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英訳・英語 make sense




理に適う とも書く

対訳 to make sense


該当件数 : 16



to consist with reasonaccord with reasonstand to reason発音を聞く  - 斎藤和英大辞典


When it comes to physics, no one comes close to him. - Tatoeba例文

(4) 指定管人は,次の条件に適う者を特許弁護士として登録しなければならない。例文帳に追加

(4) The Designated Manager must register as a patent attorney a person who:発音を聞く  - 特許庁


Toserve the purposes of the Act,” water quality standards must address chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the nation’s waters. - 英語論文検索例文集


Toserve the purposes of the Act,” water quality standards must address chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the nation’s waters. - 英語論文検索例文集


When the date and hour candidate and the agent candidate are decided in this way, a total list is prepared, for example, in the order that both the date and hour candidate and the agent candidate match to the desire of the customer 1. - 特許庁



(3) The Tribunal may in any proceeding under this section decide any question that may be necessary or expedient to decide in connection with the rectification of the Register.発音を聞く  - 特許庁


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!



品詞 動詞

訳語 make sense


該当件数 : 16



To provide an iron-base alloy which is not solidified in high temperature, can keep its elongation and workability suitable for shape adjustment, and is formed along with manufacture of an iron club head with optimal tensile strength. - 特許庁


Where the registration requested is not acceptable for want of compliance with a requirement or for any other reason, the Institute shall notify the requesting party, allowing him a period of two months within which to make such observations as may serve his interests. - 特許庁

(1) 特許は,最高行政裁判所の強制的勧告に従って大公国令が発明の実施が公共の利益に適う旨宣言した場合は,裁定ライセンス許諾の対象になる。緊急の場合を除き,かかる命令については,特許権者が合的な商業的諸条件では自発的にライセンスを許諾したがらないことが確定されない限り,発することができない。例文帳に追加

1. A patent shall be subject to ex-officio licensing if a Grand-Ducal Order, following the compulsory opinion of the Council of State, has declared the implementation of the invention to be of public interest. Save in cases of emergency, such order may not be issued unless it is established that the owner of the patent is not willing to voluntarily grant licenses under reasonable commercial conditions and terms. - 特許庁


The need to ensure the stability of the payment and settlement functions is not temporary.発音を聞く  - 金融庁

政府は、本法の規定を条件として、政府が目的に適うと考える次の規則を制定することができる。本法に基づく登録業務の管する規則。意匠の目的による商品の分類する規則。明細書、図面及びその他の書類の副本の作成又は要求する規則。政府が適切と考える価格及び方式で明細書、図面等の書類の謄本の公開及び販売を確保し管する規則。特許意匠商標庁における明細書及びその他書類の索引及び要約の作成、印刷、発行及び販売を確保し管する規則。また、索引及び要約等の書類の閲覧に備える規則。本法に基づき賦課できる手数料を支払う方法に係る規則。第21A 条が適用される特許について秘密保持を確保する規則。特許意匠商標庁の業務、登録官による手続きの処、及び本法により登録官又は政府の指示又は管下に定められた事柄を一般的に管する規則。一般的に本法の規定を実施する目的による規則。例文帳に追加

The Government may make such rules as it thinks expedient subject to the provisions of this Act- for regulating the practice of registration under this Act; for classifying goods for the purposes of designs; for making or requiring duplicates of specifications, drawings and other documents; for securing and regulating the publishing and selling of copies, at such prices and in such manner as the Government thinks fit, of specifications, drawings and other documents; for securing and regulating the making, printing, publishing, and selling of indexes to, and abridgements of, specifications and other documents in the Department of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks; and providing for the inspection of indexes and abridgements and other documents; (ee) for the manner in which fees leviable under this Act may be paid; (eee) for ensuring secrecy with respect to patents to which section 21A applies;] generally for regulating the business of the Department of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, the conduct of proceedings before the Registrar, and all things by this Act placed under the direction or control of the Registrar] or of the Government; and generally for the purpose of carrying into effect the provisions of this Act.発音を聞く  - 特許庁


If it emerges from the substantive examination that the invention is not new or does not involve an inventive step, the Institute shall inform the person concerned in writing of the examination finding, mentioning the similarities to the prior art cited and references encountered, so that, within a period of two months, he may make such observations as may serve his interests and where appropriate show the differences between his invention on the one hand and the cited prior art and references on the other, or alternatively give reasons for which he insists on the patentability of the invention, or, if he so chooses, amend the claims filed. - 特許庁

(11) 登録官は,次の事項について出願を検討する。すなわち, (a) 出願人が商標登録に係る商品又はサービスを証明する上で適格であるか否か (b) 規約が十分なものか否か,及び (c) 一切の事情に照らし,出願された登録を行うことが公共の利益に適うか否か また,次の何れかの対応を行うことができる。 (i) 出願を拒絶すること,又は (ii) 無修正かつ無条件で,又は自己が必要と判断する条件,補正,修正又は制限を出願又は規約案に付して,出願を受し規約案を承認すること ただし,無修正かつ無条件で受及び承認を行う場合を除いて,登録官は,出願人に聴聞を受ける機会を与えることなく決定を行なってはならず,また,登録官は,出願人の請求があった場合は,出願の続行を許可する前に出願についての判断を行うことができ,一旦決定を行なった事項についても,その後出願又は規約案に補正又は修正がなされたときは,裁量によりその事項を再検討することができる。例文帳に追加

