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After Nagayoshi's death, the three men emerged as custodians of the successor Yoshitsugu MIYOSHI who was still a child and all of Nagayoshi's brothers were deceased and collaborated with Hisahide MATSUNAGA, another Miyoshi commander wielding similar power, in the assassination of Yoshiteru ASHIKAGA (Eiroku no hen). 例文帳に追加

三好氏の当主三好長慶の死後、後継者の三好義継は幼く、長慶の弟達もまたこの世を去っていたため、義継の後見役としてこの三名が台頭し、三好氏の重臣として同じく権勢を振るっていた松永久秀と共に足利義輝の謀殺(永禄の変)に携わるなどした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Otsu Incident was a failed assassination attempt occurred on May 11, 1891, that the Crown Prince of the Russian Empire, Nicholas (later Tsar Nicholas II) was attacked in Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture, by a patrol officer, Sanzo TSUDA, who guarded Nicholas during his visit to Japan. 例文帳に追加

大津事件(おおつじけん)は、1891年(明治24年)5月11日に日本を訪問中のロシア帝国の皇太子・ニコライ(後のニコライ2世)が、滋賀県大津市で警備にあたっていた巡査・津田三蔵に突然斬りかかられ負傷した、暗殺未遂事件である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Against such background, on December 27, 1923, an attempted assassination occurred where Prince Hirohito (who later became Emperor Showa) was sniped by a young man, Daisuke NANBA, a self-proclaimed communist, when the Prince was on his way to open the new Imperial Diet session, but fortunately he was unhurt (the Toranomon Incident). 例文帳に追加

このような中での大正12年(1923年)12月27日、帝国議会の開院式に望んだ摂政裕仁親王(後の昭和天皇)が、自称共産主義者の難波大助という青年によって狙撃されるという事件が起こったが、幸いにして裕仁親王は無傷であった(虎ノ門事件)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Chikara UEHIRA, who was exiled to Nii-jima Island of Izu (the last case of banishment) because of his involvement in the assassination of Shonan YOKOI, a key figure in the new government (he was later given a special pardon after ten years), met Kazue SOMA, who was the last head of Shinsen-gumi and was also banished to the island, on an exile ship. 例文帳に追加

新政府要人である横井小楠暗殺事件で島流し(島流し刑の最後の例)となった上平主税が、伊豆新島への終身流刑(約十年後特赦)となった際、流刑船内で同じく島流しとなる新選組最後の局長・相馬主計と出会った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, the Japanese public opinion grew in favor of the annexation, because an influential statesmen objecting to the early annexation disappeared due to the assassination of Hirobumi ITO by An Jung-geun on October 26th, and ITO, who was the first prime minister and one of the elder statesmen, was assassinated. 例文帳に追加

しかし、10月26日に安重根によって伊藤博文が暗殺されたことにより早期併合に反対する有力な政治家がいなくなったこと、および初代首相であり元老のひとりでもあった伊藤を暗殺されたことによって日本の世論が併合に傾いていった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


And Okitsugu repeatedly met with misfortunes, such as the assassination of his son Okitomo TANUMA, failure of the reclamation work of Inba-numa Lake, eruption of Mt. Asama, the Tenmei Famine, and the death of the Shogun Ieharu who supported Okitsugu, so he lost his position and his politics came to an end. 例文帳に追加

子の田沼意知暗殺や印旛沼干拓事業の失敗、浅間山の噴火・天明の大飢饉発生および後ろ盾であった将軍家治の死などの不運が重なったことにより、田沼が失脚したことで田沼政治は終局する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although these protocols had remained in force even after the Xinhai Revolution, with the Beiyang government and the Mukden military clique in power, Chang Hsueh-liang, who succeeded in the Mukden military clique after "the Manchuria incident" (assassination of Zhang Zuolin, the Manchurian warlord, by the Japanese Army), ignored the treaty obligations and promoted the construction of railroads parallel to the South Manchuria Railway. 例文帳に追加

これらの条項は辛亥革命以後も北洋政府・奉天軍閥などに継承されたが、満洲某重大事件後に奉天軍閥を継いだ張学良が同条約を否認して併行鉄道の建設を推進した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, the increase in the House of Hino's influence caused suspicion on the shogunate side, whereby the assassination of Yoshisuke HINO by Yoshinori led to the temporary ruin of the Hino Family, but once Tomiko Hino got married to the eighth shogun Yoshimasa ASHIKAGA, Katsumitsu HINO, Tomiko's elder brother, regained his political influence. 例文帳に追加

