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New york was a big trading post by then. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
The sites where foreign trade could be carried on became restricted to the Hirado port and Nagasaki port. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Real GNI = Real GDP + Income from overseas (real) + Trade gains and losses - 経済産業省
Real GNI (93SNA) = Real GDP + Trading gains + Net income from abroad (real) - 経済産業省
当時は交易所だった ちょうどこの公園に沿ってだろう?例文帳に追加
At that time, the trading post would've been just along this park, right? - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
コラム7 拡大する企業・家計間の所得格差と交易条件悪化が家計に与える影響例文帳に追加
[Column 7] The widening disparity in the income of companies and households and the impact of the deteriorating terms of trade on households - 経済産業省
実質国民総所得(GNI)は2002年からの景気回復期において、海外からの所得純受取によって増加している局面もある一方で、交易条件の悪化によって交易損失が減少の寄与となっている 。例文帳に追加
While the real gross national income (GNI) increased during the economic recovery phase from 2002 thanks to net income from overseas, the trade loss due to worsened terms of trade negatively contributed . - 厚生労働省
In particular, such outflow sharply forced down the GNI growth rate in 2008. - 経済産業省
One of the factors behind the low growth of real GNI in Japan is the outflow of income triggered by the deteriorating terms of trade. - 経済産業省
Thus, it can be assumed that the deterioration in the terms of trade has a significant impact on the household income (see Column Figure 7-2). - 経済産業省
GNI covers domestic demand, external demand (net exports), the income balance and trading gains. We should consider how to expand each component. - 経済産業省
Koriwa were originally wako; therefore, they were cunning fellows to the Korean kingdom such that some of them raided Ming and brought their pillage to Korea to trade with Koreans, or were on board bearing arms and traded in their pillage at strictly guarded places and conducted raids as wako on the poorly guarded places. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The uneven impact of the deteriorating terms of trade on specific companies has been confirmed in this paper. However, it is conceivable that the deteriorating terms of trade have a negative impact on the household income as well as the corporate income through the suppression and reduction of personnel cost. - 経済産業省
However, compared to the time of the oil shocks, in the current deterioration in the terms of trade the positive degree of income received from overseas (actual net exports + net receipts from overseas) is greater than the negative degree of trade loss (see Figure 2-2-28). - 経済産業省
In order to prevent the outflow of income due to worsening terms of trade in the midst of rising concern over possible long-term higher resource and food prices due to growth in new emerging economies, it is necessary to consider improving terms of trades by strengthening the exchange rate. - 経済産業省
Recently, with resource prices soaring, the terms of trade1 have been worsening; this has caused the outflow of income (trading loss) to surpass the income from overseas (income balance surplus) (see Figures 2-2-8and 2-2-9). Subsequently, the nation's companies and households have been hard hit; this will be discussed later in detail. Under these circumstances, it is considered reasonable to use real GNI, which is more appropriate than nominal GNI (used in the 2006 white paper), because real GNI also includes trade gains and losses2. - 経済産業省
Centered around Otsu-juku, which is an important port of Lake Biwa and used to be the 53rd posting station of Tokai-do Road, it consists of Zeze, the castle town of the Zeze Domain, Sakamoto, a temple town of Mt. Hiei, and Katata, a hub of lake-borne trade. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Victor Sprinckel, Head of the Netherlands trade office in Pattani in Thailand, refused their landing, as he was too busy to cope with the situation caused by Portugal which was hostile to the Netherlands in southern Asia. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Additionally, places that placed an emphasis on defensive ability as a castle retreat were not in places with good transportation, and as they started to increasingly become trade cities, Jinya instead of castles became the center of government. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
In its large premises including Ryuto-zan mountain, there were the house of the manager, Kaiichi-daicho (trade hall) (also called Koekiba), a courthouse, Hama bandokoro (guard house for the coast), shrines such as Benten-jinja Shrine, Toko-ji Temple, and residences for Japanese (Tsushima people). - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Later on, Koden became territories of the Ozuki clan who took over the official position, and rice taxes from these territories, as well as commodities obtained through Jishi Koeki were spent as expenses for the Daijokan. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
