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該当件数 : 99



The economist instinctively anticipated the current depression. - Tatoeba例文


an economic system based on private ownership of capital  - 日本語WordNet


an economic system based on state ownership of capital  - 日本語WordNet


The economist instinctively anticipated the current depression.  - Tanaka Corpus


マッシブ・ダイナミクは世界の経済主体の 10本の指に入るわ例文帳に追加

Massive dynamic is one of the ten largest economic entities in the world. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書



Japanese salaried workers get only a tiny [a paltry, an insignificant] share of the economic prosperity of their country.  - 研究社 新和英中辞典


The electrochemical cell body 52 is formed by a rectangular member in which a plurality of through holes 55 are drilled in predetermined positions. - 特許庁


During the Edo period, the economy grew rapidly, and the accumulated capital contributed to the economic development following the Meiji Restoration.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In emerging economies, international capital flight can trigger an economic crisis, as shown by the Asian currency crisis. - 経済産業省



They also noted the important role of private capital flow to Asian countries for the economic recovery.  - 財務省


人的資本の投資の規模と構造は,APEC における長期的経済成長を持続させる鍵である。例文帳に追加

The scale and structure of investment in human capital is the key for continuing long-term economic growth in APEC. - 経済産業省


Although unrestricted capital movements can be a driving force for growth of the world economy through the efficient distribution of resources, if capital accounts are liberalized too hastily in the absence of macroeconomic stability and a solid domestic financial system, there are risks that it could increase an economy's vulnerability.  - 財務省


At the same time, economic globalization facilitates even more rapid and large-scale international capital flow, and the risk still remains that an abrupt reversal of capital flows could result in another crisis.  - 財務省


To provide an annular molding material separating and transferring device for individually separating a plurality of stacked annular molding materials and automatically transferring these to the next process. - 特許庁


49. We recognize the crucial role that women play in innovative economic development, development of human capital and business expansion, and commit to the implementation of the APEC Women and the Economy Forum Statement. - 経済産業省


In such a case, one of the second electrodes 22 which is across the material 3 to be formed and arranged in the nearest position to the first electrode 21 is energized. - 特許庁


In general, the magnitude of the financial assets34 portion of fixed capital relative to the real economy tends to increase the more that per capita GDP grows. - 経済産業省


The uppermost annular molding material A of the plurality of stacked annular molding materials A is held between a pair of right and left chuck jaws 12 of a chuck mechanism 1. - 特許庁

旧ソ連の場合、生産要素(資本)の大量蓄積を図り、工業化にはある程度成功したが、市場経済体制とは異なるシステムの下では経済発展は持続 しなかった。例文帳に追加

The former Soviet Union planned a massive accumulation of production factors (capital), and succeeded to some extent with industrialization, but failed to sustain economic development in the absence of a market economy system. - 経済産業省


It is true that the free movement of capital has often been a driving force behind economic growth in developing and emerging countries. - 財務省


Developing human capital is a critical component of any country’s growth and poverty reduction strategy.  - 財務省


To provide an economical spectacle frame on which only lenses matching respective purposes can be attached and replaced only with one spectacle frame body. - 特許庁


In countries such as the Philippines and Indonesia, the new ASEAN member states, shortfalls exist with respect to the quality of human capital, which can be seen as the foundation of economic development. - 経済産業省


Excessive capital inflows can lead to overheating of an economy, including increases in unproductive investments, asset price "bubble", and inflation. - 財務省


Redevelopment of the Japanese economyThree arrows” - Bold monetary policy - Flexible fiscal policy - Growth strategy to stimulate investment from private sector - 厚生労働省


Regardless of the level or direction of change in the current account balance, if a country can maintain the international credibility and estimation of its economy, this will lock in stableinvestment and capital inflows, opening the way for economic stimulation and sustained international competitiveness. - 経済産業省


In the future, along with the advancement of technology in industries in which direct investment is carried out, it is desirable to aim to improve the quality of human capital in each country within the region not only for the economic growth of the recipient country, but also for the reduction of intra-regional economic disparities. - 経済産業省


Takekoshi, who lost to Nobutsune OKUMA (Shigenobu OKUMA's adopted son) and was defeated in the 12th general election of members of the House of Representatives held in 1915, set up 'Nihon Keizaishi Hensankai' (Compilation committee of Japanese history of economics), and from 1919 to the following year, he published "Nihonkeizai-shi" (Japanese history of economics) consisting of eight volumes.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Third, an emerging or developing economy, in its process for capital account liberalization, might want to keep capital inflows to a manageable level, according to its economic size and the stage of development of its financial sectors. - 財務省


