
「均衡為替レート」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 23



For example, where an offshore production shift caused exports and imports to fluctuatedespite the continued presence of a large savings surplus, resulting in a shrinking currentaccount surplus, the country would experience a short-term oversupply of goods. - 経済産業省


Further, a calculation expression for the balance rate of the money value and an exchange rate is presented. - 特許庁


The actual current account balance fluctuates primarily due to fluctuations in the equilibrium current account balance, as well as domestic and external economic fluctuations and the distance between the equilibrium exchange rate and the actual exchange rate. - 経済産業省


I am also concerned that the concept of equilibrium exchange rates, which is supposed to equilibrate trade balances, may be losing relevance in the context of efforts to maintain external stability in today’s world, where exchange rates are largely influenced by capital flows.  - 財務省



Furthermore, I am skeptical about the case made for using the concept of equilibrium exchange rates in the new surveillance framework.  - 財務省



The Ministers and Governors agreed that exchange rates should play a role in adjusting external imbalances.  - 財務省

68 例えば、1985 年9月のプラザ合意は、「為替レートが対外不均衡を調整する上で役割を果たすべきであることに合意した」ものである。例文帳に追加

68 For example, the Plaza Accord reached in September 1985 states, "we agreed that exchanges rates should play its role in - 経済産業省


It is also argued, however, that extent of the dollar depreciation necessary to adjust current account imbalance solely by exchange rates shift should be larger. Actually, it is considered difficult to depend solely upon exchange rates shift to adjust the current account imbalance in a smoothly and orderly manner. - 経済産業省


We will avoid persistent exchange rate misalignments and we asked the IMF to continue to improve its assessment of exchange rates and to publish its assessments as appropriate.  - 財務省



As such, I have serious doubts about the appropriateness of using equilibrium exchange rates, which are derived from theoretical exercises, to determine the appropriate level of exchange rates for members or to make judgments about membersexchange rate policies.  - 財務省



While these institutions suggest that more flexible exchange rates could play a certain role in correcting the global imbalance, they state that there will not be ample results unless there are also macroeconomic policies to stimulate domestic demand and structural reforms to correct the imbalance. - 経済産業省


We reaffirmed our view on the importance of pursuing policies to help avoid excess volatility and significant misalignments of exchange rates of major currencies.  - 財務省


The interaction of these factors ? relative growth rates, the debt problems of developing countries, and exchange rate developments ? has contributed to large, potentially destabilizing external imbalances among major industrial countries.  - 財務省

硬直的な為替レート制度の下、年間約 2,000 億ドル以上の外貨準備を純増させる中国については、健全な国内マクロ経済運営のためにも一層柔軟な為替レート相場形成のための改革の加速が必要ではあるものの、為替レート水準の調整そのものではこうした貯蓄・投資バランス不均衡の縮小に果たす役割は限定的であり、経常収支不均衡の大幅な縮小は期待できない。例文帳に追加

China has brought about a net increase in foreign exchange reserves of approximately US$200 billion or greater per year based on a rigid currency exchange rate system. While China needs to accelerate reforms for more flexible exchange rates for sound domestic macroeconomic management, making exchange rate level adjustments to the exchange rate level itself has a limited role in reducing this type of IS balance, and there cannot be expected to be a significant reduction in the current account imbalance. - 経済産業省


International monetary system (IMS) has showed its toughness, but weakness remains. In order to ensure the systemic stability, promote orderly coordination, avoid the unruly movements of exchange rates including fluctuation of funds transfer with negative impact and checking excessive fluctuation by the advanced economies having the reserve currency and avoid continued imbalance in exchange rates, necessity to improve the IMS is increasing. - 経済産業省


In the case of emerging economies with rapid productivity improvement and high economic growth, currency appreciation reflecting market demand and supply is beneficial for these countries themselves, in terms of rising purchasing power, price stability, facilitating domestic consumption and correcting current account imbalances.  - 財務省


We remain committed to reduce imbalances by strengthening deficit countriespublic finances with sound and sustainable policies that take into account evolving economic conditions and, in countries with large current account surpluses, by strengthening domestic demand and moving toward greater exchange rate flexibility.  - 財務省


The Ministers and Governors agreed that the substantial exchange rate changes since the Plaza  - 財務省


We welcome China's continued commitment to move to a more flexible exchange rate, which should lead to continued appreciation of the Renminbi in effective terms and help promote more balanced growth in China and in the world economy.  - 財務省


"While raising exchange rates has played a certain role from time to time, the most desirable results have come from domestic demand stimulating macroeconomic policies, or in certain cases, a structural reversal which solves the problems of the root imbalance." - 経済産業省


We remain committed to reducing imbalances by strengthening deficit economiespublic finances with sound and sustainable policies that take into account evolving economic conditions and, in economies with large current account surpluses, by strengthening domestic demand and moving toward greater exchange rate flexibility. - 経済産業省

