





該当件数 : 124



There's no particular evidence.発音を聞く  - 研究社 新英和中辞典


There's no evidence that he is guilty.発音を聞く  - 研究社 新英和中辞典


We've got no proof Tom did this. - Tatoeba例文


there is no objective evidence of anything of the kind発音を聞く  - 日本語WordNet


There is no evidence that he is guilty. - Eゲイト英和辞典

きのう彼には会わなかったと彼女は言っているし, そうではない[会った]という証拠は何もない.例文帳に追加

She says she didn't see him yesterday, and there's no evidence to the contrary.発音を聞く  - 研究社 新英和中辞典

(8) 追加の証拠は,登録官の許可又は指示がない限り,れの当事者も提出することができない例文帳に追加

(8) No further evidence shall be filed by any party except by leave or direction of the Registrar. - 特許庁


No further evidence shall be filed by any party except by leave or direction of the Registrar.発音を聞く  - 特許庁


No further evidence shall be filed except by leave or direction of the Registrar.発音を聞く  - 特許庁

(2) 出願人が,(1)に記載する期間内に,法律第38条(7)に基づく証拠又は出願人が証拠の提出を希望しない旨の陳述書のれも提出しない場合は,法律第38条(7.2)の適用上,その出願は放棄されたものとみなす。例文帳に追加

(2) Where the applicant does not submit either the evidence under subsection 38(7) of the Act or a statement that the applicant does not wish to submit evidence, within the time set out in subsection発音を聞く  - 特許庁

(6) 更なる追加の証拠は,登録官の許可又は指示がない限り,れの当事者も提出することができない例文帳に追加

(6) No further evidence shall be filed by any party except by leave or direction of the Registrar. - 特許庁

(8) 更なる追加の証拠は,登録官の許可又は指示がない限り,れの当事者も提出することができない例文帳に追加

(8) No further evidence shall be filed by either party except by leave or direction of the Registrar. - 特許庁

(5) 更なる追加の証拠は,登録官の許可又は指示がない限り,れの当事者も提出することができない例文帳に追加

(5) No further evidence shall be filed by either party except by leave or direction of the Registrar. - 特許庁


No further statement or evidence shall be left by either party except by leave of or on requisition by the Controller.発音を聞く  - 特許庁


No further evidence shall be lodged by either party except by leave or on direction of the Commissioner. - 特許庁


No further statement or evidence shall be delivered by either party except with the leave of or on requisition by the Controller.発音を聞く  - 特許庁


No further evidence shall be delivered by either party except with the leave or directions of the Controller:発音を聞く  - 特許庁


No person shall be convicted or punished in cases where the only proof against him is his own confession.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


No further evidence shall be filed by either party except by leave or direction of the Controller. - 特許庁


In all cases, the original exhibits filed with the Registrar shall be opened for inspection at the Office by the other side. - 特許庁


No further evidence may be filed, except that, in relation to any proceedings before him, the Registrar may at any time if he thinks fit give leave to either party to file evidence upon such terms as he may think fit.発音を聞く  - 特許庁


Where the period within which any party to a dispute may file evidence under these Rules is to begin after the expiry of any period in which any other party may file evidence under these Rules and that other party notifies the Controller that he does not wish to file any or any further evidence, the Controller may direct that the period within which the first-mentioned party may file evidence shall begin on such date as may be specified in the direction and shall notify all the parties to the dispute of that date. - 特許庁

(9) れの当事者も更なる追加の証拠を提出することはできない。ただし,登録官に提起する手続において,登録官は,自己が適切と認める場合は,費用その他の点で登録官が適切と認める条件により証拠を提出することを随時れの当事者にも許可することができる。例文帳に追加

(9) No further evidence shall be filed by either party, but in any proceedings before the Registrar, he may at any time, if he thinks fit, give leave to either party to file any evidence upon such terms as to costs or otherwise as he may think fit. - 特許庁


Where the exhibits produced in any matter or proceeding under the Act or the rules are no longer required in the Trade Marks Registry, the Registrar may call upon the party concerned to take back the exhibits within a time specified by him and if the party fails to do so, such exhibits shall be destroyed. - 特許庁

(2) 異議申立人が,(1)に記載する期間内に,法律第38条(7)に基づく証拠又は異議申立人が証拠の提出を希望しない旨の陳述書のれも提出しない場合は,法律第38条(7.1)の適用上,その異議申立は取り下げられたものとみなす。例文帳に追加

