
「その物自体の」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(6ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > その物自体のに関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 266



A sub-management computer 20 selects a distribution destination computer being the distribution destination of an electronic distribution object from among a plurality of business computers or virtual computers, and selects address information corresponding to the distribution destination computer from among a plurality of address information corresponding to the plurality of business computers or virtual computers, and assigns the address information to the electronic distribution object itself or the storage device. - 特許庁


For the purpose of this Act industrial design means the appearance of the whole or a part of a product resulting from the features of, in particular, the lines, contours, colors, shape, texture and/or materials of the product itself and/or its ornamentation, product means any industrial or handicraft item, including parts intended to be assembled into a complex product, packaging, get-up, graphic symbol and typographic typefaces, except computer programs, complex product means a product which is composed of multiple components which can be replaced permitting disassembly and reassembly of the product, designer is a person having created the industrial design by his own creative activity, co-designer is a person, which has participated on the creative activity, during which the industrial design has been created.  - 特許庁


This additive comprises seashell fossil which is a crystal having soluble humus produced by accumulation of buried various nektons comprising calcareous, silicic acid or the like, planktons, algae or the like, as the active component and successively reduces the organic load of animal feces on environment and feeds. - 特許庁


Where an invention involves the use of or concerns biological material which is not available to the public and which cannot be described in a patent application in such a manner as to enable the invention to be reproduced by a person skilled in the art, the description shall be considered inadequate unless: the biological material has been deposited no later than the date, from which the right of priority belongs to the applicant, with the recognized depositary institution, which has acquired this status by virtue of Article 7 of the Budapest Treaty of 28 April 1977 on the International Recognition of the Deposit of Microorganisms for the Purposes of Patent Procedure, (hereinafter referred to as the "Budapest Treaty"), the application of invention as filed contains such relevant information as is available to the applicant on the characteristics of the biological material deposited, and the patent application states the name of the depository institution and the accession number of the sample.  - 特許庁


第175条 保護されない対象 第172条及び第173条の規定に拘らず,本法に基づいては,思想,手続,手順,方法又は運用,概念,法則,発見若しくは単なるデ-タ自体については,それらが著作において表現され,説明され,図解され若しくは具体化されているとしても,如何なる保護も及ばないものとし,また,単なる報道にすぎない時事の記事その他の雑報又は立法上,行政上若しくは法律上の性質を有する公文及びそれらの公文としての翻訳にも保護は及ばない。例文帳に追加

Sec.175 Unprotected Subject Matter Notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 172 and 173, no protection shall extend, under this law, to any idea, procedure, system method or operation, concept, principle, discovery or mere data as such, even if they are expressed, explained, illustrated or embodied in a work; news of the day and other miscellaneous facts having the character of mere items of press information; or any official text of a legislative, administrative or legal nature, as well as any official translation thereof. - 特許庁



According to a legend that the night Kikunomae killed herself was the 12th night on a lunar calendar, the villagers called the day 'Juniya Gozen' (literary, the lady of 12th night) and build a shrine with straw and humbly gave offerings including rice on 12th day of January among other months in those days; Yamada Kanoraiki wrote that there were formerly seven to eight houses in the village, but in the latter half of the Edo period when the document was written, only two houses were left; and now, as the Sekine-mura village has been defunct, the memorial service is no longer carried out, and the tragedy and the site called 'Juni Gozen' have been mostly forgotten.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


If the request concerns a sample of deposited biological material connected with an application for which a final decision has not yet been made, the party requesting the sample must submit a declaration in which he undertakes vis-a-vis the applicant not to use the sample for any othr purposes than for experiments that concern the invention itself and to refrain from granting other parties access to the sample until a final decision has been made regarding the application or, if a patent is granted, until the patent has expired. - 特許庁


To provide a screening method for selecting or prescribing a functional food that can efficiently exert its function without accompanying undesired effects when the functional food is applied to a sample needing a specific effect, the functional food itself selected or prescribed by the screening method and an immune activating composition made to order, containing the above functional food. - 特許庁


Note, however, in the following cases, that the processing routine that provides access control will not fall under the "work" protected by the Copyright Law: when: (1) such processing routine is completely segregated from the program, which is the main portion of the software (for example, if the processing routine is structured as a completely separate file); or (2) when such processing routine in itself lacks creativity (for example, if a well-known program referred to in publications, etc. is copied and utilized for this purpose).  - 経済産業省


