
「アンテナ間」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(8ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > アンテナ間に関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 4390



A cavity 107 is provided between the first antenna housing 105 and the second antenna housing 106 in the first housing 101. - 特許庁


A radio wave absorbing body 10d is placed on a floor face 10c, located between a transmission antenna 12 and a reception antenna 14. - 特許庁


To provide an antenna control device and an antenna control method making it possible to reduce time-out period required for channel selection. - 特許庁


In addition, even when a person approaches the antenna 30, a path of current from the antenna 30 to the person and to the earth is no longer formed. - 特許庁



Thus, an actual radio wave propagation environment is accurately simulated, and the evaluation of antenna characteristics including correlations between the antennas is performed. - 特許庁



The rotational angular position is measured by monitoring fluctuations in coupling of RF power between the transmitting antenna and the receiving antenna. - 特許庁


A plane specified by a pair of dipole antennas (a principal surface 3 of a film 2) is common between the plurality of cross dipole antennas. - 特許庁


To provide an antenna device which can achieve miniaturization while improving isolation between two antennas. - 特許庁


Furthermore, the series resistance executed by the modulation processing is installed between the antenna and the tuning capacitors for the antenna. - 特許庁



To achieve, for antennas and antenna arrays, reduced interference between different signal channels, improved beamforming and null-forming. - 特許庁



The plurality of cross dipole antennas are disposed on a plane in such a way that a pair of dipole antennas are disposed side by side at an equal angle (45°) interval on that plane. - 特許庁


The sensor component is operatively coupled to the first and second antennas and operatively monitors the microwave energy therebetween. - 特許庁


To provide means capable of reducing a manufacturing time and costs by easily connecting a transmit/receive module to an antenna circuit board in an antenna array. - 特許庁


To arrange an antenna substrate and a waveguide with a predetermined gap left therebetween to achieve favorable antenna characteristics while avoiding a stress due to assembly variations. - 特許庁


To configure an antenna device that is small in characteristics deterioration even if a gap between a conductor plate and antenna coil is large. - 特許庁


When electric power is fed to the power-feed metal plate 30, the antenna element 10 is excited via a coupling capacitance Cs between the power-feed metal plate 30 and the antenna element 10. - 特許庁


A ground substrate 3 is provided beneath an antenna substrate 2, and on the top surface of the ground substrate 3, a plurality of antenna elements 4 for, for example, a circularly polarized wave are spaced at prescribed intervals. - 特許庁


It connects the antenna element 3a of combination of the antenna pair 4x of the x direction and an antenna 4y of the y direction arrangement with a synthetic portion 6 through a phase adjustment portion 7. - 特許庁


While the antenna 4 is moving in the direction (b), the antenna 4 is brought into stationary state in the view from the base station 1 and reception sensitivity is improved. - 特許庁


An antenna 112 for transceiving the ground information wave transmits/receives the information wave to/from an antenna 211 for transceiving the onboard information wave. - 特許庁


To provide an inexpensive tracking antenna system that calculates proper correction value for the direction of an antenna, in a short time, which is directed to a communication satellite. - 特許庁


To realize a composite antenna whose gain deteriorates little regardless of coming close to or leaving away from the antenna of a large conductor such as a human body. - 特許庁


Then the low noise amplifier 11 amplifies the power of the signal at a gain equivalent to the gain difference between the externally projected antenna 5 and the built-in antenna 6. - 特許庁


A first antenna part 20 and the second antenna part 30 are arranged in an inside space of the cylindrical structure part 11. - 特許庁


To reduce a space occupied by an antenna as much as possible by providing a function of adjusting the resonance frequency of the antenna. - 特許庁


The interval between each of the first radiation antenna rectangular-shaped elements 24a-24c and each of the 2nd radiation antenna paper-tablet-shaped elements 24f-24j is λg/2. - 特許庁


The antenna elements 31a, 31b and the second antenna elements 32a, 32b are set so that length L will be substantially λ/4, element interval D1 will be substantially λ/8. - 特許庁


When the mobile phone is in use, the projection touches with the ear shell of a user to increase an interval between the antenna and the head of the user thereby reducing the antenna gain reduction. - 特許庁


To obtain matching so that broad band characteristics at every antenna are maintained by excluding the interaction between a plurality of antenna elements to the utmost. - 特許庁


To provide an excellent receiving performance at all the time by easily and surely suppressing interference between a first antenna and a second antenna. - 特許庁


Then, the relative distance between the antenna 21 and the radio wave reflector plate 23 is changed while the antenna 21 is transmitting an inquiry radio wave. - 特許庁


The wireless IC tag 100 comprises a loop-like intermediate IC tag body 103 including an IC chip 101 and a planar intermediate antenna 102, and a main antenna 104 connected without wire on the intermediate antenna 102. - 特許庁


