
「抵当権者」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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a mortgagee  - 斎藤和英大辞典


Protection of Mortgage Holder  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


of a mortgagee, the action of using, as collateral for his or her own debt, thea mortgage he or she holds  - EDR日英対訳辞書


a person who mortgages property  - EDR日英対訳辞書



a settlement of a mortgage in a case where a debtor does not defend himself  - EDR日英対訳辞書


三 当該採掘について抵当が存するとき。但し、抵当権者の承諾を得たときは、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

(iii) There is a mortgage on the digging right concerned. However, this shall not apply if consent is obtained from the mortgagee.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


a security which becomes the property of a creditor because of default on an obligation  - EDR日英対訳辞書


the condition of a mortgaged article becoming the property of a creditor because of a default of an obligation  - EDR日英対訳辞書


Restriction on Registration of Agreement on Inheritance between the Heirs and the Mortgagor  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


6 第二項第三号の担保が根抵当である場合において、根抵当権者が第三項の規定による送達を受けた時から二週間を経過したときは、根抵当の担保すべき元本は、確定する。例文帳に追加

(6) Where the security interest set forth in paragraph (2)(iii) is a revolving mortgage, if two weeks have elapsed since the day on which the revolving mortgagee received the service made under the provision of paragraph (3), the principal to be secured by the revolving mortgage shall be fixed.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


4 前項の規定は、第百八条第二項に規定する抵当(根抵当であるものに限る。)を有するについて準用する。例文帳に追加

(4) The provision of the preceding paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis to a person who holds a mortgage prescribed in Article 108(2) (limited to one that is a revolving mortgage).  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


(c) where the transaction is the grant of a security interest, be signed by the mortgagor of the security interest; and - 特許庁

8 前項の先取特、質又は抵当権者は、同項の規定により供託した補償金に対してその利を行うことができる。例文帳に追加

(8) The statutory lien holder, pledgee or mortgagee set forth in the preceding paragraph shall be entitled to exercise their rights to the compensation deposited pursuant to the provision of said paragraph.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


the bank became our mortgagee when it accepted our mortgage on our new home  - 日本語WordNet


we became mortgagors when the bank accepted our mortgage and loaned us the money to buy our new home  - 日本語WordNet

第五十一条 採掘は、抵当が設定されている採掘については、あらかじめ抵当権者の承諾及び抵当の順位に関する協定を経なければ、前条第一項又は第二項の出願をすることができない。例文帳に追加

Article 51 As for digging rights on which a mortgage is created, holders of digging right may not file applications prescribed in paragraph (1) or (2) of the preceding Article unless they have been given approval by mortgagees and have concluded agreements with them on the order of mortgage in advance.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

2 採掘は、抵当が設定されている採掘については、あらかじめ抵当権者の承認を得なければ、鉱区の減少の出願をすることができない。例文帳に追加

(2) As for digging rights mortgaged, holders of digging right may not file applications for decrease of mining areas unless they are approved by mortgagees in advance.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

12 前項の先取特又は抵当権者は、同項の規定により供託した補償金に対してその利を行うことができる。例文帳に追加

(12) The lien holder or mortgage holder of the preceding paragraph may exercise his/her right for the compensation money deposited pursuant to the provision of the same paragraph.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第四十一条 漁業を取り消したときは、都道府県知事は、直ちに、先取特又は抵当権者にその旨を通知しなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 41 (1) When the Governor concerned has rescinded a fishery right, he/she shall immediately notify the lien holder or mortgage holder to that effect.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


a lien on all the property owned by a debtor and not just a specific property  - 日本語WordNet

(2) 譲渡抵当権者又は実施が補正提案に同意することを拒絶した場合において,局長は, 出願人又は特許の申請に基づいて,同意が不当に拒絶されたと認めたときは,譲渡抵当権者又は実施の同意は必要でない旨を指示することができる。例文帳に追加

