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Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > was not able to could notに関連した英語例文





was not able to could notの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 18


However, she could not match Empress Akikonomu, who was under the guardianship of Genji, and was not able to win the status of empress. 例文帳に追加

しかし、源氏の後見を受けた秋好中宮には及ばず、中宮の座を得る事が出来なかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

I was able to carry out my own task without any problems, but I could not pay attention to my coworkers' tasks. 例文帳に追加

私は自分のタスクは問題なく行えたが、同僚のタスクまで意識を向けられていなかった。 - Weblio Email例文集

I was able to carry out my own task without any problems, but I could not keep track of my coworkers' tasks as well. 例文帳に追加

自分のタスクは問題なく行えたが、同僚のタスクまで意識を向けられていなかった。 - Weblio Email例文集

He could not bring his fingers together to pull them out, but he was able to gather them by the handful. 例文帳に追加

つまもうとも指を合わせることができなくなっていたが、それでも手全体を使ってかき集めることができた。 - Jack London『火を起こす』


Since Kayouin had been in Sunpu before Takechiyo was taken hostage, she could not have been able to secretly receive the child (Takechiyo) of Odai no kata from the ODA clan. 例文帳に追加

華陽院は竹千代が人質に出される前から駿府にいたため、織田方の於大の方の子を密かに受け取れる環境にない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In addition, there was a deep-rooted movement to support Noritane among officers and men in Shimousa and Kazusa Provinces in fact, and Yoritane CHIBA, who could not gain their support, just put a daikan (local governor) in this area and he was not able to rule in the long term. 例文帳に追加

また、下総・上総の将士に孝胤を支持する動きが根強かったのも事実であり、彼らの支援を受けられなかった千葉自胤も同地に代官を置いたのみでの長期的支配を確立する事が出来なかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Facts availablemeans the investigating authority may make their determinations solely on the material that the authority was able to collect in situations in which any interested party does not provide necessary information within a reasonable period, or submitted information that could not be verified.例文帳に追加

このファクツ・アベイラブルとは、被提訴企業が回答を提出しない、または回答内容を検証できない場合に、調査当局が収集しえた資料のみで事実認定や各種決定を行うことをいう。 - 経済産業省

In addition, because he was not able to leave his official duties in Edo, he would dispatch his apprentices to Kyoto and Nara to copy works, and had received permission from the jisha-bugyo (magistrate of temples and shrines) enabling him to continually borrow treasured works from temples and shrines so he could make copies. 例文帳に追加

さらに、公務でに江戸を離れられない自分の代わりに、京都・奈良に弟子を派遣して写させ、ついにはどこの寺からでも宝物を取り寄せられるように、寺社奉行から許可まで取り付けた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although Indians are said to excel at IT, when the company first set up operations in India it could not brainstorm with Japanese customers due to Indians' insufficient understanding of the Japanese language, and it was not able to produce quality as high as that which was coming out of China.例文帳に追加

インド人はITに長けると言われているが、同社がインドに進出した当初は、インド人の日本語の理解が不十分なことが原因で日本の顧客との摺り合わせができず、品質も中国ほど高いものができない状態が続いた。 - 経済産業省


Iwakura, not having been able to control his rage, shouted back to Yodo and said 'all these decisions have been made by the Emperor,' 'what you said was totally inappropriate,' 'how could you call our Emperor a young emperor,' and 'Tosa clan, Tosa clan, respond to me.' 例文帳に追加

堪りかねた岩倉から「今日の挙は、すべて宸断(天皇の決断)によって行なわれたものであるぞ」「大失言であるぞ」「天子を捉まえて幼沖とは何事か」「土州、土州、返答せよ」と容堂は面前で大叱責されてしまった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


While Korea was able to obtain those Chinese products through the tribute trade and border trade, Japan could not do anything but wait for the Chinese smuggling ships, as Japan had been denied entry to Ming. 例文帳に追加

朝鮮はこれら中国産品を、朝貢貿易や国境貿易で入手することができたが、日本は明への入港を拒絶されていたため中国密貿易船の来航を待つしかなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After the abolition of the embassies to China, in the Japanese aristocratic society, in which an isolation policy was practiced based on a petit Sino centrism, there were accumulated discontent with and criticism of the tribute trade because Japan was treated as vassal to the emperors of Ming; but, as the aristocrats were not able to speak out publicly in the face of the Yoshimitsu's strong influence, they could do nothing but comment on their dissatisfaction in diaries or other documents. 例文帳に追加

遣唐使の廃止以来、独自の小中華思想に基づく孤立政策を採っていた公家社会では明皇帝の臣下となる朝貢貿易に対して不満や批判が多くあったが、義満の権勢の前では公な発言ができず日記などに記すのみであった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In fact, when the war was over, Kagetoki was exceeded by Yoshimori WADA not only in his war record but also in administrative and practical works (as seen in his report of the battle against Yoshinaka, mentioned above: it is said that there were not many Bando [old Kanto region] Samurai who could write at that time), so Kagetoki, able even to compose waka, was a valuable staff member for Yoritomo. 例文帳に追加

