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harvest of the cropsの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 27


Thanks to the nice weather, we were able to harvest all of the crops in a day.例文帳に追加

好天のおかげで作物すべてを一日で収穫できた。 - Tatoeba例文

Thanks to the nice weather we were able to harvest all of the crops in a day. 例文帳に追加

好天のおかげで作物すべてを一日で収穫できた。 - Tanaka Corpus

The harvest of crops is predicted from the class of crops, the rearing stage and the planted area, which are obtained by the image analyzing part 6, and the rearing period of crops and the harvest per unit area, which are stored on the crop information DB 4.例文帳に追加

画像解析部6により得られた作物の種別、育成段階、作付面積と、作物情報DB4に記憶されている作物の育成期間、単位面積あたりの収穫量とから、作物の収穫量を予測する。 - 特許庁

the condition of a harvest decreasing because the same kind of crops were planted in the same field for many years 例文帳に追加

同じ作物を同じ畑に続けて栽培したために収穫が減少すること - EDR日英対訳辞書


Each of them appears in the season when the crops of wheat are fully grown at the longitude, indicating that there was a common faith in the star for the harvest season in agriculture. 例文帳に追加

何れもがその経度に於けるムギの穂が実る時期に表れる星で農業に於ける収穫時期に共通した信仰があった事が伺える。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The crops immediately after the harvest are stored in the precooling chamber body, and precooled within the temperature range of 8 to 18°C.例文帳に追加

収穫直後の収穫物は予冷庫本体内に収納されて8℃以上18℃以下の温度範囲内に予冷される。 - 特許庁

Root crops such as Japanese radish, burdock and so on, and fish (Ebisu is also the God of fishery in Japan); this is a 'festival for a huge harvest (of cereals) and praying for a good catch.' 例文帳に追加

--- 大根、牛蒡(ごぼう)などの根菜や魚(恵比寿は日本では漁業の神でもある)「五穀豊穣と大漁祈願の祭事」 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Until then it was common for large landowners to stock up with a certain amount of rice from the harvest every year in order to prepare for poor crops or famine. 例文帳に追加

それまで、大地主たちは不作や飢饉の時にそなえて、毎年の収穫から一定量の米を備蓄するのが通例であった - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The infrared rays are transmitted by using an infrared ray transmitting covering belt for plants of a red covering belt 1 to cultivate and harvest healthy crops 3.例文帳に追加

赤い被膜帯1の植物赤外線透過被膜帯を用いて赤外線を透過して、作物3を栽培し、健康作物を栽培し、収穫する。 - 特許庁


To provide a working machine for assisting harvest of vegetables which is allowed to reduce a workload of harvesting of a wide variety of crops, secure the quality of the harvest, and has a simple structure.例文帳に追加

幅広い種類の作物について、収穫作業負荷の軽減を図るとともに、収穫品質を確保することができる簡易な構成の野菜収穫補助作業機を提供する。 - 特許庁


To provide an on-vehicle precooling chamber and a harvest precooling system capable of suppressing the deterioration of the crops, which are severely deteriorated in quality when stored under hot environment, in a period between a harvest and a sorting.例文帳に追加

高温下で保管すると品質劣化の激しい収穫物を収穫してから選別するまでの間の品質劣化を抑えることのできる車載用予冷庫及び収穫予冷システムを提供すること。 - 特許庁

Names of farmers which will use made composts are returned in response to a request of a use destination list of garbage from the garbage discharger terminal, and crops which can be sold, harvest periods, farmer names of harvest, and harvest quantities are returned in response to a request of a crop list.例文帳に追加

生ゴミ排出者端末からの生ゴミの使用先リストの要求に応じて製造した堆肥の使用先の農家名を返信し、作物リストの要求に応じて販売可能な作物と収穫時期と収穫農家名と収穫量を返信する。 - 特許庁

To provide an agricultural working unit performing various agricultural works such as the control of a field and crops, prevention/harvest, or the like, easily and precisely without any help of human to improve working efficiency in the field surface cultivating agricultural crops on a slope.例文帳に追加

傾斜地に農作物を栽培する圃場面にあって、圃場及び農作物の管理や防除・収穫など各種農作業を人手を煩わせることなく容易且つ正確に行って作業能率を向上させる。 - 特許庁

To provide a separating/conveying apparatus in which operation speed of a beat harvester is increased and damage of the crops in harvest is minimally suppressed and the crops are precisely separated from foliage, earth and sand.例文帳に追加

収穫機の作業速度を高め、その際の収穫物の損傷を最小限に抑え、且つ収穫物と茎葉や土砂等を精度良く分離する。 - 特許庁

To enable harvesting operations to be carried out easily and more rapidly in the harvest of farm crops, especially smaller farm crops such as blueberry.例文帳に追加

本願発明の課題は、本願発明の課題は、農作物、特に、ブルーベリーのような小さめの農作物の収穫において、収穫作業をより容易にし、より迅速にすることにある。 - 特許庁

To provide a harvester which is used for subterranean stem crops such as garlic, nips and pulls out the foliage portions of the crops to harvest, and can easily match the foliage-nipping portion of a conveying conveyer to a crop-planted ridge to reduce the operation loads of a worker.例文帳に追加

茎葉部を搬送コンベアで挟持して抜き取り収穫するニンニク等の地下茎作物の収穫装置において、搬送コンベアの茎葉挟持部を容易に作物植付条に合わせることができるようにし、作業者の運転操作の負担を軽減する。 - 特許庁

To provide an apparatus for recovering an agricultural film body, with which in the case of recovering an agricultural film body before harvest of crops, an agricultural film body is prevented from being caught by cutting stems and leaves of crops, the cut stems and leaves are surely removed from the agricultural film body and an recovery operation is preferably carried out.例文帳に追加

