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The Han Chineseの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 77


Besides, in the age of Han, when theories of natural calamity, the Way of Yin & Yang and Shini theory prospered, and "Isho" (book of omens appended to Confucian Chinese classics) came to appear to be opposed to the Chinese classics of Confucianism. 例文帳に追加

また、漢代に災異説や陰陽五行説、讖緯説が盛行すると、その影響下において、経書に対する緯書と称する書物が出現することとなる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Shikienkyuten is kuntenbon (a book with guiding marks for rendering Chinese into Japanese) of "Shiki" (Records of the Grand Historian), a Chinese history book written by Sima Qian in the era of Former Han in China, and it was in the form of Kansubon (book in scroll style) transcribed by OE no Iekuni by adding kunten (marks and symbols beside lines of Chinese text to indicate how the text is to be read in Japanese) in 1073 during the Heian period of Japan. 例文帳に追加

史記延久点(しきえんきゅうてん)とは、中国前漢の司馬遷が著した歴史書『史記』に対して、日本平安時代の延久5年(1073年)に大江家国が書写・加点した巻子本形式の訓点本。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

An example of the deletion of Chinese books can be illustrated by the reference to FUJIWARA no Tsunekiyo who, upon coming under suspicion from Yoriyoshi, likened his situation to that of the meritorious retainers (Han Xin, Peng Yue and Ying Bu) who were fell under the suspicion of Gaozu (Liu Bang) of Han and were killed by him, but this portion is not contained in "Konjaku." 例文帳に追加

漢籍の削除にかんしては、たとえば藤原経清が、頼義からの疑いが向けられた際、自分の置かれた立場を漢の高祖(劉邦)に疑われて殺された功臣(韓信・彭越・英布)にたとえる場面があるが、この部分が『今昔』にはない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Note that it is common to pronounce the term as "hyakusei," which is a mixture of the Han reading of Chinese characters and the Wu reading, in the case of a Japanese reading of a Chinese passage or a use in ancient Japanese that is used in the original meaning, or "hyakusho," which is the Wu reading, in a case of a use in Japanese in or after the medieval period. 例文帳に追加

なお、本来の意味で用いる漢文の読み下し及び日本の古代の用例には漢音と呉音の混交した"ひゃくせい"、日本の中世以降の用例には呉音の"ひゃくしょう"の読みを当てるのが慣例である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


That is, they developed research on Chinese history focusing on the method dividing the historical ages into four, namely, ancient times up to the Qin and Han dynasties, middle ages up to the Wei and Jin periods in the Northern and Southern Dynasties, and the Sui and Tang periods, recent times from the Northern Song Dynasty and later, and modern times from the Opium War and later. 例文帳に追加

すなわち、秦漢時代までを上古(古代)、魏晋南北朝時代隋唐時代を中世、北宋以降を近世、アヘン戦争以降を近代とする四時代区分法を中心に中国史の研究を展開した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Ondo is one of the subjects of Daigaku-ryo, an educational institution under the system of centralized administration established under the Ritsuryo Legal Codes in Japan, to learn the Han pronunciations of Chinese characters in order to allow the reading aloud of the scriptures of Confucianism with the original pronunciations. 例文帳に追加

音道(おんどう)とは、日本律令制の大学寮において、儒教経典をそのまま音読するために必要な漢音(中国語)の発音について習う学科。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

During the period of Wei and Jin in the Northern and Southern Dynasties, which continued from 220 when the Han Dynasty was overthrown to 589 when the Sui Dynasty unified China, the powerful nations such as Wei, which was one of the three nations in the Three Kingdoms period (of Chinese history), provided kanin. 例文帳に追加

220年の漢の滅亡から589年の隋の統一まで続いた魏晋南北朝時代でも、三国時代(中国)の魏(三国)など勢力のある国が官印を支給していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The first chapter of the book begins with the following poem, emphasizing Japan's prosperity based on a continuous imperial throne occupied by a single dynasty and comparing it with downfalls of the Chinese dynasties such as Qin or Han by "Ekisei Kakumei" (the revolution decreed by Heaven when the incumbent emperor is found lacking in moral virtue). 例文帳に追加

同書の第一は下記引用の詩に始まるが易姓革命による秦、漢に代表される中華王朝の傾きに対比して本朝の皇統の一貫に基づく、国体の清華を強調している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The titles of the original sutras were "Buddha's Immeasurably Pure Sutra on the Equal Enlightenment" (Volumes 1 to 4) translated by the early monk Lokaksema (also known as Zhī Lóujiāchèn in Chinese and Shirukasen in Japanese) in the late Han Dynasty. 例文帳に追加