次の生学的材料,すなわち, (a) 出願日に公衆の利用に供されておらず,かつ (b) 当該技術の熟練者が当該発明を実施できるように明細書で説明できないもの, の使用を伴う発明又はこれに関する発明に係る特許出願又は特許の明細書で,(2)に定める条件の1(及び(17)が適用される場合に該当するときはそれ以外の条件)が満たされ,かつ,出願時の出願に,生学的材料の特性に関して出願人が利用可能な関係情報が含まれる場合に限り,当該生学的材料自体に関して,法の適用上,そのような方法で当該発明を開示するものとして取り扱われる。例文帳に追加

The specification of an application for a patent, or of a patent, for an invention which involves the use of or concerns biological material: (a) which is not available to the public at the date of filing of the application; and (b) which cannot be described in the specification in such a manner as to enable the invention to be performed by a person skilled in the art; shall, in relation to the biological material itself, be treated for the purposes of the Act as disclosing the invention in such a manner only if one of the conditions set out in paragraph (2)(and, where applicable, the further condition where paragraph (17) applies) is or are satisfied and the application as filed contains such relevant information as is available to the applicant on the characteristics of the biological material. - 特許庁



For the purpose of this section, the use in Brunei Darussalam in relation to a trade mark of the word registered, or of any other word referring whether expressly or impliedly to registration, shall be deemed to import a reference to registration in the register, except ? where that word is used in physical association with other words delineated in characters at least as large as those in which that word is delineated and indicating that the reference is to registration as a trade mark under the law of any country other than Brunei Darussalam, being a country under the law of which the registration referred to is in fact in force; where that word (being a word other than the word registered) is of itself such as to indicate that the reference is to such registration; or where that word is used in relation to a mark registered as a trade mark under the law of any country other than Brunei Darussalam and in relation to goods to be exported to that country or to services for use in that country.  - 特許庁

(1) 本条の適用上,パプアニューギニア国内で商標について「登録済み」という語,又は,明示黙示を問わず登録に言及するその他の用語を使用することは,次の場合を除き,本法に基づく登録への言及を意味するものとする。 (a) 当該用語が,その語が描写されている文字と少なくとも同じ大きさの文字で描写されている他の用語と理的な関係で使用されており,かつ,その言及がパプアニューギニア以外の国の法律に基づく商標としての登録を指すものであって,その国は言及される法律に基づいてその登録が有効である国であることを示している場合 (b) 当該用語(「登録済み」以外の語)それ自体が,本項(a)に言及されるような登録への言及であることを示すようなものである場合,又は (c) 当該用語が,パプアニューギニア以外の国の法律により商標として登録された標章について,また,その国に輸出される商品について使用される場合例文帳に追加

(1) For the purposes of this section, the use in Papua New Guinea, in relation to a trade mark, of the wordregistered”, or of some other word referring whether expressly or impliedly to registration, shall be deemed to import a reference to registration under this Act, except - (a) where that word is used in physical association with other words delineated in characters at least as large as those in which that word is delineated, and indicating that the reference is to registration as a trade mark under the law of a country outside Papua New Guinea, being a country under the law of which the registration referred to is in force; or (b) where that word (being a word other than the wordregistered”) is of itself such as to indicate that the reference is to such registration as is referred to in Paragraph (a); or (c) where that word is used in relation to a mark registered as a trade mark under the law of a country outside Papua New Guinea and in relation to goods to be exported to that country. - 特許庁