3. 我々は、強固で持続可能かつ均衡ある成長を達成するための全ての G20 メンバーによる協調した政策措置へのコミットメントを再確認する。我々の主要な優先的政策措置は、トロントでのコミットメントに沿った、各国の状況によって差別化された中期財健全化計画の実施、適切な金融政策の実現、根底にある経済のファンダメンタルズをよりよく反映した、為替レートの柔軟性の向上及び世界需要を維持し、潜在成長を増大させ、雇用創出を助け、世界的なリバランスに貢献する構造改革を含む。我々は、ソウル・サミット以降の進捗を議論し、多角的協調を強化することにより、過度の不均衡を縮小し経常収支を持続可能な水準で維持することの必要性を強調した。我々は、統合された 2 段階のプロセスを通じて、政策措置を必要とするような継続した大規模な不均衡に焦点を当てることを可能にする一連の項目に合意した。第 1段階に必要な作業を完了するため、我々の目標は、大規模な一次産品生産者を含む、国及び地域の状況を考慮する必要性を認識しつつ、4 月の次回会合までに、これらの項目それぞれを評価する参考となるガイドラインに合意することである。これらの参考となるガイドラインは、目標となるものではないが、以下の項目を評価するのに使用される: (i)公的債務と財政赤字、民間貯蓄率と民間債務、(ii)為替・財政・金融・その他の政策を十分に考慮しつつ、貿易収支、投資所得及び対外移転のネットフローから構成される対外バランス。我々はまた、強固で持続可能かつ均衡ある成長のための枠組みを実施し、既に行ったコミットメントをモニターする 2011 年版の行動計画の策定へ向けた予定表を採択した。ソウルで合意したように、我々は、IMF に対し、相互評価プロセスの一部として、対外的な持続可能性と政策の一貫性確保に向けた進捗についての評価を 10 月の会合において提供することを求める。その際、我々はまた、合意されたガイドラインに基づく継続した大規模な不均衡の原因に関する分析によって情報を得て、行動計画を含む MAP に関する報告のレビューを行う。我々はまた、ソウルでのコミットメントを達成するためになされた進捗の評価をレビューする。例文帳に追加

3. We reaffirm our commitment to coordinated policy action by all G20 members to achieve strong, sustainable and balanced growth. Our main priority actions include implementing medium term fiscal consolidation plans differentiated according to national circumstances in line with our Toronto commitment, pursuing appropriate monetary policy, enhancing exchange rate flexibility to better reflect underlying economic fundamentals and structural reforms, to sustain global demand, increase potential growth, foster job creation and contribute to global rebalancing. We discussed progress made since the Seoul Summit and stressed the need to reduce excessive imbalances and maintain current account imbalances at sustainable levels by strengthening multilateral cooperation. We agreed on a set of indicators that will allow us to focus, through an integrated two-step process, on those persistently large imbalances which require policy actions. To complete the work required for the first step, our aim is to agree, by our next meeting in April, on indicative guidelines against which each of these indicators will be assessed, recognizing the need to take into account national or regional circumstances, including large commodity producers. While not targets, these indicative guidelines will be used to assess the following indicators: (i) public debt and fiscal deficits; and private savings rate and private debt (ii) and the external imbalance composed of the trade balance and net investment income flows and transfers, taking due consideration of exchange rate, fiscal, monetary and other policies. We also adopted a timetable for developing the 2011 action plan that will implement our Framework for Strong, Sustainable and Balanced Growth and monitor the commitments already made. As agreed in Seoul, we call on the IMF to provide an assessment as part of the Mutual Assessment Process on progress towards external sustainability and consistency of policies at our October meeting. At that time, we will also review a report on the MAP including an action plan informed by the analysis on the root causes of persistently large imbalances based on the agreed guidelines. We will also review an assessment of progress made in meeting commitments made in Seoul.  - 財務省


4. 国際通貨システム(IMS)はその強じんさを示してきたものの、脆弱性は残っており、システミックな安定性を確保し、秩序のある調整を促進し、悪影響を及ぼすような資本移動の変動、準備通貨を持つ先進国が過度の変動を監視することを含む、為替レートの無秩序な動き、為替レートの継続した不均衡を回避するため、IMS を改善する必要性が高まっている。今日、我々は、IMS の機能の強化に向けた作業プログラムに合意した。IMSの機能強化は、以下を通じて目指される:不安定性をもたらす可能性のある資本移動への対処に関する、好ましくない結果をもたらしうることに留意しつつも、マクロ健全性措置を含む一貫した手法や措置、資金セーフティ・ネットや SDR の役割といった論点を含む、ショックを予防し、対処する能力を強化するための国際的な流動性の管理。これにはまた、為替レートについての諸論点と IMF のサーベイランスの強化に関する議論が求められる。我々は、4 月の次回会合において、以下の報告を議論することを期待している:IMSの強化に関する IMF からの報告、新興・途上国における現地の資本市場や国内通貨の借入れを強化する行動に関する経験に基づく世界銀行と RDBs による報告。加えて、我々は、資本移動に関する OECD の作業及び UNCTAD 等、他の関連する国際機関の貢献を得ることができる。例文帳に追加

4. The international monetary system (IMS) has proven resilient, but vulnerabilities remain, which raise the need to improve it in order to ensure systemic stability, promote orderly adjustment, and avoid disruptive fluctuations in capital flows, disorderly movements in exchange rates? including advanced economies with reserve currencies being vigilant against excess volatility ? and persistent misalignement of exchange rates. Today we agreed on a work program aimed at strengthening the functioning of the IMS, including through coherent approaches and measures to deal with potentially destabilizing capital flows, among which macro-prudential measures, mindful of possible drawbacks; and management of global liquidity to strengthen our capacity to prevent and deal with shocks, including issues such as Financial Safety Nets and the role of the SDR. This will also require discussions on exchange rates issues and on the strengthening of IMF surveillance. We look forward to discussing at our next meeting in April a report from the IMF on the strengthening of the IMS and reports by the World Bank and the RDBs building on experiences, on actions to strengthen local capital markets and domestic currency borrowing in emerging and developing economies. In addition, we will benefit from the work of OECD on capital flows, and from the contributions of other relevant international organizations, such as UNCTAD.  - 財務省


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