原文の経題の表記は、『佛説無量清淨平等覺經卷第一』、『佛説無量清淨平等覺經卷第二』、『佛説無量清淨平等覺經卷第三』、『佛説無量清淨平等覺經卷第四』後漢月支國三藏支婁迦讖譯。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Chinese "History of the Later Han Dynasty" records that 'pearls and green gems are mined in Wa' and the "Gishi wajinden" (Records of the Wa people, Chronicle of Wei) records that 'Himiko (first known ruler of Japan) presented two large green magatama (considered to be made of jade) to the King of Wei.' 例文帳に追加

中国の『後漢書』では「出白珠青玉(倭では真珠と青い玉が採れる)」と記されてあり、『魏志倭人伝』によると、「卑弥呼が魏(三国)に2つの青い大きな勾玉(ヒスイ製と考えられる)を献上した」と記されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Moreover, the resemblance to the Chinese classical books ("History of the Later Han Dynasty," "Bai-Shi Wen Ji," and so on) has been pointed out by many people, so the tale seems to have been affected by these books. 例文帳に追加

このほか、中国の典籍(『後漢書』『白氏文集』など)との類似点も多数指摘されており、これらの影響を受けていると考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the historical event according to "Gokanjo" (History of the Later Han Dynasty), one of 24 dynastic histories of Chinese official history, a lot of fish tried to swim up a waterfall called Ryumon in the rapid stream of the Yellow River, but only carp could wax on and thus became dragons. 例文帳に追加

中国の正史、二十四史の一つである後漢書による故事で、黄河の急流にある竜門と呼ばれる滝を多くの魚が登ろうと試みたが鯉のみが登り切り、竜に成ることができた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It was around the Former Han (dynasty of China) when these instruments were introduced to China and at first they were called 'huqin' (any Chinese string instrument played with a bow) which meant a 'Western harp' (stringed instruments) (These instruments are totally different from the ones called huquin from the age of the Sung dynasty to today). 例文帳に追加

これが中国に伝播したのは前漢の頃で、当初は「西方の琴(弦楽器)」を意味する「胡琴」の名称で呼ばれた(宋(王朝)代以降現在までに胡琴と呼称される楽器はまったく別のもの)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The SAKANOUE clan is a linage that is related to HIGASHIKAN clan which was said to be a branch of the holy Chinese Emperor (KAN) in the Later Han Dynasty in China, and they guarded the Imperial Court for several emperors as a clan of martial arts who eagerly practiced archery and horse-back riding in all their generations. 例文帳に追加

坂上氏は中国の後漢の霊帝(漢)の流れを汲むという東漢氏に繋がる家系で代々弓馬の道をよくする武門の一族として、数朝にわたり宮廷を守護した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The following literary works were generated based on this incident: "Sewaryori Suzuki Bocho" ("Imaori Ezonishiki" [Ezo Brocade in modern fashion]) in 1767, "Kanjin Kanmon Tekudano Hajimari" (The Han Chinese and Korean letters, the beginningof their tricks) in 1789, and "Sewajitate Kara no Nuibari" in 1792. 例文帳に追加

1767年(明和4年)には『世話料理鱸包丁』(『今織蝦夷錦』)、1789年(寛政元年)には『漢人韓文手管始』、1792年(寛政4年)には『世話仕立唐縫針』など、いずれもこの一件を土台に作成された文芸作品である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After of Santo-reki calendar was abolished in 50, at the time of the Later Han Dynasty (calendar was reformed officially in 1616), eto (Chinese astrological calendar) repeats in a 60-year cycle and can calculate. 例文帳に追加

干支年は、後漢の建武(漢)26年(50年)に三統暦の超辰法をやめ(元和(漢)2年に正式改暦)以降は60の周期で単純に繰り返しており計算できる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Qing had also been introducing western technologies centering on military ones based on Chinese traditional culture; bureaucrats of the Han race including Zeng Guofan and Li Hung Chang promoted the Western Affairs Movement in an attempt to modernize China. 例文帳に追加

また清でも1860年代から漢人官僚曽国藩、李鴻章らによる近代化の試みとして洋務運動が展開され中国の伝統的な文化、制度を土台としながら軍事を中心として西洋技術の導入を進めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

