
「機場線」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(2ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 機場線に関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 3210



To provide necessity for improving the quality of a winding and efficiency of the dynamo-electric motor, in the case of winding a series winding to the two-pole four-winding dynamo-electric motor. - 特許庁


Even when a fault such as the disconnection, etc., of the train line occurs, radio communication is possible since each of the mobile station is provided with the radio equipment part and the control part. - 特許庁


When an external apparatus is used, the closing piece 31 is broken and removed to open the wiring hole 33 and then wiring 34 combining two wires is passed through the wiring hole. - 特許庁


When the harmonic curved line Z is straight, color adjustment or correction of the tester are considered proper, but not considered proper when the curved line is not straight. - 特許庁



When the opposite party adopts the wireless connection, a communication available speed 52 for a wireless channel is set as a communication available speed of its own apparatus (S4). - 特許庁



Further, in the case of the arrival of a call to the wireless communication telephone set 10, a wired or wireless exchanger for detecting the call reference the telephone number conversion table 120 to acquire a wired telephone number corresponding to a wireless telephone number of a called destination and applies call connection to the wireless communication telephone set 10 according to the wired telephone number. - 特許庁


In the wire communication equipment by utilizing an electric lamp line, particularly when house electrical appliances including wire communication equipment and wireless communication equipment are connected through a domestic LAN, wire communication is made to be possible by utilizing a power source line of the house electrical appliances without separately laying a LAN cable as wire communication equipment. - 特許庁


To prevent the decrease in a communication success rate even when the number of radio systems increases, in a radio communication system comprising radio terminals including a plurality of own terminals and opposite terminals to transmit/receive a radio text by using an identification code included in the radio text. - 特許庁


Because both the starting signal and the home signal are set up for only one direction, the train on the other line cannot be given priority to enter the station.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



To provide a software wireless device which solves the problem that software for the software wireless device is changed only at specific places. - 特許庁



To call up a plurality of IP telephones by one IP telephone when forwarding an incoming call from an analogue public line to the IP telephone. - 特許庁


To easily and appropriately invalidate a radio communication function when a storage medium with the radio communication function is attached. - 特許庁


To provide a technology of protecting the privacy of a user possessing a wireless telephone set in the case that another device displays data registered in the wireless telephone set. - 特許庁


To provide a digital camera in which an erroneous operation of a button for a radio communication function does not occur when the radio communication function is not used. - 特許庁


To prevent fraudulent use of a radio terminal and to secure security even where the radio terminal is stolen. - 特許庁


To provide a power source device that adds functions for power line communication and radio communication to equipment and avoids a failure in communication. - 特許庁


A meter reader goes to a place where a meter is located on the 3rd of January, calls the unit 5 from portable radio equipment 3 and performs communication. - 特許庁


To provide a wireless base station that allows other wireless base station to use a slave unit of a digital cordless phone even when it is moved. - 特許庁


To provide an operating device of a construction machine that can assure an emergency operation function of an operating lever even if a signal line is disconnected. - 特許庁


In leaving from the event hall 1, the individual number is transmitted by the infrared ray from the portable telephone 8 to the leaving gate 5. - 特許庁


The magnetic field impressed on the light-emitting function layer includes a field generated in accordance with the corkscrew rule as a current is flowed in the field impression wiring 501. - 特許庁


To improve an antenna gain when portable equipment on which radio equipment is mounted is held in 4 hand, or placed on a metallic desk. - 特許庁


In various rolls of a twisting machine or a drawing machine, when a steel material or a wire material such as a steel wire is guided by the rolling bearing, an outer ring 1 is rotated, and a groove 10 for guiding the wire material is formed on the outer diameter surface of the outer ring 1. - 特許庁


To keep a radio communication environment to be satisfactory in an ISM band even if using a radio LAN using the ISM band and various kinds of ISM equipment together with a bluetooth radio telephone for constituting an extension in a telephone system. - 特許庁


To provide a method for coping with especially installation of a radio master machine and a radio slave machine in a site in a system to communicate various kinds of data about housing equipment with a center side through radio or a line. - 特許庁


To provide a method for coping with problems especially when many radio master machines and radio slave machines are installed in a system which communicates various kinds of data about housing equipment with the center side by radio and through a line. - 特許庁


To provide a software radio communication terminal which automatically switches radio functions corresponding to received waves even if a software wireless device is used as a communication device, and to provide a software radio communication system. - 特許庁


The wireless processing unit then updates the function of the wireless processing unit, if reception of wireless function update information is detected, by performing an update process specified in the wireless function update information without involving the application processing unit. - 特許庁


