例文 (43件) |
該当件数 : 43件
labor‐intensive - 研究社 新英和中辞典
labor‐intensive - Eゲイト英和辞典
Laboratory analysis of species composition is labor intensive. - 英語論文検索例文集
Because of the scarcity of water, it is a rigorous and labor-intensive method of farming. - 旅行・ビジネス英会話翻訳例文
Laboratory analysis of species composition is labor intensive. - 英語論文検索例文集
Textile industries are often considered as labor-intensive and therefore better suited to developing countries which have low labor costs. - 経済産業省
Development of labor-intensive industries will continue to be important. - 厚生労働省
Due in part to the location of labor-intensive plants such as assembly plants in these clusters, large numbers of enterprises gave “access to large labor force” and “access to high-quality labor force” as advantages of the business environment in these clusters 20 years ago. - 経済産業省
In addition, more Japanese supporting industries, when operating overseas, have begun to seek local workers with technological expertise, not workers who can engage only in labor-intensive work. - 経済産業省
This theory states that because low-income countries have a more abundant labor force than developed countries within the region they will specialize in labor-intensive, low added value sectors and will be forced into relative economic stagnation in the long run. - 経済産業省
Until mow, the service industry has genrally been regarded as a low-productivity,labor-intensive industry. - 経済産業省
If emerging nations' industries continue to grow, domestic industries, especially labor-intensive industries, would relatively lose competitiveness. - 経済産業省
Mixed invitation clusters have developed as a result of the locating of labor-intensive plants attracted by being able to receive orders from enterprises already in the region and comparatively cheap labor, which were advantages when they were first lured to the region. - 経済産業省
To provide a process of fabricating a slip ring which does not involve expensive materials or is not labor-intensive in fabrication. - 特許庁
なお、2005 年に雇用人数が増加しているのは、2000年と比較して労働集約的なサービス業の構成比が増加していることによる。例文帳に追加
In addition, it was due to hike of composition ratio of labor-intensive service industry that the number of employees increased in 2005 than in 2000. - 経済産業省
Since the labor in Vietnam is so low in price, there is a tendency for companies to manufacture labor-intensive products there. However, Kyoshin Kogyo dared to be different, and specialized in products requiring high-level technology, which other companies found to be a difficult match. - 経済産業省
The globalization hypothesis assumes that the advance of globalization may expand import of labor-intensive goods and therefore lower wages for unskilled labor. - 経済産業省
China is exhibiting strength in labor-intensive industries like those for miscellaneous goods and textiles, but at the same time, its electronic appliances industry is in the most competitive position of any country, reflecting the fact that China is upgrading its industrial structure from a labor-intensive structure by implementing more advanced technology. - 経済産業省
As a result, China’s development would until now appear to have been centered on comparatively labor-intensive and land-intensive industries rather than on the information and knowledge-intensive industries found in Japan’s metropolitan areas. - 経済産業省
Such waves of hollowing-out threaten to rush to even capital, technology-intensive industries, such as the chemical, metal/machinery industries as well as the automobile and electricity/electronic industries, from labor-intensive industries, such as the textile industry (Iwao 2010). - 経済産業省
The industries are ranked according to IT use intensity and divided into an upper group (industries with a relatively high IT use intensity which contribute to 50 percent of GDP, hereinafter referred to as “high IT intensity industries”) and a lower group (industries with a relatively low IT use intensity which contribute to 50 percent of GDP, hereinafter referred to as “low IT intensity industries”). The contribution of these industries to the rate of increase in labor productivity (GDP/FTE) is then analyzed. - 経済産業省
2011 年の経済活動別労働生産性(国内総生産/就業者数)を産業部門についてみると、高生産性部門は不動産業など比較的大きな資本(建物や設備)を取り扱う産業であり、労働生産性が低い部門は農林水産業、サービス業など比較的小規模事業所が多く、労働集約的な産業である 。例文帳に追加
Looking at labour productivity (gross domestic product / number of the employed) by economic activity in each industrial sector in 2011, the sector with high productivity is the industries in which relatively large capital (building and equipment) is handled, such as the industry of real estate, and the sector with low productivity is the labour-intensive industries which have a relatively large number of small-sized business establishments, such as the industries of agriculture, forestry and fishery and service . - 厚生労働省
To provide the prediction method and system of medicine dynamic study physical properties that can predict the medicine dynamic study physical properties of a molecule before synthesis without any labor-intensive and time- consuming experiments. - 特許庁
Particularly in core technology fields that are labor intensive or in which standardization is more advanced and entry is comparatively easier, the transformation of conventional business relations in order to pursue lower costs appears to be easier. - 経済産業省
The East Asian production network that developed as companies found optimal locations has a basic pattern, with labor-intensive processes conducted in regions where wages are low. - 経済産業省
To increase the yield of suitably pesticide-protected plants in mass-cultivations that start already at the seed stage without investments into the improvement of labor intensive operations such as sowing or transplanting. - 特許庁