An article from August of 540 describes, "Those who have been naturalized from Shoban (clans coming from foreign lands), such as Hatahito (Hata people) and the Han (Chinese), were assembled, placed according to kokugun (provinces and districts) and their family registers were edited. 例文帳に追加

540年(欽明天皇元年)八月の条「秦人(はたひと)・漢人(あやひと)等、諸蕃(しょばん)より投化せる者を招集して、国群に安置し、戸籍に編貫す。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Similar laws were passed which applied to monks and Professors of Ondo were sent in to perform examinations of the monks, and further, on June 15, 793, the law stated that monks must master the Han pronunciation in order to enter the Buddhist priesthood ("Nihongiryaku," "Ruijukokushi" (Classified History of Japan)), and then on June 3, 801, the Examination of Han Pronunciations of Chinese Characters was imposed on the monks entering the Buddhist priesthood ("Nihongiryaku"). 例文帳に追加

なお、同様の措置は僧侶に対しても取られており、音博士も僧侶の試験のために派遣されている(延暦12年4月28日(旧暦)(793年6月11日)に年分度者に対して漢音に通じなければ得度を認めないとし(『日本紀略』・『類聚国史』)、延暦20年4月15日(旧暦)(801年5月30日)には、僧侶の得度の際に漢音の試験を課している(『日本紀略』))。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Since hogi was responsible for the arts being brought over from the continent, toraijin (foreigners that came to Japan) were well versed in the various learnings with good reading skills in the Chinese classics, who were generally from Eastern Han, Western Han, or Sui that gained supremacy in place of the Hans in Mainland China, as well as Goguryeo/Baekje that had power in western Korean Peninsula, and, in rare cases, scholar monks from Silla that were powerful in eastern Korean Peninsula at that time were appointed as various hakase or onmyoji. 例文帳に追加

大陸伝来の技術を担当する方技だけに、各博士や陰陽師には、諸学に通じ漢文の読解に長けた渡来人、おしなべて中国本土の前漢・後漢・代わって大陸覇権を握った隋、朝鮮半島西岸に勢力を有した高句麗・百済、まれに当初朝鮮半島東岸勢力であった新羅から帰来した学僧が任命されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

For this reason, part of the Chinese who fled the Qing Dynasty for Japan and engaged in revolutionary movement against the Qing Dynasty around 1900 during the Meiji period always wore Japanese clothing instead of Hanfu to show their resistance as the Han race against the Qing Dynasty that was ruled by the Manchurians. 例文帳に追加

そのため、明治期の1900年ごろ、清の朝廷から逃れて日本で革命運動をしていた中国人活動家の中には、満州族が支配する清朝に対する漢民族の抵抗のシンボルの一つとして、漢服の代用品として、和服を愛用した活動家も多かった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Makibi came back with a young man called EN Shinkei (later called, KIYOMURA no Sukune) who mastered phonology, and according to FUJIWARA no Nagazane, KIYOMURA no Sukene tried to change the reading of kanji (Chinese characters) from the Wu reading to the Han reading, which is said to have contributed to the creation of katakana (one of the Japanese syllables). 例文帳に追加

真備は、袁晋卿(後の浄村宿禰)という音韻学に長けた少年を連れて帰朝したが、藤原長親によれば、この浄村宿禰という人物は、呉音だった漢字の読み方を漢音に改めようと努め、片仮名を作ったとされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, because more than 400 mirrors have been found and Zhongshu WANG, who was director of the Institute of Archaeology under the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, insisted that 'they are not Han mirrors,' this theory was refuted by researchers of the Kyushu theory, who said that 'all the triangular-rimmed mirrors are forged.' 例文帳に追加

しかし、既に見つかったものだけでも400枚以上になること、中国社会科学院考古学研究所長である王仲殊が「それらは漢鏡ではない」と発表したことなどから、九州説の側から「三角縁神獣鏡は全て偽作」との反論を受けた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

These two theories are closely related with the periodization theory in Chinese history and Sudo's standpoint is that the Tang dynasty and the Five Dynasties period were 'ancient' and the Sung dynasty 'medieval' and Miyazaki's standpoint is that the age of the Han dynasty was 'ancient' and the Three Kingdoms period (China), the Tang dynasty to the Five Dynasties period 'medieval' and the Sung dynasty 'early modern,' and in both of their 'medieval,' there existed the shoens managed by the serf system which should be compared with the manors in medieval Europe. 例文帳に追加