(11) The Registrar shall consider the application with regard to the following matters, that is to say . (a) whether the applicant is competent to certify the goods or services in respect of which the mark is to be registered; (b) whether the draft rules are satisfactory; and (c) whether in all the circumstances the registrations applied for would be to the public advantage, and may either - (i) refuse to accept the application; or (ii) accept the application and approve the rules, either without modification and unconditionally or subject to any conditions, amendments, modifications or limitations of the application or of the rules, which he may think requisite, but except in the case of acceptance and approval without modification and unconditionally, the Registrar shall not decide the matter without giving to the applicant an opportunity of being heard and the Registrar may, at the request of the applicant, consider the application before authorisation to proceed with the application has been given, so that he shall be at liberty to reconsider any matter on which he has given a decision if any amendment or modification is thereafter made in the application or in the draft rules. - 特許庁


3. 前項に規定する金銭の分配のほか、無限責任組合員は、あるポートフォリオ投資に係る投資証券等(投資証券等に係る処分等、現物配当、株式分割等により本組合が取得したもののうち金銭以外のものを含む。)を現物で分配することが当該ポートフォリオ投資に関し出資をした組合員の利益に適うと合的に判断する場合(かかる判断がなされた日を「現物分配基準日」という。)、当該ポートフォリオ投資に係る対象組合員等に対し、現物分配基準日後速やかに、当該投資証券等の分配時評価額の総額から、分配に要する諸費用(もしあれば)及び公租公課(もしあれば)の合計額を控除した上、本条第4 項に従い成功報酬(もしあれば)の額(成功報酬を投資証券等の現物で支払う場合には、当該投資証券等の分配時評価額の総額)を控除した残額に相当する当該投資証券等を、第30 条により認められる範囲において、対象持分割合(但し、脱退組合員については当該脱退組合員の脱退当時を基準とする。)に応じ按分をした割合により、それぞれ現物により分配するとができるものとする。無限責任組合員は、分配に要する諸費用及び公租公課並びに成功報酬の支払いにあてるため、分配される投資証券の一部を売却することができるものとし、かかる場合、当該売却に係る投資証券等を控除した後の当該投資証券等を対象組合員等に対し分配するものとする。当該投資証券等が市場性のある有価証券ではない場合、無限責任組合員は、(ⅰ)現物分配を行う旨及びその由、(ⅱ)現物分配する投資証券等の明細、(ⅲ)その現物分配基準日における分配時評価額の案、並びに(ⅳ)その他その適否を判断する上で必要な事項を記載した書面を送付した上、当該ポートフォリオ投資に関し出資をした有限責任組合員の対象持割合の合計の[ ]分の[ ]以上に相当する持分を有する有限責任組合員の承認を取得しなければならないものとする。なお、第49 条第1 項は、本項の規定に基づき無限責任組合員が行う分配に準用する。例文帳に追加

(3) In addition to distribution of funds prescribed in the preceding paragraph, if the General Partner reasonably determines that it is beneficial for the Partners who have made contributions with respect to a Portfolio Investment to receive an in kind distribution of Portfolio Securities in respect of such Portfolio Investment (including non-money consideration acquired by the Partnership from a Disposition of, in kind dividends with respect to or share splits of Portfolio Securities) (the day of such determination being referred to as the “Reference Date”), the General Partner may, promptly after the Reference Date, distribute in kind to the Participating Interested Partners in respect of such Portfolio Investment their respective pro rata shares of the Portfolio Securities equivalent to the balance of the total amount of the Value at the Time of Distribution of the Portfolio Securities after the deduction of (x) the totalamount of costs and expenses, if any, and taxes and other public duties, if any, required for the distribution and (y) the amount of any incentive fee, if any, pursuant to paragraph (4) of this Article (in the case where such incentive fee is paid in kind by the Portfolio Securities, the total amount of the Value at the Time of Distribution of such Portfolio Securities), in proportion to their respective Percentage Interests (provided that, for a Withdrawing Partner, the distribution shall be based on its Percentage Interest at the time of its withdrawal), to the extent allowed by Article 30. The General Partner may sell a portion of the Portfolio Securities that are to be distributed in order to pay costs, expenses, taxes and other public duties required for such distribution and to pay such incentive fee. In such case, the General Partner shall distribute the Portfolio Securities remaining after deducting the Portfolio Securities so sold or to be so sold. If the Portfolio Securities are not Marketable Securities, the General Partner shall send a document stating (i) the proposed in kind distribution and the reason therefor, (ii) a statement of Portfolio Securities to be distributed in kind, (iii) an assessment of the Value at the Time of Distribution as of the Reference Date and (iv) other matters as required for determination of appropriateness of the proposed distribution in kind, and shall be required to obtain an approval of the Limited Partners holding interests equal to [ ]% or more of the total Percentage Interests of the Limited Partners who have made contributions to the Portfolio Investment. Article 49(1) shall apply mutatis mutandis to distribution by the General Partner pursuant to this paragraph.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省


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