次に掲げる行為は,特許所有者の排他権に対する侵害を構成しない。 1) エストニア共和国の領水に他国の船舶が一時的又は偶発的に入った場合で,かつ,発明の実施が専らその船舶の必要のためである場合に,その船舶内で(船体,機械,装具,無線航海装置その他の装置において)その特許発明を実施すること 2) エストニア共和国に他国の航空機又は車両が一時的に又は偶発的に入った場合に,その航空機又は車両の構造若しくは付属装置又は当該の輸送手段若しくはその装置の操作に関して特許発明を実施すること 3) 発明特許をその発明自体に関する試験のために実施すること 4) 特許発明を含む医薬品を処方箋に従って薬局で個別に調合すること及び当該医薬品を使用すること (1999年10月27日。2000年1月1日施行-RT I 1999, 84, 764) 5) 特許発明を私的に非営業的に実施すること。ただし,当該実施が特許所有者の利益を害さないことを条件とする。 (1999年10月27日。2000年1月1日施行-RT I 1999, 84, 764) 6) エストニア共和国における発明特許の使用,頒布,販売又は販売の申出であって,特許所有者により又は特許所有者の承諾を得て行われるもの 7) 特許所有者により又は特許所有者の承諾を得て市場に出された生材料に係る繁殖又は増殖であって,当該繁殖又は増殖が,当該生材料をその販売目的とされた用途で利用した結果必然的に生じるものである場合。ただし,取得された生材料がその後,他の繁殖又は増殖のために使用されないことを条件とする。 (1999年10月27日。2000年1月1日施行-RT I 1999, 84, 764)例文帳に追加

The following acts do not constitute infringement of the exclusive right of the proprietor of a patent: 1) the use of the patented invention on board of ships of other states (within the hull, machinery, rigging, radio-navigation equipment or other equipment) if such ships are temporarily or accidentally in the waters of the Republic of Estonia and the invention is used solely for the purposes of the ship; 2) the use of the patented invention within the construction or auxiliary equipment of aircraft or land vehicles of other countries, or in the operation of the vehicles or equipment if such vehicles are temporarily or accidentally in the Republic of Estonia; 3) the use of the patented invention in testing related to the invention itself; 4) the single preparation of a medicinal product containing the patented invention on the basis of a prescription in a pharmacy and the use of such medicinal product; (27.10.1999 entered into force 01.01.2000 - RT I 1999, 84, 764) 5) the private non-commercial use of the patented invention if such use does not harm the interests of the proprietor of the patent; (27.10.1999 entered into force 01.01.2000 - RT I 1999, 84, 764) 6) the use, distribution, sale or offer for sale in the Republic of Estonia of the patented invention by the proprietor of the patent or with the proprietor’s consent; 7) the propagation or multiplication of biological material placed on the market by the proprietor of the patent or with the proprietor’s consent, where the multiplication or propagation necessarily results from the application for which the biological material was marketed, provided that the biological material obtained is not subsequently used for other propagation or multiplication. (27.10.1999 entered into force 01.01.2000 - RT I 1999, 84, 764)  - 特許庁

(2) 本条の適用上,マレーシアにおいてある商標に関して「登録」の語又は明示的か黙示的かを問わず登録されていることを示すその他の語を使用することは,登録簿に登録されていることを表示するとみなされる。ただし,次に掲げる場合はこの限りでない。 (a) 当該の語が,それを表す文字と少なくとも同じ大きさの文字で表された他の語であって,マレーシア以外のある国の法律に基づいてなされた商標登録が現に効力を有しており,登録商標として言及していることを示すものと理的に結合して使用される場合 (b) 当該の語(「登録」の語以外のもの)が,それ自体で,(a)に述べる登録への言及を示すものである場合,又は (c) 当該の語が,マレーシア以外のある国の法律に基づき商標として登録されている標章に関して,かつ,当該国に輸出される商品若しくはサービスに関して使用される場合例文帳に追加

(2) For the purpose of this section, the use in Malaysia in relation to a trade mark of the wordregisteredor of any other word referring whether expressly or impliedly to registration shall be deemed to import a reference to registration in the Register except . (a) where the word is used in physical association with other words delineated in characters at least as large as those in which that word is delineated and indicating that the reference is to registration as a trade mark under the law of a country outside Malaysia being a country under the law of which the registration referred to is in fact in force; (b) where the word (being a word other than the wordregistered”) is of itself such as to indicate that the reference is to registration as mentioned in paragraph (a); or (c) where that word is used in relation to a mark registered as a trade mark under the law of a country outside Malaysia and in relation to goods or services to be exported to that country. - 特許庁