この両者の説は中国史における時代区分論と密接に関係しており、周藤は唐及び五代を「古代」・宋を「中世」とする立場から、宮崎は漢代を「古代」・三国時代(中国)から唐及び五代を「中世」・宋を「近世」とする立場に立っており、ヨーロッパ中世の荘園と対比すべき農奴制による経営に基づく荘園がそれぞれが主張する「中世」に存在したというものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 650, when a white pheasant was presented by Kokushi of Shirato Province, on the basis of a precedent in which the appearance of an uncommon bird was considered as an auspicious sign written in an isho in the Han period in China as well as in Chinese books on history, So MIN submitted a jonzui kaigen (a principle of Onmyodo which suggests a new era name be established when a phenomenon considered as a lucky omen occurs) to Emperor Kotoku urging that 'since heaven presented an auspicious sign responding to the Emperor's virtues, a general amnesty should be granted to the entire nation,' thereby the imperial era name was changed Hakuchi (white pheasant) and he remained in an important post until his death in 653. 例文帳に追加

その後も、650年(大化6年)に白戸国司から白い雉が献上された際、珍鳥出現の祥瑞を中国漢代の緯書の語句と中国の史書に見られる先例を根拠に「帝徳が天に感応して現われた祥瑞であるから天下に大赦するべきである」と孝徳天皇に祥瑞改元(吉兆とされる現象をもって新しい年号をたてるべきであるとする陰陽道思想)を上申して取りいれられ、元号が白雉と改められるなど、653年(白雉4年)に病没するまで重用された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This includes not only the Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, Hebrew, Arabic, Armenian, and Georgian scripts, but also Chinese, Japanese and Korean Han ideographs as well as scripts such as Hiragana, Katakana, Hangul, Devanagari, Bengali, Gurmukhi, Gujarati, Oriya, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Thai, Lao, Khmer, Bopomofo, Tibetan, Runic, Ethiopic, Canadian Syllabics, Cherokee, Mongolian, Ogham, Myanmar, Sinhala, Thaana, Yi, and others. 例文帳に追加

これにはラテン文字、ギリシャ文字、キリル文字、ヘブライ文字、アラビア文字、アルメニア文字、グルジア文字だけでなく、中国・日本・韓国で使われている漢字、さらには、平仮名、片仮名、ハングル文字、デーヴァナーガリー文字、ベンガル文字、グルムキー文字、グジャラート文字、オリヤー文字、タミール文字、テルグ文字、カナラ文字、マラヤーラム文字、タイ文字、ラオス文字、クメール文字、ボポモフォ文字 (注音字母)、チベット文字、ルーン文字、エチオピア文字、カナダ音節文字、チェロキー文字、モンゴル文字、オガム文字、ミャンマー文字、シンハラ文字、ターナ文字、イ (彝) 文字などが含まれる。 - JM


Furthermore, it is generally known that he was 'chosen to represent Sorin OTOMO', but the Kao (written seal mark) on the letters written by Sorin to the Pope and so on were ones used in the earlier periods (1564 - 1572), and in contrast to the signature '怙' which was expressed by kanon (Han reading of Chinese characters) of Sorin's Christian name (Francisco), or '' (Furan) which was its abbreviation, both of which Sorin used at that time, the signature '獅子' which was not seen in other letters was used in the letter to the Pope; the letter written by Sorin OTOMO that they were carrying has a high chance of being a forgery, and in fact, Sorin had no concern in youth dispatch since it was done under the leadership of ARIMA, OMURA, and Valignano, and there is a high possibility that it was not Sorin himself that appointed Mancio to be 'the representative of Sorin OTOMO', as is pointed out in the monograph and so on by Kiichi MATSUDA. 例文帳に追加

なお、「大友宗麟の名代として選ばれた」と一般に知られているが、ローマ教皇などに宛てられた宗麟の書状の花押が、古い時代(1564年~1572年頃)に使用されていたものであったり、署名が当時、宗麟が洗礼名(フランシスコ)を漢音で表した「普蘭師司怙」や、それを略した「府蘭」を用いていたのに対し、他の書状には見られない「不龍獅子虎」という署名を用いており、彼らが携帯していた大友宗麟の書状は偽作である可能性が高く、実際には宗麟は少年団派遣を関知しておらず、有馬氏・大村氏・ヴァリニャーノが主導となって行ったものであり、「大友宗麟の名代」として彼を任命したのは、宗麟本人では無い可能性が高い事が松田毅一氏の論文などで指摘されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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