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Sponsorship system for the undergraduate students  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


At the fourth triennial review meeting, member states were encouraged to utilize the newly created notification system. - 経済産業省


a scholarship system in which funds are granted to students who have finished their pHd or to those students who are post graduates, called special researcher system  - EDR日英対訳辞書

我々は、今後 5年間で、WCOの改正京都規約への加入、事前教示制度や事後調査制度の導入及び改善を図ることを奨励例文帳に追加

We encourage accession to the WCO Revised Kyoto Convention and the development and improvement of the advance ruling system and post-clearance audit system during this five-year period. - 財務省



Although it was not clear when the geyujo system was introduced, a mikotonori (imperial edict) for promoting the geyujo system was issued on May 26, 733 (according to "Shoku Nihongi" - Chronicle of Japan continued).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Governance: Empower people and strengthen institutions to foster environmentally sound and socially equitable decision-making.  - 経済産業省


In addition, it also introduces a voluntary restructuring of the EU sugar industry in order to encourage uncompetitive farmers to change their trade. - 経済産業省


At first, the bakufu persecuted Christians by forcing them to step on a wood sheet containing a likeness of Jesus (this practice is called 'fumie') or by encouraging whistle-blowing to reveal Christians, and Buddhist temples were commissioned by the bakufu to prove that their parishioners were not Christians (this system is called 'terauke seido').  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Governing in consultation with Prince Shotoku, Umako promoted the spread of Buddhism in Japan, drew up the Seventeen-Article Constitution to establish a centralized political system and sent Kenzui-shi (imperial envoys to China) to introduce advanced social systems and academic disciplines from China.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Abe also mentioned some specific reforms: the periodic renewal of teaching licenses; the introduction of a system for evaluating schools; the encouragement of volunteer activities so children can learn about people and society.  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave



One of the purposes of the patent system is to protect and encourage inventions by granting exclusive rights to inventors for a certain period of time in exchange for disclosure of the arts used in their inventions, and thereby to contribute to the development of industry.  - 特許庁


We encourage the APEC member economies, where appropriate, to take all necessary measures to fully implement the UNCAC’s provisions, consistent with the fundamental principles of their legal systems. - 経済産業省


32. We welcome work to promote transparent and functioning regulatory systems to ensure safety and to facilitate investment in and the development and application of innovative biotechnologies for food security in APEC. - 経済産業省


In relation to this issue, in his speech earlier today, Minister Motegi spoke of his wish to use the British ISAs (Individual Savings Accounts), which are intended to encourage investment by individuals, as a model. What is the status of the FSA's deliberations on or study of ISAs?  - 金融庁

財務大臣達は、新しい国家債務再編メカニズム(SDRM)に対するIMF 事務局による提案に留意し、SDRMの実施に関する法律、制度及び手続き上の問題の検討をIMFに奨励するための本年4月のIMFCにおける合意を歓迎した。例文帳に追加

Ministers took note of the proposal by the IMF management for a new Sovereign Debt Restructuring Mechanism (SDRM) and welcomed the agreement in the IMFC last April to encourage the Fund to continue to examine the legal, institutional, and procedural issues related to the implementation of the SDRM.  - 財務省


The reasons why the rate of use of the Japan-Thailand EPA is as low as4.5% are: (i) the Board of Investment of Thailand provides an import tariff exemption as an investment promotion scheme and (ii) the Thai government voluntarily reduced the MFN tariffs to rates lower than the EPA tariff rates. - 経済産業省

他には ICT(情報通信技術)のように若者の関心を反映した有望な経済部門で産業政策が支援された場合、労働市場規制において適切な柔軟性と保護が考慮された場合、起業家精神が奨励された場合、賃金の補填や他の関連制度が思慮深く活用された場合が挙げられます。例文帳に追加

When sectoral policies of encouraging economic sectors reflective of the interests of youth like ICT are supported, when appropriate flexibility and protection are considered in labour market regulations, when entrepreneurship is encouraged and when wage supplement and other related schemes are thoughtfully utilized. - 厚生労働省


Efforts are being made to encourage business operators to offer elderly persons some form of work such as subsidy for raising the retirement age (to subsidize small and medium-size business operators who have raised the retirement age to 65, introduced the continued employment system for people aged 70 or older who are willing to work, or abolished the retirement age system), subsidy for trial employment of middle and old aged people (by supporting business operators that hire middle-aged persons aged 45 or older on a trial basis (monthly payment of 40,000 yen per person with 3 months of benefit term at maximum )), subsidy to develop the employment of specific job seekers (to subsidize some part of their wages to business operators who hire elderly persons introduced by the job placement officeHello Workas continued hired workers). - 厚生労働省


This is aimed at encouraging SMEs to hire people with disabilities. When SMEs that have never hired people with disabilities (SMEs with 56-300 employees, under an obligation to hire people with disabilities) employ for the first time any person with disabilities who falls under the employment rate system, they will receive a grant (¥1m). - 厚生労働省