(2) If a mortgagee or licensee refuses to consent to a proposed amendment, the Commissioner may, on the application of the applicant or patentee, if satisfied that the consent has been unreasonably refused, direct that the consent of the mortgagee or licensee is not necessary.  - 特許庁


Where the name of a person is entered in the register as mortgagee or licensee, that person may, on making an application for the purpose in form 18, have a note entered in the register that he no longer claims to be mortgagee or licensee, as the case may be. - 特許庁

7 前条の規定により鉱区の減少の処分を受け、又は取り消された採掘の上に抵当があるときは、当該抵当権者の承諾を得た場合を除き、国は、その補償金を供託しなければならない。例文帳に追加

(7) When mining areas are reduced as a disposition pursuant to the provision of the preceding Article or a mortgage is arranged on rescinded digging right, the State shall deposit the compensation, except for the case where approval is given by the mortgagee.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Where the name of a person is entered in the Register as mortgagee or licensee, such person may on making an application for the purpose have a note entered in the Register that he or she no longer claims to be mortgagee or licensee, as the case may be.  - 特許庁


(1) Where the name of a person is entered in the Register as mortgagee or licensee, such person may, on making an application in Form D11, have a note entered in the Register that he no longer claims to be mortgagee or licensee, as the case may be. - 特許庁

(1) あるが,ある特許の譲渡抵当権者又は排他的実施として登録されている場合は,完全明細書の補正は,当該譲渡抵当権者又は実施がその補正について書面をもって同意している場合を除き,許可を受けることができない。例文帳に追加

(1) Where a person is registered as the mortgagee or exclusive licensee of a patent, an amendment of the complete specification is not allowable unless the mortgagee or licensee has consented, in writing, to the amendment.  - 特許庁

2 先取特又は抵当権者は、正当な事由がなければ、前項の同意を拒むことができない。例文帳に追加

(2) The lien holder or the mortgage holder may not reject the consent set forth in the preceding paragraph without any justifiable reason.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

6 前項の決定があつたときは、隣接鉱区の鉱業及び抵当権者の承諾があつたものとみなす。例文帳に追加

(6) When the decision is made pursuant to the preceding paragraph, it shall be deemed that the holder of mining right and mortgagee of the adjacent mining area have given their approval.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

四 差押えの登記前に登記(民事保全法第五十三条第二項に規定する仮処分による仮登記を含む。)がされた先取特(第一号又は第二号に掲げる債が有する一般の先取特を除く。)、質又は抵当で売却により消滅するものを有する債(その抵当に係る抵当証券の所持人を含む。)例文帳に追加

iv) Obligees holding any statutory lien (excluding general statutory liens held by the obligees set forth in item (i) or item (ii)), pledge or mortgage which was registered (including provisional registration based on the provisional disposition prescribed in Article 53(2) of the Civil Preservation Act) prior to registration of the seizure and which shall be extinguished through the sale (including the holder of mortgage securities pertaining to such mortgage  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

11 第一項の規定により取り消された漁業の上に先取特又は抵当があるときは、当該先取特又は抵当権者から供託をしなくてもよい旨の申出がある場合を除き、都道府県は、その補償金を供託しなければならない。例文帳に追加

(11) If there is a lien or a mortgage on the fishery right rescinded pursuant to the provision of paragraph (1), the prefectural government concerned shall deposit the compensation money unless said lien holder or mortgage holder offers to the effect that no deposit is required.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Without prejudice to the provisions pertaining to the sale and mortgage of commercial establishments, the ownership of a patent may not be transferred, mortgaged or disposed of to a third party before the date on which such transfer, mortgage or disposal is recorded in the patent register.  - 特許庁

(2) (1)の規定は,善意の実施,購入抵当権者又は判決債以外のとして,かつ,所有又は出願人による詐欺の認識なしに,前記の所有又は出願人と取引するを保護するものではない。例文帳に追加