実際、戦乱の時代が終われば、武人である和田義盛よりも、武勇だけではなく、事務能力・実務能力に優れ(前述の義仲との合戦の報告書など。当時の坂東武者は文章を書ける者はほとんどいなかったと言われている)、また和歌の1つもこなせる景時は頼朝にとっては得難い手駒であっただろう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although the technique of ginjoshu seemed to be able to develop rapidly by the invention of vertical-type rice-milling machines in 1930, it could not be fully developed for almost 30 years, damaged by the regulation of the rice-polishing ratio which was under 65 percent in the Showa 13 brewing year (1938 to 1939). 例文帳に追加

昭和5年(1930年)の縦型精米機の登場によって、一時は飛躍的な発展の可能性がかいまみえた日本酒吟醸酒の技術に関しても、昭和13酒造年度(1938年-1939年)から精米歩合が65%以下に規制されて出鼻をくじかれ、本格的な発展にはなお三十年近い歳月を待つことになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Because she did not earn her place in history after she married, it has often been considered she was poor in health or divorced, or even incapable of managing concubines and other female attendants of the castle; in fact, it can be assumed that she was indeed an able woman who could manage the O-oku system at the time, in which a shogun had one lawful wife and many other concubines and lovers, because Nobunaga's scandals related to his bedrooms never came out and were well managed. 例文帳に追加

結婚後は歴史の表舞台に一切名を残さなかったせいか、病弱説や離婚説、奥を取り仕切るだけの器量がなかったなどという評価がなされる事があったが、実際は信長の閨房における醜聞が一切表に出ずきちんと取り仕切られていたことから、決して無能な女性ではなく一正室多側室多愛妾多伽係という当時の奥制度をきちんと管理出来る女性だったと考えられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In many cases, those old people tend to be seen with jealousy and envy by generations who could not see those great actors in person because they insist 'their performance was the real Kabuki (but they are dead and it is impossible now to see 'the real Kabuki'), based on the secret sense of superiority that they were able to see the past great actors' performance in person but the younger generations cannot. 例文帳に追加

多くの場合、自分は過去の名優の舞台を実見することができたが、それより若い世代は彼らを見ることができない、というひそかな優越感をもとにして、「彼らの舞台こそがほんとうの歌舞伎である(しかしながら彼らはもはや死に、今となっては「ほんとうの歌舞伎」というものを見ることは不可能である)」といった主張をするために、実際にそれらの名優を見られなかった世代からは一種の嫉妬と羨望を抱かれやすい。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The ABCPs that investment funds use in procuring funds mature between one and three months. Therefore, in cases where a refinancing issue of ABCPs was not able to be achieved between financial institutions, the investment funds affiliated with banks were instead entering agreements (commitments) to have liquid funds supplied. European banks in particular, which started later in the securitization business, were providing commitments to affiliated funds which were larger than they could endure, and this made their losses larger.例文帳に追加

投資ファンドが資金調達に使っているABCPの満期は1~3か月であるので、銀行傘下にある投資ファンドは金融機関との間でABCPを借り換え発行できない場合は、代わりに流動性資金を供給してもらう契約(コミットメント)を結んでいたが、特に、証券化ビジネスでは後発組である欧州の銀行は、体力以上に大きなコミットメントを傘下ファンドに対して提供していたことが損失を大きくした。 - 経済産業省


As we have done every year, we selected cases from the inspection results reported from July of last year to June of this year and published them in the form of the latest Compilation of Problem Cases Raised in Financial Inspections for the 2009 program year, as you've just pointed out, which I expect each financial institution to refer to when formulating its future internal control system. With the successful enactment of the SME Financing Facilitation Act when former Minister Kamei was in office, it is now ensured, as you know, that in times of an economic downturn like the one we currently find ourselves in, financial institutions should adequately address requests for easing lending terms or changing housing loan terms, etc. In a sense, this has achieved a substantial change, if not quite a sea change, from the way financial administration was run in the past, and we need to keep that in mind. I know an SME owner in my hometown who employs about 100 people, about 50 of them being permanent employees and the rest working on a non-permanent basis, and who says that he is able to barely survive thanks to the establishment of the SME Financing Facilitation Act but also speaks out, "Mr. Jimi, we are now desperate for more work." He also goes on to say that "I personally feel that I could close down the business, but I am hanging on, struggling with all my might - because every one of my 100 workers has a family." 例文帳に追加

今ご指摘のとおり、引き続き平成21年の事務年度においても昨年7月から今年6月までに通知された検査結果の中から事例を選定し、金融検査指摘事例集として公表しているところでありまして、各金融機関におかれましては本事例集を今後の内部管理の態勢構築の参考にしていただければと思っておりますが、中小企業金融円滑化法案を亀井大臣のときに成立させていただきまして、ご存じのように条件の緩和、あるいはこういった不況のときでございますから、あるいは住宅ローンの条件の変更等々にきちっと応じるようにと、かなりある意味で従来の金融行政から変革をある意味できちっと、コペルニクス的とは言いませんけれども、かなり大きな変化をしたわけでございますから、そういうことを拳拳服膺(けんけんふくよう)して、私がいつか申し上げましたように、私の地元の中小企業でも100人ぐらい従業員抱えているところ、これは50人ぐらい正規社員、50人ぐらい非正規社員で、この金融円滑化法案ができたので何とか生き延びているけれども、「自見さん、あとは仕事が何とか出てこないか」と、「今、必死で我慢して自分自身は廃業してもいいと思っているのだけれども、それに100人みんな家庭があるから一生懸命頑張っているのだ」と。 - 金融庁


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原文:「To Build a Fire: 2nd Version」
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