into contact with some of the brush bristles 143 having flexibility, only those brush bristles are flexibly deformed to escape from the steps, etc., thus preventing the control element from moving to the first control position. - 特許庁


In a repeating server 104 in the respective repeating domains 103, priority is set in advance by the transmitter server 101 in accordance with the degree of security or the like. - 特許庁

第六十一条の二十三の二十一 この節に定めるもののほか、指定保障措置検査等実施機関の財務及び会計その他指定保障措置検査等実施機関に関し必要な事項は、文部科学省令で定める。例文帳に追加

Article 61-23-21 In addition to the matters specified in this Section, matters relating to the finance and accounting of designated organizations implementing safeguards inspections, etc., and any other necessary matters pertaining to designated organizations implementing safeguards inspections, etc. shall be specified in the Ordinance of MEXT.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

監視カメラ19_1 〜19_n は、セルフサービスユニット18_1 〜18_n の設定操作および各計量機17_1 〜17_n の給油操作等の顧客の様子を写すためのビデオカメラである。例文帳に追加

Monitor cameras 191-19n are used for photographing the status of customers such as the feed operation of self-service units 181-18n and the oil feed operations of respective metering machines 171-17n. - 特許庁


To solve the problem that it is troublesome and inefficient that for metering such an article frequently used everyday as an example of powdery sugar, salt or floor for cooking, the metering has to be performed by opening a lid one by one and transferring it to a metering spoon or a metering cup being a separated tool. - 特許庁


An image forming apparatus subtracts a fixed amount from the charge for image formation when printing is temporarily interrupted due to adjustment inside the apparatus of a present apparatus between start and termination in the image formation. - 特許庁


In addition, there is another dimension to this picture. That is, due to factors including disparities in economic growth rates between the U.S. and the major economies including Europe and Japan, funds are flowing into the U.S. where the growth rate is higher. - 経済産業省


Therefore, only by exchanging the nest member 10, molded products having different sizes, etc. are formed and the size and shape of the passage is changed according to the molded product. - 特許庁


To measure the geometric feature parameters such as geometric tolerances of a minute object to be measured with pores and grooves of 100 μm or less. - 特許庁


To accurately form a mark for measuring the characteristics of an optical system of a position detecting apparatus of an exposure device and to correct aberration, or the like, of the optical system with high precision. - 特許庁


Separate formation of the terminal body 11 and leg part 12 widens the degree of freedom of such traits as the shape, size, etc., of the terminal body 11, and it is possible to make taping of a connection terminal of any complicated shape and mount on circuit board using an automatic inserting machine. - 特許庁


Japanese alpinists, Taniguchi Kei, 36, Hiraide Kazuya, 29, Sato Yusuke, 29, Ichimura Fumitaka, 31, and Amano Kazuaki, 32, became the first Japanese to receive the Piolets d'Or award.  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


The platelike bodies 11, 12 are formed by adding and mixing an olefin resin such as polypropylene PP or the like as a binder with a wooden fiber selected from vegetable fibers of straw, palm tree, kenaf and the like. - 特許庁


A first gap 56 formed between the pressing portions 54 and the contacts 43, and a second gap formed between the cushion 35 and the projection portions 51 absorb loads less than or equal to the predetermined value and dimension errors of components, thereby preventing error detection. - 特許庁


To accurately determine a load exerted between an outer ring 3 and a hub 4, regardless of the differences in the positional relations between a pair of sensors 13a and 13b and an encoder 12b, which is different from one rolling bearing unit to another, due to pre-load differences etc. - 特許庁


A space between the outer circumferential surface of a socket body 21 located closer to the rear end from a through-hole 21b and the inner circumferential surface of a minor diameter hole 24a of an operation cylinder 24 is sealed by an annular first sub-seal member 31. - 特許庁



As the praise to his contribution, he was entitled to additional 10.000 koku (1 koku is about 180 litters of rice yield) and assigned as the lord of Nagashima Domain in Ise Province as a daimyo of 20.000 koku..  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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