The antenna element 1, its grounding layer 13, the antenna circuit 14 and its grounding layer 15 are arranged on the multilayer circuit board 7 so that the distance from the antenna element 1 to its grounding layer 13 is greater than that from the antenna circuit 14 to its grounding layer 15. - 特許庁


A through hole is formed in an antenna ground plane under the patch electrode between inter-layer insulation layers, the antenna line is provided on the side opposite from the patch electrode across the antenna ground plane, and the patch electrode is connected to the antenna line by a conductor that passes through the through hole. - 特許庁


An antenna device section is composed of a plane antenna panel 1 in which antenna elements 11 are disposed on radiating surfaces at regular intervals, the reference planes 3 of reference plates and a plurality of sensors 2 measuring the quantities of strain between a substrate for the antenna panel 1 and the reference plane. - 特許庁


A plurality of antennas of a second antenna group are formed which are arranged by having an equal interval mutually at the equal distance from the first element antenna, and connected to a feeding means which feeds in a constant phase difference between the adjacent second element antennas of the second element antenna group. - 特許庁


An antenna unit provided in the contactless communication device includes an antenna 21, a contact member 23 and a magnetic body 25, wherein a biasing member is interposed between the antenna 21 and the magnetic body 25, and the antenna 21 can be biased in the direction of separating it from the magnetic body 25. - 特許庁


A reconfiguration operation is conducted prior to the second transmission trial and guarantees that a channel response (H) between the selection transmission antenna (S1) and the receiving antenna (S2) for the first transmission trial is different from the channel response (H) between the selection transmission antenna (S3) and the receiving antenna (S4) for the second transmission trial. - 特許庁


An antenna board 13 with antennas 17, 18 used for inter road- vehicle communication fitted thereto in the antenna system 11 is arranged turnably in the inside of a case 12 and an edge adjustment mechanism 23 adjusting a turn angle of the antenna board 13 is provided for the antenna system 11. - 特許庁


A variable coupler 3 is disposed between an antenna A and an antenna B, and a coupling amount of the variable coupler 3 between the antenna A and the antenna B is controlled by a coupling control device 432 so as to be increased at the time of reception and to be decreased at the time of transmission. - 特許庁


A spiral antenna includes: antenna elements 11 patterned in a spiral shape on a dielectric substrate; a cavity 13 formed by providing an air gap between the antenna elements 11; and a magnetic substance 15 located between the antenna elements 11 and the cavity 13. - 特許庁


A partition 15 made of a conductor is placed between the transmission antenna 11 and the reception antenna 12, and a height (h) of the partition 15 from the surface of the transmission antenna 11 is selected to be a wavelength λ in a free space with respect to a center frequency of radio waves transmitted from the transmission antenna 11 or a value in the vicinity of the free-space wavelength λ. - 特許庁


The antenna of the first conductive unit and that of the second conductive unit are separated by an interval 15 in between, and either of the antennas of the first conductive unit and the second conductive unit is installed so that it is in contact with the optical switch 12, and a resistive part 13 is sandwiched by the other one and the optical switch 12 close to them. - 特許庁


Receiving signals spectrum-diffued by antennas 10a, 10b, 10c and 10d for a first antenna 10 are delayed for a fixed time by delay circuits 12a, 12b, 12c and 12d for severally different delay times and re-radiated from antennas 11b, 11c and 11d for a second antenna section 11. - 特許庁


An receiving antenna unit comprises M×N-pieces of antenna elements arranged in a two-dimensional matrix by arranging N-pieces of antenna rows, which each comprises M-pieces of antenna elements arranged in a row at regular intervals along an elevation direction, at regular intervals along a horizontal direction intersecting the elevation direction at right angles. - 特許庁


The spiral antenna includes: antenna elements 11 patterned in a spiral shape on a dielectric substrate; a cavity 13 formed by providing an air gap between the antenna elements 11; and a magnetic material 15 located between the antenna elements 11 and the cavity 13. - 特許庁


Respective sizes of the plurality of sub-array antennas 2 are set larger, in the order such that as the sub-array antenna intervals increase, the gaps to adjacent sub-array antennas become smaller. - 特許庁


Individual phase shifters are connected to individual middle antenna elements for at least several antenna elements between the first and second groups of antenna elements. - 特許庁


Radio communication is performed between the antennas 24 or between each antenna 24 and the antenna 35, and the transmission of video signals in a non-designated video transmitter 20 is stopped. - 特許庁



To provide mobile radio equipment that can prevent an antenna gain connected to a radio section even when the distance is not sufficient causing mutual coupling between a plurality of antennas. - 特許庁


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