(2) Where the opponent does not submit either the evidence under subsection 38(7) of the Act or a statement that the opponent does not wish to submit evidence, within the time set out in subsection (1), the opposition shall be deemed to have been withdrawn for the purposes of subsection 38(7.1) of the Act.発音を聞く  - 特許庁

(2) 異論申立人が,(1)に記載する期間内に,法律第11.13条(5)に基づく証拠又は異論申立人が証拠の提出を希望しない旨の陳述書のれも提出しない場合は,法律第11.13条(6)の適用上,その異論申立は,取り下げられたものとみなす。例文帳に追加

(2) Where the objector does not submit either the evidence under subsection 11.13(5) of the Act or a statement that the objector does not wish to submit evidence, within the time set out in subsection (1), the objection shall be deemed to have been withdrawn for the purposes of subsection 11.13(6) of the Act.発音を聞く  - 特許庁


Where, before the notified date any exhibits have been produced in any proceeding, the Registrar may, if satisfied that it is no longer necessary to retain them, call upon the party concerned to take back the exhibits within a time specified by him and if the party fails to do so, such exhibit shall be destroyed. - 特許庁


The Registrar may if he thinks fit in any particular case take oral evidence in lieu of or in addition to such evidence and shall allow any witness to be cross-examined on his affidavit or declaration, unless he directs otherwise.発音を聞く  - 特許庁


No further evidence may be filed by either side, except that in any proceedings before him, the Registrar may at any time if he thinks fit give leave to either party to file such further evidence upon such terms as to costs or otherwise as he may think fit. - 特許庁

(4) 付託者又は前記の受領者は,反対陳述書を送付する登録官の書簡の日付から2月以内に,自己の主張を裏付ける証拠を提出することができ,また,当該証拠の写しを次の者に対し送付する。 (a) れの場合においても,異議申立人,及び (b) 前記の受領者により提出された証拠の場合は,付託者例文帳に追加

(4) The person making the reference or any such recipient may, within 2 months from the date of the Registrar’s letter forwarding the copy of the counter-statement, file evidence in support of his case and shall send a copy of the evidence -- (a) in any case, to the opponent; and (b) in the case of evidence filed by such a recipient, to the person making the reference. - 特許庁


entitle any person to refuse to make a complete discovery, or to answer any question or interrogatory in any suit or other proceeding, but such discovery or answer shall not be admissible in evidence against such person in any such prosecution for an offence under that Chapter or against clause (h) of section 112 of the Customs Act, 1962 relating to confiscation of goods under clause (d) of section 111 of that Act and notified by the Central Government under clause (n) of sub-section (2) of section 11 thereof for the protection of trade marks relating to import of goods; or発音を聞く  - 特許庁


No further evidence shall be left on either side, but in any proceedings before the Registrar, he may at any time, if he thinks fit, give leave to either the applicant or the opponent to leave any evidence upon such terms as to costs or otherwise as he may think fit. - 特許庁


Every court, judge and person shall take notice of the seal of the Patent Office, shall admit the impressions thereof in evidence in like manner as the impressions of the Great Seal are admitted in evidence and shall take notice of and admit in evidence, without further proof and without production of the originals, all copies or extracts certified under the seal of the Patent Office to be copies of or extracts from documents deposited in that Office.発音を聞く  - 特許庁

(5) 長官に対する手続の当事者が本規則に基づき証拠を提出できる期間が,他の当事者が証拠を提出できる期間の満了を以って開始する運びの場合であって,長官に対して当該他の当事者がらかの又は追加の証拠を提出することを望まない旨を通知する場合は,長官は,前者の当事者が証拠を提出できる期限を命令に規定の日に開始する旨指示することができ,紛争のすべての当事者に当該日を通知する。例文帳に追加

(5) Where the period within which any party to proceedings before the Controller may file evidence under these Rules is to begin upon the expiry of any period in which any other party may file evidence and that other party notifies the Controller that he or she does not wish to file any, or any further, evidence the Controller may direct that the period within which the first mentioned party may file evidence shall begin on such date as may be specified in the direction and shall notify all parties to the dispute of that date. - 特許庁


Where, under these Rules, any person is required to do any act or to sign any document, or to make any declaration on behalf of himself or of any body corporate, or any document or evidence (other than evidence under Rule 27) is required to be produced to or left with the Controller or at the Office, and it is shown to the satisfaction of the Controller that from any reasonable cause such person is unable to do such act or thing or to sign such document or to make such declaration or that such document or evidence cannot be produced or left as aforesaid, it shall be lawful for the Controller, upon the production of such evidence and subject to such terms as he thinks fit, to dispense with any such act or thing, signature, declaration, document or evidence. - 特許庁