On the other hand, greater trading gains achieved in resource andfood exporting countries increased domestic final demands, and in turn, supported the economies ofexporting countries (Japan, China, and the EU) that export goods to the resource and food exportingcountries. - 経済産業省
As mentioned in Section 1, compared to 2000, Japan's terms of trade have deteriorated considerably in recent years and the income flow out of the country in 2007 amounts to almost 18.8 trillion. - 経済産業省
Thus, compared to the oil shock period, acquiring demand from resource countries should redirect back to Japan the income outflow from Japan that accompanies worsening terms of trade. - 経済産業省
The contribution of the real GNI growth rate in this period showed an increase in the contribution of net exports after 2004 and the fourth quarter of 2005 (Figure 2-1-1-1). - 経済産業省
As was stated previously, there has been a massive outflow of income accompanying the worsening of Japan's terms of trade, and this outflow to resource rich countries such as in the Middle East, Russian and Brazil, is contributing to higher purchasing power in those countries. - 経済産業省
While nominal GNP based on the 68SNA was identical to nominal GNI based on the 93SNA, the 93SNA made an adjustment for computing real GNI. Real GNP based on the 68SNA had covered net exports as a real export-import gap while failing to include real income (trading gains) emerging from an export-import price gap. In order to indicate real national income more precisely through the adjustment, the 93SNA adds trading gains when computing real GNI. - 経済産業省
In order to achieve real GNI growth in the midst of globalization, while at the same time spreading the fruits of such growth broadly throughout the economy and building an affluent national economy, it will be necessary 1) to acquire external demand through aggressive trade investment (expand real GDP through growth in exports, expand income earnings overseas through greater overseas investment), 2) improve terms of trade (improved trading gains/losses) and 3) achieve a smooth repatriation of wealth acquired overseas into Japan (generation of domestic demand). - 経済産業省
Therefore, the number of Japanese daimyo (feudal lord) and merchants trading with Korea rapidly increased, but because some of them turned into wako (Japanese pirates) once they found unfavorable terms of trade, the Korean government eventually restricted the port of entry for koriwasen (ship for trading with Korea) only to Busanpo, Tongne Prefecture (present Busan Metropolitan City), the location where Local naval officer of Gyeongsang left-sided Prefecture was, and, Naijiho, Jinhae Prefecture (present, Jinhae City, Gyeongsang-namdo Prefecture), the location where Local naval officer of Gyeongsang right-sided Prefecture was, around 1407. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
第24図は労働分配率が一定とした時の実質賃金上昇率を、労働生産性の変化要因と所得流出効果に要因分解したものであるが、交易損失の発生に伴う所得流出効果により労働生産性の上昇が減殺され、労使の間で分配率が一定と仮定した時の実質賃金上昇率は目減りしている 。例文帳に追加
Under Figure 24, the real wage increase rate, which hypothetically assumes that the labour share ratio remains the same, is broken down into the factor for change in labour productivity and the income outflow effect; due to the income outflow effect associated with trade loss, the increase of labour productivity is reduced, which resulted in the decreased real wage increase rate when it is hypothetically assumed that the labour share ratio remains the same . - 厚生労働省
The Ando clan's territory, which was extended on the land infeasible for cultivation, and the profits gained from the inner land was scarce, however, the clan was gripping key ports along the coast, which had possibility to provide the clan an enormous benefit through a large-scale trading net in the Sea of Japan, and in this sense, the clan can be considered as a maritime local ruling family. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
It can be assumed that the cause of the sluggish growth of income in the household sector in the current economic expansion phase includes not only the impacts of globalization, as pointed out in Section 1 ((1) lowering negotiating ability of laborers and (2) progress of capital and technology intensification in industries), but also the deterioration in the terms of trade due to the crude oil price rise that almost coincided with the commencement of the current economic expansion phase (February 2002). - 経済産業省
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