Moreover, as the movements of capital have increased in size and frequency, the fluctuations in exchange rates have become even greater, resulting in serious adverse effects on the real sectors of even large economies. - 財務省


In other words, intertwined with each other by two of the cornerstone of securing a stable supply of resources and business expansion, in terms of contributing to the development of Japanese economy, importance of strengthening ties with resource-rich countries have been raising. - 経済産業省


Thus, the increase in capital inflow from private sectors supported high economic growth in the emerging economies, and it also partly contributed to rises in stock prices in middle of 2010 and afterward. This was done by net buying of stocks by foreign investors in the emerging markets. - 経済産業省


The BMC form 1 is formed into a sheet-shape molding material 10 by being rolled between two rolls 21a, 21b in a state arranged on a film 12a. - 特許庁


To provide a publication system for allowing the writer of a book to save any economical load, and for allowing a publishing company to reduce a unit price by gathering fixed reservation in advance in order to prevent the book from ending up as a stock. - 特許庁


The LAC region succeeded in containing the adverse impacts of the global economic crisis of 2008 and, since 2010, the region as a whole has maintained strong growth against the backdrop of rising commodity prices and capital inflows.  - 財務省


For this reason, the Japanese economy shifted its focus from the steady accumulation of capital to the speculation, which ended up hindering Japan from establishing itself as a modern capitalistic nation.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To attain the economical and certain arrangement for integrating one side of part of book of small laminate or the minimum laminate into a bookends manufacturing line appropriately and free. - 特許庁


When the molding material containing reinforced fibers is pushed into the extrusion hole 4 of the die 3 by the screw 7, force in the rotating direction is simultaneously applied by the two stirring pins 12, 13 and a stirring effect is generated. - 特許庁


In Asia, the dynamism of "industrialization" serves as a driving force of economic development, and the introduction of technology and capital from Japan has become essential to concurrent "marketization" and "internationalization." - 経済産業省


Economic power - In those days, when major commercial capital had not emerged yet, major temples received the biggest capital in the form of rice acquired in plenty from their vast shoen (manor in medieval Japan) as well as of abundant donation from nobles.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Even where a smaller current account surplus and a greater deficit does result, if Japan can maintain the credibility of the domestic economy, this will open the way for retaining a stable capital inflow. - 経済産業省


The amount of the inflow of private capital into the emerging economies (net basis) was about US$1 trillion in 2007, but significantly decreased to US$ 344.4 billion in 2009 due to the world economic crisis. This was about 1/3 of the capital inflow level in 2007. - 経済産業省


Generally speaking, it is important that financial institutions enhance their capital in order to strengthen their financial foundation in light of the current economic situation.  - 金融庁

バーゼル III の内容については、これまでの我が国の主張も踏まえ、中長期的な自己資本の強化の必要性と実態経済の影響の相互に配慮した、バランスがとれたものとなっており、我が国の銀行にとっても実態経済に大きな影響をもたらすことなく、経営努力の範囲内で達成できる可能性があるというように考えております。例文帳に追加

Basel III is well-balanced in the sense that it gives consideration to both the need to enhance capital in the medium and long run and the impact on the real economy, reflecting the arguments that have been presented by Japan to date. I believe Japanese banks can fulfill the targets within the scope of management efforts without having a major impact on the real economy.  - 金融庁


In this case, the number of killed or missing persons reached 112, the number of injured persons 386, the number of killed or missing livestock, horses and cattle 483 thousand, the number of tumbled electric poles 4,600, the size of damaged farm land area 210 thousand hectares, the size of damaged forests 180 thousand hectares, and the total economic loss 6.6 billion yen.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In addition, as distribution economy had not developed, selling and buying using currency such as silver did not exist and procurement of food had to be conducted by barter exchange with Korean people who had been living by self-sufficient economy.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

この現象はハーディング(herding: 群れをなす現象)と呼ばれ、経済のファンダメンタルズに大きな変化が無くとも短期資本の急激な移動を引き起こしかねません。例文帳に追加

This phenomenon, known as "herding", could trigger abrupt movements of short-term capital, without major changes in the economic fundamentals. - 財務省


The new poverty reduction strategy is based upon three pillars - a) pro-poor, sustainable economic growth, b) social development, and c) good governance.  - 財務省


Thus, two years ago, the Bank set forth eliminating poverty as its overarching goal, and formulated a new poverty reduction strategy based upon three pillars - a) pro-poor, sustainable economic growth, b) social development, and c) good governance.  - 財務省



Money laundering activities have the potential to bring serious macroeconomic distortions, misallocation of resources and capital around the world, and greater prudential risks to bank soundness.  - 財務省


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