This could be achieved through the effective use of various existing mechanisms, such as stimulating dialogue between venture capitalists and inventors, promoting entrepreneurial education, stimulating technology transfer from universities and scientific institutions to businesses, creating business incubators in universities, encouraging business involvement to nurture nanotechnology research and speeding up the commercialization of new technologies. - 経済産業省


We will also support the efforts of respective member economies to build capacity to combat corruption by strengthening anti-corruption bodies, the rule of law, fiscal transparency and accountability; by reforming public procurement systems; by developing and promoting mechanisms that support effective return of recovered assets; and by encouraging the implementation of high standard codes of ethics. - 経済産業省

ロシアでは2010 年に入っても政策金利引き下げによる金融緩和を実施している他、3 月には、新車販売促進政策の一環として、政府による自動車買い替え奨励措置である自動車スクラップ・インセンティブ制度が発効するなど対策が講じられており、今後、どの程度の効果が現れるか注視していく必要がある。例文帳に追加

Russia executed the credit easing policy through policy interest rates cuts in 2010. In March 2010, the government issued an automobile scrap incentive program to promote a replacement of automobile as a part of new car sales promotion measures. It will be necessary to pay attention to the impact from these measures. - 経済産業省

24. 我々は,知的財産権の保護及び執行を強化するという我々のコミットメントを再確認し,創造性及び技術革新を奨励し,知的財産の良好な管理及び利用の手段を与えるインセンティブの提供及び保護のための,包括的で均衡ある知的財産制度の重要性を再表明した。例文帳に追加

24. We reaffirmed our commitment to strengthen the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights (IPR) and reiterated the importance of comprehensive and balanced intellectual property systems that provide for and protect the incentives that encourage creativity and innovation and provide the tools for successful management and utilization of intellectual property. - 経済産業省

年長フリーター等の正規雇用化を推進するため、① 年長フリーター等(25〜39歳)を積極的に正規雇用(ア直接雇用、イ「若年者トライアル雇用」を活用、ウ「ジョブ・カード制度」の雇用型訓練のうち「有期実習型訓練」修了者を正規雇用、の場合がある)する事業主又は② 採用内定を取り消されて就職先が未決定の学生等を正規雇用する事業主に対する奨励金(「若年者等正規雇用化特別奨励金」)を平成20年度第2次補正予算において新たに創設したところであり、対象者1人につき中小企業には100万円、大企業には50万円を支給(3年間にわたり3回に分けて支給)することとしている。例文帳に追加

In order to promote regular employment among older Freeters, establishment of a grant (Special Grant to Promote Regular Employment among the Youth, etc. was newly financed in the FY 2008 second supplementary budget for employers who will proactively hire older Freeters (aged 25-39) as regular employees (a) direct employment, b) utilizing the “youth trail employmentor c) employing those who have finished the fixed-term on-the-job training program of theJob Card System’s” employment-based training as regular employees) or hire graduates whose place of employment remain unsettled, due to withdrawal of their job offers, and 1 million yen for person for small and medium sized enterprises and 500 thousand yen for person for large companies will be provided (over 3 years in 3 separate payment periods). - 厚生労働省

我々は,人々が健康であることは,人的資源の持続可能な開発と,延いては APEC地域内の持続可能な経済発展及び革新的成長に極めて重要であることを認識し,健康問題に対するエコノミーのセクターを越えた取組を支持し,妊産婦,乳幼児及び小児から人生の終焉までの生涯に亘る非感染性疾患の予防,健康,健康的なライフスタイル及びウェルネスの推進並びにこれらへの投資による保健制度の強化に関する更なる具体的な方策を奨励する。例文帳に追加

Recognizing that a healthy population is crucial for sustainable development of human resources, and therefore, for sustainable economic development and innovative growth in the APEC region, we support the efforts made by our economies to address health issues across sectors, and encourage further concrete steps to strengthen health systems by preventing non-communicable diseases, promoting and investing in health and healthy lifestyles and wellness across the life course starting from maternal, infant and child health through to the end of life. - 経済産業省



Labour market reforms to increase employment and increase labour force participation, such as: retraining long-term unemployed (US); skills development (Spain); increasing wage flexibility, such as decentralizing wage setting (Italy); reducing labour tax wedges (Brazil, Italy); reforms to employment insurance to make it more effective and efficient in supporting job creation (Canada); enhancing education, training and skills development (Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Turkey, South Africa); encouraging the participation of females in the labour force by, for example, reforming benefit systems and providing affordable child care services (Australia, Germany, Japan, Korea); improving employment opportunities for targeted groups such as youth and persons with disabilities (Canada, Korea, UK); encouraging the participation of younger workers through apprenticeships (UK); and, encouraging formal sector employment through better education or skill development (Brazil, Indonesia, Mexico, South Africa).  - 財務省


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