(1) 登録商標は,その商標の登録所有者でもなく,許諾を得てその商標を使用する登録使用者でもない者が,その商標と同一の又は誤認若しくは混同を生じさせる虞がある程に類似する商標を当該商標の登録に関係する商品又はサービスについて業として使用する場合において,当該商標の使用が, (a) 登録商標としての使用であるとして, (b) その使用が当該商品自体に若しくは当該商品との理的関係において,又は公衆に対する広告回状その他の広告においてなされる場合は,当該商標の登録所有者若しくは登録使用者としての権利を有する者への言及又はその者が業として関係する商品への言及を意味するものとして,又は[法律A881による挿入] (c) その使用が,当該サービスが提供若しくは実行される場所又はその近辺において,又は公衆に対する広告回状その他の広告においてなされる場合は,当該商標の登録所有者若しくは登録使用者としての権利を有する者への言及又はその者が業として関係するサービスへの言及を意味するものとして, 受け取られる虞がある方法でなされるときは,当該使用者によって侵害されたものと認められる。例文帳に追加

(1) A registered trade mark is infringed by a person who, not being the registered proprietor of the trade mark or registered user of the trade mark using by way of permitted use, uses a mark which is identical with it or so nearly resembling it as is likely to deceive or cause confusion in the course of trade in relation to goods or services in respect of which the trade mark is registered in such a manner as to render the use of the mark likely to be taken either . (a) as being use as a trade mark; (b) in a case in which the use is use upon the goods or in physical relation thereto or in an advertising circular, or other advertisement, issued to the public, as importing a reference to a person having the right either as registered proprietor or as registered user to use the trade mark or to goods with which the person is connected in the course of trade; or [Ins. Act A881] (c) in a case in which the use is use at or near the place where the services are available or performed or in an advertising circular or other advertisement issued to the public, as importing a reference to a person having a right either as registered proprietor or as registered user to use the trade mark or to services with the provision of which the person is connected in the course of trade. - 特許庁


次のものは,登録することができない:, 第9条(1)の意味での標章ではない標識 , 識別性を欠く標章 , 登録出願される商品又はサービスに関し,ブルガリア共和国における現行の言語又は確立された商慣行において慣習的となっている標識又は表示のみをもって構成される標章 , 標章であって,商品又はサービスに関する種類,品質,数量,用途,価額,原産地,商品生産の時期若しくは方法又はサービスの提供方法,又はその他の特徴を示す標識のみによって構成されるもの , 商品自体の性質に起因する形状 , 技術的効果を得るために必要な商品の形状 , 商品に対し実質的価値を与える形状 , 公の秩序及び承認された倫理基準に反する標章 , 商品又はサービスの内容,品質又は原産地について消費者に誤認させる虞がある標章 , 標章であって,パリ条約締約国の紋章,旗章若しくは他の記章又はそれらの模倣,並びに国際政府間機関の紋章,旗章その他の記章,完全な若しくは略式の公式名称によって構成されるか又はそれらを含むもの , 公的な管理及び保証のための標識及び証印から構成されるか又はそれらを含む標章であって,その標識及び証印が同一又は類似の商品を示すために使用されている場合 , 文化省によって指定されている,ブルガリア共和国の歴史的及び文化的記念の名称又は表示によって構成されるか又はそれらを含む標章例文帳に追加

The following shall not be registered: signs which are not marks within the meaning of Article 9(1) , marks which are devoid of any distinctive character; marks which consist exclusively of signs or indications that have become customary in the current language or in the established practices of the trade in the Republic of Bulgaria with respect to the goods or services filed for registration; marks which consist exclusively of signs designating the kind, quality, quantity, intended purpose, value, geographical origin, time or process of production of the goods or the manner of rendering of the services, or other characteristics of the goods or services; the shape which results from the nature of the goods themselves; the shape of goods which is necessary to obtain a technical result; the shape which gives substantial value to the goods; marks which are contrary to public policy or to accepted principles of morality; marks which may deceive the consumers as to the nature, quality or geographical origin of the goods or services; marks which consist of or include escutcheons, flags or other emblems of States party to the Paris Convention, or imitations thereof, as well as escutcheons, flags or other emblems or the full or abbreviated official names of international intergovernmental organizations; marks which consist of or include official control and warranty signs and stamps where such signs and stamps are used to mark identical or similar goods; marks which consist of or include the name or a representation of historical and cultural monuments of the Republic of Bulgaria, as specified by the Ministry of Culture;  - 特許庁


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