(2) The provisions of subsection (1) shall not protect any person dealing with a proprietor or applicant as aforesaid otherwise than as a bona fid licensee, purchaser, hypothecary or judgment creditor and without notice of any fraud on the part of such proprietor or applicant. - 特許庁

8 前項の抵当権者は、同項の規定により供託した補償金に対して、その利を行うことができる。例文帳に追加

(8) The mortgagee in the preceding paragraph may exercise his/her right on the compensation deposited pursuant to the provision of the preceding paragraph.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

2 前項第三号の場合においては、抵当権者は、供託金に対しても、その利を行うことができる。例文帳に追加

(2) In the case specified in item (iii) of the preceding paragraph, the mortgagee may exercise his/her right over deposits.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


By "setting the hereditary property," kazoku could have the protection to maintain the family status, and no third party was allowed to mortgage or pledge it.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The management device transmits the evaluation of the claim or mortgage to the terminal of a person concerned according to a request from the investor or owner. - 特許庁

第二十五条 特定区画漁業が先取特又は抵当の目的である場合において、第二十七条第二項の通知を受けた漁業がこれを漁業協同組合又は漁業協同組合連合会に譲渡するには、漁業は、先取特又は抵当権者(登録したに限る。以下同じ。)の同意を得なければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 25 (1) In the case where a lien or a mortgage covers a specific demarcated fishery right, when the fishery right holder notified pursuant to the provision of paragraph (2), Article 27 transfers the specific demarcated fishery right to a Fisheries Cooperative Association or a Federation of Fisheries Cooperative Associations, the fishery right holder shall obtain the consent of the lien holder or the mortgage holder (limited to a registered person; the same shall apply hereinafter).  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

3 前項の規定は、第百八条第二項に規定する特別の先取特、質若しくは抵当又は破産債を有する(以下「準別除」という。)について準用する。例文帳に追加

(3) The provision of the preceding paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis to a holder of a special statutory lien, pledge or mortgage or holder of a bankruptcy claim prescribed in Article 108(2) (hereinafter referred to as a "holder of a quasi-right of separate satisfaction").  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

2 前条第三項(同条第五項において準用する場合を含む。)の場合における根抵当の担保すべき債の範囲に譲渡に係る債を追加することを内容とする根抵当の変更の登記は、その申請情報と併せて前項に規定する情報を提供したときは、根抵当権者のみで申請することができる。例文帳に追加

(2) The registration of a change in the revolving mortgage to the effect of adding claims pertaining to the assignment to the scope of claims which shall be guaranteed by the revolving mortgage in the case set forth in paragraph (3) of the preceding Article (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (5) of that Article) may be applied for only by the revolving mortgagor when the information prescribed in the preceding paragraph is provided along with the application information.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Without prejudice to subsection (1), an application for the registration of the title of a person becoming entitled by assignment to the design right in a design or a share in that design right, or becoming entitled by virtue of a mortgage, licence or other instrument to any other interest in the design right in a design, may be made in the prescribed manner by the assignor, mortgagor, licensor or other party to that instrument, as the case may be. - 特許庁

3 第一項の公告又は催告に係る根抵当設定が同項各号に掲げる事項について同項の期間内に異議を述べなかったときは、同項第一号に掲げる事項について当該根抵当設定の承諾が、同項第二号に掲げる事項について当該根抵当設定と同項の公告又は催告に係る承継保険会社等の合意が、それぞれあったものとみなす。例文帳に追加

(3) When the revolving mortgagor pertaining to the public notice or demand of paragraph (1) does not raise its objections to the matters listed in the items of that paragraph within the period referred to in that paragraph, it shall be deemed that the revolving mortgagor consents to the matter listed in item (i) of that paragraph and that the revolving mortgagor and the Succeeding Insurance Company, etc. pertaining to the public notice or demand of that paragraph agree on the matter listed in item (ii) of that paragraph, respectively.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