To provide a method of manufacturing rimless spectacles which eliminate the need for drilling holes in the lenses and can be manufactured without the need for labor-intensive processes. - 特許庁
To provide a method for culturing barnacles, which enables them to efficiently be cultured with reduced labor-intensive works such as cleaning works accompanied by culture maintenance and to independently be supplied one by one. - 特許庁
Transport equipment and electronic goods have a growing share of Japan’s exports, with a shift from labor intensive products to higher value added products. - 経済産業省
To provide a method for manufacturing a flaw-free transparent TPU flat film which avoids a labor intensive press operation and sharply reduces or excludes the point at issue of contamination, a press flaw, the formation of a deposit, and the adhesion to a polishing roll. - 特許庁
マレーシア政府は、国家HRD(Human Resource Development:人的資源開発)計画を策定しており、知識集約型経済の開発を支援する熟練労働者の更なる量と質の向上を目指している。例文帳に追加
The Malaysian government has been formulating a national Human Resource Development (HRD) Planand is aiming to further increase the quantity and quality of the skilled workers that will support the development of a knowledge-based economy. - 経済産業省
Although an increase in labor cost and chronic shortage of labor, in particular, are somewhat necessary for further development of the Thai economy, in terms of correction of domestic economic discrepancies, expansion of consumption, and shift to the production of value added products, many consider this as a serious issue for the Thai economy, which may jeopardize the attractiveness of Thailand as a production/export base of labor-intensive, general-purpose products [earlier mentioned JETRO Bangkok Office (2012), etc.]*89 - 経済産業省
Fujio presumes that the nuts from deciduous trees such as acorns and the chestnuts were harvested during a relatively brief period of time in autumn; therefore, a consolidated labor by a fairly large settlement was necessary and the Jomon people used the earthen figures to conduct religious services in order to promote solidarity in the society. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Many of these products, which sustained strong growth until quite recently, related to leading-edge technology and were produced in Japan. They were also capital-intensive products,with the labor cost factor having little effect on competitiveness. - 経済産業省
To provide a method and apparatus for measuring tape gaps which is accurate and efficient in carrying out multiple tape gap measurements over large areas of a structure and is not highly dependent upon operator skill, in contrast to the manual measurement of tape gaps which is labor intensive. - 特許庁
From the viewpoint of "economic development and poverty eradication," it is generally said that an increase in exports of products from labor-intensive industries creates job opportunities for the poor in rural areas and changes the industrial structure. - 経済産業省
In highlands the freedom of farmers was preserved (especially in livestock raising, the labor intensity was weakened and so the service of serfs was not needed), but on the other hand, the most oppressive governance of shoens was also seen in several areas in Europe. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
There is active offshoring to Asia, such as establishment of call centers one after another in Asia by developed countries in recent years, even in service sector. This is led by utilization of IT in labor intensive industries which are relatively weak in developed countries. - 経済産業省
To provide a window locking mechanism solving a first problem of increase in necessity of a coil storage part required for a conventional curtain for storm, a second problem related to restraint of the curtain, and a third problem of widow locking being labor intensive. - 特許庁
Concerning this point, a book written and edited by Tanaka (2002) states that, based on the results of an analysis of the chemicals industry and automobile industry in Spain and Ireland,the increase in vertical intra-industry trade shows that the same industries exist and are progressing indeveloping countries as in developed countries, and that no matter how labor intensive a territory is, there is great value in developing countries having the ability to enter industrial sectors with strong demand and a great deal of future potential. - 経済産業省
三角貿易とは、主に、日本・NIEsにおいて生産された付加価値の高い部品・加工品等を、中国・ASEANにおいて組み立て、日本や米国・EU 等に向けて輸出するという貿易モデルを指しており、労働集約的な工程を賃金が比較的安い地域で行うという東アジア事業ネットワークの特徴を反映したものと考えられている。例文帳に追加
Triangular trade refers to a trade model in which high value-added parts and processed products manufactured in Japan and NIEs are assembled in China and ASEAN and exported to Japan, the U.S., and the EU, reflecting the characteristics of the East Asia business network whereby labor-intensive processes are performed in regions where wages are relatively low. - 経済産業省
The agricultural methods devised by Onri HAYASHI was called Chikuzen noho (Chikuzen farming method) or Fukuoka noho (Fukuoka farming method), which introduced Kansui shinho (soaking seeds in water during winter), Tsuchigakoi-ho (keeping seeds in soil during winter) and Fuyumaki hata nawashiro-ho (sowing seeds in non-irrigated rice nursery in winter) as its core methods, and while improving land productivity with work-intensive agricultural techniques, it increased labor productivity by saving tillage works using cattle equipped with Kakaemottatesuki (a kind of Japanese plow without sole). - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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