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該当件数 : 72



My mother has good handwriting. - Tatoeba例文


My mother has good handwriting.  - Tanaka Corpus


Because she has penmanship skills? - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


To obtain pretty printing without generating any unevenness in the printing when a letter or a picture is printed on a ribbon. - 特許庁



To express a bold letter finely even if the bold letter is formed from a letter including diagonal components. - 特許庁



There is need for improvement in your handwriting. - Tatoeba例文


There is need for improvement in your handwriting.  - Tanaka Corpus


In addition, a clear and ideal current limiting characteristic is obtained. - 特許庁

書道が趣味との事。 きれいな女性に惹かれます」。例文帳に追加

My hobby is calligraphy. I am attracted to women with neat writing. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書



The Kushiki-ryo (law on state documentary forms in the Yoro Code) prescribes it along with ketsuji.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



To provide a cutting and bonding mechanism in a printing tube aligning machine capable of cutting and bonding a printing tube neatly. - 特許庁


and taking it up, I found written on the other side, in a very good, clear hand, this short message: "You have till ten tonight."  - Robert Louis Stevenson『宝島』


To make possible a printing of clean letters without distortion even when there exists a difference in a transportation speed between two transportation means lined up along a transportation path and when the printing is carried out astride the two transportation means. - 特許庁


To make characters printable nearly and free of distortion even if there is a difference in transporting speed between two transporting means lining up along a transporting route and printing is carried out across the two transporting means. - 特許庁


To provide a printing apparatus capable of keeping sharp printing quality by preventing the lowering of the impact force of a printing head and eliminating density irregularity by preventing printing timing from getting out of a fundamental printing cycle when printing is performed in a medium speed printing mode in a printing apparatus wherein a printing speed is high and a printing cycle is short, a control method thereof and a recording medium realizing the control method. - 特許庁


To provide a brush pen guide cap and a solid template by which a person inexperienced in the use of a brush or a brush pen can write beautiful brush characters. - 特許庁


and round the neckof the bottle was a paper label, with the words `DRINK ME' beautifully printed on it in large letters.  - Lewis Carroll『不思議の国のアリス』


To provide a printer which facilitates an adjustment of a voltage to be impressed to a plurality of heads, miniaturizes a head driving circuit and is capable of high-speed and beautiful printing, and to provide an adjusting method of a printer. - 特許庁


Consequently, the linear power collectors 24a, 24b are inconspicuous, and the solar cell 11 represents the characters, figures and patterns beautifully in complicated shapes. - 特許庁


To offer an eraser that can cleanly erase hand-written traces on the paper without special operational technic and without generating any erasing waste on the paper. - 特許庁


To provide a digital broadcast receiver capable of brightly and clearly displaying a television picture, and easily readably and viewably displaying characters or graphic pictures with low luminance. - 特許庁


To insert another character sequence into a composition comprising hand-written characters displayed on a display, in order to display fine well-regulated composition, in both vertical writing and lateral writing. - 特許庁


In this timepiece having a dial 12 in which an moon age opening 16 is formed, a moon age disc 18 rotationally driven by a moon age gear train 24 is loaded on the back of the moon age opening. - 特許庁


The acquisition of the character information in a normal route from the FEP 20 is shut off and a user input character display element 32 acquires the character information from a work memory 40 utilized in Japanese conversion and is displayed, by which the neat displaying of the character information according to the font, etc., of the typing software 30 itself is made possible without receiving the restriction by the font performance of the FEP 20. - 特許庁

日付の表現は、人が読みやすい数の形式やタイムスタンプ形式 (例. Unix タイムスタンプ) で得ることができます。例文帳に追加

Representations of a date can be obtained as a human readable number or in the form of a timestamp (e.g.  - PEAR

一般的にフォントには見ためがそろっており並べると綺麗に見えるイメージが含まれている(例えば、1 つの大きさ、太さ、スラント、文集合)。例文帳に追加

A font typically containsimages that share a common appearance and look nice together (for example,a single size, boldness, slant, and character set).  - XFree86


A draft processing part 22 is provided with a function which image-displays an image based on the character shape information and the layout information, and adjusts the size or position of each character, and updates the layout information, and outputs the image. - 特許庁


To provide a specific sheet on which characters or the like, are clearly written and a large number of characters or the like, are easily erased and which is reused many times and saves paper resources. - 特許庁


