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That brook is so small that I can jump over it. - Eゲイト英和辞典


When I showed that a little group out there actually can do it - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


Then, reaction of the salicide precursor and the upper side layer is performed and a salicide which is self-aligned to the upper side layer is formed. - 特許庁


a personality characterized by meticulous neatness and suspicion and reserve  - 日本語WordNet



In 670 the first national family registry, "Kogo-nenjaku," was introduced.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


[誰もが私に裁判を起こせと言うけど] [そんなことをしても 息子は戻って来ないのよ]例文帳に追加

Everybody's telling me to sue, but that's not going to give me my son back. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


In the women's event, Murakami Kanako, Suzuki Akiko and Ando Miki finished third, fourth and fifth, respectively.  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


Reuse of the used forceps plug 21 can be made impossible without being accompanied by destruction. - 特許庁


Sakamoto Naoko won the Osaka International Ladies Marathon in January, and Tosa Reiko won the Nagoya International Women's Marathon held on March 14.  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave



To provide a connector which prevents misconnection between a positive side and a negative side when used to connect polarized parts. - 特許庁



First, concerning (1), the description includes 'The title of Empress was awarded after her death; her posthumous name was FUJIWARA no Inshi; the mother (妣) of the former Emperor.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Also, in the facsimile recall control method, the first document is recalled when time after the recall standby state has started is longer than the standby time in interruption of the second document that is equal to or less than the recall standby time. - 特許庁


When the radio wave of the portable telephone 9 is restored, the call control station 5 again connects the call between the portable telephone 9 and the fixed telephone 3. - 特許庁


Namely, the recycling information, such as whether each unit is recyclable, which processing should be applied to make each unit to be reusable or by which product the each unit can be reused when each unit is collected for recycling, can be written from the outside. - 特許庁


To provide a paper post-processing device capable of accurately stapling paper while reducing a lateral aligning failure even if the size of the paper is changed. - 特許庁


While percentages ofage 15 to 24” and “age 25 to 34groups of population to total population were decreasing, percentages ofage 45 to 64” and “age 65 and oldergroups were increasing by the influence of one-child policy conducted in China from 1979. - 経済産業省


The latest call control protocol, Megaco, adds to the VoIP standard problem while seeking to reduce the number of protocols in use.  - コンピューター用語辞典


According to the Family Registration Law which became effective as an alternative to the Old Civil Codes and a law to manage koseki system, more than two generations are not allowed to be registered on the same koseki (banning koseki include more than two generations), however at the time of Ie seido, there was no limitation regarding the number of generations and no restriction on koseki.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To efficiently perform communication with high reliability by enabling a call control server for performing calling control to perform optimum call control suitable to characteristics of a network constituting a calling side access network and a calling terminal. - 特許庁


Nakamaro was forced to head north along the west coast of Lake Biwa for the Echizen Province, where his son FUJIWARA no Shikachi was kokushi, and prepared for a comeback.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


If an incoming side mobile phone of the extension call request is under a call connection, the mobile phone management device provides the same additional service provided when receiving the call request to a mobile terminal which is under a call connection that is using a portable telephone number. - 特許庁


The section between Maibara and Nagahama of the Hokuriku Main Line was added to the Biwako Line when the section between Tamura Station and Nagahama was changed from AC electrification to DC electrification in September 1991; however, the same line between Nagahama and Tsuruga Station, which was changed to DC electrification in October 2006, was not added to the Biwako Line.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide an internet telephone set and system that eliminates the need for re-make of call connection request, even under the circumstance with the communication quantity (traffic) of entire network as a whole being increased or the like. - 特許庁


To provide a video contents data reproduction method, an IP TV terminal, and a contents reproduction program in which both users between IP telephone terminals can move the conversation along simultaneously viewing reproduced picture images of a specified video contents data during a call connection. - 特許庁


3. The actual junction for the Kosei Line is Yamashina Station on the Tokaido Main Line (Biwako Line), but Kyoto Station is the arrival and departure station for all trains and the practical starting point, so we put it in this chart.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Thereafter, when receiving an incoming call from a calling terminal via a cellular communication network, the private SIP server holds call connection of the incoming call. - 特許庁


To provide a calling method of a call setup server and a calling method of communication terminals which do not take time for calling a communication partner by telephone, and can reproduce a video file immediately after communication start in a communication system in which reproduction display of the video file is possible in each communication terminal during speech. - 特許庁


Upon the receipt of the setup signal by a receiver connector 21, a call to a receiver facsimile equipment 27 is temporarily awaited and a public key generated by the transmitter connector 22 and a public key generated by the receiver connector 21 are used to generate a common key. - 特許庁