Within 3 months from the date of receipt of the copy of such evidence sent to him or, if no such evidence is filed, within 3 months of the expiration of the time within which it might have been filed, the opponent may file evidence in support of his case and shall send a copy of the evidence so filed to the person making the application and those recipients; and within 3 months from the date on which the copy of the opponent’s evidence is sent to him, that person or any of those recipients may file further evidence confined to matters strictly in reply and shall send a copy of it to the persons mentioned in subsection (5)(a) and (b).発音を聞く  - 特許庁


In the event of any disputes over relevant substantive matters, evidence shall be heard within a period of 60 days, which may be extended for a further 60 days if either of the parties has his domicile abroad.発音を聞く  - 特許庁


When the parties are summoned to hear sentence, no further briefs or evidences of any kind shall be admitted, excepting those referring to application assignment, abandonment or limitation of the application.発音を聞く  - 特許庁

(2) れかの登録簿の記入事項の写し,特許庁に保管されているれかの書類の写し若しくは特許証の写し又は前記登録簿若しくは書類の抄録であって,特許庁の印を捺印され,かつ,局長が証明したとされるものは,これ以外の証拠及び原本の提出を必要としない証拠として受容されるものとする。例文帳に追加

(2) A copy of any entry in any register or of any document kept in the Patent Office or of any patent, or an extract from any such register or document, sealed with the seal of the Patent Office, and purporting to be certified by the Commissioner, shall be admitted in evidence without further proof and without production of the original. - 特許庁

(2) (1)(a),(b),(c)又は(d)のれにも掲げられない名称,署名又は語は,それが証拠により識別性を有するものと証明されない限り,登録することができない。[法律A1078による改正]例文帳に追加

(2) A name, signature or word which is not described in paragraph (a), (b), (c) or (d) of subsection (1) is not registrable unless it is by evidence shown to be distinctive. [Am. Act A1078] - 特許庁

申立人及び責任機関のれも,所定の方法で,登録官に対して証拠を提出し,かつ,説明する機会が与えられる。ただし,次の場合は,この限りでない。 (a) 責任機関が(4)に従う答弁書を提出及び送達していないか,又は所定の状況で,責任機関が証拠を若しくは陳述書であって,当該責任機関は証拠の提出を希望しない旨のもの,を提出しない場合,又は (b) 異論申立が取り下げられたか若しくは(6)に基づいて取下とみなされた場合。例文帳に追加

Both the objector and the responsible authority shall be given an opportunity, in the manner prescribed, to submit evidence and to make representations to the Registrar unless (a) the responsible authority does not file and serve a counter statement in accordance with subsection (4) or if, in the prescribed circumstances, the responsible authority does not submit evidence or a statement that the responsible authority does not wish to submit evidence. or (b) the objection is withdrawn or deemed under subsection (6) to have been withdrawn.発音を聞く  - 特許庁


The Registrar may call for any evidence or further information and if he is satisfied with regard to the various matters he shall issue directions in writing with respect to the advertisement of the assignment. - 特許庁


He argues that the composition theory is just 'a flight of fancy' without grounds, even if it is admitted that there are differences in quality between the Murasaki no Ue series and the Tamakazura series.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


1965年特許規則において定める期間内に1964年法第8条 (6) (a)又は(b)に基づいて定められた証拠を提出した出願人は,本法第30条 (1)の要件を充足したものとみなす。当該証拠が本法施行後に提出された場合は,第30条 (3)の適用上,所定の手数料を添えなければならない。また,如なる出願の場合も,前記規則により定める期間内に証拠が提出されなかったときは,出願人が第29条 (1)又は該当する場合は第30条 (1)の規定に従わない限り,当該出願は取り下げられたものとみなす。例文帳に追加

an applicant who furnishes the evidence specified under section 8 (6) (a) or (b) of the Act of 1964 within the time prescribed in the Patents Rules, 1965 for so doing shall be deemed to have satisfied the requirements of section 30 (1) of this Act; where such evidence is furnished after the commencement of this Act, it shall be accompanied by the fee prescribed for the purpose of section 30 (3); and where, in the case of any application, the evidence is not furnished within the time prescribed by the said Rules, the application shall be deemed to have been withdrawn unless the applicant complies with the provisions of section 29 (1) or 30 (1), as appropriate発音を聞く  - 特許庁






There is no evidence








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