しかし、その発言力の増大が幕府側の疑心を招き、日野義資が義教により暗殺されて一時没落しかけるが、日野富子は8代将軍足利義政に嫁ぐと、富子の兄の日野勝光も再び政治的影響力を持っていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After the assassination of Sanetomo, Yoshitoki helped Yoritsune KUJO from Kyoto to the fourth Shogun (Sekke Shogun (Shogun from a regent family)) to make the Shogun a nominal status, won the Jokyu War against the anti-Shogunate movement of Emperor Gotoba, and successfully stabilized the bakufu government. 例文帳に追加

実朝が暗殺されると、義時は京都から九条頼経を4代将軍に迎え(摂家将軍)、将軍の地位を名目的なものとし、後鳥羽天皇の討幕運動である承久の乱に勝利し、幕府を安定させることに成功した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


If we interpret this incident in the story of Emperor Mayowa as a jussaku (literary work) which conceals the real reason of his assassination, there is a high possibility that the cause of their fall was due to the Katsuraki clan's alliance with Prince Oshihano, who was the rival for Prince Ohatsuse.例文帳に追加

眉輪王の物語が暗殺の実情を隠蔽する目的の述作であるとすると、眉輪王を匿ったために滅ぼされたという記紀の筋書きにも疑問が生じ、実際の滅亡原因は、大泊瀬皇子のライバルである押磐皇子と連携していたことにあった可能性が高い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On the other hand, a group headed by Nichigyo, who was in exile in Sanuki, and Nitsu at Hisashi-an of Kurashiki in Bizen referred to Nikko who was in exile in Sadohara and refuted by saying 'Although he is in exile, Nikko is spending a peaceful life without worrying about assassination and he cannot understand the feelings of naishin people who are keeping faith while constantly worrying about their lives' (Jokoki (writings about removing Nikko)). 例文帳に追加

一方、讃岐に配流中の日堯と備前倉敷の日指庵の日通を中心とするグループは、佐土原に流刑中の日講を引き合いに出し、「流罪とはいえ命を狙われる心配もなく安穏な生活をしている日講には、絶えずビクビクして信仰を守っている内信者の気持ちは分るまい」(除講記)を草して反論した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Just after he killed his younger brother Fuyuyasu ATAGI because of slanders from Hisahide MATSUNAGA in 1564, he died on August 20 in a house near Kawachi Imoriyama Castle due to extended illness, passed at a time when it seemed as if he was following his brother (There are opinions that it was an assassination, rather than a death from illness. Hisahide MATSUNAGA and three other people from the Miyoshi family are suspected; however, this theory is believed to be a myth created by writers in later years). 例文帳に追加

永禄7年(1564年)5月、松永久秀の讒言を受けて弟・安宅冬康を誅殺した直後、元々前年から病がちだったため、自身も後を追うように7月4日に河内飯盛山城下の屋敷において病死した(病死ではなく謀殺説もあり、犯人は松永久秀や三好三人衆の中の誰かではないかと推測し、俗説もしくは後世の作家の創作だとも考えられている)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The book was handled as an important testimony which denied the claims against the Shinsengumi concerning the Assassination of Ryoma SAKAMOTO covered in the above statement (or proved the suspect theory of Nobuo IMAI), however there are still no records which objectively state that Umunosuke YUKI was registered with the Shinsengumi (since he must have used the name before his official name change). 例文帳に追加

本書は上述の部分が坂本龍馬暗殺事件について新選組に対する容疑を否定する(または、同事件における今井信郎犯人説を裏付ける)重要な証言として扱われてきたが、実のところ本書を除くと、結城有無之助(在籍中は改名前の名を名乗ったはずなので)が新選組に在籍していたことを客観的に証明する資料は現在にいたるまで見つかっていない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the part of an assassination of Kamo SERIZAWA, the head of the group, stated in "Roshi (masterless samurai) Bunkyu Era Patriotism Articles" and "Shinsengumi Tenmatsuki"that were written by Shinpachi NAGAKURA, a top official of Shinsengumi, and in "Shinsengumi Shimatsuki" and "Shinsengumi Ibun" (Curious stories about Shinsengumi) that were written based on the stories heard from Tamesaburo YAGI (the son of Yagi family in which Shinsengumi quartered) by Kan SHIMOZAWA, a novelist, in the Showa period, she appeared as a woman who was present at the Yagi's house, when Kamo SERIZAWA, the head of the group, was assassinated. 例文帳に追加