作物の収穫前に農用膜体の回収を行う場合に、作物の茎葉を切断することによって農用膜体に引っ掛かるようなことを防止し、且つ切断した茎葉を農用膜体上から確実に除去して好適に回収作業が行えるようにする。 - 特許庁

In another embodiment, there is provided a harvesting set composed of the harvesting assistant tool and a harvest-storing container which is connected to the other terminal of the transporting tube of the harvesting assistant tool and stores the farm crops transported through the transporting tube.例文帳に追加

第2の発明は、上記収穫補助具および上記収穫補助具の移送管の他端が連結され移送管を通して運ばれてきた農作物を収納する収穫物収納容器からなる。 - 特許庁

The method enables the culture of a plant after applying a proper treatment against the disease and prevents the poor harvest of crops caused by the disease.例文帳に追加

これにより、病害に対する適切な処置を施したうえでの植物の栽培が可能となり、病害による作物不作などを未然に防止することができる。 - 特許庁

Yudate-kagura is the general name of religious rites to wish no occurrence of diseases and disasters and rich harvest of five grain crops, etc., and to have the year's fortune told by conducting rites using boiled water which is boiled in a large pot. 例文帳に追加

釜で湯を煮えたぎらせ、その湯をもちいて神事を執り行い、無病息災や五穀豊穣などを願ったり、その年の吉兆を占う神事の総称である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

We look forward to the launch of the pilot projects focused on innovations in nutrient-fortified crops, post-harvest waste-reducing storage solutions and crop quality technologies in Sub-Saharan Africa. 例文帳に追加

我々は,サブサハラ・アフリカにおける栄養強化作物,収穫後の廃棄を削減する貯蔵法及び作物の品質技術における改良に焦点を当てたパイロット事業の立ち上げに期待する。 - 財務省

To provide a plant culture apparatus for a ship, resistant to the oscillation such as the swing of the ship, free from the trouble of the leakage of the hydroponic solution (culture solution) supplied to a culture bed by the swing of the ship and enabling quick and continuous culture and harvest of a necessary amount of crops in a small space.例文帳に追加

船舶の揺れなどに対しも耐振性を有し、船舶が揺れても栽培ベッドに供給される水耕液(養液)の漏れがなく、小さい空間で、かつ必要量の植物を短期間に栽培、連続して収穫できるようにした船舶における植物栽培装置及びその使用方法を提供すること。 - 特許庁

To provide a harvesting working truck for carrying crops harvested through traveling between ridges of narrow width, steerable in duplicate postures, seating mode and walking mode, in particular designed to make use of both the spaces on the seat and step that get out of use in its steering of walking mode as a harvest-loading space.例文帳に追加

幅狭の畝間を走行して収穫した作物を運搬する収穫作業車を、着座と歩行の二通りの姿勢で操縦操作可能にし、特に、歩行操縦時において未使用状態となる座席及び足置ステップ上のスペースを収穫物の積載スペースとして利用することができるようにする。 - 特許庁

To provide a greenhouse cultivation shelf device movable to the outside of a greenhouse, designed so as to pull crops which are cultivated in the greenhouse to be at the harvest season, together with a cultivation shelf, and move the shelf to an optional place by traction as they are, under pressure, or on a delivery vehicle.例文帳に追加

温室内で栽培され、収穫時期になった栽培物を栽培用棚ごと温室から引き出し、そのまま牽引移動、または押圧移動させるか、あるいは運搬車に乗せて、任意の場所へ移動可能とした温室における栽培用棚装置を提供する。 - 特許庁

The committee concluded 'as for the copper which damages crops, there are the residues flowed before the preventive construction, however in the current operation, the flowing poison is a little, so the government exonerates Furukawa Mining from blame' (Masaomi YUI "Tanaka Shozo"), and in fact, in October of 1903, 'the damaged area had a good crop of rice' and Shozo TANAKA also gave lectures at many places setting the title of the lecture as 'the real circumstances of the rich harvest in the damaged area' ("the complete works of Shozo TANAKA" page 477 of the "supplementary volume"). 例文帳に追加

同調査会の結論は「作物に被害を与える銅分は、予防工事前の残留分で現業によるものは少ないとして古河鉱業の責任を解除した」(由井正臣『田中正造』)ものだったが、実際、1903年10月には「被害地の稲は豊作」になり、田中正造も「被害地豊作の実況」と題する演説をして歩いた(『田中正造全集・別巻』477頁)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Then, the purchaser contracts to purchase agricultural products produced by the instruction of farmwork based on the work instruction program from the purchaser through the home page of the manager and rears agricultural products in cooperation with the production farmer on the basis of the work instruction of the purchaser and the purchaser acquires these crops in the season of harvest.例文帳に追加

そして、購入者は管理者のホームページを介して、購入者からの作業指示プログラムによる農作業の指示によって生産された農産物を購入する契約して、購入者の作業指示のもとで生産農家と協力して農産物を育成し、購入者には収穫期になったらその収穫物が入手できるようにした購入者参加型農産物育成収穫方法である。 - 特許庁


In Suwa Taisha Shrine Shimosha Harumiya, reed tubes are put into a big pan of red bean Kayu at the Kayu boiling house on the evening of January 14th, simmered through the night, and offered to the gods on the morning of the 15th; after the festival, the tubes are broken open, and the amount of Kayu in the tubes is measured to see whether predetermined kinds of crops will have a good or bad harvest. 例文帳に追加

諏訪大社下社春宮のものについて述べれば、1月14日夜から粥炊舎にもうけられた大釜のあずきがゆのなかに、葭の筒をいれ、終夜煮たて、翌15日朝、神前にそなえ、祭典をおこなったのち葭筒を割り、筒内の粥の分量を量って農作物のうちさだめられた種の豊凶を判定する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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