7 第一項の規定による工作物の除害工事の命令があつた場合において、当該工作物の上に先取特、質又は抵当があるときは、当該先取特、質又は抵当権者から供託しなくてもよい旨の申出がある場合を除き、農林水産大臣又は第四項の当該申請は、第三項又は第四項の補償金を供託しなければならない。例文帳に追加

(7) In the event that the order for work to remove the interference (structure) pursuant to the provision of paragraph 1 is issued and any statutory lien, pledge or mortgage exists on such structure, the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries or the applicant under paragraph 4 shall deposit the compensation under paragraph 3 or 4, except for cases in which an application is made by such statutory lien holder, pledgee or mortgagee to the effect that the deposit may not be necessary.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

2 清算株式会社の財産につき担保(特別の先取特、質抵当又はこの法律若しくは商法の規定による留置に限る。)を有する債がその担保の行使によって弁済を受けることができる債の額は、前項の債の額に算入しない。例文帳に追加

(2) The amounts of the claims in relation to which creditors who hold security interest (limited to special liens, pledges, mortgages or rights of retention provided for in the provisions of this Act or Commercial Code) with respect to the assets of a Liquidating Stock Company are entitled to payment by exercising those security interests shall not be included in the amount of the claims under the preceding paragraph.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(2) 商標に関して動産抵当が商標登録簿に登録されている場合にも,商標は同様に不更新を理由に失効しないものとする。抵当の所有は,第32条(3)に定める猶予期間の末日から1月の期間内に,商標所有の代理で更新を申請することができる。抵当の所有はまた,商標所有が更新手数料を納付すべきであった期間の末日から1月以内に更新手数料を納付することができる。抵当の所有が規定の期間内に行為しない場合は,当該商標の失効という結果になる。例文帳に追加

(2) A trademark shall likewise not lapse for failure to renew where a movable property mortgage in relation to it has been entered in the Register of Trademarks. The mortgage holder may request renewal on behalf of its owner within one month of the end of the grace period provided for in Article 32(3) of this Law. The mortgage holder may also pay the renewal fees within one month of the end of the period in which they must be paid by the owner. Failure by the mortgage holder to act within the periods - 特許庁


lien of the United States on all property of a taxpayer who fails to pay the federal government the taxes for which he or she is liable  - 日本語WordNet

5 競売による売却代金は、競売の費用及び抵当権者に対する債務の弁済に充て、その残余は、国庫に帰属する。例文帳に追加

(5) The proceeds from the auction shall be appropriated to the payment of cost of auction and that of obligation to the mortgagee, and the surplus shall belong to the national treasury.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

二 第八十七条第一項第四号に掲げる債抵当証券の所持人にあつては、知れている所持人に限る。)例文帳に追加

ii) Obligees set forth in Article 87(1)(iv) (in cases of holders of mortgage securities, limited to known holders  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


To provide a real estate investment system by a money consumption loan contract while setting a hypothec based upon the equity of an investor. - 特許庁


Such instruments shall be void as against any subsequent purchaser or mortgagee for a valuable consideration and without notice unless it is recorded in the Office within three months from the date thereof, or prior to the subsequent purchase or mortgage. - 特許庁


(2) (1)の規定を害することなく,特許若しくは特許の持分を譲渡により取得した又は譲渡抵当,ライセンスその他の証書により特許についての他の益を譲取得した原の登録は,譲渡人,譲渡抵当設定,実施許諾,又は場合に応じて当該その他の証書の当事が,所定の方法により申請することができる。例文帳に追加

(2) Without prejudice to the provisions of subsection (1) of this section, an application for the registration of the title of any person becoming entitled by assignment to a patent or a share in a patent, or becoming entitled by virtue of a mortgage, licence, or other instrument to any other interest in a patent, may be made in the prescribed manner by the assignor, mortgagor, licensor, or other party to that instrument, as the case may be. - 特許庁


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