To provide a beautiful separation of an end of an image or a character by utilizing that a cellulose acetate film is clearly divided along a groove. - 特許庁


To cheaply provide a U-shaped housing container capable of easily beautifully adjusting and arranging spools. - 特許庁


PC beam forms for a V-shaped girder and a W-shaped beam are prefabricated together with the PC column form and turned into components; a building site is neatly arranged; safety, working efficiency and accuracy are increased; and a social contribution is made by the building providing a long-life comfortable space. - 特許庁


To load paper arranged finely on a U-shape state retaining member of a paper reception table even if the discharged paper is misaligned in a width direction in a paper reception processing method with a paper reception tray that loads the paper discharged in the U-shape state while retaining it in the U-shape state. - 特許庁


The groove is provided on the cellulose acetate film, and the end of the image or the character output to its surface is clearly cut and separated. - 特許庁


To provide a character pattern generation method capable of generating character patterns by various typefaces written with various writing tools from definitions of a very small number of stroke shapes on the basis of an online character pattern of a data base and generating the typeface which can not be neatly written by ordinary people even on the basis of handwriting of every individual. - 特許庁


To provide a light, thin, and small micro capsule magnetic migration display sheet in which recording and erasing are both enabled in a same surface, clear characters are recorded depending on a kind of a magnet, the erasing is performed clearly, and contrast difference of white and black is high. - 特許庁


To provide a dial for an instrument which is able to provide an indicator part, without making it jut out from the top of a protruding portion and enables to make the indicator part view easily and seen beautifully in the appearance. - 特許庁


To obtain an ink set for ink jet printing use, made up of black ink and color ink each good in fixity and water resistance and bleed resistance as well and capable of attaining clear printing. - 特許庁


To provide a fixing device capable of positively removing toner deposited on the surface of a fixing roller, and capable of providing a fine print image even when using a glossy recording medium. - 特許庁


To provide an eraser which enables the clean erasing of characters etc., written on a rough surface on glass, when a glass writing member is used in consideration of decorativeness, designability and environmental friendliness. - 特許庁


To provide a label sheet which provides improved efficiency of work for continuously sticking a plurality of unit labels whereon necessary items are printed on a paper mount or the like, and of which the unit labels can be easily and neatly stuck. - 特許庁


The car-mounted cooler is equipped with U-shaped cooler pipes 9 in plural pieces in a plane perpendicular to the running direction and in a plurality of rows in the running direction, wherein a protection cover 19 is installed in such a way as covering the overall length in the running direction only of a U-shape curved portion of the cooler pipe 9. - 特許庁


Print data stored in a plurality of printers can be printed easily based on layout information by providing a means for searching the content of print data stored in the printers, and a means for transmitting the print data to other printer on a network. - 特許庁


The sizes of the image data can also be different from one another; and even if image compressibility ratios are different from one another, the fine printing with the excellent printing quality can be done by similarly performing sorting processing. - 特許庁


Thus, characters are clearly written and yet easily erased without leaving marks only by lightly rubbing with a commercially available eraser, tissue paper, or the like. - 特許庁


This makes it possible to control brightness levels of the inserted image almost at the same circuit scale and cost as those of a conventional image display device, and to display the TV picture such as the natural image brightly and beautifully, and the computer picture such as the characters and graphics easily to read with low brightness. - 特許庁


Such a constitution enables the fine printing with the excellent printing quality, and prevents a user from performing complicated image selecting operations. - 特許庁


To provide a manufacturing method for a container made of heat insulating foamed paper capable of forming a foamed surface the entirety of which is smooth and beautiful even if it is in the case that the design of a character, a figure or the like are printed on the exterior surface of a foamed resin layer. - 特許庁


The cooling device is composed of a Peltier element, and the heat conducting members are composed of a pair of inverted-L shaped heat conducting members and thermally connected to the top surface and side face of the main body of the laser diode chip. - 特許庁


The labor force participation rate of women in Japan by age group illustrates, despite a gradual improvement56, an “M-shaped curve,” which indicates a fall in employment around the ages of childbirth (see Figure 2-4-27). - 経済産業省



The image data of the document converted in the layout conversion section is made to be projected to the projection object in a projection controller, and thereby the projection of the document at the always fixed character size is attainable. - 特許庁


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JESC: Japanese-English Subtitle Corpus映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書のコンテンツは、特に明示されている場合を除いて、次のライセンスに従います:
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 Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 2.0 France.
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原題:”Treasure Island ”

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