To provide a call setting method for a network system which prevents a call setting message from an origination-side line switching network from repeatedly being resent. - 特許庁


A call control information storage section 17 has a storage function of call control information for forcibly transmitting guidance to a mobile phone terminal 3 on the occurrence of a call from the mobile phone terminal 3 or others. - 特許庁


The chip transfer means 6 and the chip cutting and crushing device 4 are assembled to the lathe body 2, and chips generated by applying machining on a work are transferred to the chip cutting and crushing device 4 by a chip transfer means 6, and the transferred chips are further cut into a smaller size by the chip cutting and crushing device 4. - 特許庁


When an emergency call from the terminal is interrupted, this apparatus releases the line of the terminal side and holds the line of the emergency office side, and when the emergency office then makes a call back to the terminal, the apparatus allows the call to arrive at the terminal from the emergency office by utilizing the line in the holding state of the emergency office. - 特許庁


While fusuma-shoji were used as partitions between rooms, kicho was inevitably placed and fabrics that provided stage effects to emphasize a woman's personality were used near the lady, and they played an important role to subdivide a room.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When a call connection is repeated (from the same customer), the repeated call connection is preferentially added to the waiting queue 104, based on the issued information for preferential connection. - 特許庁


The oldest description concerning the Kiso-gawa ukai is found on a family register in 702 of 'Ukai-be Mezurame' at Minokuni Kagami-gori county Nakazato.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To prevent a monitoring device and all dwelling unit controllers from being incommunicable in the case a fire breaks out in a certain dwelling unit when the monitoring device and a plurality of the dwelling unit controllers are connected by a connected wiring system. - 特許庁


The private branch exchange apparatus calls a call terminating terminal again through the wide area communication network using the call terminating destination number, and performs relay through the wide area communication network between the call connection to the calling terminal and the call connection to the call terminating terminal. - 特許庁


When call processing of a receive rejection call is performed, consent information is notified to a prestage call control device which transmitted a call origination message, so call loss processing of the call of crank calls after next time is performed by the prestage call control device. - 特許庁


When transmission is not normally completed, the control part causes the calling control part 238 and the communication control part 239 to perform retransmission, and causes the ADSL MODEM with IP telephone function which is stored in an access code storage part 234, to transmit an access code for indicating use of a subscribing telephone. - 特許庁


When a call is originated from a cellular phone, a call control section 102 requests a private telephone number to a data management section 101 where the preset private telephone number is managed, and the cellular phone and a destination called from the cellular phone are connected using the private telephone number reported from the data management section 101. - 特許庁


A side wall spacer 16 is formed on an end face on the cell-section side of the oxide film 10, and a metallic silicide layer 44 is formed in a self-alignment manner while using the side wall spacer 114 for a gate electrode and the side wall spacer 16 for the oxide film 10 as masks. - 特許庁


"Act now!" he said, and in addition to his obvious meaning, he hinted that there were number of other important reasons why immediate action was needed. - Tatoeba例文


"Act now!" he said, and in addition to his obvious meaning, he hinted that there were number of other important reasons why immediate action was needed.  - Tanaka Corpus


According to the Code, family registers were to be stored for thirty years and then discared, but instead of being thrown away, it was common to send them to other government officials and kanji (state-sponsored temples) to use the other side (shihai monjo) since paper was so valuable in those days.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a nail auxiliary implement for easily caring the growing edge of nails and nails on a hand which is not a dominant hand where it is difficult to execute nail care or executing individual nail art which is extremely difficult to be executed individually. - 特許庁


The inside shells 13 and 14 can be smoothly torn off from the outside shells 11 and 12 by this means at repairing time, and can be replaced with a spare part formed so as to be self-adhered when necessary. - 特許庁


To provide a thin wiry structure assembling method for mounting a thin wiry structure represented by a quantum thin wire such as a silicon nanowire at a predetermined location in a self-aligning manner in a predetermined orientation. - 特許庁


The phone call controller (call control server device 1) has a function (resource allocating part 17) for switching dedicated emergency call resource thresholds for a disaster time and a normal state. - 特許庁


A Zen master Muso Soseki preached that if a person forgets oneself, throws away all one's desires and becomes altruistic, one can immediately become a living Buddha by an emergence of the Buddhahood.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Jodoshu sect: Reiyo Gyokunen, Seiyo Teian from Saiko-ji Temple, Shinyo Doko from Shofuku-ji Temple, and Chionin Jonen (a recorder)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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浜島書店 Catch a Wave
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