新撰組幹部永倉新八が書き残した『浪士文久報国記事』、『新選組顛末記』や昭和になって小説家の子母澤寛が八木為三郎(新撰組が屯所としていた八木家の子息)からの聞き書き『新撰組始末記』『新撰組遺聞』で筆頭局長芹沢鴨暗殺事件の際に事件の現場の八木家に居合わせた女性として登場する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, after the Kamakura bakufu was established, as the samurai class gradually became influential in policies and confident, they clearly refused control by the Imperial Court and the nobility, and the main constituent gokenin considered the extreme promotion as an attitude favoring the Imperial Court, and this lead to the later assassination, according to one theory. 例文帳に追加

だが、鎌倉幕府成立以後、武士階層が次第に政治力と自信をつけてくるにつれて朝廷や貴族による支配を拒絶する態度をより明確にするようになり、その中核をなした御家人などからは極端な官位昇進などを朝廷重視の姿勢の現れであると見なされ、後の暗殺事件への伏線になったとの説もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Tadamune, who was appointed as Iki no kuni no Kami (Governor of Iki Province) in return for the assassination of Yoshitomo, expressed open dissatisfaction with the reward and complained 'I deserve the position of Sama no kami (Captain of Samaryo, Left Division of Bureau of Horses) or at least Kokushi (provincial governor) of Mino Province or Owari Province,' but allegedly, he hastily withdrew the complaint later because he was about to be punished by Kiyomori who was offended by the remark. 例文帳に追加

義朝を討った功により忠致は壱岐国守に任ぜられるが、この行賞に対してあからさまな不満を示し「左馬頭、そうでなくともせめて尾張国か美濃国の国司にはなって然るべきであるのに」などと申し立てたため、かえって清盛らの怒りを買い処罰されそうになり、慌てて引き下がったという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Regarding the documents cited as evidence, the "Roshi (masterless samurai) Bunkyu Era Patriotism Articles" (a diary written before the "Tenmatsuki") by Shinpachi NAGAKURA which was discovered later does not describe 'the Uchiyama assassination' and the "Tenmatsuki" seems to have been dramatized by Nagakura himself and an editor of 'Otaru Shimbun' in which the "Tenmatsuki" was serialized, while Kanefumi NISHIMURA who wrote the "Shimatsuki" bore ill will toward Shinsengumi and therefore both documents lack credibility. 例文帳に追加

根拠とされる書物も、後に発見された永倉新八『浪士文久報国記事』(『顛末記』以前に書かれた日記)では「内山暗殺事件」について触れておらず、また『顛末記』には永倉自身ないしはそれが連載されていた「小樽新聞」編集者によると見られる脚色のあとがあり、一方『始末記』の西村兼文は新選組に悪意を持っていたため、共に信憑性を欠くというわけである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A stream of information came from Ako Domain's hantei (residence maintained by a daimyo in Edo) to the provincial capitol of Ako: the first dispatch came from Tozaemon HAYAMI and Sampei KAYANO, the second from an ashigaru (common foot soldier) and express messenger, the third from Soemon HARA and Sezaemon OISHI, and the fourth, fifth and sixth from town express messengers, until, by March 28, information such as the assassination attempt, the Seppuku of Asano Takumi no Kami and the Kaieki of Ako Domain arrived. 例文帳に追加

早水藤左衛門と萱野三平の第一の急使、足軽飛脚による第二の急使、原惣右衛門と大石瀬左衛門の第三の急使、町飛脚による第四・第五・第六の急使、と次々に赤穂藩邸から国許赤穂市へ情報が送られ、3月28日までには刃傷事件・浅野内匠頭切腹・赤穂藩改易といった情報が出揃った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the Nihonshoki (Chronicles of Japan), there is a description that Koteko, who was resentful about the Emperor whose love toward her had withered away, secretly informed SOGA no Umako of the words the Emperor had said to himself when he saw a boar presented to him, "Some day I will kill the man I hate just like cutting off the boar's head," which triggered assassination of the Emperor. 例文帳に追加

日本書紀には、小手子が天皇の寵愛が衰えたことを恨み、献上された猪を見て天皇が漏らした「何の時かこの猪の頸を断るがごとく朕が嫌しと思うところの人を断らむ」という独り言を、蘇我馬子に密告したことが、天皇暗殺事件のきっかけとなったという記述がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1443 (the third year of Kakitsu), Arimitsu HINO, from a branch of the Hino family, who was constantly talking of reviving the Southern Court, sent a force that was planning to assassinate Emperor Gohanazono to enter the Imperial Palace (the assassination attempt failed), where they stole two of the Three Imperial Regalia of Japan, the Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi (the heavenly cloud gathering sword) and the Yasakani no Magatama (the Grand Jewels) before fleeing to Mt. Hiei accompanied by Tsuzoshu and Gonzoshu, brothers of the Southern dynasty lineage (the grandchildren of Gokameyama's younger brother) in what became known as the Kinketsu Incident (or the Incident at the Forbidden Palace). 例文帳に追加