To provide a telephone system, a telephone control unit, and a program capable of excellently maintaining a wireless communication environment for an ISM band even when wireless LANs and various ISM apparatuses using the ISM band are used together with Bluetooth wireless telephone sets acting like extension telephone sets in the telephone system. - 特許庁


To provide a wireless receiver, a wireless transmitter, a wireless communication system, and a wireless receiving method which, even when frequency selectivity is strong, accurately estimate a propagation path to communication target equipment. - 特許庁


To provide a radio meter-reading system for suppressing the increase of a communication time due to the retransmission of communication in a radio master unit when communication between the radio master unit and a radio salve unit fails. - 特許庁


A sight line presence determining section 13 determines the presence of the sight line based on the sight line information; and when it is determined that there is a sight line, an alarm function operation section 14 gives commands to the alarm function section 15 to stop the alarm function. - 特許庁


The master unit 10 establishes a downlink radio channel and an uplink radio channel at different frequencies with the slave unit 12 if a communication start signal has been input from outside in the stand-by state. - 特許庁


The fixing device 1 for a mobile wireless terminal fixes a mobile wireless terminal 2 to a specific place and is characterized in that the device 1 is provided with a signal transmission means 8 that allows the mobile wireless terminal 2 to transmit a prescribed signal when the mobile wireless terminal 2 is fixed. - 特許庁


In the case that a new connection request come while no idle BT wireless channel exists, a priority discrimination function 11d discriminates the priority of the request and switches the BT wireless channel into the wired cable channel when the priority of the new connection request is higher than the priority each wireless channel under connection and assigns the released BT wireless channel to a slave unit that transmits the new connection request. - 特許庁


In this case, linear parts are formed on the pin terminals so that wrapping can be executed on the pin terminals by an automatic wrapping machine and the points of the linear parts are bent for raising also the workability of a wiring of the lead wires to contrive to bind the lead wires onto the bent parts. - 特許庁


To avoid the confusion of a user caused by the take-up of a radio slave even if the radio slave is erroneously placed on the master of a different radio telephone. - 特許庁


When the mail is sent and received by a mobile radio telephone set 1 in a place that no radio wave reaches, the mobile radio telephone set 1 is connected to a public line 3 through a modem-incorporated adapter 2. - 特許庁


To provide a train approach warning device composed of a receiver installed in a railroad line working site, a transmitter installed at a watching point of a front side in the railroad line working site, and a cellular phone transmitting path of radio connecting both. - 特許庁


To provide a power line communication receiver allowing power line communication equipment to perform power line communication by making effective use of a communication signal propagating wiring even when the transmission loss is large, the phase is shifted, much noise is included, or the like. - 特許庁


When the field apparatus 30 is arranged in a communication area A capable of radiocommunication with a base station 10, the field apparatus 30 directly transmits the operation information to the base station 10 by radio transmission. - 特許庁


To provide a wire break detecting and reverse connection protecting apparatus for restraining the manufacturing cost, when attaining actualization of a wire breaking detecting function, and moreover, protecting circuit element, when a power supply line and a ground line are connected in reverse. - 特許庁


A means for generating an electric field or a magnetic field is placed in a holding mechanism for holding the X-ray optical element to prevent the photoelectrons emitted from the X-ray optical element by the electric field or the magnetic field from scattering outside. - 特許庁


When there is calling from the other slave radio equipment 3-2 to 3-n and the priority of this call is higher than the priority of the present transmission managing information from the slave radio equipment 3-1, the master radio equipment control part 7 establishes a radio link with any one of the other slave radio equipment 3-2 to 3-n and receives that managing information. - 特許庁


To provide a cordless telephone set which eliminates a need of caring about which line should be used for connection to an outside line in the case that the cordless telephone set connected to two lines of a public line and a leased line is used as a slave machine of a master machine connected to a PBX. - 特許庁


When a wired electric conductor is connected to the inside of the motor controller, the plane plate is detached and the electric conductor can be led in, so the length of the electric conductor is temporarily determined, terminal processing is carried out outside the motor controller, and then connecting operation can be done. - 特許庁


To provide a paddy field working machine, with which not only a line drawing marker is not abruptly dropped in a field in a process for making the line drawing marker from a non-line drawing state to a line drawing state but also the line drawing marker is rapidly dropped in a field when line drawing is carried out after the completion of rotation. - 特許庁


a workplace that serves as a telecommunications facility where lines from telephones can be connected together to permit communication  - 日本語WordNet


A particular method determines a location of an aircraft relative to a taxiway having a curved section. - 特許庁



When a user enters a sales floor 1, a wireless transmitter 14 is lent on a lending counter 4. - 特許庁


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