1443年(嘉吉3年)には、南朝復興を唱える日野氏傍流の日野有光らの勢力が後花園天皇の暗殺を企てて御所に乱入(暗殺は未遂)、三種の神器の天叢雲剣と八尺瓊勾玉を奪い、南朝皇族の通蔵主・金蔵主兄弟(後亀山の弟の孫)を担いで比叡山に逃れる「禁闕の変」を起こした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The abuse of power under three generations of the Soga clan can be gleaned from events such as the assassination of Emperor Sushun by SOGA no Umako, the demand for the ceding of Katsuragi-ken from Empress Suiko, neglect of the throne by SOGA no Emishi, and the coup against Jogu Ooke (Prince Yamashiro no oe) by SOGA no Iruka, and the overthrow of SAKAIBE no Marise. 例文帳に追加

ここから馬子による崇峻天皇の暗殺や、推古天皇への葛城県の割譲の要求、蘇我蝦夷(えみし)による天皇をないがしろにするふるまい、蘇我入鹿(そが・の・いるか)による上宮王家(山背大兄王)の討滅、境部摩理勢の失脚などの専横ぶりが伝えられており、蘇我氏三代にわたって権力を欲しいがままにしたとされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Michio MAEZONO (Professor, Nara College of Arts) and Taichiro SHIRAISHI (Professor, Nara University) argue that it is highly possible Prince Anahobe (uncle of Prince Taishi, assassinated by SOGA no Umako) and Prince Yakabe (prince of the Emperor Senka) are the ones that were buried in this tumulus, because the tumulus was built when an assassination happened in June 587 according to "Nihonshoki" (Chronicles of Japan). 例文帳に追加

前園実知雄(奈良芸術短期大学教授)や白石太一郎(奈良大学教授)は、2人の被葬者が『日本書紀』が記す587年6月の暗殺時期と一致する事などから、聖徳太子の叔父で蘇我馬子に暗殺された穴穂部皇子と、宣化天皇の皇子ともされる宅部皇子の可能性が高い事を論じている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After the Meiji Restoration, Kokokushikan (emperor-centered historiography which is based on state Shinto) was established in society, it was prohibited to talk about suspicions and scandals in public concerning the Imperial Family, it was prohibited to talk about the theory of Emperor's assassination for a long time, but in July 1940, an obstetrician and gynecologist in Kyoto, Riichiro SAEKI wrote in his essay while he was attending the Kansai Branch of the Japan Society of Medical History, that 'when the Emperor had smallpox, Tomomi IWAKURA ordered his younger sister and the lady-in-waiting, Motoko HORIKAWA, to purposely give poison to the Emperor.' 例文帳に追加

その後明治維新を過ぎると、世の中には皇国史観が形成され、皇室に関する疑惑やスキャンダルを公言する事はタブーとなり、学術的に孝明天皇の暗殺説を論ずる事は長く封印されたが、1940年(昭和15年)7月、日本医史学会関西支部大会の席上において、京都の婦人科医・佐伯理一郎が「天皇が痘瘡に罹患した機会を捉え、岩倉具視がその妹の女官・堀河紀子を操り、天皇に毒を盛った」旨の論説を発表している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It has been pointed out that the Katsuraki clan was involved in the assassination of Emperor Anko; however, there is a record that Emperor Anko was planning to hand over his future affairs to Prince Oshihano, which could mean that there was a compromise between the Emperor Anko (the Ingyo family), and Prince Oshihano (the Richu family) and Katsuraki clan, but Pince Ohatsuse was strongly opposed to this plan and decided to wipe out his opponents, including Emperor Anko. 例文帳に追加

安康暗殺の背景に葛城氏が直接関与していた可能性も指摘されているが、生前の安康は押磐皇子に後事を託そうとしていたという記述(雄略即位前紀)からすれば、むしろ安康(允恭系)と押磐皇子(履中系)・葛城氏との間には王位継承に関する妥協が成立していて、このことに強く反発した大泊瀬皇子が安康を含む敵対勢力の一掃に踏み切ったと解釈することも出来よう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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